Chapter 606 0607, the heart

That's how things are, the more you think about it, the less likely it will happen.Sha Laosan's prayer can only be a daydream, and the only one who can save him at this time is himself.

Fortunately, Wuwu's claws are very big, and the rope binding Sha Laosan is very loose.Twirling the rope binding his hands vigorously, Sha Laosan finally pulled out one hand.

Zhuwu has lived here for a long time, and the beasts in the mountains are his friends, so he will not treat his friends as food.And he doesn't like to eat those guys with rough skin and thick meat, fish is his favorite.Especially the delicious grilled fish, he can eat a hundred catties of grilled fish in one meal.

But today he was a little puzzled, obviously this guy is a fish, but why doesn't he have scales, fish head and shark fin?On the contrary, it looks so strange that it has four legs.

Taking advantage of Wuwu's daze, Sha Laosan untied the rope that bound him.Then he took out a bottle from his arms, and when he was about to escape from the log, he poured all the contents of the bottle into the fire.


A fire dragon jumped out of the fire, and then disappeared without a trace.The fire just now increased several times in an instant, just in front of Zhu Wu's sight.When Zhu Wu stepped forward to check, the log was empty.


There was the sound of a branch being trampled on behind him, and Chu Wu keenly noticed the strangeness, turned around and ran towards the direction of the sound.Sure enough, it really made him discover Sha Laosan who had escaped.

One is chasing after and the other is running ahead.Zhu Wu, who hadn't spoken for a long time, made a close relationship with Sha Laosan who was fleeing for his life for the first time.

"Brother, why are you running, I don't eat people."

"Fart, you've eaten me three times, what do you think of me?"

"Brother, brother, slow down, I can't catch up with you."

"Get out, get out as far as I can!"

"Brother, brother, you dropped something."

"I won't be fooled."

"Really, if you don't believe me, take a look for yourself."

"I wipe, my magic wand!"

Sha Laosan, who was supposed to speed up his escape, suddenly stopped, and Zhu Wu, who was chasing him, also stopped.This is what Sha Laosan discussed with Zhu Wu just now.It's okay to want Sha Laosan to stop, but Zhuo Wu must keep a certain distance from him.

"Back, you back!"

Seeing Wuwu who wanted to get close to him, Sha Laosan roared.

Putting the stick he picked up on the ground, Chu Wu obediently backed away.While he was retreating, Sha Laosan approached step by step the stick that was placed on the ground.

What kind of stick? That's Sha Laosan's magic wand, it's just that Wuwu doesn't know what to do.

Picking up the magic wand quickly, Sha Laosan wanted to say thank you to Zhu Wu behind him.Unexpectedly, as soon as he raised his head, he turned around and ran in fright, but was thrown to the ground after running a dozen steps.

To be precise, Yin should be thrown to the ground by Chu Wu.Biting Sha Laosan's arm, Zhu Wu let out a scream.He kicked Sha Laosan far away, covered his bleeding mouth and said, "Be honest, what kind of fish are you?"

Glancing at the magic wand that was stained with 梼杌's saliva, Sha Laosan smiled and said: "No wonder you keep chasing me, so you have already seen it. To tell you the truth, I am an Arowana. No matter how you eat it, it doesn't taste good." You can't eat me with that kind of fish."

"Golden Arowana? Why haven't I heard of it?" Zhuo Wu said.

Sha Laosan put the magic wand behind him, squatted under the tree and said, "Of course you haven't heard of it, because I'm the only arowana in the world. Didn't you realize just now that no matter where you bite me, you can't bite it?" ?”

Zhu Wu felt the same, covered his mouth and nodded repeatedly, and said, "Yes, yes, why are you so hard all over?"

Sha Laosan said: "Because I am an arowana, the bones are still bones, and there is no flesh at all."

After listening to Sha Laosan's explanation, Zhu Wu suddenly realized, and said: "So that's the case, if I knew it, I wouldn't eat you."

Sha Laosan quietly wiped off the beads of sweat oozing from his forehead, smiled at Chu Wu, got up and raised his magic wand.Glancing at the dark clouds not far away, he said, "Hurry up and find a place to hide from the rain, this rain is not to be taken lightly."

Zhu Wu looked up at the dark clouds that had already come over his head, and muttered to himself: "This rain is indeed heavy, and there are also hailstones."

Wuwu has always liked to make friends, since he couldn't eat Sha Laosan, he gave up that idea.He warmly invited Sha Laosan to his house as a guest, but he reminded Sha Laosan in advance.When you get to his house, don't touch anything, because there are many organs in his house.

When he reached the entrance of the cave, Sha Laosan was still thinking about how to deal with Wu Wu.But he saw that Wuwu was thrown directly into the air, and he crawled back after a long time, his face was bruised and purple from the fall.Now Sha Laosan really believed it. There are many institutions in Zhuwu's family, some of which he even forgot.

A very warm little cave, the place is not very big, but the things inside are very complete.There are also a few parrots and a group of small animals. They don't seem to be afraid of Wuwu, just like Wuwu's pets.

"Hello there!"

As soon as he sat down, two parrots landed on Sha Laosan's shoulders.Then there were a few naughty little squirrels, which kept crawling around in Sha Laosan's arms.It seemed to be looking for something to eat, and it seemed to be searching Sha Laosan's body for Wuwu.

"Hello there!"

Following the tone of the parrots, Sha Laosan greeted the two parrots.For some reason, after hearing Sha Laosan's response, the two parrots seemed to be frightened and flew back to the nest.


"Crack clap clap!"

"Whoa whoa whoa!"

Lightning and thunder began outside the cave, followed by torrential rain from the sky.Many small animals returned to the cave all wet, and then Wuwu would help them dry their bodies.

What a warm scene, Sha Laosan, a bystander, couldn't help but help.Help the little squirrels tidy up their tails, and remove the leaves stuck on the little hedgehogs.

It was stormy outside, but the cave was warm and harmonious.After passing behind Zhuwu several times, Sha Laosan gave up the idea of ​​sneak attack.Although he has a task to do, he really can't bear to let him attack a 梼杌 who likes small animals so much, and he can't convince himself.He even made an excuse for Wu Wu in his heart, hoping to say something nice for him in front of Brother Monkey.

After everything was done, Zhu Wu invited Sha Laosan to enjoy a sumptuous dinner with him.No meat dishes are eaten for dinner, and some only have special fruits in the mountains.


After taking a bite of the sweet and delicious apple, Sha Laosan waved to the squirrels behind him who were going to sleep.Looking at Wu Wu who was dozing off at the side, he wondered if he should tell the truth.

If you don't tell the truth, Sha Laosan feels that he is too worthless.

(End of this chapter)

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