Reborn Killer Supreme

Chapter 1159 Anna Cemetery

Chapter 1159 Anna Cemetery
No matter what Ivan Ivan's choice is, he will inevitably kill people.

Shangguan Xiaoyao didn't care much about these at first, anyway, how many people died in this memory illusion and who died, these are none of his business.But the leader of the rebel army, Ivan Ivan, turned his mind on him.If it were according to his previous self, Shangguan Xiaoyao would have fought Ivan Yifan a long time ago.

Although in this memory illusion, Shangguan Xiaoyao himself was limited to a place where he could only display the realm of a god king, but that didn't mean that Shangguan Xiaoyao didn't dare to attack Ivan Yifan.

It's just that Shangguan Xiaoyao knew what he was going to do when he came to this memory illusion. The main purpose of course was to complete the test of this memory illusion and get the memory fragments of Tuo Guangzhao, the master.

Moreover, this world is only simulated by this memory illusion, and the things that happened have already happened in the past. Shangguan Xiaoyao will not feel scared when the leader of the rebel army, Ivan Ivan, puts his ideas on himself, just a little bit. Just wondering, what is his purpose in doing this.

No matter what this Ivan Ivan wants to do, he will follow suit.Since the last time he knew that the leader of the rebel army, Ivan Ivan, was the Lionheart King, Shangguan Xiaoyao knew that the key to completing the memory illusion test was on him.

Although I don't know how Ivan Yifandai changed himself from the Lionheart King to the leader of the rebel army, as long as these don't prevent Shangguan Xiaoyao from getting the memory fragments of the master Tuo Guangzhao through him, and then completing the test, other things, It's easy to say, and Shangguan Xiaoyao won't care about it.

Shangguan Xiaoyao is still in the tavern in Terry City. He has been there for three days in a row. He has done nothing during this time. At most, he is drinking and listening to the collected information, but most of them are about the rebels. And some things on the frontal battlefield of the Imperial Army.

The war was in full swing, and, during this period of time, the rebels had gained a clear advantage and had begun to advance towards the Lionheart City of the Lionheart Empire.

Maybe at some point, the rebels will reach Lionheart City.The leader of the rebel army, Ivan Ivan, and the Lionheart King have never appeared since the beginning of the war.

Of course Shangguan Xiaoyao knew why the leader of the rebel army, Ivan Ivan, the Lionheart King, didn't appear, and it wasn't because he wanted to recuperate.The backlash of that evil force, when Shangguan Xiaoyao saw Ivan Yifan three days ago, he guessed that his injury would not heal so easily. Could it be that he was pretending to show himself that there were so many guards guarding the camp, it was obviously still Don't let him go, and what Shangguan Xiaoyao did before he knew it made him feel that he needs someone to watch.

There may be a lot of people who know Ivan Ivan, the leader of the rebel army, but I am afraid that there is no one who knows that Ivan Ivan, the leader of the rebel army, is the Lionheart King. It is impossible for Shangguan Xiaoyao to say it. The most important thing is to say You need someone to trust you when you go out.

At this time, even if Shangguan Xiaoyao disclosed all this matter, some people would really doubt it, but some things are not easy to do.Because at this time, it is the victory or defeat of the rebel army and the imperial army that is the most critical thing at present, and other things will come later.

Shangguan Xiaoyao can think of this, and others can also think of it. If Shangguan Xiaoyaojin really spread the news that Ivan Ivan is the Lionheart King, it would be useless to tell himself, and it might make him want to get the memory The difficulty of fragments will increase.Therefore, Shangguan Xiaoyao himself would not do this early bird.

The most important thing is the rebel army and the imperial army. Now they are red-eyed, and they can stop if they don't say stop.

Even if Ivan Ivan, the leader of the rebel army, spoke in person, this situation is exactly what he wanted, so why stop it.

On the fourth day, in Terry City, the base camp of the rebel army, Shangguan Xiaoyao was drinking the wine in his glass in the tavern. He suddenly thought of Ralph and Kevin who had already gone to the battlefield. He wondered if they were still alive.If he was still alive, Shangguan Xiaoyao would be able to guess that the power of the memory illusion itself is still at work, which also shows that it is not yet time for him to leave to find Anna's cemetery.In addition, Ivan Ivan, the leader of the rebel army, has not made any movement yet, and Shangguan Xiaoyao still wants to wait for him to go to Anna Cemetery together.

Moreover, Ivan Yifan told Shangguan Xiaoyao about such a terrifying place. Since Shangguan Xiaoyao already knew that he was planning his own ideas, of course he couldn't just slap his ass so easily and leave.Waiting for Ivan Yifan to recover from his injuries and Shangguan Xiaoyao to go to Anna Cemetery, Ivan Yifan will definitely choose to follow Shangguan Xiaoyao quietly.

On the fifth day, Shangguan Xiaoyao had already decided not to wait any longer, and it seemed absurd to get drunk after the past few days.The moment he walked out of the tavern, Shangguan Xiaoyao knew he was being targeted. It was no wonder, after all, it was Terry City, the stronghold of the rebel army, so it would be strange if no one was watching him.

The news that he had not left Terry City before, the leader of the rebel army, Ivan Ivan, must have known, otherwise he would not have sent someone to monitor him.

After all, his own strength has reached his original level, and he is still recovering from his injuries, so he has to be careful about Shangguan Xiaoyao making a surprise attack on him.As the leader of the rebel army, if Shangguan Xiaoyao doesn't leave by himself, he can't drive people out.

If Shangguan Xiaoyao joins the rebel army, then other things are easy to talk about, if he can't fight, he will arrange for Shangguan Xiaoyao to go out.

But in fact, Shangguan Xiaoyao stayed quietly in the tavern for four or five days.It made the hidden watchers outside the tavern very depressed.

In fact, on the fourth night, the leader of the rebel army, Ivan Ivan, wanted to trouble Shangguan Xiaoyao as soon as he recovered from his injuries. After Anna Cemetery, it would be better to follow up and do a sneak attack or something.

Therefore, on the fifth day, the leader of the rebel army, Ivan Ivan, knew that his chance had finally appeared when he received that Shangguan Xiaoyao had left the tavern and even Terry City.And according to his guess, Shangguan Xiaoyao must have gone looking for Anna's cemetery.

The leader of the rebel army, Ivan Ivan, thought about it carefully, and felt that it was necessary for him to follow up.

Shangguan Xiaoyao didn't know that the leader of the rebel army, Ivan Ivan, even ignored the war between the rebel army and the imperial army because of him.

He was getting more and more impatient, and his mind was full of thoughts on how to complete this memory illusion test as quickly as possible.

When the memory illusion was back on track, Shangguan Xiaoyao knew that everything seemed to be back to the original point. To complete the test and get the memory fragments, the leader of the rebel army, Ivan Ivan, or the Lionheart King Don't pass the hurdle.

Originally, Shangguan Xiaoyao forcibly changed the development trend of the plot in the memory illusion, and what he wanted was to get the result he wanted in the early war between the rebel army and the imperial army, or to make the people behind the scene Push to the front.But what I didn't expect was that in the end, there was no need to care about the war between the rebel army and the imperial army. No matter who won in the end, the person behind the scenes stood up as one person, but it was just two identities, left handed and right handed.

Ever since Shangguan Xiaoyao confirmed his guess that Ivan Ivan, the leader of the rebel army, is the Lionheart King of the Imperial Army, he knew that he didn't have to do anything anymore. Basically, half of the goal can be achieved, and the rest is even simpler. Perhaps Ivan Ivan, the leader of the rebel army, can get the memory fragments of the master Tuo Guangzhao. After all, the previous master Tuo Guangzhao was in After coming to this world, I can basically find the answer in the leader of the rebel army, Ivan Ivan, the Lionheart King.

So the next thing, just like before, Shangguan Xiaoyao parted ways with Raff and Kevin, and then got drunk in the tavern in Terry City, the base camp of the rebel army.If it wasn't in Terry City, there was really no way to take action against the leader of the rebel army, Ivan Ivan. Shangguan Xiaoyao would never miss the opportunity of Ivan Ivan being injured by backlash.

In those few days, I was drinking in the tavern while spending money to collect information. However, since Terry City is basically civilians except for rebel soldiers, most of the information that can be collected is some unimportant information.There is no news about Ivan Ivan, the leader of the rebel army. Shangguan Xiaoyao seems to have no way to take action against Ivan Ivan if he wants to take the risk.

So much so that the news about Anna Cemetery was bought by Shangguan Xiaoyao from some civilians from other cities at a high price.

In the tavern in Terry City, Shangguan Xiaoyao stayed for nearly five days, knowing that if this continues, there will still be no chance to take action against the leader of the rebel army, Ivan Ivan. The news of King Heart was made public.

What's more, he was in a tavern, so the speed of spreading news was still very fast, and the scope was also very wide.When we collected information about Anna Cemetery before, it has been shown that Terry City will definitely not be a place where news is blocked. Apart from the news channels about the unexpected military deployment of the Rebel Army, Terry City does not know that there is still How many news channels are there?

In this way, as long as you have money, whether you are a commoner or an aristocrat, you can work for you as you want, and the same is true for collecting information.

(End of this chapter)

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