Reborn Killer Supreme

Chapter 1161 Arrival

Chapter 1161 Arrival
Shangguan Xiaoyao didn't care about it at all. It might not be long before he could leave this illusion of memory. At that time, he wouldn't care about who was who.

And this is only the second memory illusion, and there are four memory illusions waiting for him outside. It really can't take too long in it, mainly because he wants to rescue the trapped in Zhang Shengzhuhai. The entire realm of the God Realm.

Along the way, I encountered several small battlefields of the Rebel Army and the Imperial Army. Basically, after being dispersed on the frontal battlefield, they continued to fight guerrilla tactics to deal with the enemies who were also dispersed.

Because there are not too many people, there is no need to worry about those sudden attacks on the frontal battlefield, so their attacks are even more indomitable.

In the eyes of Shangguan Xiaoyao, there is no need to fight the war between the rebel army and the imperial army. Complete the test.Now that Ivan Ivan, the leader of the rebel army, is the Lionheart King, and the culprit he wants to find is a person, Shangguan Xiaoyao knows that the war between the rebel army and the imperial army is meaningless up.

The leader of the rebel army, Ivan Yifan, regarded Shangguan Xiaoyao as his goal, and Shangguan Xiaoyao also regarded him as his goal.As if by fate, Tuo Guangzhao, the ruler represented by Shangguan Xiaoyao, came to retrieve his memories and encountered the culprit behind the development of the whole thing.

Ivan Yifan followed Shangguan Xiaoyao unhurriedly, basically keeping a distance that would rather be far than mere, just because he was afraid that Shangguan Xiaoyao would find him.He himself knows what it is to have the realm and strength of a god king, so he would rather stay far away than get too close to Shangguan Xiaoyao.

The two of them are like containers with huge internal capabilities. As long as one of them is close to the other, both of them will find each other at the same time, which is impossible.

Once again bypassed the place where several rebel and imperial soldier squads were fighting, but this time, Shangguan Xiaoyao did not choose to leave directly as before, but chose to stop for a while before leaving completely.

During this period, Shangguan Xiaoyao remained silent as he watched the rebels and the imperial army who swore to fight to the death.

All of this was seen by Ivan Ivan who followed Shangguan Xiaoyao, and he would not choose to help these soldiers either.As the leader of the rebel army, and he himself is the Lionheart King of the Imperial Army, it is impossible to justify helping anyone, and they can only rely on their own abilities.

Moreover, once he makes a move, Shangguan Xiaoyao who is in front of him will definitely notice it.In that case, his traces will definitely be exposed, and it is basically impossible to launch a sneak attack.

However, what Ivan Yifan didn't know was that Shangguan Xiaoyao deliberately showed him all of this.Although Shangguan Xiaoyao didn't realize that someone was following him, Shangguan Xiaoyao knew that as long as he left Terry City, someone would definitely follow him, and this person could basically be concluded to be Ivan Ivan, the leader of the rebel army.

As Ivan Ivan, whose realm and strength are similar to his own, as long as he doesn't want himself to be aware of his existence, he can still do it.

But if you really think that no one will follow you, you are absolutely stupid.Ivan Ivan knew that he would definitely go to the Anna Cemetery. If he was really playing with his own ideas, the Anna Cemetery was his best chance.Of course, it is also the best chance for Shangguan Xiaoyao to defeat Ivan Yifan, get the memory fragments, and complete the memory illusion test.Neither of them will basically miss this opportunity.

So Shangguan Xiaoyao knew that someone would definitely follow him on his way to Anna's cemetery this time, and besides Ivan Ivan, there was no one else who could have this strength and not be discovered by him.

What he did just now was to show Ivan Ivan, the leader of the resistance army who was hiding in the dark, to make him think that he had no idea that someone was following behind him, so that he could relax his vigilance, and wait until the Anna Cemetery to discuss other things.

Shangguan Xiaoyao still doesn't know what's going on in the Anna Cemetery, but Ivan Ivan, who is hiding in the dark, may know that the situation will be very bad for him after arriving at the Anna Cemetery, so let's paralyze and follow behind him Ivan Ivan said again.

And the leader of the rebel army, Ivan Yifan, didn't know that Shangguan Xiaoyao already knew that he was following in secret. laugh.

This is what Shangguan Xiaoyao wants. As long as the leader of the rebel army, Ivan Ivan, relaxes his vigilance against himself, it depends on whether he can find an opportunity in the Anna Cemetery and fight back against him.If it really doesn't work, Shangguan Xiaoyao feels that he has to create opportunities by himself.

The leader of the rebel army, Ivan Yifan, didn't know that Shangguan Xiaoyao had already started thinking about counterattacking himself, and he was still flattered that Shangguan Xiaoyao was already in his pocket.

Shangguan Xiaoyao drove all the way, and Ivan Yifan followed all the way. Both parties knew the existence of the other party, but only Ivan Yifan thought that Shangguan Xiaoyao didn't know that he was following him.

After going around several places, Shangguan Xiaoyao finally came to the Anna Cemetery that the leader of the rebel army, Ivan Ivan, said. It was indeed a cemetery.

Shangguan Xiaoyao hadn’t collected any information about what was going on in the Anna Cemetery before. Perhaps Ivan Yifan knew what was hidden in it, otherwise he wouldn’t have specifically told Shangguan Xiaoyao that he wanted to come to the Anna Cemetery Only here can people from the outside world find their way home.

Shangguan Xiaoyao didn't believe a word of these words, because he didn't want to find the way home, but just to complete the test and get the memory fragments of Tuo Guangzhao, the master.

Therefore, Shangguan Xiaoyao could clearly know that he was deceiving himself by what Ivan Yifan, the leader of the rebel army, said.But in order to complete the test, Shangguan Xiaoyao believed what Ivan Ivan said, and after leaving Terry City, he rushed to the Anna Cemetery he was talking about.

In fact, Shangguan Xiaoyao is not without gains along the way. He also has some clues as to why Ivan Ivan put his ideas on himself. If he came out, he would still not be able to get the memory fragments of Master Tuo Guangzhao.

It is now very certain that the leader of the rebel army, Ivan Ivan, is the Lionheart King. There is already a big problem here, and that is the age of the Lionheart King.

Although the Lionheart King is powerful, but because of his practice skills, coupled with the restrictions of the Tide Continent itself, you must know that the Lionheart King himself is not from this world.

Now 300 years have passed since the establishment of the Lionheart Empire. The Lionheart King should have gradually aged and his strength should have declined, but what about the Ivan Ivan he saw?It looks like he is still in his prime, and his strength is definitely at its peak, otherwise he wouldn't be that strong.

When the rebel army first appeared, everyone on the continent of Ted basically knew that the Lionheart King had conquered this continent for more than [-] years.It is also because of this that the people living in this world have begun to be dissatisfied with the rule of the Lionheart King, so there have been civilians who organized rebels and began to attack the empire.

Then, after batch after batch of rebel armies, it has developed to the present. How could the leader of the rebel army be the Lionheart himself?No one knows what happened here, and the Lionheart King looks younger, and his strength seems to have returned to its peak.

Moreover, Shangguan Xiaoyao had never seen what the Lionheart King looked like before, and whether he looked the same as the current leader of the rebel army, Ivan Ivan, did not know the answers to these questions.

But from those other people in the rebel army, it can be seen that the current leader of the rebel army, Ivan Ivan, definitely looks different from the Lionheart King, and it also shows that it is not that the Lionheart King has become younger again.

In that case, the problem here is a bit big. Shangguan Xiaoyao had to take a deep breath. What kind of guy did Tuo Guangzhao, the ruler, meet back then?

Shangguan Xiaoyao had to re-examine his guess that Ivan Ivan, the leader of the rebel army, was the Lionheart King. Firstly, his age did not match him, especially his appearance, and his strength.

But the biggest doubt still exists, that is why the contract with evil power sent by the Lionheart King of the Imperial Army, how could the leader of the rebel army, Ivan Ivan, be backlashed when it was destroyed? It really doesn't make sense, you have to know, are those more mysterious evil forces admitting to the wrong person, whoever borrowed the evil force, and if something goes wrong, whoever will be backlashed, on this point, there is no problem of.

Previously, Shangguan Xiaoyao also relied on this point to clearly determine that the leader of the rebel army, Ivan Ivan, belonged to the Lionheart King.However, after going through the doubts that he came up with on the way to Anna Cemetery, it showed that the leader of the rebel army, Ivan Ivan, was not the Lionheart King who controlled the Imperial Army.

This caused Shangguan Xiaoyao to fall into a short-term conflict, because when Shangguan Xiaoyao came to the vicinity of Anna Cemetery, he let go of this matter. Isn't the leader of the rebel army, Ivan Ivan, attached to the back.

If you have a chance, you can directly take him down and ask him if he is the Lionheart King. Then everything will be revealed, not only your own doubts, but also other people in this memory illusion, or the entire Ted Continent There are some things that most people don't know about, and there are memory fragments that I need most urgently.

As long as he can get the memory fragments, Shangguan Xiaoyao can immediately leave this memory illusion, and he has completed the test.

Thinking of this, Shangguan Xiaoyao, who was watching the situation of the cemetery near the Anna Cemetery, had a gleam in his eyes. This was the best chance for him to get the memory fragments and complete the test, and no one followed him in this memory illusion. I rush to finish it myself, so I must seize the best opportunity this time.

I don't know if I fail this time, will there be another chance in the future, so Shangguan Xiaoyao will never allow himself to fail.

But this matter must be planned, because compared with the current leader of the rebel army, Ivan Ivan, he is still a little bit behind.Don't underestimate this little thing. In the Anna Cemetery, I don't know what will be there. If it is something that can help Ivan Ivan suppress himself, the situation will not be good.

Shangguan Xiaoyao wandered around the Anna cemetery. On the surface, he was observing the cemetery in front of him, but secretly, he was perceiving to see if the leader of the rebel army, Ivan Ivan, was following.

But in the end, as Shangguan Xiaoyao expected, there was nothing to gain, but because of this, Shangguan Xiaoyao knew better that the leader of the rebel army, Ivan Ivan, was already nearby, and he was hiding, just waiting for him to enter Anna. The cemetery is gone.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, don't think that you can hold yourself in this way, after Shangguan Xiaoyao looked around with sharp eyes, he decided that he would go into Anna's cemetery alone.

Looking up at the sky, he found that the sky was still bright. Shangguan Xiaoyao decided to wait near the Anna Cemetery and wait until night, when it was completely dark, before entering the Anna Cemetery.

Ivan Ivan, the leader of the rebel army who has been hiding in the dark, just as Shangguan Xiaoya guessed, also came to the vicinity of Anna Cemetery, but it was a little far away from Shangguan Xiaoyao.

Seeing that Shangguan Xiaoyao didn't directly enter the Anna Cemetery, Ivan Ivan's one-eyed showed a hint of mockery, no matter what, no matter when Shangguan Xiaoyao entered the Anna Cemetery, the final outcome was already in Ivan Ivan's heart Doomed.

At this time, Ivan Ivan has basically relaxed his vigilance towards Shangguan Xiaoyao, and he is already fantasizing that after Shangguan Xiaoyao enters the Anna Cemetery, he will go in quietly and find an opportunity to directly attack her. This matter can be done It's over perfectly.

At the same time, Shangguan Xiaoyao also thinks so. After he enters the Anna Cemetery, as long as the situation is not particularly unexpected, he can create an opportunity by himself and let Ivan Yifan sneak attack on him if he deliberately sells a flaw. Only when he shows up can he continue to the next step.

(End of this chapter)

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