Reborn Killer Supreme

Chapter 1187 Things Change

Chapter 1187 Things Change
So Shangguan Xiaoyao can't let the people of the Wang family follow him. He doesn't know when he will be able to complete the test and leave this memory illusion. Who knows what changes will happen to this secret realm by then.

What's more, if Wang Bohou and the others are really by his side, it will be inconvenient to act by himself.Before he completes the test, the soul soil world in this memory illusion is no different from the real world to Shangguan Xiaoyao.

Everyone here is too real, and they are all real events and characters that the master Tuo Guangzhao has experienced.Although Shangguan Xiaoyao experienced it again, it was not exactly the same as what the master Tuo Guangzhao experienced.

The things that Shangguan Xiaoyao has encountered so far are almost all different experiences.

"How much time is left?" Shangguan Xiaoyao asked Wang Bohou.It's not a good idea to sit at home and wait for trouble to come to you.

"It should be soon, no matter what, we will find this place." Wang Bohou stood up, ready to look at the entrance of the small courtyard.

Shangguan Xiaoyao's eyes flashed, he chose to continue sitting, and said: "Then wait a little longer."


Wang Bohou was really wrong about this matter. Not all the strangers who came to this small town came to trouble the Wang family, and a large part of them didn’t know Wang Bohou’s Wang family at all. A small branch of the Wang family that couldn't be smaller is not worth their attention.

Except for one or two of the guys who hid before entering this town came for Wang Bohou's family, the rest had other purposes.This is probably the reason why they don't know each other at all.

When one or two groups of people were looking for the hiding place of Wang Bohou's family, the other people never showed up at all, and they didn't know where they were hiding in this small town.

The number of people who came to trouble Wang Bohou and the Wang family was not as many as Wang Bohou imagined, so when these people were looking for the location of the Wang family in this town, they were not so fast, that's why Wang Bohou and Shangguan Xiaoyao were always there. Wait.

And what purpose the other strangers came to this town, no one knows now but themselves.Another point is that after they entered this town, they had already discovered the group of people who were looking for the location of the Wang family, but they just pretended not to see them. It seems that as long as they are not for the same purpose as them, they are not in charge.

The group of people who came to trouble Wang Bohou and Wang's family did not find the strangers who came to this town, not just these two groups, from here, it can also be seen that the gap between them and others is not ordinary , They can't find others, but others can find them. If they really want to attack them, they may not even know how they died.

What is it that makes these people with obvious strength and high level come to this town, and after entering, they hide themselves one after another, and it seems that they don't want to expose themselves.

And what these are hiding is still unknown, so we can only continue to wait until they can't help but take the initiative to reveal it.When the time comes, whatever they are hiding, or things, will be revealed.

But Wang Bohou and Shangguan Xiaoyao, who had been staying in the Wang family, didn't know about these things, and maybe even if they knew, they wouldn't easily intervene.The Wang family's troubles haven't been resolved yet, so it's better not to cause trouble easily.

If Shangguan Xiaoyao knew about this matter, he might feel that this matter was an opportunity to start the test.

Everyone didn't know that outside this town, that is, outside the spirit beast forest, there was a big chase and killing scene going on.It was a young-looking man who was intercepted and chased by several black-clothed masked men.

If you look carefully, this young man is indeed Shangguan Xiaoyao, no, the current Shangguan Xiaoyao should be in the small courtyard of the Wang family, how could he appear in the Soul Beast Forest?

If Shangguan Xiaoyao was here and saw this young man who looked exactly like him, he should be able to understand in an instant that his test was coming.

This guy who looked exactly like Shangguan Xiaoyao was chased and intercepted by a group of black-clothed masked men, and fled around in the spirit beast forest.And looking at the next situation, this guy who looks exactly like Shangguan Xiaoyao will be forced by the group of masked men in black to flee to the small town outside the Soul Beast Forest, which is the town where the Wang family is located.

No one knows why there is a person who looks exactly like Shangguan Xiaoyao in this memory illusion.And the most important point is that this time Shangguan Xiaoyao entered this illusion of memory, so there appeared a person who looked exactly like Shangguan Xiaoyao, but if someone else entered the illusion of memory, would the person appearing in this illusion be different? Will it be the same as others?

There is no way to know these things, and Shangguan Xiaoyao does not know that such a thing has already appeared in this memory illusion. Maybe after Shangguan Xiaoyao sees it in person, this memory illusion will respond, or it is left by the ruler Tuo Guangzhao. Stuff will appear or something.

What's more, when this soul soil time still exists, that is to say, these things have really happened, then did there really be a guy who looks exactly like the master Tuo Guangzhao at that time, or else in the master Tuo Guangzhao Why is there a person exactly like Shangguan Xiaoyao in the set memory illusion.

Maybe after Shangguan Xiaoyao really meets this person who looks exactly like him, this third illusion or the ruler Tuo Guangzhao will give Shangguan Xiaoyao a hint, otherwise, it will be Shangguan Xiaoyao who knows that his test is in the future. On this person, I don't know what to do next.


"Tuo worship, they are here." Wang Bohou returned to the room from the door of the small courtyard of the Wang family, and said to Shangguan Xiaoyao who was still sitting quietly.

"It's fine if they come, I thought they wouldn't come." Shangguan Xiaoyao, who had been sitting quietly for a while, opened his eyes and said.

"It's just that the person who came this time is a bit wrong." Wang Bohou said to Shangguan Xiaoyao hesitantly.

"Oh, what's wrong?" Shangguan Xiaoyao turned his head to look at Wang Bohou with a puzzled expression on his face.

"The number of people is wrong, more than half of the people I checked before, only a small number came, and..." Wang Bohou hesitated to speak after looking at Shangguan Xiaoyao.

"And what?" Hearing Wang Bohou's hesitation in speaking, Shangguan Xiaoyao thought that something unexpected happened again, and asked with a straight face.

"Furthermore, those people who came here are basically people who have been targeting our Wang family before. As for the strangers who appeared in this town through my investigation, none of them appeared." The expression on Wang Bohou's face It seemed very heavy, knowing that things were beyond the scope of what he knew.

"Hmm..." Shangguan Xiaoyao pondered, he couldn't think of anything just from what Wang Bohou said.

"When I searched for their traces before, I might have been noticed by those who didn't come. After all, my strength is still too weak, but they ignored my detection, but continued to disappear in their own way. In this town." Speaking of this, Wang Bohou seemed to remember the trip he went out two days ago.

It seems that my own strength is not taken seriously by those people, and they don't even pay attention to them.Fortunately, Wang Bohou was a bad old man, not a hot-blooded, young and ignorant young man. Otherwise, he might not know what happened, and he might be silenced.

"Pretend you don't exist at all? It seems that these people didn't come to trouble you, but why did they appear here?" Shangguan Xiaoyao was thoughtful. The troublesome things happened at the same time, and they all happened in this small town.

"I don't know why they appear here, and their strength is definitely not weak. People like them should not appear here." Wang Bohou felt very headache.I can't figure out why so many things happened when their Wang family was alive and dead.

"Take one step at a time, things are not at their worst yet." Shangguan Xiaoyao saw it clearly.

"Yes, we can't mess with ourselves. For now, it's just trouble. Since those people are not the ones who trouble the Wang family, don't worry about them." The confused look in Wang Bohou's eyes dissipated.

"Take care of the troubles in front of you first, and there is plenty of time to deal with the rest." Shangguan Xiaoyao stood up.

"Okay, Tuofu, please come with me. At this time, those guys who came to trouble our Wang family should also find this courtyard." Wang Bohou said, a sternness flashed in his eyes.

"Let's go, I'll also go and see what methods the people in the Soul Soil World have left." Shangguan Xiaoyao originally planned to experience some of the enemy's methods of other people in the Soul Soil World in the process of helping Wang Bohou. I also hope that I can display it on the soul beast that has been manifested in the form of my divine consciousness. In this case, there will be no doubts about my identity at all, and even if I have the ability to be hostile to people in this soul soil world. The ability to deal with the next test that may appear at any time is fully capable.

For this, Shangguan Xiaoyao has prepared for three days. If Shangguan Xiaoyao is allowed to wait for three days outside the memory illusion, Shangguan Xiaoyao really can't delay that long, but now he is dominating Tuo Guangzhao's memory illusion Among them, Tuo Guangzhao, relying on his dominant strength, forcibly adjusted the flow of time in the memory illusion.

Therefore, Shangguan Xiaoyao had so much time to prepare in the memory illusion.Moreover, in this Soul Soil world, the difficulty is much higher than before. If you don't make any preparations, Shangguan Xiaoyao may really have no hope of completing the test at all.

(End of this chapter)

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