Reborn Killer Supreme

Chapter 1203 Mature Little Guy

Chapter 1203 Mature Little Guy
Shangguan Xiaoyao didn't know that Wang Bohou actually let the little guy participate in this matter.You know, the next location to choose is related to their future safety.

But no matter what, it was up to Wang Bohou and the others to choose in the end. Under normal circumstances, Shangguan Xiaoyao would not make decisions for Wang Bohou and the others.Unless it makes Shangguan Xiaoyao feel very threatened, I just hope that this situation will not happen.

And Wang Fu, Wang Bohou's housekeeper, went out to buy food with the money, and sold their Wang family's house here as a mortgage.Anyway, I have to leave, and I may even never come back here again. It would be useless to keep it, so it is better to create some value.

During the time when the housekeeper Wang Fu was out, Wang Bohou didn't spend all his time packing up, just like talking to the little grandson just now, teasing the little grandson while packing up.I packed up all the more important things very quickly, and the rest of the things are optional things. Let's talk about whether to take these things away after the housekeeper Wang Fu comes back.

To be honest, they have lived in this small town for a while. If they hadn't noticed that the troubles belonging to the Wang family had come to them, Wang Bohou would not have taken the risk. Bo Hou will continue to do what he originally wanted to do.For example, he would ask his housekeeper Wang Fu to take his little grandson with him and leave here at the cost of his own life. Similarly, everything belonging to the Wang family here must be taken away.

So whether there is a reason for Shangguan Xiaoyao, the Wang family has to disappear from this small town.However, with Shangguan Xiaoyao, Wang Bohou doesn't have to go to his death, and the little guy doesn't have to lose his grandfather.

What's more, if there was no Shangguan Xiaoyao, the Wang family would have existed in name only, and there would be no later events, including Gong Ming's matter, which would not have any intersection with the Wang family.

The real Gong Ming might really be dead in this small town, and no one would pretend to be him.

But since Shangguan Xiaoyao came to this soul soil world in the third memory illusion, the development track of things has quietly changed.As long as they have a relationship with Shangguan Xiaoyao during this period of time, their fate in this memory illusion has undergone unpredictable changes.

This is still the beginning, I don't know what Shangguan Xiaoyao will encounter in the next journey, and all kinds of people from the world of souls.How many people will change their destiny because of Shangguan Xiaoyao unknowingly?None of this is known.

In the living room of the Wang family, Shangguan Xiaoyao was still thinking about what he should do next to speed up the process of the test, and he couldn't think of it as in the previous memory illusion, so he had to think of another way, otherwise It would be a waste of time to waste things so little.

At this point, Shangguan Xiaoyao understands very well that what he lacks is time. Although there is still a long time for the memory illusion, the difference between the memory illusion and the outside world is only the speed of time, and it does not really stop time. , so Shangguan Xiaoyao didn't want to waste even a little bit of time.

Because in the little time wasted, God Realm Realm didn't know how many people were dead. I have some guesses, but if I don't completely complete these tests of the ruler Tuo Guangzhao, if I pass these six memory illusions, there is no way for Shangguan Xiaoyao to get out, let alone return to the God Realm.

While Shangguan Xiaoyao was still meditating, Wang Bohou's TV ratings were basically good, so he brought his little grandson to the living room.

While on the road, Wang Bohou said to his little grandson: "When you arrive at the place later, remember to call uncle. If you have any questions you want to ask, just ask them. Do you understand?" Wang Bohou said He even rubbed the little guy's head with his own hands.This man is old, but he really likes children.

"Understood, Grandpa, I will think about it carefully." The little guy said seriously.It seemed that he really took this matter to heart, and he really regarded himself as an adult at such a young age.Wang Bohou was relieved to see it, and at the same time felt a little distressed. After all, this was all forced out. If the little guy's parents were still alive, the little guy should be at the stage of playing to his heart's content at this age, instead of starting at such a young age. Think about what adults think.

But the current situation of the Wang family requires the little guy to do this so that he can mature as soon as possible.Because Wang Bohou and the housekeeper Wang Fu are both old, and they don't know how long they can last.During the two consecutive incidents during this period, if Shangguan Xiaoyao hadn't been here, their Wang family would have been razed to the ground long ago.

These are the reasons why their Wang family is too weak, so Wang Bohou pinned all the hopes of the Wang family on the little guy.Although I don't expect the little guy to avenge their Wang family, and I don't want the little guy to do so, because after all, there is only one seedling in the Wang family, and the most important thing is to continue the blood of the Wang family. It will grow stronger, and it will no longer be like this, where anyone with weak strength can destroy their royal family.

The little guy may not understand it very well now, but his little head has already begun to have memories of such things. Sooner or later, these things will be understood, including the hardships and painstaking efforts of Wang Bohou and the entire Wang family.

For Shangguan Xiaoyao, the affairs of Wang Bohou and the Wang family have nothing to do with him, and they are just in a state of mutual help.Before, Wang Bohou told Shangguan Xiaoyao the general situation of the whole Soul Soil world, and Shangguan Xiaoyao helped the Wang family solve the troubles that came to them and wanted to destroy the Wang family.But now, it was Shangguan Xiaoyao who escorted Wang Bohou and the Wang family to a safer place to settle down, and then Wang Bohou and his housekeeper Wang Fu kept Shangguan Xiaoyao a secret. It is absolutely impossible for Shangguan Xiaoyao to pretend to be Gong Ming. leak out.

For Shangguan Xiaoyao, this identity of Gong Ming not only represents the beginning of the trial in the soul-soil world of the third illusion, but also the identity that Shangguan Xiaoyao must use next.

Using Gong Ming's identity can not only successfully enter the Gong family, one of the three great families in the soul soil world, but also has the possibility of succeeding the head of the Gong family in a well-known manner. The real Gong Ming is handed over to me. The most important thing is that Shangguan Xiaoyao looks exactly the same as Gong Ming. This is the biggest advantage of Shangguan Xiaoyao. The original Gong Ming could reach.

Even Gong Ming's father, the patriarch of the Gong family, was not necessarily Shangguan Xiaoyao's current opponent in his heyday.After all, Shangguan Xiaoyao has raised the ability of divine consciousness that he can display in this soul-soil world to the highest level after being restricted, that is, the peak level of the god emperor. At present, it can be said that it is a shortcoming. , it can only be that the types of soul beasts that Shangguan Xiaoyao can transform into are still too few.

On this point, Shangguan Xiaoyao had no other choice but to have as much as possible.Wang Bohou had no other choice. As for the types of soul beasts he knew, he had basically told Shangguan Xiaoyao.But in the soul soil world, soul beasts can be known, and of course there are unknown things, and that is something that people don't know now.Of course, Wang Bohou didn't know. With his strength, he didn't know too many soul beasts. He was able to know so much because of the knowledge passed down from the Wang family, that is, those books.

In this world of soul soil, it seems that owning books is more precious than owning soul beasts. Of course, this is Shangguan Xiaoyao's own feeling. He didn't ask Wang Bohou about this matter, and it is easy to expose himself. After all, he is a person who hides from the world. , If you don't know the preciousness of books, is such a powerful strength fake?
Although Shangguan Xiaoyao didn't know this very well, he wouldn't ask. After all, he was a 'peerless expert', so he had to keep a little bit of mystery.Even if I have decided to pretend to be Gong Ming now, but I have also been in touch with Gong Ming, and I don't know what kind of person Gong Ming is usually, so Shangguan Xiaoyao can only pretend to be Gong Ming according to his own ideas. , what kind of Gong Ming will be in the future.

It's also fortunate that Gong Ming is usually alone, and has never been back to the Gong family. Perhaps the only person who knows him well is his father, who is now the patriarch of the Gong family. However, Gong Ming has already explained before that his father has already contracted the disease. , his life was not long, so he hurried back to the Gong family to succeed the family patriarch. After that, a series of things happened, until he met Shangguan Xiaoyao, who looked exactly like him, so he came up with a plan , or rather ideas.

That is to let Shangguan Xiaoyao pretend to be himself, because Gong Ming knew that he could not hold on anymore, and the sky sent a guy who looked exactly like him. If he didn't seize this opportunity, Gong Ming would not die. Rest in peace.

But for Shangguan Xiaoyao, Gong Ming's father died soon because of illness, no matter whether it was poisoned or not. In this case, basically no one is familiar with the real Gong Ming, which also gave Shangguan Xiaoyao a lot of freedom. There's no need to deliberately pretend to be Gong Ming, just be himself, just change his name.

(End of this chapter)

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