Reborn Killer Supreme

Chapter 1210 find

Chapter 1210 find
The reason why Master Tuo Guangzhao added some other things to the memory illusion was to open up a path to the master for those who can pass through the memory illusion in the future.

Moreover, the level of these six memory illusions is gradually rising, in order to lay a solid foundation for those who can pass the test of memory illusions in the future, and this third level of memory illusions can be said to be the first step in deepening. It is heavier than the first two in other senses.

This is also a point where Shangguan Xiaoyao can clearly feel the change, because this third level of memory illusion has no special significance to the ruler Tuo Guangzhao himself, but it can be called meaningful to those who are going to face the test It's important.

If it is possible, in this memory illusion, Shangguan Xiaoyao has a great probability of finding a way to become the master. Of course, it is just a way, not to say that Shangguan Xiaoyao will directly become the master. What's the matter with Master Takumi...

After finally getting these memory illusions, if someone can easily become a master, then Tuo Guangzhao is no longer as simple as a master.But for now, Shangguan Xiaoyao still doesn't know anything, he is still immersed in some changes brought about by the illusion of memory, and has not yet noticed it.

If Shangguan Xiaoyao can pass the test of the third memory illusion, then he may still notice this change in the remaining three memory illusions, and understand the good intentions of the ruler Tuo Guangzhao in building these memory illusions.Basically, it can be said that they are cultivating their own next generation.

Even Shangguan Xiaoyao himself didn't realize this, he just thought that it would be enough to complete the test left by the master Tuo Guangzhao in the memory illusion.

I walked along the river for a long time, from the river to the stream, and after entering the mountains, I haven’t gone out yet. Even Wang Bohou and the housekeeper Wang Fu feel tired, so they can Know that they have been gone for a long time.

On the way, I also saw a few places that could be used as a place to settle down, but they all gave up as some inappropriate places, and then continued to search.

"Little friend, should we continue to look for it?" Wang Bohou gasped.It looks really tired.

"Find another place, as long as the next place is suitable, we will settle down there." Shangguan Xiaoyao also noticed that Wang Bohou and the others were in a very bad state, and of course he himself wanted to stop early.

"That's good, that's good, hey, this person is old enough, he just walked so far, and he can't hold on anymore." Wang Bohou said with a wry smile.Although what he said was that they had only walked a little way, Shangguan Xiaoyao knew that they had really walked a long way. Although they didn't know how long they had traveled, it was definitely not too short.

"How about we take a rest first and continue walking later?" Shangguan Xiaoyao pondered for a while and said.

"No, no, don't worry, little friend, we can hold on for a while longer." Wang Bohou said hastily.If it wasn't for all the things in his hands, he might have waved at Shangguan Xiaoyao in a hurry.

"It's about this time, Mr. Wang, don't be brave." Shangguan Xiaoyao looked at Wang Bohou and the housekeeper Wang Fu and said.If the two of them really can't hold on anymore, it's not impossible to take a break.

After all, Shangguan Xiaoyao was doing it for them this time. Although there was a little selfishness in it, something really went wrong with Wang Bohou and the others at this time, and things were really not easy to handle. All in vain.

"It's okay, we didn't try to be brave, little friend, let's go quickly." Wang Bohou urged Shangguan Xiaoyao instead at this time.

Shangguan Xiaoyao glanced at Wang Bohou unexpectedly, and asked Wang Bohou with an uncertain tone: "Old Wang, are you sure?"

"I'm sure, if you don't believe me, you can ask Ah Fu." Wang Bohou replied to Shangguan Xiaoyao.And he also brought his housekeeper, Wang Fu, on board.

"Master is right." What else can the butler Wang Fu say at this time, although he is also very tired now, just like Wang Bohou, he still has a little strength in his body, fearing that something unexpected will happen matter.Especially when Shangguan Xiaoyao couldn't take care of them, the weak old guys and little guys like them were the most prone to problems.

Fortunately, Wang Bohou's grandson is now in the hands of Shangguan Xiaoyao, so don't worry too much, Shangguan Xiaoyao is so powerful, any unexpected situation is unlikely to affect the little guy in Shangguan Xiaoyao's arms.

But the two old guys are different, they are not strong, and they are still tired enough, with so many things in their hands, if something unexpected happens, they can't avoid it.

Shangguan Xiaoyao also considered this situation, so he said something like asking Wang Bohou and his housekeeper Wang Fu to stop here and take a rest.But now it seems that Wang Bohou and his housekeeper Wang Fu are not ready to rest, and want to stick to the next suitable place to settle down.

"Well, I won't force you, Mr. Wang, let's slow down a little more." Since Wang Bohou and the others don't want to give up, all Shangguan Xiaoyao can do is to slow down a little more, so that Wang Bohou and the others The two can keep up with their own footsteps.

"Okay, then the two of us will thank you here first." Wang Bohou nodded to Shangguan Xiaoyao and said.If he hadn't held things in both hands, he would have saluted Shangguan Xiaoyao again.

Shangguan Xiaoyao nodded lightly, dragged the little guy's body in his hands, turned around and continued to walk forward, while Wang Bohou and the butler Wang Fu glanced at each other, tightened their grips, and hurriedly followed Shangguan's leisurely pace.

This time, I don’t know if Shangguan Xiaoyao and the others were lucky, or because of Wang Bohou and the others’ persistence. The actual situation is that they are on the road ahead, and they have not gone far. location.

It belongs to a relatively steep hillside in this mountain range, and it is unwilling to be far from a place with a water source. After all, Shangguan Xiaoyao and the others are walking towards the Soul Beast Forest along the direction of the water flow, and they are not too far away from the water source at all. .

Because if it is too far away, Shangguan Xiaoyao can't guarantee that Wang Bohou and the others will be [-]% safe when fetching water in the future.

Looking at the relatively steep hillside in front of him, and there is also a relatively natural cave, it seems that Shangguan Xiaoyao has helped Wang Bohou and the others to open up the cave, and there is a ready-made cave now.

"Luck is really good, it can save us a lot of time." Shangguan Xiaoyao said when he approached the cave on the steep hillside.

"Little friend, won't there be spirit beasts entrenched in this cave?" When Wang Bohou saw the cave behind Shangguan Xiaoyao, he couldn't help asking nervously: "Can there be a cave as a lair so close to the water source?" , the strength of this soul beast must be very strong."

"Old Wang, you are right, this is indeed a lair of powerful soul beasts." Shangguan Xiaoyao said such words, but there was a smile on his face.

"Then you..." Wang Bohou was startled, he didn't know why Shangguan Xiaoyao knew that there was a powerful soul beast here, but why he chose to settle down here.It's just that Shangguan Xiaoyao interrupted him before he could ask the question.

"Hey, Mr. Wang, listen to me." Shangguan Xiaoyao looked at the cave that looked old and said, "This cave is indeed a lair built by a powerful soul beast, but according to my observation, This soul beast has probably already left, or died."

"Dead? How can a soul beast that has a lair here die so easily? What's more, the location here is already deep inside the soul beast forest. If it wasn't for you, little friend, who came here to protect us Here, I'm afraid no one will be able to reach here, right?" Wang Bohou said in disbelief.And his housekeeper, Wang Fu, was also surprised.

"It's still a little possible, but the biggest possibility is that this soul beast has made a breakthrough in strength and has gone to a deeper place. There is no longer a place we can go in and visit now." Shangguan Xiaoyao still has such a guess, and this Guessing has the greatest probability.

"What?! There is such a possibility?" The little old man Wang Bohou was really surprised. This has touched his blind spot of knowledge. Whether it was in other people's mouths or in the books passed down by his family, There is no information about the soul beast.

"I can't rule out this possibility. If I'm alone, maybe I can go a little deeper into the soul beast forest and observe it carefully, but I can't do it now." Shangguan Xiaoyao looked at the deeper part of the soul beast forest, Said very flatly in the mouth.

"So, our Wang family has dragged you down, little friend." Wang Bo said with a wry smile on his face, and he didn't know how many times he had wry smiles along the way.

"I don't care about your business this time, Mr. Wang. The main thing is that I have other things. I don't have time to go deeper into the soul beast forest." Shangguan Xiaoyao turned to Wang Bohou and the others and said, "And you also know that I want to what to do."

"Oh, that's right, you are more anxious now, after all, you have your own affairs." Wang Bohou immediately understood when he heard what Shangguan Xiaoyao said. Shangguan Xiaoyao not only has his own affairs, but also has "Gong Ming" These things are the kind that are more anxious in terms of time.Being able to accompany them, the elder and the younger, to the Soul Beast Forest is already for the sake of previous events.

(End of this chapter)

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