Reborn Killer Supreme

Chapter 1244 Chapter 4

Chapter 1244 The Fourth Layer

Many days have passed, since Shangguan Xiaoyao left and entered the Daxuan God Realm, there has been no news.And the entire God Realm has been eroded by Zhang Sheng's boiling sea formation, which is riddled with holes.

The sky is still terrified of pouring blood and rain. From the beginning to now, it has not stopped, and there are no signs of life in many places.The places where there are still signs of life are the places where Shangguan Xiaoyao stayed before, the Daluo Sword Sect and the Qingming Demon Sect.Basically, the survivors have all hid here, and have been struggling to resist the blood rain of Zhang Sheng's cooking formation.

In the few days after Shangguan Xiaoyao left, the situation has become more and more serious, and more and more people died.Basically, they all died under Zhang Sheng's cooking formation, and then were washed away by the blood rain.

And most of the relatively powerful strongmen of the major sects are in the Great Luo Sword Sect, because there is still a Da Luo Sword Formation in the Great Luo Sword Sect, which can barely resist the Zhang Shengzhuhai Great Formation, but if it goes on for a long time, The Great Luo Sword Formation couldn't hold on, and sooner or later, the blood rain from Zhang Shengzhuhai's Great Formation would wash away and corrode it.

And looking at it like this, if it goes on like this, let alone the Great Luo Sword Formation, even the entire God Realm can completely disappear if it goes on like this.Besides, many of the people Shangguan Xiaoyao was familiar with had already died.

At this time, Shangguan Xiaoyao was still in the Daxuan God Realm, so he didn't know about these things.And he has already left the third memory illusion, and entered the fourth memory illusion of the ruler Tuo Guangzhao.

The fourth level of illusion turned out to be an ancient alien battlefield, where Shangguan Xiaoyao can use about seven levels of strength in his heyday.It's just that the way to enter this memory illusion this time is indeed a little different, no longer as an outsider.

When Shangguan Xiaoyao opened his eyes, he had already become another person, but his name was still Tuo Guangzhao.And he woke up on the sickbed, and the first person he met was Xiaomu, the maid who was serving him.After Shangguan Xiaoyao woke up, he slapped the maid Xiaomu without showing any traces. After some inquiries and understanding, he temporarily figured out the current situation and what happened before.

In this ancient alien battlefield, there are two relatively large forces, one is called the Sky Alliance, and the other is the Earth Alliance.And Shangguan Xiaoyao was replaced by the leader of the Earth League, and he had just fought a battle with the people of the Sky League, but he was defeated, and then fell into a coma due to his injuries, until Shangguan Xiaoyao came to this memory illusion. middle.

As for the war between the Earth Alliance and the Heaven Alliance, it has been going on for a long time, and can even be traced back to a long time ago, and the more specific things are not too clear.But there are two points that I can't understand.

One is to fight for the territory of this world, and the other is to get the blessing of the Goddess of Heaven.As for what the Goddess of Heaven is and why she should be blessed by him, Shangguan Xiaoyao hasn't figured it out yet, and the maid Xiaomu doesn't seem to know about it either.

Anyway, the battle between the Sky League and the Earth League has never stopped before. In Shangguan Xiaoyao's view, this protracted war has never stopped at all.It can also be obtained from the mouth of the maid Xiaomu. From the time she was sensible, the war has continued until now, and before the maid Xiaomu was born, I don't know how long it lasted.It is a veritable meat grinder, and it is still a meat grinder that has never stopped.

From Tuo Guangzhao's memory fragments, Shangguan Xiaoyao didn't get any good answers, except for doubts and still doubts, and he never figured out why the Earth League and the Sky League kept fighting like this, and more importantly, where did they come from? People can support this continuous fight.

Is it impossible to kill people in wars?Of course it is impossible, as long as it is a war, there will be no undead.But in the case of people dying, why did the war continue and never stop? Where did so many people die?This question is also a big doubt, and there must be unknown secrets in it.

Where there is war, there will be soldiers, but where do these soldiers come from, and how do they fill the vacancies of those who have died, and then continue to fight non-stop.Shangguan Xiaoyao really wanted to figure out these things, but depending on the situation, there was no good chance at present.

The purpose of Shangguan Xiaoyao entering this memory illusion is to replace Tuo Guangzhao to re-understand the secrets of this world, and then carefully analyze what the war between the Earth League and the Sky League is for.

As for whether it is because of something, Shangguan Xiaoyao still has no way to determine it. He can only continue to stay in this world and dig deeper into this aspect, so that he may have some clues.

It's just that Shangguan Xiaoyao almost figured out a part of it during the next bedtime. He thought it was so difficult to investigate this matter before, but he didn't expect it to be done so easily.

In fact, the Earth League and the Sky League were once handed down by a pair of brothers, but because of certain things, the two brothers broke up with each other, and then the two brothers fought.But they still need to live, and it's not just the two of them who fight.

The forces they have built up over the years have actually started to fight each other, and they are fighting fiercely.Their respective forces didn't know what they were fighting for, let alone that they were two brothers fighting.When the two brothers wanted to stop, they couldn't stop.

In the end, they had no other choice. The two forces they created, the Heavenly Alliance and the Earthly Alliance, had accumulated deep grievances, and when they met, they would fight violently, as if they didn't know how to stop.In this way, starting from the two brothers, it has been passed down from generation to generation, except for beating.Everyone only knows in their memory that the Earth Alliance and the Heaven Alliance are deadly enemies, they must fight, and they are still the ones who will not give up, so no matter what the two sides are, they must continue to fight.

At this point, judging from the fact that this battle has continued until now and has formed a large-scale war, it really cannot be stopped just by saying it stops.Even if Shangguan Xiaoyao took action himself, there was nothing he could do.If it was not the seventh level of strength but the full strength when entering the fourth memory illusion before, Shangguan Xiaoyao might still have a try, but if Shangguan Xiaoyao can seize one of the chances...

This matter made Shangguan Xiaoyao very distressed, and this matter really depends on the timing.

In this illusion of memory, Shangguan Xiaoyao, that is, Tuo Guangzhao, began to plan in this ancient foreign battlefield-like world after recovering from his injuries.

In the end, the sky paid off, and Shangguan Xiaoyao was asked to stop the struggle between the Earth League and the Sky League.Although Shangguan Xiaoyao didn't know their other purpose, which is to get the blessing of the Goddess of Heaven, Shangguan Xiaoyao asked them to temporarily stop fighting for territory between the Earth League and the Sky League up.

But if you want them to stop completely, you must get the blessing of the Goddess of Heaven, and in this respect, they all insist on wanting it.

It's just that what Shangguan Xiaoyao and those members of the Earth League and Sky League didn't expect was that after they really stopped fighting and expressed their reconciliation as before, the Goddess of Heaven appeared directly.This made Shangguan Xiaoyao very overjoyed, he really didn't expect such a thing to happen, for him, he didn't know how much time he saved.

And the people from the Tianmeng and the Earthmeng who saw the Goddess of Heaven really appeared were much more excited than Shangguan Xiaoyao.You know, this is their dream all along.

Although Shangguan Xiaoyao didn't know whether the Goddess of Heaven was a human being or really a god, it didn't matter anymore. As long as Shangguan Xiaoyao completed these things, he could basically leave this illusion of memory.To be honest, Shangguan Xiaoyao really felt a little baffled by the test of this memory illusion.

It's not easy to say, if it's simple, Shangguan Xiaoyao won't worry about it before this thing happens.But if it's hard to say, the current situation is indeed full of comedy. You must know that Shangguan Xiaoyao is still worrying, and the matter has been resolved inexplicably.

And Shangguan Xiaoyao was watching there. The Goddess of Heaven explained a lot of truths to the people of the Earth League and the Heavenly League, some of which were similar to the big truth of "Brothers are of the same heart, and their benefits cut through gold". Shangguan Xiaoyao was beside him He just suppressed his smile after hearing this, after all, he is now Tuo Guangzhao in this world, not Shangguan Xiaoyao.

The moment the Goddess of Heaven appeared, the members of the Earth League and the Sky League had no intention of continuing.You must know that before the two brothers established the two forces of the Earth Alliance and the Heaven Alliance, and did not start fighting, the Goddess of Heaven has always existed and never disappeared.

But after the two brothers had a dispute, the Goddess of Heaven disappeared.It's just that they were ignored by the two brothers who were playing each other seriously at that time. By the time they found out, it was already too late, and the Goddess of Heaven had disappeared for no one knows how long.

At the same time, this is also one of the reasons why their fight became more serious. They both believed that it was the other party's reason that made the Goddess of Heaven disappear.It never occurred to them that such a thing happened because of their own fighting.

Until now, because the people of the Earth League and the Sky League stopped fighting each other and expressed their desire to reconcile as before, their Goddess of Heaven really reappeared.

Apart from contributing in key areas, Shangguan Xiaoyao seemed to be a theatergoer for the rest of the time.

(End of this chapter)

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