Reborn Killer Supreme

Chapter 229 Borrowing Palace

Chapter 229 Borrowing Palace

After stepping fifty feet above the sacred peak, the elixir that grows here is different. The elixir here is mostly bone-refining grass, and at the same time, there are hemolytic grass, iron grass, and some elixir that have a strong effect on the body. .

The Bone Refining Grass has been extinct in the outside world. Its medicinal effect is just like its name. It can temper the bones of the warrior and increase the physical strength of the warrior.

Pieces of bone-refining grass grow regularly at a distance of [-] to [-] feet from the Shenfeng Peak. Shangguan Xiaoyao picked enough elixir to allow his physical body to break through to the next stage, and immediately returned to Shenfeng [-]zhang Next to the palace.

Yu Ji and the others have already practiced "Body Refining Jue". Compared with directly applying the medicine juice on their bodies, they can absorb more medicinal properties by refining the medicinal properties in a medicine barrel, although the iron grass can only allow them to practice " The introductory chapter of "Body Refining Art", although the introductory chapter of cultivation is all about the power of unity, but the more medicinal properties absorbed, the better it will be for future development.

The power of one image is the fundamental power of the introductory chapter of "Body Refining Jue", and the power of one image is the pinnacle. Unless it is a person who is inherently endowed, this barrier of "power of one image" cannot be broken.

Lin Tiantian was happy that he had reabsorbed the medicinal properties of the iron grass, but Yu Ji, Shang Teng, and Zhou Wu were not at all happy. On the contrary, the expressions on their faces became particularly ugly.

Zhou Wu has a violent temper, and at this moment he has a gloomy face, and said viciously: "Damn it, when I leave here, I must make those guys look good!"

"It's over, it's over, it's really over, I'm dead, I'm dead!" Shang Teng's eyes were full of panic.

He said 'it's over' several times in his mouth, betraying his inner restlessness.

Yu Ji was even more ashamed, looked up at Shangguan Xiaoyao, tried to force a sweet smile, and said: "After all, I have followed the path of my predecessors, and now I can't even have any luck."

Lin Tiantian looked at the expressions of these three people, he was at a loss.But Shangguan Xiaoyao understood what they were talking about. These three guys were feeling desperate for accepting Wuya Wusheng's inheritance.

Although it was they who took the initiative to accept the inheritance and wanted to get rid of the predicament in front of them, after they really practiced the "Body Refining Formula", they still couldn't help feeling regret in their hearts.

The expression on Zhou Wu's face became more and more ugly, and he said angrily: "After I go out, I must use the emperor-level magic weapon to destroy all the monsters in this secret realm, and f*ck| save my strength, even if I die Here, I will drag those monsters to be buried with me!"

Shang Teng didn't speak, but his face was full of murderous intent.

But Yu Ji looked at Shangguan Xiaoyao and said, "Xiao Yao, you said that you look a little older, and you have a face in your twenties!"

Shangguan Xiaoyao didn't respond to Zhou Wu and Shang Teng's words, but he frowned when he heard Yu Ji's words, and simply said: "Okay, you are overthinking, since the inheritance has been inherited, write it down and work hard to improve it." Just yourself, don’t put too much pressure on yourself, many things may just be coincidences, it’s because you think too much.”

He didn't want to waste any thought on his children's personal relationship, so he chose to ignore Yu Ji's words.

Yuji's beautiful face was full of disappointment, hearing Shangguan Xiaoyao's words, forced a smile and said, "I hope we are overthinking."

Lin Tiantian was dumbfounded, wouldn't it be good to get the inheritance of Wuya Wusheng?Why do these three members of the imperial family look so mournful?

"What's the matter with you guys?" He is a casual cultivator from a humble background, and he happened to know the news of the opening of the secret realm of the Wuya Void Realm, so he rushed here immediately.He is not aware of the danger of Wuya Martial Saint's inheritance.

Hearing his inquiry, Zhou Wu and Shang Teng frowned and ignored him.

Yu Ji replied to him: "Obtaining the inheritance means that your life has entered the countdown."

"Ah?" Lin Tiantian looked at Yu Ji with a confused face: "Life is counting down?"

Before Yu Ji could answer again, Shangguan Xiaoyao said directly: "I told you, don't think too much!"

Afterwards, he brought the four of them directly to the fifty feet of Shenfeng Peak, and asked them to gather hemolytic grass and enter the palace to practice, while he unfolded his divine sense of the emperor to investigate the stones that appeared on Shenfeng Peak. order.

His imperial consciousness scanned the stone steps carefully, wanting to find the secret of the stone steps, but the stone steps can be viewed with the first glance of the divine sense. If you carefully examine it, there will be a power to isolate the spiritual sense immediately. It emanates from the stone steps, resisting the exploration of the soul.

"It seems that I can only continue to grow my physical body and follow the steps set by Wuya Martial Saint." Unable to explore the stone steps, Shangguan Xiaoyao simply stopped exploring and continued to pick bone refining grass.

Time passed quickly like running water, two hours later, Yu Ji and the others walked out of the palace, the melancholy on their faces became more intense.

But in other places of Shenfeng Peak, this palace located fifty feet east of Shenfeng Peak has become a landmark building, and many female warriors look at this palace with fascination.

They are fed up with the days when the human wall resists the eyes of male warriors, and now they only hope that they can also step into the palace and refine the elixir they have picked.

A large group of female warriors united together and dragged a mighty team to the side of the [-]-foot palace on the Shenfeng Peak.

Yuji and the others had just walked out of the palace. Looking at the group of female warriors who came over, she frowned and asked, "Why are you here?"

"I'm looking for Xiao Yao, and I want to borrow the palace." It was a beautiful woman who spoke. She was very concerned about the palace, because there were vessels for refining elixir inside, and it could also block the gazes of male warriors around.

"We want to borrow the palace, please inform Xiao Yao."

"We need a place to hide, please do me a favor."

This group of female warriors chattered with each other, making the surroundings of the palace immediately noisy.

Hearing these voices around her, Ji Yu suddenly became indifferent, and said, "The palace is a private mansion. You and Xiao Yao have nothing to do with each other. Why should I lend you the palace?"

Hearing Yu Ji's words, the group of female warriors immediately fell silent. Some of them were also dissatisfied with these royal family members from the empire. If they didn't see that Yu Ji and the others had defected to Shangguan Xiaoyao, some of them might unite Shoot them.

The palace belongs to Shang Teng, and now it belongs to Shangguan Xiaoyao, so no one has the right to decide except Shangguan Xiaoyao.

Shang Teng looked at these female warriors around him, and most of them were beautiful. If in the past, there were such a group of female warriors who came to him to borrow the palace, he would definitely accept it, but now he dare not let this group of people step in at will. In the palace, after all, this palace no longer belongs to him.

At this moment, Shangguan Xiaoyao came down from the Shenfeng Peak fifty feet above, and he collected enough elixir for him to practice the next stage of "Body Refining Art".

Seeing more than 100 female warriors surrounding the palace, he glanced at the crowd and said slowly, "What are you planning to do?"

A woman who looked to be about seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing two braids and wearing a white dress, stood out from the crowd. She bounced to Shangguan Xiaoyao's side, a pair of beautiful Blinking his big eyes, revealing a pitiful expression, he said to Shangguan Xiaoyao: "Xiao Yao, I am Ling Xiaoxiao from the Linglong Kingdom, and I would like to borrow your palace. Please forgive me for disturbing you."

After Ling Xiaoxiao's voice fell, other female warriors also spoke one after another, asking to borrow his palace.

Looking at the more than 100 women in front of him, as well as those female warriors paying attention to this place in the distance, Shangguan Xiaoyao felt speechless for a while.

Of course he knew the reason why these women wanted to borrow the palace, it was because some male warriors with ulterior motives were not of good quality, even in the case of forming a human wall, these guys would use local materials This kind of material is made into something like a 'telescope' to hide and peek at them.

Although warriors who have cultivated to the Void Realm can control their lust, there are always some wretched guys who have a soft spot for things like 'peeping'.

Ling Xiaoxiao and the others just discovered that someone was peeping, so they came to ask Xiao Yao to borrow the palace.

"Xiao Yao, can you help us?" Ling Xiaoxiao saw that Shangguan Xiaoyao didn't speak, her big beautiful eyes were already filled with tears. It seemed that if Shangguan Xiaoyao didn't agree to her request, she would directly Wept in front of him.

Shangguan Xiaoyao, who hated women's tears the most, only felt his head grow up for a while. With a wave of his hand, he took out three palaces from the space rings of Xia Quan, Zhou Wu and Yu Ji respectively, placed the palaces at a distance of fifty feet, and then He said to them: "That's all there is in the palace, those who want to practice, hurry up."

"Hee hee, thank you so much, Xiao Yao, you are such a good person." Ling Xiaoxiao danced happily when she saw the three palaces placed side by side.

When she turned around and was about to enter the palace, she paused again, turned her head and smiled sweetly at Shangguan Xiaoyao, showing two cute little canine teeth, and then returned to Shangguan Xiaoyao's side, gently kissing his cheek After kissing him, he smiled and said, "Thank you very much."

After finishing these things, she quickly walked towards the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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