Reborn Killer Supreme

Chapter 298 Disciple of the Holy One

Chapter 298 Disciple of the Holy One
Like those spirits of Yuanli, this person is also composed of Yuanli all over his body, but the Yuanli in his body is extremely dense.Shangguan Xiaoyao was very sure that if he could absorb all the energy in this guy, it would be enough to raise his cultivation base from the current fourth level of the King Realm to the ninth level of the King Realm, and it would not be surprising that he would even break through to the Emperor Realm in one fell swoop.

"Greed is the original sin of human beings. Martial Sage Wuya stipulates that everyone who enters here can only practice one kind of kung fu. No matter how good or bad the kung fu is, once you have practiced it, you can no longer practice other kung fu. If you don't follow the rules The implementation of this rule will be directly obliterated by the Yuanli elves."

Speaking of this, he sighed again, and then continued: "But I didn't expect that there would be such a genius among you, who could kill millions of Yuanli elves in the king's realm without using any magic weapons. Since the opening of this secret realm, there has never been such a character!"

Shangguan Xiaoyao immediately laughed when he heard the words, and at the same time, his imperial consciousness directly pressed towards the figure above the sky at this moment, and the invisible soul attack exploded with shocking power, although everyone couldn't see the soul attack , but one can see that the void is rapidly distorting, starting from Shangguan Xiaoyao's body, and spreading towards the figure above the sky.

This process took only a moment, when Shangguan Xiaoyao's consciousness landed on the figure above the sky, it immediately sealed the energy of his whole body, directly suppressing his body so that he couldn't move!
He looked at Shangguan Xiaoyao in horror, felt the power of the soul appearing on his body, wanted to resist, but found that he could not break free from the shackles of the power of spiritual consciousness!

Immediately afterwards, his body flew directly towards Shangguan Xiaoyao, and it was Shangguan Xiaoyao who used the power of his spiritual consciousness as a pull to pull his body in front of him!
Without waiting for the figure to speak, Shangguan Xiaoyao directly transmitted the sound transmission: "What kind of tricks Wuya Martial Saint has left here?"

"How is it possible? How did you do it? I am the Yuanli Elf King of the Ninth Layer of the Imperial Realm. I am the only ruler here. How could you take me down?" said the Yuanli Elf King in disbelief.

The ninth level of the imperial realm is the limit of the power contained in this secret realm. They are not qualified to break through to the imperial realm at all, because there is suppressive power here, and they are not allowed to break through directly in this secret realm.

However, as a Yuanli Spirit of the Ninth Layer of the Imperial Realm, as the supreme king in this Yuanli Palace, he fell into the hands of a warrior who stepped into this secret realm of Void Realm!
It tried its best, but it couldn't get rid of the soul power that Shangguan Xiaoyao had exerted on it!
What it said did not use sound transmission means, and the others were stunned on the spot when they heard these words!

The Ninth Layer of the Imperial Realm!

Almost everyone who stepped into this Yuanli Palace had imperial-level influence as their background, but the imperial-level influence behind many of them did not have warriors of the ninth level of the imperial realm at all!
But now a Yuanli spirit of the ninth level of the imperial realm was directly captured by Shangguan Xiaoyao. How tyrannical is this Shangguan Xiaoyao?
"Impossible, I must have misheard, how could Xiao Yao be so tyrannical?"

"It's not impossible. According to some anecdotal records, the Martial Saint of the Holy Land stepped into this secret realm with a soul possession. Maybe this Xiao Yao is also such a great power!"

"Impossible, there are records in our Qing Dynasty that there was indeed a martial sage who used the method of soul possession to step into this secret realm, but the moment he entered the secret realm, the martial sage left behind by Wuya The saint's soul has been destroyed, so how could it be possible for Xiao Yao to be attached to him by the spirit of Wu Sheng and enter here?"

"Quiet, martial saints are also divided into strengths and weaknesses, perhaps, he is the ultimate martial saint from the world of martial arts!"


After hearing the words of the Yuanli Elf King, a group of warriors immediately began to discuss the specific cultivation of Shangguan Xiaoyao. They were all shocked. It's something they can't imagine!

Shangguan Xiaoyao was never afraid of exposing his cultivation in this secret realm, because everyone's sea of ​​consciousness had been planted with a ray of spiritual power, which was a means from Wuya Wusheng. Sanctuary dictates that they will all die.

And judging from the danger level of the secret realm, even if there are more than [-] warriors who come to this Yuanli Palace, it is difficult for anyone to safely evacuate from the secret realm.After all, there is no danger ahead, and I believe that the danger ahead is more powerful and terrifying than the danger here.

At this moment, everyone was shocked by Shangguan Xiaoyao's terrifying strength, so that they all speculated whether he was possessed by the soul of a martial sage on this man named 'Xiao Yao'. To the secret of this secret place.

Even though Qing Jing had already told everyone that the conjecture that Shangguan Xiaoyao was "possessed by a martial sage" was completely unfounded, few people believed it.

After all, the Yuanli Elf King of the Ninth Layer of the Imperial Realm was directly suppressed in front of Shangguan Xiaoyao, which is enough to explain a lot of problems.

For a moment, all the warriors looked at Shangguan Xiaoyao with even more awe. In their eyes, Shangguan Xiaoyao is a "martial saint", and he is one of the most powerful men standing at the pinnacle of the martial arts world today, worthy of their hearts awe.

At this moment, Shangguan Xiaoyao didn't have the mind to pay attention to the thoughts of other warriors. He set his eyes on the Yuanli Elf King, and asked again through voice transmission: "The golden figure of the Wuya Martial Saint at the door, and the one who used to be in the Yuanli Palace?" The big golden faces that appeared, do you know their origins?"

"That's Wuya Martial Sage. They are all strands of consciousness split by Wuya Martial Sage. They are responsible for guarding the important inheritance place in this secret realm, and at the same time pointing the way for future generations who step into the inheritance place." The Yuanli Elf King didn't dare to resist in the slightest. Although he was horrified, Shangguan Xiaoyao's question had to be answered honestly through voice transmission.

Shangguan Xiaoyao looked at the Yuanli Elf King. Since he knew the origin of the golden figure outside the Yuanli Palace, he might also know the origin of the golden light in his sea of ​​consciousness. At the same time, he also had a doubt in his heart. Consciousness, is it possible that the Yuanli elves in the King Realm can produce consciousness when they break through to the King Realm?
The Yuanli Elf King at the ninth level of the Emperor Realm in front of him is as intelligent as a human being, and he also has a fear of death. This is really different from those Yuanli Elf who are only for warriors to kill and hunt warriors.

Shangguan Xiaoyao had doubts in his heart, so he asked tentatively through sound transmission: "Is there a way to get rid of the methods used by the golden figure outside to stay in the warrior's body?"

Yuanli Elf King was at a loss when he heard the words, how could he know the methods left by Wuya Martial Saint?

The bewilderment on its face made Shangguan Xiaoyao's heart sink. The golden light dots like stars in the sea of ​​consciousness made him feel unusual. If he didn't get rid of it, there might be a big crisis waiting for him in the future.

But where is the means of expulsion?

He didn't know how to deal with Wuya Wusheng's methods left in his sea of ​​consciousness, and the Yuanli Elf King in front of him didn't know either, so Shangguan Xiaoyao was helpless immediately.

The longer the time drags on, the more unfavorable it will be for me. Although the golden light spots in the sea of ​​consciousness are only dotted in the sea of ​​consciousness and have not moved closer to my emperor's soul, there is still a potential crisis, which must be eliminated as soon as possible.

He couldn't figure out what to do, so he simply put aside other thoughts in his mind, and asked through sound transmission: "Are you the most powerful Yuanli elf in this Yuanli Palace?"

"Yes." The Yuanli Elf King didn't dare to hide anything, and now it fell into the hands of Shangguan Xiaoyao, which made him feel the danger of death, but he didn't want to die, so he explained to Shangguan Xiaoyao through voice transmission: "I am The king of the Yuanli elves, I can command all the Yuanli elves, please don’t kill me, I will let them hand over all the jade cards in their bodies to you, in many Yuanli elves, there is even a "record" Word-level kung fu jade cards. These kung fu jade cards are extremely powerful combat skills, and they are all unique copies in today's martial arts world. These things are important treasures for you warriors!"

However, Shangguan Xiaoyao immediately laughed when he heard what the Yuanli Spirit King said.

His smile fell into the eyes of the Yuanli Elf King, it was no different from the devil's smile, and he only felt deep fear.

"You...what are you laughing at?" Yuanli Elf King tried to break through the blockade of Shangguan Xiaoyao's spiritual consciousness while speaking, but it was useless. Could the spirit king with nine layers of attack and a single elemental force be able to break through?
"Hehe, you are just a spirit of Yuanli condensed from Yuanli, how can you know so many things?" When the King of Yuanli appeared in front of him, Shangguan Xiaoyao began to doubt the origin of this guy .Because compared to other Yuanli elves, this guy's strength is really outrageous, which made him feel abnormal.

"I've been here for too long. I've stayed here since I appeared in this secret realm. Naturally I know these things!" Yuanli Elf King tried to explain, but Shangguan Xiaoyao directly used the tyrannical Emperor Realm double god Consciousness formed a sharp knife and slashed towards the Yuanli elf.

Sensing the threat of death, the Yuanli Elf King despaired, and immediately roared angrily: "I am Shentu Fumo, the third disciple of the Nether Lord, how dare you kill me directly?"

These words did not pass through any spiritual consciousness, and the martial artist who heard these words was instantly shocked and speechless!
The Nether Lord is a warrior in the holy realm, a martial saint, also known as the Holy Lord!
The "Original Force Elf King" in everyone's eyes turned out to be the apprentice of the Nether Lord!
This news is even more explosive than Shangguan Xiaoyao's suppression of the emperor's realm with the king's realm!
(End of this chapter)

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