Reborn Killer Supreme

Chapter 312 Soul Attack Formation?

Chapter 312 Soul Attack Formation?

As time passed, the warriors who appeared in the birthplace of this soul space also began to walk in all directions. Except for Lin Tiantian, Yu Ji and Zhou Wu, the other warriors chose to leave in a different direction from Shangguan Xiaoyao.

They dare not walk with Shangguan Xiaoyao, after all, it is a 'Warrior Sage', and they have all seen that wherever Shangguan Xiaoyao passed, even the seedlings with soul medicines were picked, and Shangguan Xiaoyao walked away There will be no gains in the road that has been passed.

As soon as Lin Tiantian, Yu Ji, and Zhou Wu stepped into the fifty miles, they suffered a soul attack. The invisible and invisible soul attack suddenly rushed over. If the three of them were not careful, they were directly hit and were hit by the soul attack. I feel like I have a splitting headache.

Zhou Wu's face was pale, and he said angrily: "Damn, why is there still a soul attack?"

Yu Ji directly took out a bright red cloak from her interspatial ring, put it on her body, and said to Zhou Wu: "Soul attack is the most troublesome, let's take out the hole cards and walk over together defending!"

Lin Tiantian was dumbfounded when he saw Zhou Wu and Yu Ji took out treasures that could defend against soul attacks.

He doesn't have any defensive treasures that can resist soul attacks!

He came from a grassroots background, and he was in no way comparable to Zhou Wu and Yu Ji, two members of the royal family from the empire. Under such a weird soul attack, how could he resist it?

"Zhou Wu, Yu Ji, help me!" He had a flattering look on his face. If he didn't ask Zhou Wu and Yu Ji for help at this time, and let the invisible and invisible spirits attack and kill him, he would only have a dead end!
Without saying a word, Zhou Wu directly took out a wristband from his space ring and handed it to Lin Tiantian, saying: "This thing can resist the attack of the soul below the emperor's realm, it is very precious, when you catch up with Boss Xiao Yao, Remember to pay me back."

Yu Ji heard this, she despised Zhou Wu and said, "Tch, Zhou Wu, when did you become so stingy? It's just an emperor-level magic weapon. As you, you send it out and you have to take it back?"

Zhou Wu didn't care either, and said, "This is a secret realm after all, who knows what dangers there are inside? I'm not doing it just to be on the safe side."

Yu Ji stopped talking, but she still looked at Zhou Wu with contempt.

But Lin Tiantian interjected at this moment: "Let's move forward quickly, as long as we keep up with Boss Xiao Yao's pace, we will not be in danger."

Zhou Wu and Yu Ji also knew this truth, but now that Shangguan Xiaoyao had gone far, it was somewhat difficult to catch up with him.Because even if they have treasures to resist the soul attacks around them, Shangguan Xiaoyao is a "martial saint", and those soul attacks can't cause any harm to him at all, so according to his footsteps, he should have walked a long way at this moment. Far.

Shangguan Xiaoyao didn't go far. At this time, he came to a hundred miles away from where they appeared. Walking here, the soul attack has been strengthened. At this moment, the soul attack is at least the level of the fifth level of the king, and the strongest soul The attack has reached the ninth level of the King Realm.

The soul attack of the Ninth Level of the King Realm would naturally not cause harm to Shangguan Xiaoyao, but it made him understand that the strength of this soul attack formation was also progressive.

What makes him a little puzzled is that at this moment, he has not found where the base of the soul attack formation is. If he wants to collect the treasures that can send out soul attacks, he must first destroy the base of the formation before he can collect them.

"The formation of the soul attacking the space, shouldn't it cover the entire soul space?" Shangguan Xiaoyao frowned, and had this guess in his heart. After all, his emperor's soul did not find the formation base, which is enough to prove this. The soul attack formation covers an exceptionally wide area. I am afraid that only at the core of the formation can one find the foundation of the formation.

"Boss Xiao Yao, wait for us, Boss Xiao Yao, help!" Just as Shangguan Xiaoyao was thinking about whether to quickly go to the core of the soul space to find the abnormality, a voice came over.

It was Zhou Wu's voice. The more the three of them moved towards the east, the more they felt that the soul attack in this soul space was difficult to deal with.

They don't know where those soul attacks come from, but the deeper they go, the more they can find that the power of the soul attacks from the surroundings is increasing. If it weren't for the emperor-level magic armor, they wouldn't have I know how many times I have died.

If this is the case, the energy in the defensive magic weapon is about to be exhausted. Although Zhou Wu and Yu Ji do not lack soul defense treasures for the time being, it is not a solution to bear the soul attack all the time.

So Zhou Wu asked for help directly at this moment, wanting Shangguan Xiaoyao to come and help him.

Shangguan Xiaoyao responded: "I'm a hundred miles ahead of you, come here quickly!"

The response came to Zhou Wu's ears, he looked happy, and said to Yu Ji and Lin Tiantian: "Boss Xiao Yao is ahead, let's move forward quickly, ignore these soul attacks."

They didn't pick the soul elixir, because there was no soul elixir for them to pick.

However, Shangguan Xiaoyao was not far away from them at this time, a distance of one hundred miles from them, although they could not use Yuanli, but relying on the power of their souls, they could reach the ultimate speed.

After only a short while, several people came to Shangguan Xiaoyao, Shangguan Xiaoyao saw the soul defense treasures on them, and said with a smile: "Not bad, it seems that you have not suffered any fatal attacks along the way. "

Seeing the smile on Shangguan Xiaoyao's face, Zhou Wu said bitterly, "Oh, Boss Xiao Yao, if we didn't have this soul defense treasure, we would have died countless times."

Yu Ji asked: "Boss Xiao Yao, what did you discover along the way? Where did these soul attacks come from?"

Shangguan Xiaoyao didn't answer. He just guessed that there is a formation in this soul space, and there is infinite soul power borrowed from some treasures. It may be difficult to break the soul defense in this soul space.After all, where is the core of this soul attack formation? With the divine sense of the emperor, he couldn't find it. This soul space seems to have no end. With his soul strength, he still can't detect the edge of this soul space. .

"What did you discover after practicing "Calling the Nerve"?" Shangguan Xiaoyao asked without answering.

Although "Calling the Nerve" was imprinted in his mind, Shangguan Xiaoyao didn't practice it because he thought it was too unusual.On the surface, the so-called "summoning God" can summon the spirit of war wandering between heaven and earth to fight for him, but according to Shangguan Xiaoyao's bold speculation, the real function is probably to awaken the "Wuya Wusheng" God.

Wuya Martial Sage has fallen, this is inevitable, if he hadn't fallen, he would not have left so many top-level inheritances in his secret realm, and everyone's inheritance of skills is the same. It is enough to illustrate the problem.

Coupled with the many dangers in this secret realm, Shangguan Xiaoyao can be sure that Wuya Martial Saint must have fallen, otherwise, how could he leave so many tricks in this secret realm?

Hearing Shangguan Xiaoyao's question, Zhou Wu smiled and said: "The "Calling the Nerve" left by the Wuya Martial Saint is against the sky. Although our Yuanli is suppressed here, our soul can be used. But after practicing After "Calling the Nerve", the soul can directly break through the boundaries of the current realm, and my current soul strength has reached the second level of the king realm."

Speaking of this, Zhou Wu's face revealed another hint of melancholy, and he said: "According to Wuya Wusheng's urinating nature, it is impossible for him to truly selflessly put the inheritance here, Boss Xiao Yao, you said that after we go out, we will be as good as before." People like that, will die inexplicably in a short period of time?"

Yu Ji didn't speak, Zhou Wu's words were also what she wanted to ask at this time, and now she was also worried that she would die directly after going out.

Because the predecessors were like this, after obtaining the inheritance, even if they successfully walked out of this secret realm, an inexplicable curse would be imposed on them, and at a specific time, they would directly explode and die.

Inheritance is a trap, and now she only hopes that Shangguan Xiaoyao, the 'Warrior Saint', can dissolve the curse in their bodies.

Lin Tiantian has been walking with Yu Ji and Zhou Wu for so long, and he also knows that some inheritances in this secret realm are huge pits, but for him, whether it is a huge pit or a real inheritance, as long as he walks out, The first thing is to avenge the family, as long as the enemy is killed, so what if he dies?

Therefore, he was extraordinarily serious when practicing "Calling the Nerve", and directly raised the strength of his soul to the third level of the King Realm in a short period of time.

"I have cultivated to the third level of the King Realm, but I haven't found any problems with this inheritance." Lin Tiantian shook his head, and then said: "Master, you should check my body, maybe I can't see the problem, thanks to your wisdom Under Shenwu's detection, abnormalities can be found."

Hearing Lin Tiantian's words, Shangguan Xiaoyao smiled, and the emperor's consciousness immediately invaded Lin Tiantian's body, checking his spirit.

When his consciousness fell into Lin Tiantian's sea of ​​consciousness, he didn't find anything abnormal.He inspected carefully, aiming at Lin Tiantian's soul to check, the Emperor Realm soul penetrated directly through his soul, wanting to see if there was anything unusual, but unfortunately, nothing was found.

"That's right, the strength of my soul is only at the second level of the emperor realm. In the past, there were warriors who walked out of the secret realm. Even the warriors of the holy realm couldn't find out what was abnormal in their souls. How could I find out the abnormalities in their souls? "

Shangguan Xiaoyao withdrew his consciousness and asked, "What did you discover?"

"Just like the introduction of "Summoning Nerves", I feel that now I can summon some battle spirits around the third level of the King Realm to fight for me." After finishing speaking, Lin Tiantian directly began to demonstrate. He ran "Summoning Nerves" with a mysterious breath Immediately emanate from his body.

Immediately afterwards, a gray phantom figure appeared in front of him. That phantom figure seemed to be just an image, without any attack power.

Shangguan Xiaoyao said, "Try attacking me." He wanted to see how powerful the gray phantom that Lin Tiantian condensed had.

(End of this chapter)

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