Reborn Killer Supreme

Chapter 328 Xiaoyao Inn, famous all over the world

Chapter 328 Xiaoyao Inn, famous all over the world (1)

Seven days passed in a flash, and Shangguan Xiaoyao and the others finally rushed back to the Great Chu Kingdom after going through the Nu River and passing through many small kingdoms for seven days.

Entering the territory of the Great Chu Kingdom, rotting corpses can be seen everywhere, almost all of them come from ordinary people. The true cruelty is vividly displayed. The peaceful and peaceful village in the past has completely turned into a dead place.

Wherever Shangguan Xiaoyao and the others went, they did not see a complete place, slaughtered villages, towns, and cities, but any city that Di Rong Kingdom soldiers attacked would be directly slaughtered. The bloody and cruel methods made Shangguan Xiaoyao angry. .

In the last life, Shangguan Xiaoyao was the monarch of the Han Dynasty. If there was a war between the vassal states under his jurisdiction, he would mediate most of the time, but he would ignore it most of the time.

Just like the Dirong Kingdom and the Great Chu Kingdom, the two are feuds, and the contradiction between them cannot be adjusted at all. The contradiction that can only be resolved if you die or die, those in power will only choose to acquiesce between the two with the strength of their own country. It's a showdown.

But now Shangguan Xiaoyao is angry. They took a small road, bypassing the necessary place of the Dirong Kingdom and returning to the Great Chu Kingdom, but even their current remote location was attacked by the Dirong Kingdom. He was directly slaughtered in the village. How could Shangguan Xiaoyao endure such a thing?
"Kingdom of Dirong!" At this moment, Shangguan Xiaoyao had already sentenced the Kingdom of Dirong to death.

Judging from the corpses he has seen so far, some of the corpses of children are still included. Before starting, they all had a happy family with loving parents!

However, with the invasion of Di Rong Kingdom, they all became victims of the war. The corpses of civilians and officers and soldiers were placed in a mess, and the rancid smell filled the world, making this place look like a hell on earth.

Women, children and children were not spared. The soldiers of the Kingdom of Dirong were completely inhumane!
Shangguan Xiaoyao was reborn in this life, established the Xiaoyao Inn, and turned into a killer leader, but he has not been completely reduced to a killing machine that destroys humanity, so there is a rule of "three don't kill".

If so, the Xiaoyao Inn is now in the territory of the Great Chu Kingdom, and it has also developed into a frightening force!

But because of the existence of the "three don't kill" rule, although it is frightening, most of those who are afraid of the Xiaoyao Inn are villains full of crimes!
Now the Kingdom of Di Rong has invaded the Kingdom of Great Chu, even women, children and children are not spared, making Shangguan Xiaoyao's heart boil with murderous intent.

As the monarch of the Han Dynasty in his previous life, he knew how to protect the happiness and stability of the people under his rule. In the battle in the kingdom before him, such a cruel thing happened, which made him wish to destroy the Di Rong Kingdom immediately!

"The Han Dynasty has a commandment. In the war between the kingdoms, it is not allowed to attack civilians. The Di Rong Kingdom attacked the Chu Kingdom, even women and children. If the Han Dynasty knows this news, how will it deal with it?" Shangguan Xiaoyao faced asked expressionlessly.

When Xiong Feiyun and Xiong Feiyang heard the words, they couldn't help showing a wry smile on their faces.

Xiong Feiyun sighed and said: "Although the Great Han Dynasty has a decree, it is just a dead letter. Conquests between kingdoms happen every year. There are too many such massacres of civilians. Just find any reason to cover it up. No One will avenge the dead."

"Let's go." Hearing this answer, Shangguan Xiaoyao was slightly silent, then sighed, and Yukong flew towards the imperial city of the Great Chu Kingdom.

What I saw along the way was like a purgatory on earth. All the places invaded by the Kingdom of Dijon were left with dead silence. Only the corpses bitten by mosquitoes and vultures exuded a strong stench, which fully demonstrated the cruelty of war.

Shangguan Xiaoyao has become numb to everything he saw, but there is endless killing intent rushing out of his heart, even the few people who walked with him all the way backed back a few steps involuntarily, afraid of being killed by him. It is intended to be affected.

"Brother Xiao Yao, what's the matter?" Xiong Feiyun didn't understand why Shangguan Xiaoyao had such a strong killing intent, and the slightest traces of killing intent seemed to take shape. Even when he was walking behind him, he could feel I was enveloped by an icy breath.

At this moment, he fully understands that he and Shangguan Xiaoyao will be people from two different worlds, maybe there is still intersection now, but in the future, Shangguan Xiaoyao will only become stronger and stronger, and he will not even be able to see each other's back in the end .

Xiong Feiyang also had the same thought in his heart. Recalling the battle for Tianjiao in the Great Chu Kingdom, he still had the confidence to challenge Shangguan Xiaoyao, but now?Not to mention challenging, even standing in front of him, I couldn't bear the strong killing intent brought by him.

Xiahou Shihu stared at Shangguan Xiaoyao solemnly. Even though he knew that Shangguan Xiaoyao had become king, he still felt a little unbelievable. With his natural fighting body, he directly cultivated to the fourth level of the virtual realm, but compared with Shangguan Xiaoyao at this moment, Many gaps were found.

You know, in less than a year, the speed of upgrading from the first level of the virtual world to the fourth level of the virtual world has already surpassed many geniuses!

Time is like water, before you know it, it has slipped away from your fingertips.

It only took one day for Shangguan Xiaoyao and his party to travel from the border of the Great Chu Kingdom to Cangmo City.

Cangmo City, although it bears the word 'Mo', is not a remote place like a desert. On the contrary, Cangmo City is only [-] kilometers away from the Wangcheng, and this Cangmo City is currently suffering from the Dirong Kingdom. Onslaught.

Cangmo City, which was as prosperous as a capital in the past, was unable to withstand the attack from the Dirong Kingdom after all under the pressure of the army of the Dirong Kingdom.

At this moment, the sergeants of the Great Chu Kingdom formed a long dragon, blocking Cangmo City from the attack of the army of the Dirong Kingdom.But this time, among the warriors from the Kingdom of Dirong who took the lead in attacking Cangmo City, there are at least ten warriors who have reached the king state, because these ten warriors are flying in the front, and they are directing the soldiers of the Kingdom of Dirong to attack Cangmo. The guards in the city.

Along the way, Shangguan Xiaoyao has seen too many tragic scenes in the world. At this moment, he also understands why Xiong Qingfeng asked him for help, because the current Great Chu Kingdom, I am afraid that only the imperial city is left, and the cities around the imperial city are still intact. was breached.

It is only a matter of time before the Great Chu Kingdom is breached. Judging from the current situation, even Cangmo City, which is only [-] kilometers away from the imperial city, has been attacked. Is it still far before the imperial city is breached?

Looking at the battle in Cangmo City, Xiahou Shihu said with emotion: "No wonder we didn't see any soldiers from the Di Rong Kingdom on the way. It turns out that they have already attacked Cangmo City."

"This time, the Kingdom of Dirong really intends to kill the Kingdom of Great Chu. Everywhere it goes, it must slaughter the city and leave no soldiers to collect it as the captured city. This is a determined plan to destroy the Kingdom of Chu. Ah!" Xiong Feiyun had a sad face, the once mighty Great Chu Kingdom had been reduced to the point where it was almost destroyed?

Looking at the battle of millions of soldiers in front of the gate of Cangmo City, every impact of the military formation will inevitably take away the lives of warriors. There were casualties, but they looked like monsters who were not afraid of pain.

On the other hand, the sergeants of the Great Chu Kingdom, under every attack, there are always some sergeants in the rear who want to escape, and what’s more, even some sergeants such as ten commanders and centurion commanders are taking the lead in fleeing. The victory or defeat can be seen from the momentum of the two armies.

Just when the sergeants of the two armies were fighting, a burly man wearing an animal skin and flying in the sky directly shouted in his rough voice: "Palace Master Cangmo, don't be stubborn, you guys! The king of the country has given up this Cangmo City, and you are still guarding here, is it interesting?"

Cangmo Mansion Master Mo Wentian heard the words, and roared angrily: "Tiege Di Rong, even if I die in battle, I will not be that covetous person who abandons the city and ignores death! The means of your Di Rong Kingdom are really serious. Vicious, directly massacres the city wherever he passes, even women, children, old and young are not spared, such a cruel behavior completely violates the precepts of the Han Dynasty, are you not afraid of the Han Dynasty's direct accusation?"

The brawny man smiled disdainfully and said, "Ask for crimes? This is not something you should care about! You should care about your family. Now that you are resisting us like this, have you thought about what will happen to your family after your Cangmo City is destroyed?" What will it be like? Don't say they are dead at that time, I will let them know that death is a relief for them!"

Mo Wentian naturally knew the ferocity of the soldiers of the Di Rong Kingdom, and also understood the ruthlessness of the man in front of him.

The name of the strong man wearing animal skin in front of him is Lang Yintian, and he is the younger brother of the current king of the Dirong Kingdom, Duojibu. He is brave and good at fighting, and his cultivation is already at the sixth level of the King Realm.The methods are even more cruel, even Mo Wentian, the lord of Cangmo City at the third level of King Realm, couldn't help being shocked when he saw Lang Yintian's methods.

But Cangmo City is the place where their Mo family has taken root for generations. Most people in the city have the blood of the Mo family flowing in their bodies. Ancestors?
At this moment, the flying figure of Mo Wentian looked particularly bleak. Among the soldiers of the Dirong Kingdom, there were ten King Realm warriors, but he was the only King Realm warrior in the defense of Cangmo City.

He was suspended in the sky, looking at the sergeants below who retreated without a fight, his face was full of death.

He knew that his Cangmo City was doomed, but when faced with a battle, his subordinates actually retreated without fighting, which still made him feel ashamed.

Although half of the million defenders in Cangmo City were improvised, their families are still in Cangmo City!It is precisely because their family members are in Cangmo City that they are willing to work together to resist the attack of Dirong Kingdom.

It's a pity that after seeing the power of Dirong Kingdom's army, many people fled without fighting, and only the original regular army in Cangmo City remained here to fight to the death. despair?
(End of this chapter)

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