Reborn Killer Supreme

Chapter 358 The Shock of the Dark Night

Chapter 358 The Shock of the Dark Night

The rickety man was shameless, although his face was in severe pain, but he heard Shangguan Xiaoyao's question very clearly.

Death or Surrender?

For Shameless, this question does not need to be considered at all.

He wants to live.

Enduring the severe pain, he knelt tremblingly on the ground. In order to suppress the pain on his face, his nails had dug deep into the flesh of his palm, and traces of blood dripped down his proud fingers. on the ground.

With a hoarse voice, he said in a trembling voice: "I am willing to surrender to my master, and I will go through fire and water for my master, and I will do whatever I want."

Shangguan Xiaoyao didn't bother to talk nonsense with him anymore, with a wave of his arm, a mighty soul power spread out, directly capturing the other two assassins who were trying to escape, and brought him in front of him.

"You have heard the question I asked him just now, surrender or die?" Before they could answer, Shangguan Xiaoyao said coldly again: "Don't blame me for not telling you, I am very impatient now."

The two assassins looked at each other, knelt down on one knee at the same time, cupped their hands and said, "We are willing to surrender to our master."

Shangguan Xiaoyao nodded and said, "Relax your mind, I will cast the slave mark."

Even if they use their soul power to resist, it is not too difficult to plant a slave mark in front of Shangguan Xiaoyao Emperor's second-level soul.However, it is better not to bother, these three assassins have no intention of resisting at all, so they naturally let go of their hearts and let Shangguan Xiaoyao apply the seal.

With a flick of Shangguan Xiaoyao's finger, three bloody marks landed between their eyebrows, and then directly branded into the depths of their souls through the skin and bones.From now on, they are no longer the fearsome night gold medal killers, but have become Shangguan Xiaoyao's most loyal subordinates, unable to resist for life.

With a flash of his figure, Shangguan Xiaoyao had already brought three newly recruited men before Feng Wen et al.

"Greetings to the emperor!" Feng Wenxiang withdrew the formation, and ten people saluted Shangguan Xiaoyao respectfully.

Shangguan Xiaoyao waved his hand casually: "There is no need to be polite, Feng Wenxiang, your family members are not safe in the secret room. The assassins of the Dark Night Organization have countless ways to use them to threaten you. You should arrange immediately to send them to a safe place. Afterwards, I will set up a layer of soul barriers in their hiding places, as long as there are no masters from the Emperor Realm, I will definitely not find their traces."

Feng Wenxiang pondered for a moment, then cupped his hands and said, "My lord, why can't you set up a soul barrier outside the secret room? If so, even those assassins will not be able to detect it."

"Do I need to explain to you my decision?" Shangguan Xiaoyao snorted coldly.

Feng Wenxiang was his most loyal courtier and friend in his previous life, and he never questioned Shangguan Xiaoyao's decision.However, Feng Wenxiang didn't know his real identity now, so he asked rashly.

Shangguan Xiaoyao obviously also considered this point, shook his head and said: "The soul barrier is not omnipotent. Although the emperor's soul barrier is powerful, there are still many ways to break through the soul barrier. Maybe you don't know about such means, but it doesn't mean doesn't exist."

He took a deep look at Feng Wenxiang: "I am willing to protect you, and naturally I will not put the relatives you care about most in danger."

After finishing speaking, his Emperor Realm soul spread out, searching around the Grand Master's Mansion in an instant.

"Now that there are no members of the Dark Night Organization nearby, you evacuate them as soon as possible. Except for the soul barrier, I will let the three of them be responsible for keeping them safe."

Feng Wenxiang bowed to the ground: "My lord has such great love for Wenxiang, and Wenxiang can't repay him. If the emperor is useful to Wenxiang in the future, no matter whether it is a mountain of swords or a sea of ​​fire, Wenxiang is obliged to do so."

Shangguan Xiaoyao was noncommittal, glanced at the direction of the palace, and then disappeared instantly.


Qingyun Restaurant.

In the dark room, there are three people sitting around a round table at the moment. A blood-red token is placed in the center of the table. On the upward side of the token, there is a black cloud engraved in the middle. On the cloud, there is a word "Kill" impressively!

Dark Night Organization, Blood Killing Order!
"The souls of all assassins who take over the blood killing mission will be bound to their respective tokens, and their information will be displayed on the blood killing order. Before, 13 people took the mission to assassinate Feng Wenxiang. Just now, three assassins information disappeared."

The speaker was a woman, about 50 years old.This is just her apparent age. In fact, she is an old monster who has lived for tens of thousands of years, a superpower at the peak of the Ninth Layer of the Imperial Realm, not weaker than Feng Wenxiang!

"There are only three possibilities for the disappearance of the information. One is that the killer himself gives up the mission, but if they do so, they will be punished by the organization. At the least, they will be permanently removed from the organization, and at worst, they will be killed directly!" The old man sitting opposite the woman had gray hair, The expression is a little lazy, it is the shopkeeper of Qingyun Restaurant.

Next to him was an obese middle-aged man covered in a black robe with an unusually sinister voice. He whispered: "The second possibility is that the killer is killed, and the token he holds will be automatically destroyed. And the information disappears with it."

The woman took the conversation and said solemnly: "The last possibility is that the killer is enslaved, the soul breath changes, and the token is also automatically destroyed."

The shopkeeper and the fat man in black robe nodded at the same time.

Any hidden skills or treasures can change the appearance, voice, height of a can even cover up the soul breath so that people cannot easily detect it, but changing the soul breath cannot be changed through these methods.

There is no other possibility to change the breath of the soul except to be enslaved.

Of course, this statement is not entirely accurate.They don't know how to change their soul breath because their realm and vision are not high enough.

Like Shangguan Xiaoyao, when he faced Shangguan Feiying, Shangguan Feiying had secretly probed Shangguan Xiaoyao's soul breath, so he never discovered Shangguan Xiaoyao's true identity.

"No matter what the situation is, we must pay attention to it. Assassinating Feng Wenxiang is the only blood killing mission that our branch of the Han Dynasty has received in the past 1 years. If we fail, we can't afford to lose this person." The woman frowned, Said in a deep voice: "Through the blood killing order, tell the remaining ten killers to join forces to assassinate Feng Wenxiang. At all costs and by any means, the assassination must be successful."

The fat man in black robe echoed: "All their losses and rewards will be borne by our branch. This assassination is only allowed to succeed, not to fail."

The three of them made up a plan and sent messages to the remaining ten killers respectively. After finishing, the three of them looked at each other with lingering fear in their eyes.

According to the information they have, although Feng Wenxiang and his subordinates are strong, even if the three gold-medal first-rank assassins fail, they can at least escape unscathed.Feng Wenxiang's strength was not enough to make the three first-rank gold medal assassins give up their mission.

If it is a kill...

Just relying on Feng Wenxiang and the others, they will never be able to do it!Looking at the entire Han Dynasty, Shangguan Feiying was the only one who could kill three first-rank gold medal assassins at the same time. However, they knew that Shangguan Feiying had never left the palace today.

If those three first-rank gold medal assassins were enslaved...

The three of them gasped at the same time, not daring to continue thinking about it.

Humans are most prone to fear when faced with the unknown, and this is exactly what they are facing at this time.

If the other party really has a strong emperor in the imperial realm, they can only send a request to the headquarters in the Great Xia Empire, requesting to send an envoy to put pressure on Shangguan Feiying with the "Emperor Agreement".Only in this way, the face of their Dahan Dynasty Dark Night Branch will be lost.

"It depends on whether these ten killers are successful." The shopkeeper left this sentence, and left the dark room worriedly.The fat man and woman in black robes looked at each other, and they left at the same time.


"The movements of these guys are really fast enough." Shangguan Xiaoyao had already discovered the soul breaths of nine warriors at the ninth level of the imperial realm quickly approaching the Grand Master's Mansion.

"Nine people dispatched at the same time?" Shangguan Xiaoyao frowned slightly.

If you want a one-hit kill, ten killers are dispatched at the same time.According to Shangguan Xiaoyao's guess, the No.10 killer must have been dispatched, but his soul power at the second level of the emperor realm did not find the trace of that person.

"Now there are 16 warriors in the ninth level of the Imperial Realm in the Imperial City of the Great Han Dynasty. Three of them have become their slaves. They are now protecting Feng Wenxiang's family with a private house in the south of the Imperial City. Shangguan Xiaoyao set up a soul barrier in that private house. The killer power of the branch should not be found.

There are three other people in the Qingyun restaurant, all three of them are the peak strength of the ninth level of the imperial realm, and Shangguan Xiaoyao knows that one of them is the lazy shopkeeper.Although the other two, Shangguan Xiaoyao, have never met before, they can guess that like the shopkeeper, those two should be high-level members of the Dark Night Organization's Dahan branch.

There were ten more people, one was Feng Wenxiang, and the other were the nine assassins at the ninth level of the imperial realm.

"Could it be that there is a killer not in the city at this time?" Shangguan Xiaoyao tried his best to spread his spiritual consciousness, but with his soul power at the second level of the Emperor Realm at this time, it is already a bit reluctant for his spiritual consciousness to cover the entire imperial city. too big.

It can be reached even further away, but in that case, the intensity of the search will be reduced a lot. If the No.10 killer deliberately hides it, it is really not easy to find out.

"Leave him alone for now." Shangguan Xiaoyao moved his consciousness, and found that the nine killers had already fought with Feng Wen and others.

It's right to think about it, nine killers of the ninth level of the imperial realm, and two of them are at the peak of the ninth level of the imperial realm. Such a lineup can be called luxurious.

In the entire territory of the Han Dynasty, except for the Dark Night Organization, there is no force capable of mobilizing experts of such scale and strength, and there is no need for such a lineup to carry out assassinations.Except for Shangguan Feiying, they are confident to kill anyone in the Han Dynasty head-on!

"No matter how many ants there are, they can only be ants. In front of the emperor's realm, even if they are half-steps into the emperor's realm, they are just slightly stronger ants." Feng Wenping found that Unable to support himself anymore, Shangguan Xiaoyao sneered, and his figure disappeared from the spot in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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