Reborn Killer Supreme

Chapter 376 News

Chapter 376 News
"Kill God..."

Waking up from a coma, Yuan Yewang opened his eyes, and immediately saw Shangguan Xiaoyao in front of him.His pupils shrank, and he turned over abruptly, just about to mobilize the energy in his body to escape.However, within the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the controlling power of the slave seal came into play instantly.

Yuan Yewang was shocked, and the horror on his face quickly faded, turning into absolute respect.

"Subordinate Yuan Ye Wang sees the master!" Yuan Ye Wang knelt down on one knee and said respectfully: "Yuan Ye Wang wishes to serve the master to the death and never rebel!"

Shangguan Xiaoyao nodded in satisfaction.

The effect of the slave seal is really domineering. After it is planted, it will immediately play a role in the slave's sea of ​​consciousness. At this time, Yuan Yewang has completely become Shangguan Xiaoyao's slave. Since then, he has lost himself and will only be loyal to Shangguan Xiaoyao!Even if he was asked to die, he would not hesitate at all.

Beside Shangguan Xiaoyao, Cui Laishou and Xu Miao bowed and said: "Congratulations to Master for adding another subordinate, Master is invincible!"

"Yeah." Shangguan Xiaoyao nodded slightly, looked at Yuan Yewang who was kneeling in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "Yuan Yewang, you just said that the Tyrant Emperor has something more important to tell you. What is it, let's talk about it now." .”

Yuan Yewang nodded, and said with a serious expression on his face: "Report to the master, before the subordinates left the headquarters, the Overlord Emperor ordered his subordinates to secretly investigate the master. Within the kingdom, investigate the terrain near the Gale Canyon, and subdue the forces there, and prepare for entering the Wuya Secret Realm!"

Shangguan Xiaoyao's heart was shocked!
The Wuya Secret Realm turned out to be the Wuya Secret Realm again!
Cui spicy hand said earlier that the secret realm of Wangjing Wuya is likely to be within the Han Dynasty.Unexpectedly, the intelligence department of the Dark Night Organization is so powerful that it has already determined the specific location of the Wuya Secret Realm of the King Realm!

Gaefeng Grand Canyon, isn't that the place where I subdued Brother Mingxiong in the first place! ?After Feng Wenxiang set off for so long, he should have joined Brother Ming Xiong, that is to say, the Gale Wind Canyon is now under his control!
"No!" Shangguan Xiaoyao stared at Yuan Ye Wang, frowned and said, "It is rumored that unless someone fully comprehends the secret of the Void Realm Wuya Secret Realm, the subsequent secret realms will be opened one after another. Has someone already comprehended it?"

Yuan Yewang shook his head and said: "My subordinates don't know either, but according to Emperor Bajue, the Void Realm Wuya Secret Realm was opened before, and those who survived from it have been cursed and killed by the secret realm. The student of 'Xiao Yao' disappeared mysteriously, and no one knew where he went."

Shangguan Xiaoyao was slightly silent.

Those backhands in my mind back then, including those weird golden light spots, have been removed by the evil man transformed into the black water black snake. The others obviously did not have such good luck. Those who came out had all died under the curse, and only I was left alive.

That is to say, the greatest achievement in the Void Realm Wuya Secret Realm, including the Eight Doors Dunjia Method, and the three major scriptures of "Indestructible Sutra", "Original My Sutra" and "Summoning Nervousness", now only Shangguan Xiaoyao himself is the only one in the world. master!

Once Shangguan Xiaoyao fully comprehends these three scriptures, the secret realm of Wangjing Wuya will be officially opened!
Up to now, Shangguan Xiaoyao has achieved a small success in practicing the "Indestructible Sutra" and "Myself Sutra". Only "Calling the Nerve" still has some half-knowledge and no real comprehension!In other words, when Shangguan Xiaoyao comprehended "Calling the Nerve", it was the moment when the secret realm of Wangjing Wuya was opened!
"Fortunately, the opening time of the Wuya Secret Realm of the King's Realm is completely up to me!" Shangguan Xiaoyao had already guessed that he was the condition for the Wuya Secret Realm of the King's Realm.It's just that I didn't expect that many emperor-level forces and holy land-level forces already knew about this news.

After confirming that he is the condition for opening the secret realm of King Realm Wuya, Shangguan Xiaoyao knew better.You can completely prepare yourself in advance, and then practice and call your nerves later.When the King Realm Wuya Secret Realm opens, you can enter it calmly, plan ahead, and take the initiative!
"Aside from these, is there anything else?" Shangguan Xiaoyao asked Yuan Yewang to stand up from the ground, and said in a deep voice, "How much do you know about the Wuya Secret Realm of the King's Realm?"

Yuan Yewang shook his head and said: "Dijun Bajue only told his subordinates this, because the secret realm of Wangjing Wuya has never been opened, so his subordinates guessed that even Dijun Bajue himself may not know the details of the secret realm. However, the Bajue Emperor once mentioned that many emperor-level forces are interested in the King Realm Wuya Secret Realm, and even some holy land-level forces will send their King Realm disciples into the secret realm."

Shangguan Xiaoyao nodded slightly.

The opening of Wangjing Wuya Secret Realm can be regarded as the most important event on Zhenwu Continent for tens of thousands of years.It is inevitable for those emperor-level forces and holy land-level forces to pay attention to this matter, but it is inevitable that there will be another bloodbath.And Shangguan Xiaoyao is at the center of this bloody storm!

"The Bajue Emperor is so concerned about this matter, surely he will send someone into the King Realm Wuya Secret Realm?" Shangguan Xiaoyao frowned and said, "Do you know who they sent?"

Yuan Yewang nodded and said: "Emperor Bajue does have this plan. A few days ago, the headquarters issued an order to the branches of the various dynasties, requiring each branch to find the silver killers with the best qualifications and the strongest strength to gather at the headquarters. After that, We will send envoys to lead them to settle down in the Han Dynasty branch, and then wait for the opening of the King Realm Wuya Secret Realm to enter collectively!"

Cui spicy hand next to him also nodded and said: "Master, this subordinate has received this order before. It's just that the series of things caused by the assassination of Feng Wenxiang are too overwhelming, and this subordinate has not had time to deal with it yet."

"Hmm." Shangguan Xiaoyao was silent for a moment, and asked: "Now how many silver medal assassins in our branch are at the peak strength of King Realm Ninth Layer, you can make statistics immediately, and then call them all to Fengyun Inn, I will make unified arrangements !"

Cui Lashou bowed his hands to accept the order, turned and left.

Seeing Cui spicy hands leave, Yuan Yewang continued: "Before my subordinates leave the headquarters, they have seen silver medal killers from various branches. There are more than 100 of them in total, and they are all at the peak strength of King Realm Ninth Layer. The emperors at the headquarters are giving They are preparing the magical weapons and elixir needed to enter the Wuya Secret Realm of the King's Realm, and they will set off for the Han Dynasty soon."

"I know!" Shangguan Xiaoyao said seriously: "Now you hurry up and rebuild Qingyun Restaurant, and the scale will be even bigger! I'm afraid there will be too many people and not enough rooms."

After finishing speaking, Shangguan Xiaoyao turned his head to look at Xu Miao again, and ordered: "Xu Miao, you go to the Gaefeng Grand Canyon of the Great Chu Kingdom immediately, find Brother Mingxiong there, and lead their forces to evacuate to a safe place."

"Follow orders!" Yuan Yewang and Xu Miao took orders at the same time and left the inn quickly.

Shangguan Xiaoyao pondered for a moment, then moved his body and disappeared in place instantly.


Royal Academy of the Han Dynasty.

In the exclusive courtyard, Hua Ling'er just finished her training.In the short time that Shangguan Xiaoyao left, Hua Ling'er not only stabilized the first level of the King Realm, but also broke through the second level of the King Realm with the help of a large amount of resources provided by Shangguan Xiaoyao!

This kind of practice speed is beyond the reach of even some monsters of the holy land level forces!

"Ling'er, you broke through again!" In the other courtyard, Shangguan Xiaoyao had just landed, and immediately discovered that Hua Ling'er was different from before.Although it was only promoted to the first level, Shangguan Xiaoyao's soul power is so powerful that he instantly judged that Hua Ling'er's aura at this time was at the second level of the king realm!
Sensing Shangguan Xiaoyao's arrival, Hua Ling'er happily ran out of the secret room, rushed into Shangguan Xiaoyao's arms, and said in a pretty voice: "Master, is Ling'er powerful?"

"This is so powerful, this is clearly a pervert!" Shangguan Xiaoyao exclaimed deliberately: "Ling'er, if you continue to practice like this, I'm afraid you will soon surpass Master me!"

"Hee hee!" Hua Ling'er stuck out her little pink tongue, and said very cutely: "No way, the master is always the most powerful, and Ling'er will never surpass the master."

Shangguan Xiaoyao laughed for a while, then took Hua Ling'er's hand to sit down in the room, looked serious, and said seriously: "Ling'er, your cultivation speed is very likely to cause your soul cultivation to be unable to keep up with Yuanli With the speed of cultivation, it is very easy to go crazy when you break through. Don't resist now, I will check your soul carefully."

"En!" Hua Ling'er was absolutely obedient to Shangguan Xiaoyao, and immediately let go of the sea of ​​knowledge, allowing Shangguan Xiaoyao's soul power to enter.

Shangguan Xiaoyao's soul power had just entered Hua Ling'er's sea of ​​consciousness, and he was immediately taken aback.Earlier, Hua Ling'er was almost insane, and his soul force had once entered Hua Ling'er's sea of ​​consciousness. At that time, Hua Ling'er's soul cultivation was only at the first level of the King Realm, which was considered normal.

However, now, Hua Ling'er's soul realm has reached the ninth level of the King Realm, and it is the peak of the Ninth Level of the King Realm, and it is only one step away from the Great Consummation of the King Realm Soul!
"This, how is this possible!" The power of the soul withdrew from Hua Ling'er's sea of ​​consciousness, and Shangguan Xiaoyao suddenly opened his eyes wide.

Hua Ling'er looked at Shangguan Xiaoyao in front of her, and asked with a puzzled look: "What's the matter, Master, is there something wrong with Ling'er's soul?"

"There is a problem, a big problem!" Shangguan Xiaoyao thought for a moment, then said with a smile, "Ling'er, do you know your current soul state?"

Hua Ling'er nodded, and said with a cute face: "I know, the second level of the King Realm, I just broke through!"

Shangguan Xiaoyao smiled mysteriously, stretched out his finger and scratched Ling'er's Qiong's nose, and said softly: "Ling'er, your current soul state is the peak of the Ninth King Realm!"

"Ah!" Hua Ling'er jumped up from the chair in surprise.

Since Shangguan Xiaoyao said so, there is absolutely nothing wrong, Hua Ling'er will not have any doubts about Shangguan Xiaoyao's words!
Seeing Hua Ling'er jumping happily, Shangguan Xiaoyao nodded secretly in his heart.

If I guessed correctly, my soul power can help Hua Ling'er improve her soul realm!

This method can be called a miracle!
(End of this chapter)

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