Reborn Killer Supreme

Chapter 380 Golden Flying Boat

Chapter 380 Golden Flying Boat

Shangguan Xiaoyao's figure shook, and the next moment he appeared beside Hua Ling'er outside the secret room.

Hua Ling'er was slightly startled, but immediately became happy.She just wanted to rush into Shangguan Xiaoyao's arms, but the soul breath emanating from Shangguan Xiaoyao's body at this time made Hua Ling'er stop in an instant.

After practicing the first level of "Calling the Nerve", Shangguan Xiaoyao's soul is a little more mysterious than before, and this kind of breath, in Hua Ling'er's perception, is powerful and majestic, and he dare not make any intimate movements at all.

Shangguan Xiaoyao looked at Hua Ling'er, and said in a deep voice, "Ling'er, set off with me immediately to the Great Chu Kingdom!"

After the words fell, Shangguan Xiaoyao didn't wait for Hua Ling'er to speak, and immediately stretched out his hand to grab Hua Ling'er's wrist. The two of them shot up into the sky, and their figures drew a long phantom in the sky, and they were hundreds of miles away in an instant.


One hundred thousand miles away to the northwest of Gaefeng Grand Canyon.

Brother Mingxiong, with his bare back, sweating profusely, and panting, commanded his minions to move here and there, building a cottage.

There are quite a few skilled craftsmen among the young people under them. Using the nearby rocks and trees, they built the outline of the cottage in a short period of time. The walls, courtyards, houses and residences are all available, especially the hall of the cottage. The chairs and tables were also neatly placed, looking decent!
Feng Wenxiang and Xu Miao were sitting on the elders' seat next to the main seat in the hall at this moment. They were the strongest, but this village was still dominated by Mingxiong Brothers in name, and the two of them only held the vacant position of Ke Qing elders.And as far as the young people in this village are concerned, the two of them really have no interest in being the leader.

There is no major problem with Brother Mingxiong's aesthetics, and his command is well-organized, and the new village is getting more and more decent.Seeing that they were almost busy, Brother Ming Xiong ran into the hall shirtless and drank a few sips of water, and said happily: "You two elders, we have a home again! Starting tomorrow, our 'Shuangxiong Village' will start recruiting troops nearby. Continue to expand the power for the master!"

The spirit is commendable!
Feng Wenxiang nodded, feeling slightly satisfied in his heart.Regardless of strength, Brother Mingxiong is still very serious in doing things. As subordinates, these two are not bad.

Xu Miao is not interested in these things, she is more concerned about the news on the token.Just now, she had just received an order from Shangguan Xiaoyao to inform Shangguan Xiaoyao of the current location of the cottage.And when Feng Wenxiang and Brother Mingxiong were busy making plans to recruit troops and buy horses, Shangguan Xiaoyao's voice rang out very clearly over the cottage: "Brother Mingxiong, long time no see!"

"Master!" Brother Ming Xiong heard Shangguan Xiaoyao's voice, felt the intimacy from the depths of his soul, quickly flew into the air, and said respectfully: "Xiong Boss (Xiong Lao Er) pays respects to Master!"

Feng Wenxiang and Xu Miao also flew into the air, the difference is that Feng Wenxiang bowed his hands and called his subordinates.And Xu Miao knelt down on one knee like Brother Mingxiong, calling Shangguan Xiaoyao his master!
Shangguan Xiaoyao nodded, he glanced down at the cottage, and said with a smile: "The cottage is developing well, brothers Mingxiong, you have worked hard!"

Brother Mingxiong had a happy face, and Hong Sheng said: "Serving the master, the subordinates are willing!"

"Yeah!" Shangguan Xiaoyao checked their strength and found that the two were already at the peak strength of King Realm Ninth Layer. , temporarily hand over the matter of the cottage to Feng Wenxiang, and the two of you will go to a place with me later."

"As for Xu Miao, you should go back to the Dark Night Branch of the Han Dynasty now. If anyone in the headquarters asks, just say that I am practicing in closed-door training in a safe place, and I will not see anyone for the time being."

Xu Miao respectfully said: "This subordinate obeys orders!"

After the words fell, Xu Miao turned and left.

Feng Wenxiang clasped his hands beside him and said, "My lord, the cottage has been built, and there is no urgent business for now. The subordinates are willing to follow your lord and do the work of dogs and horses."

Shangguan Xiaoyao waved his hand and said: "No need, the place to go this time has restrictions on the strength of warriors, and people above the king level cannot enter. Also, don't call me Lord Dijun in the future, but call me Lord Xiao Yao."

After finishing speaking, Shangguan Xiaoyao took a deep look at Feng Wenxiang, and then led Hua Ling'er and Brother Ming Xiong to fly straight to the Gale Wind Canyon.

Feng Wenxiang didn't wake up until a while after Shangguan Xiaoyao left.

"It is impossible to enter above the King Realm. Could it be that Master Xiao Yao is going to the King Realm Wuya Secret Realm!? But the Emperor is a master of the Emperor Realm, so how can he enter the King Realm Wuya Secret Realm?"

After thinking for a while, Feng Wenxiang was suddenly startled into a cold sweat by his sudden thought: "Could it be, could it be that Lord Xiao Yao is just a strong man in the king realm, but he has shown strength no less than that of a master in the emperor realm... But how is this possible? If my guess is true, then what kind of peerless evildoer should Master Xiao Yao be?!"


Leaving the cottage, the four of Shangguan Xiaoyao arrived near the former Gale Canyon within just a cup of tea.

At this time, strong winds are everywhere around the Gaefeng Grand Canyon, warriors below the King Realm can't stand firm at all, and ordinary masters of the King Realm can't fly in the air at all.Under Shangguan Xiaoyao's soul power shield, Hua Ling'er and Ming Xiong brothers remained motionless in the air, the violent wind hit Shangguan Xiaoyao's soul power shield, not even a single wave could be stirred up, and it disappeared invisible.

Looking at the bottomless huge space channel in midair, Shangguan Xiaoyao frowned slightly.

With Shangguan Xiaoyao's eyesight, he can naturally see the dense space cracks that keep appearing and repairing in the space passage.Moreover, according to Shangguan Xiaoyao's judgment, those space cracks were not formed out of thin air, but because the wind in the space channel was so violent that the wind blade cut the space apart!
This kind of mighty wind, even the powerful in the imperial realm cannot pass through it, and the strong in the holy realm may be able to, but this is just Shangguan Xiaoyao's guess.

When Shangguan Xiaoyao was observing the space passage, deep in the space passage, there was a man's voice that seemed to come from ancient times, and the voice of a man with incomparable vicissitudes resounded from the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness: "The secret realm of the king's realm is not accessible to those who are not strong in the king's realm. Those who enter above will die, if someone strong in the holy realm breaks through the passage, the passage will collapse and the secret realm will be closed automatically!"

"So that's it!" Shangguan Xiaoyao knew it in his heart, and turned his eyes to the golden flying boats that were large or small in front of the passage, sometimes appearing and sometimes hidden: "From this point of view, these golden flying boats are the key to entering the passage, that is to say , Only by boarding the golden flying boat can you enter the passage safely. Otherwise, even I will have to fall in the gale of the passage."

At this moment, the vicissitudes of life man's voice sounded again in Shangguan Xiaoyao's sea of ​​knowledge: "The golden flying boat has secret law restrictions on it, and those who are not strong at the king level cannot board it. Those who enter the king level or above will die. Then the flying boat disappears and does not reappear."

"Wuya Martial Sage really has good intentions." Shangguan Xiaoyao secretly sighed in his heart. The ultimate purpose of setting up these barriers at the entrance is probably to prevent the entry of the strong in the holy realm.After all, Wuya Martial Saint's inheritance is a super inheritance that can make even Holy Land-level forces jealous!
In the sea of ​​consciousness, the voice of the vicissitudes of life continued: "The golden flying boat looks huge, but its capacity is limited. It can accommodate dozens of people at most, and a few people at least. After the number of people in each flying boat reaches the limit of one stick of incense, it will automatically enter. Passage. If the number of people in the golden flying boat is not enough, it will also automatically enter the passage after the last person boards the boat and burns incense."

"The golden flying boat passes through the passage, then enters the secret realm, and then teleports you to various places in the secret realm. If you are lucky enough, you may be directly teleported to the inheritance position at the core of the secret realm, hahahaha..."

After a burst of heroic laughter, the vicissitudes of life man's voice completely disappeared.

"After the golden flying boat is full, it will take an incense stick of time to start. That is to say, during this incense burning time, people outside the flying boat can continue to board the flying boat and kill those who boarded the boat before. The people who boarded the boat before can also shoot and kill the people behind, and gain a position for their own forces..."

Thinking of this, Shangguan Xiaoyao couldn't help but gasped.

The Wuya Martial Saint's design is clearly to let those geniuses who intend to enter the secret realm of the King Realm fight each other.You know, there are only twelve golden flying boats outside the passage, and if each boat holds ten people on average, that's only more than 120 people.

However, the forces from all sides and those talented fighters in the king's realm who came here spontaneously, even if you think about it with your toes, you know that there are definitely more than 120 people.When the time comes to fight, the scene will definitely be extremely fierce, even tragic and bloody!
"Board the boat immediately!" Because of the short distance and fast action, Shangguan Xiaoyao and the others were the first to arrive here.Shangguan Xiaoyao fixed his eyes on a golden flying boat that had just appeared from the front of the passage, and shouted: "Go!"

Four streams of light flashed, and the four of Shangguan Xiaoyao arrived in front of the golden flying boat in an instant.

However, just as they were about to board the flying boat, the golden flying boat in front of them suddenly disappeared and reappeared tens of meters away in an instant.

"Rush over!" Shangguan Xiaoyao locked onto the golden flying boat, his speed exploded suddenly, and he stood up before the golden flying boat disappeared.

Under the guidance of Shangguan Xiaoyao, Hua Ling'er and Mingxiong brothers rushed more than ten times in a row, and finally boarded the boat successfully.And at this moment, the information of this golden flying boat appeared in their minds.

"Golden Flying Boat No. [-] can accommodate up to nine people. At this time, it can accommodate four people. It will automatically set off after a stick of incense!"

Shangguan Xiaoyao nodded secretly in his heart, but his gaze was looking out of the flying boat.

Not far away in the sky, there were more than ten figures rushing towards the golden flying boat where Shangguan Xiaoyao was at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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