Reborn Killer Supreme

Chapter 441 Battle of the Temple

Chapter 441 Battle of the Temple

But all those who can cultivate to the peak of the Ninth Layer of the Emperor Realm, more or less, always have one or two trump cards to save their lives.

The casual cultivator who was killed by Xia Xuanming earlier didn't even take out his hole card, and was directly frozen into an ice sculpture by Xia Xuanming's Wanzaixuan ice sword.And the surviving imperial realm casual cultivator finally showed his trump card!
His diamond-shaped magic weapon looks somewhat similar to You Fenghan's broken soul shuttle, but its power is far inferior!You Fenghan's broken soul shuttle is a high-level emperor-level divine weapon that can be consumed at one time. Even a low-level emperor-level powerhouse will inevitably be injured if he forcibly resists it!

When Shangguan Xiaoyao faced the broken soul shuttle, if he hadn't used You Yun's highest level of "Incarnation Ten Thousands" to make You Fenghan unable to lock the target, if he had used the soul master's combat body to fight hard, he might have only used that breath time Only the invincible "Heaven and Earth Shame" can catch it unscathed!

After all, this casual cultivator in the imperial realm is not You Fenghan. Although his hole card is strong, he is only at the level of an emperor-level middle-level magic weapon.Xia Xuanming also has consumables of this level, and there are quite a few of them!
As the number one heir to the Zijin family of the Great Xia Empire, Xia Xuanming's trump card is definitely not far behind even if it is not as good as You Fenghan!Especially the one-time consumable "Xuanbing Explosive Needle" of the emperor-level middle-level magic weapon. In Xia Xuanming's space ring, there are eight pieces if not ten!

For Xia Xuanming, this consumable is not even a trump card!

However, the lack of Xia Xuanming does not mean that the consumables of emperor-level mid-level magic weapons are not strong!Xia Xuanming, who owns the Xuanbing Explosive Needle, absolutely understands the power of this level of consumables all too well!

Back then outside the secret realm, Wei Xueyun, a peak expert at the ninth level of the imperial realm of the Great Wei Empire, suffered a lot from the mysterious ice bursting needle.Although Xia Xuanming is strong, he also has to be cautious when facing his own Xuanbing Burst Needle, if one is not good, he will be injured!
Seeing the diamond-shaped divine soldiers of the Emperor's Realm Loose Cultivator flying towards him, Xia Xuanming didn't even have time to think about it, and immediately unleashed the purple-gold God of War body!
The purple-gold God of War body plus the purple-gold emperor's armor, whether it is attack or defense, the power is multiplied!Moreover, the Zijin Emperor Armor itself is a high-level emperor-level divine weapon. With its defensive power, it shouldn't be too much of a problem to face this lozenge-shaped diamond-shaped divine soldier of the imperial realm alone!

The reason why Xia Xuanming is so cautious is precisely because his ultimate purpose of entering the Wuya Secret Realm is to obtain the inheritance of the Wuya Martial Saint!He needs to make sure he is at his best all the time before meeting a really tough opponent!
Any injury, even with the panacea in the space ring, it will take time to recover!And this period of recovery time will be the opponent's chance to defeat Xia Xuanming, and Xia Xuanming will never give the opponent such a chance!

Seeing Xia Xuanming exerting the greatest power of the Zijin God of War Body and the Zijin Emperor Armor, although the Emperor Realm Loose Cultivator was shocked, he was also full of confidence in his trump card!At the beginning, in order to obtain this "armor-breaking rhombic crystal", he spent nearly ten thousand years of his collection!And the power of this armor-piercing rhombic crystal can easily penetrate most of the emperor-level middle-level magic weapon armor, and it is also a threat to the emperor-level high-level magic weapon armor!
"Xia Xuanming, you can't stop it!" Amidst the roar of casual cultivators in the imperial realm, the armor-breaking diamond finally landed on the phantom of the purple-gold emperor's armor, and then exploded!Xia Xuanming squinted his eyes, and the energy in his body frantically replenished on the Purple Gold Emperor Armor!

Under the dense black energy that erupted from the armor-piercing rhombic crystal, the phantom of the purple-gold God of War, which was tens of feet tall, lasted for ten breaths before it slowly dissipated!And the remaining black energy fell on the Zijin Emperor Armor body and Xia Xuanming's Zijin God of War body, it was already hard to cause any damage!

"Impossible, I don't believe it!!" Seeing that Xia Xuanming walked out of the cloud of black energy unscathed, with purple-gold rays flashing all over his body, the voice of the Emperor Realm Loose Cultivator was full of despair: "You are just the second emperor of the Emperor Realm." Heavy, even if you are a super genius, it is impossible to block my armor-piercing rhombic crystal!"

Looking at the mad-looking casual cultivator in the imperial realm, Xia Xuanming shook his head slightly: "Although the armor-piercing diamond crystal is good, in terms of penetrating power, it is still inferior to my mysterious ice bursting needle!"

After speaking, Xia Xuanming directly took a mysterious ice bursting needle from the space ring, and said to the casual cultivator of the imperial realm: "I still have a lot of such things. Moreover, I don't I think it is my hole card! From my cultivation till now, I have always believed that the real hole card is not something external, but itself!"

As soon as the words fell, Xia Xuanming punched that imperial casual cultivator from the air!Where the punch passed, countless extremely tiny space cracks appeared one after another, and instantly bombarded the emperor's casual cultivator.Under Xia Xuanming's punch, the Emperor Realm Loose Cultivator didn't even dodge, and was directly pierced by Xia Xuanming's punch!
"You, you..." Huangjing casual cultivator looked down at the fist-sized hole in his chest, looked at the blood bubbling inside, and said vaguely: "Xia...Xia Xuanming, your punch , to be able to directly blast through the armor of an emperor-level middle-level divine soldier, I...I don't believe it..."

No matter whether this imperial realm casual cultivator believes it or not, the facts will not change in the slightest!His heart was shattered by Xia Xuanming's punch, and his entire heart was gone.There is still medicine in his space ring, as long as he has time, he believes that he will not fall!

Xia Xuanming didn't give this casual cultivator of the imperial realm any time. The Mysterious Ice Sword of Ten Thousand Zai in his hand flicked across, turning the casual cultivator of the imperial realm into a cloud of ice chips, flying and fluttering in this battle space.

Xia Xuanming didn't show any complacency in defeating two casual cultivators in the imperial realm.He put away the purple-gold god of war body, adjusted his breath a little, and then put the reward of this space into the space ring, and directly entered into the orange beam of light sent to the second space.

In another battle space, Ba Wu has already displayed his ancient five beast armor!This armor of his is only an emperor-level middle-level magic weapon, but in terms of value, it is no less than some emperor-level high-level magic weapon armor!
Because Ba Wu, the ancient five-beast armor, is equivalent to a collection of five emperor-level middle-level divine weapons. Once activated, it can transform into phantoms of five ancient fierce beasts. not bad!
At this time, the energy of Ba Wu's body was surging, two tigers, two rhinos, a lion, and the phantoms of five ancient ferocious beasts firmly protected Ba Wu's body!Outside the phantoms of these five ferocious beasts, four powerhouses at the peak of the Ninth Layer of the Imperial Realm are staring at each other.

Tyrant Five was teleported to a five-person space!
The four peak powerhouses of the Ninth Layer of the Imperial Realm didn't even have the slightest pride in being a powerhouse, they didn't discuss it at all, and directly joined forces to deal with Ba Wu!Although Tyrant Five is strong, none of these four are easy-going lamps. Once someone is injured, they will immediately withdraw from the battle circle and take the elixir, while the other three are desperately holding back!

As a result, after fighting for a long time, Ba Wu still failed to kill one person, but his own Yuan power and soul power were rapidly depleted!
"In this space, two people can successfully advance. Of the four of you, one can survive!" Looking at the four strong men surrounding him, Ba Wu said coldly: "Whoever wants to die, get out now!" Move aside, otherwise, I will accept all the two promotion places!"

The four imperial realm powerhouses exchanged glances instantly, and each of them saw the decision in each other's eyes!Any one of them alone has no chance of winning against Ba Wu, and only four of them team up can barely fight against Ba Wu!As for the two promotion places, after killing Ba Wu, the four of them will fight again!
At the moment when they exchanged glances, Ba Wu's eyes flashed, and two ancient fierce tigers and two ancient giant rhinoceros flew out to face the four imperial realm powerhouses.And the male lion roared to the sky, and invisible ripples spread out from the lion's mouth!

"This move again!" The four imperial realm powerhouses had been fighting Ba Wu for a long time, and they were already prepared for this move.The soul attack launched by the lion directly acts on the sea of ​​consciousness, and they can forcibly resist it with the soul of the nine peaks of the imperial realm!And although the two tigers and two rhinos are powerful, each fierce beast cannot easily gain the upper hand against a strong man in the imperial realm.

Seeing the phantoms of the five fierce beasts entangled with the four powerhouses in the imperial realm, Ba Wu's eyes were slightly cold, and he secretly planned in his heart: "It's been three incense sticks, and other masters should have entered the space where Xiao Yao is. I'm promoted now, so I should I won't run into Xiao Yao!"

Having made up his mind, Ba Wu stopped procrastinating, and immediately clenched his fist, a cold black light quietly emerged!

"That's..." Among the four emperor realm casual cultivators, one noticed Ba Wu's fist.He faintly felt that he had seen this kind of black light somewhere before.

He did.

Back then on the Linjia Ladder, Ba Wu once used his fist to kill three masters who wanted to sneak attack them when they broke through!At that time, Ba Wu's fist was exuding such a black light.

At that time, this strong man was not far from the steps where the Nine Great Geniuses were, and he clearly saw Ba Wu's attack.And he believed that the reason why those three masters died was because their defense was not strong enough, their movements were not fast enough, generally speaking, they were too weak!
He thought that Ba Wu's fist would definitely not be able to easily hurt himself!He is very confident in himself!
Regardless of whether this imperial powerhouse has confidence or not, Ba Wu is truly confident in his fists!He raised his hand and punched, and then the black light on the fist gradually faded.

And around Ba Wu's body, the bodies of the four imperial realm powerhouses who were fighting with the phantoms of the four fierce beasts shook violently at the same time, and the aura emanating from them suddenly became disordered. In an instant, it was hard to see the extreme.

Naturally, the two tigers and two rhinos would not let go of this golden opportunity, and immediately charged fiercely, directly smashing the four strong men to pieces, leaving them without even a good arm or leg.

"You guys are so naive to think that the four of you can defeat me together!" With the fall of the four of you, orange beams of light and promotion rewards appeared in this space as well.Tyrant Five is like Xia Xuanming, after adjusting his breath for a while, put away the reward, and step forward towards the orange beam of light!
(End of this chapter)

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