Reborn Killer Supreme

Chapter 495 Enmity

Chapter 495 Enmity

"The remnants of a great businessman, get out!"

Shangguan Xiaoyao's killing intent remained undiminished after killing the two powerful men of the Great Shang Empire, and his eyes were fixed on the ruins of the golden palace.

There, there is Shang Weimou, and there are more than 30 imperial realm masters from the Great Shang Empire.They couldn't intervene in the battle of the strong in the imperial realm, and they had been hiding under the ruins just now.Now the two leading emperors are dead, and they don't even dare to breathe, and the breath on their bodies is restrained to the extreme.

However, no matter how they hide, how can they escape Shangguan Xiaoyao's detection? !

Under Shangguan Xiaoyao's yelling, Shang Weimou and the more than 30 masters of the imperial realm were ashamed, and slowly walked out from under the ruins.They now understand that their lives are completely out of their control.

"You are Shang Weimou?!" Seeing the white-faced and beardless old man in the purple satin robe walking in front of everyone, Shangguan Xiaoyao said coldly: "You once searched for two masters of the imperial realm who came out of the Wuya secret realm. Soul, and they are all comrades who have fought side by side with me!"

As soon as the words fell, Shang Weimou and the 30 people behind him knelt down together, their knees shattered!With their strength, their bones are as strong as fine steel, it is impossible for them to be harmed by the ground of the palace!However, following Shangguan Xiaoyao's words, the ground they hit with their knees was as solid as an ordinary emperor-level low-level magic soldier!

The knee was shattered in an instant, Shang Weimou and the others were in unbearable pain, but they didn't dare to cry out the pain, as beads of sweat fell from their foreheads and backs!
"If you dare to shoot at my comrades, you can't have them!" Shangguan Xiaoyao's eyes flashed, and the arms of more than 30 people in Dashang disappeared shoulder to shoulder, and blood splashed out!

Shang Weimou couldn't bear the severe pain anymore, and screamed desperately: "Xiao Yao, don't be crazy!! I have already sent a message to my master about what happened here. Avenged us!"

"I don't like to hear your words!" Shangguan Xiaoyao snorted coldly, blood spurted from Shang Weimou's mouth, and his tongue disappeared!
More than 30 powerful people in the imperial realm kowtowed their heads frantically on the ground, they were powerless to resist, they didn't want to die, and they didn't even dare to ask for mercy!How many of the emperors in the entire Great Shang Empire can do what they say?
The domain emperor, among all the emperor realm powerhouses, is an extremely talented existence!
Facing Shangguan Xiaoyao, they couldn't raise the slightest fighting spirit at all, and they didn't even have the idea of ​​escape!

"If kowtow is useful, it also needs to be practiced! What's the matter, wouldn't kowtow solve everything?" Shangguan Xiaoyao waved his arm, and more than 30 heads fell to the ground!

For Shangguan Xiaoyao, killing more than 30 powerful people in the imperial realm is just a thought!
The Great Shang Empire, headed by the two emperors, together with more than 30 subordinates of the imperial realm, were all destroyed except Shang Weimou!

Looking at the more than 30 headless corpses lying on the ground, Shang Weimou's body was stiff, and "ho ho" sounded in his throat, but without his tongue, he couldn't speak a single word!
"Anyone who practice should know that being searched for soul is the most painful way to die!" Shangguan Xiaoyao walked up to Shang Weimou, and slowly put a palm on Shang Weimou's forehead: "Actually, there is another way to die, which is more tragic than being searched for soul!"

After Shangguan Xiaoyao finished speaking, Shang Weimou's pupils shrank instantly.

"This kind of death is called pulling the spirit and peeling the soul!" With a thought of Shangguan Xiaoyao, the tyrannical soul power immediately completely enveloped Shang Weimou's sea of ​​consciousness!

To draw the mind is to completely extract the mind from the soul of the sea of ​​consciousness, and to strip the soul is to peel off the soul in the sea of ​​consciousness layer by layer!This kind of punishment is tens of thousands of times more painful than skinning and bone extraction, and it is more vicious than soul searching!
Shang Weimou couldn't die if he wanted to. Under Shangguan Xiaoyao's suppression, he couldn't harm himself, couldn't explode himself, and couldn't even think of insulting him!His sanity is being slowly pulled out of his soul by Shangguan Xiaoyao, and his soul is being slowly peeled off layer by layer by Shangguan Xiaoyao!

"Death itself is not terrible. What is terrible is that death is approaching you step by step, and you are sober but unable to resist!" Shangguan Xiaoyao said in his mouth, the movements of his hands were extremely stable!

Shang Weimou couldn't speak, couldn't move his body, he was obviously suffering the death penalty of conjuring his mind and soul, but his consciousness was extremely clear!This pain of waking up completely distorted his face!His body was shrinking, his limbs twitched and trembled, and feces and urine flowed out from under his body!

Next to Shangguan Xiaoyao, Shangguan Feiying looked at Shang Weimou, who was dying, as if he saw himself a moment later, his heart was cold!
He knew that no matter how cruel Shangguan Xiaoyao was, it would be impossible to punish him with such extreme means. However, for thousands of years, guilt and remorse have been tormenting his heart all the time. I'm afraid it's about the same.

Shang Weimou finally died completely under Shangguan Xiaoyao's conjuring and stripping of his soul, not even a trace of remnant soul was left, the real ashes were wiped out!

"Being deprived of soul, reincarnation is just an extravagant hope!" Shangguan Xiaoyao flicked his fingers, turning Shang Weimou's body and the mess everywhere into fly ashes, then turned to look at Shangguan Feiying, and said in a low voice: "I finally shouted You call Xiaoliu, and from now on, you will no longer be my brother, Shangguan Xiaoyao!"

Shangguan Feiying's body trembled violently, and he knelt down on the ground with a "plop", with tears on his face: "Brother Xiaoyao, Xiao Liu is sorry for you, you kill me!"

"Kill you?" Shangguan Xiaoyao smiled bitterly.

Since his rebirth, Shangguan Xiaoyao had thought countless times that he could only relieve his hatred by tearing Shangguan Feiying's body into tens of thousands of pieces!However, the many things that happened today made Shangguan Xiaoyao unable to make a decision!

It is true that Shangguan Feiying betrayed Shangguan Xiaoyao back then, it is true that he has taken care of Shangguan Yan'er and others for thousands of years, and it is also true that he rushed to protect himself in the face of the two emperors of the Dashang Empire just now!

He yelled the phrase "Brother, let's go" without thinking, which is even more true!

Shangguan Xiaoyao couldn't bear to kill him, but if he didn't kill him, Shangguan Xiaoyao's old grievances would never be resolved!
"Shangguan Flying Eagle..." Shangguan Xiaoyao was silent for a long time, then slowly said: "If there is really reincarnation, I hope you can change your mind and be my brother Shangguan Xiaoyao in the next life!"

After finishing speaking, Shangguan Xiaoyao turned around, his figure getting farther and farther away from Shangguan Feiying.

Shangguan Feiying knelt on the ground, touching his head to the ground, blood flames rising slowly from his body.

Not killing does not mean that Shangguan Feiying can not die, and Shangguan Xiaoyao can't bear to make a move, but it doesn't mean that he can allow Shangguan Feiying to live on!
Letting Shangguan Feiying choose the way of death is the last dignity he gave to Shangguan Feiying!

Amidst the flames of blood, Shangguan Feiying's figure gradually blurred, while his voice rang out clearly over the entire Great Han Imperial City: "I, Shangguan Feiying, send an order to the people of the Great Han Dynasty! Overthrowing my great Han country, God blesses me, there is a young talent named Xiao Yao who will turn the tide, and only then will I be able to protect my great Han emperor from falling..."

Shangguan Xiaoyao's figure suddenly stopped.

In his perception, Shangguan Feiying's life had already burned to the extreme. At this time, even if Shangguan Xiaoyao changed his mind and personally rescued him, he was powerless to recover!

"...I have suffered heavy injuries, and I have no way to return to heaven. Now I will pass on the throne of the Great Han to Xiao Yao. I hope that under the leadership of Xiao Yao, my Great Han will be immortal and prosper forever!"

Shangguan Feiying's voice still echoed between the sky and the earth, but his figure had completely disappeared in the blood flame.

"Xiao Liu!!" Shangguan Xiaoyao turned around abruptly, his eyes already wet with tears!

The love and hatred in the previous life have disappeared, and the grievances and grievances of thousands of years have disappeared, but Shangguan Xiaoyao has no joy in his heart!

He had imagined countless endings, thought of countless ways to torture and kill Shangguan Feiying, thought of making Shangguan Feiying decapitated, thought of ruining Shangguan Feiying's reputation, and thought of killing Shangguan Feiying. Frustrated!

However, when Shangguan Feiying really died, Shangguan Xiaoyao finally felt the unspeakable pain deep in his heart!
Shangguan Feiying, the brother who played and played behind him when he was a child, and stood side by side with blood when he grew up, the little six he loved the most, died!


Shangguan Xiaoyao looked up to the sky and roared, the roar was filled with endless sorrow!

Hundreds of millions of miles away from the Great Han Imperial City, deep in the Imperial Palace of the Great Shang Empire.

A majestic middle-aged man wearing a nine-dragon gold robe and a bright gold crown looked at the two shattered soul jade slips in front of him, with neither sadness nor joy on his face, and remained silent for a long time.

Behind him, the guard commander in charge of guarding the Yujian Pavilion knelt on one knee, and said in an extremely heavy voice, "Your Majesty, half an hour ago, my subordinates inspected the Yujian Pavilion as usual and found that the jade slips of the God Beggar Emperor and the God Misting Emperor were broken. How to deal with it at this time, I ask His Majesty to decide!"

"Be flat!" The majestic man turned around slowly, looked at the commander of the guards in front of him, and said in a low voice: "In the Han Dynasty, there is someone who can kill the gods and beggars, which is beyond my expectations. My big businessman Emperors and masters must not die in vain, the Great Han Dynasty, I am determined to win!"

This majestic man is none other than the ruler of the Great Shang Empire, Emperor Xiuge, Shang Yiheng!
The commander of the guards stood up, pondered for a moment, then cupped his hands again and said, "There is one more thing, I want to report to His Majesty."

Shang Yiheng frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Speak!"

The guard commander said respectfully: "Shortly after the death of the two emperors, my subordinates received a message from Shang Weimou on the jade slip. According to Shang Weimou, the person who killed the two emperors was probably Wu Ya. Xiao Yao, the young genius who was born out of nowhere in the secret realm!"

"Xiao Yao..." Shang Yiheng closed his eyes and muttered to himself.

According to the information inquired by Dashang's spies, this Xiao Yao is one of the four people who boarded the Wuya Martial Saint Inheritance Temple together with Shang Wuwei!

At that time, Shang Wuwei blew himself up to death under the cooperation of Da Zhou's twin brothers. Many people in the secret realm witnessed it with their own eyes.Ba Wu surrendered and escaped from the temple, and Shangguan Xiaoyao successfully survived from the secret realm.

Logically speaking, the death of Shang Wuwei has nothing to do with Ba Wu and Shangguan Xiaoyao.

However, Emperor Xiu Ge's name is Xiu Ge. In fact, his murderous heart is the number one among the emperors of the great empires!

"Ba Wu has returned to the Great Xia Imperial Capital, and will not be dealt with for the time being. As for this Xiao Yao..."

Shang Yiheng turned around and walked outside the Yujian Pavilion, his voice rang in the ear of the commander of the guards.

"Kill it."

(End of this chapter)

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