Reborn Killer Supreme

Chapter 518 Banquet

Chapter 518 Banquet (2)

When Jin Qingyang and Jin Wenque arrived, it was already late at night, and after another round of drinking, the sky gradually brightened.At this time, everyone in the third floor of Shanhaiju was asleep. Although the drunkenness could be dispelled by urging the power of the soul, the exhaustion of the mind was irresistible.

"You old man, why are you such a rascal!" Xiao Ba's voice echoed downstairs.His body was slid back quickly by the chest of an old man, but the old man's face did not change at all, and he went straight to the third floor of Shanhaiju with a look of disdain.

"You kid, you still don't know who I am within the Great Xia Empire?" the old man smiled and said proudly.

"I don't care who you are, you can't come in until I report to Lord Bajue!" Xiao Ba still tried his best to fight against the old man, even if his face was red and his ears were red, it didn't help at all.

"Hahaha, then what am I doing now, what can you do to me!" The old man laughed loudly.

While arguing, the two followed the old man's wishes and reached the third floor.

Xiao Ba was powerless, and then roared loudly: "Master Bajue!!! Get up quickly!!!"

The many powerhouses who were still asleep were awakened immediately by Xiao Ba's Hong Yin.Before Bajue Dijun opened his eyes, he scolded angrily: "Where did the rude person come from, dare to make trouble on my Bajue Dijun's territory!" After seeing the old man, Shangguan Xiaoyao shook his head slightly and sighed secretly .

"I am Xia Chonglou, the patriarch of the Zijin family!" Xia Chonglou said arrogantly with his eyes wide open.

As soon as these words came out, many strong men came to their senses instantly, and immediately half-kneeled on the ground. Seeing this, Xiao Ba followed the crowd and half-kneeled on the ground. Everyone said in unison: "See the ancestor!"

Emperor Bajue frowned, opened his mouth again and said: "Just now Bajue said something rude, if you offend the ancestor, please forgive me."

Emperor Void once said that there are three things that the Great Xia Empire dare not provoke, and Xia Chonglou is one of them. If Xia Chonglou gets angry, killing the Bajue Emperor will be effortless, how can the Bajue Emperor not be afraid.

Xia Chonglou waved his hand and said: "Hey, those who don't know are not guilty. I heard that you held a big banquet for the sixth giant in Shanhaiju, how could you not come to join us?"

Emperor Bajue smiled wryly, and replied softly: "My ancestor made fun of Bajue, the reason why Bajue didn't invite him is because we were just messing around with the banquet this time. Prestige, presumably will not bother."

As soon as the words fell, the Bajue Emperor turned his head casually, and accidentally saw Shangguan Xiaoyao still lying there with his arms on his back, his expression was stunned, and he immediately sent a voice transmission to Shangguan Xiaoyao: "Xiao Yao, why don't you kneel when you see Xia Chonglou! Are you courting death?"

Shangguan Xiaoyao just smiled slightly when he heard the words, and remained silent.

"So that's the case, that old man is not uninvited." Xia Chonglou twisted the purple gold beard on his chin, and said with a smile on his face, "Get up."

Xia Chonglou gave an order, and everyone stood up one after another. The Bajue Emperor secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said in his heart: "Fortunately, Xia Chonglou didn't see Xiao Yao lying there. Xiaoyao: "Xiao Yao, you were very lucky to escape the catastrophe, do you know that if the ancestor saw you not kneeling just now, wouldn't it be easy to kill you?"

Shangguan Xiaoyao kept silent on the surface when he heard the words, but secretly sneered in his heart.He knew it well, of course Xia Chonglou didn't see it, but turned a blind eye!After all, in Xia Chonglou's heart, Shangguan Xiaoyao is not only a big benefactor, but also has the magical power of "blood of the sky". Xia Chonglou has no idea whether he can beat Shangguan Xiaoyao. Shangguan Xiaoyao is in his heart. Mysterious or mysterious.

"I rushed here before dawn, and I didn't have time to eat. I'm hungry now. I'll fill my stomach first." Xia Chonglou looked at the delicacies on the table with infinite satisfaction, and his heart was already drooling. .

I test!Is the Zijin family so poor? !Is the stingy emperor of the Great Shang Empire an abandoned baby of the Zijin family?Shangguan Xiaoyao has been completely speechless to Xia Chonglou, it can be said that he has seen people's hearts for a long time. In Shangguan Xiaoyao's heart, Xia Chonglou's face is already far ahead of the Zijin War God Body of the Zijin Family.

At this time, many strong men were already sitting around the wooden table, while Xiao Ba slipped down resentfully, begging Xia Chonglou not to think of him again.Emperor Bajue sat next to Xia Chonglou, poured a cup of hot tea and wine, and said softly: "You can eat with your stomach, if it's not enough, Bajue will have more."

Xia Chonglou sharpened his eyes immediately when he heard the words, and said loudly: "Since Bajue has a heart and can't bear this old man to eat this swill, then this old man is reluctant to do so. If you want any more delicacies, you can decide for me, Bajue!"

Shangguan Xiaoyao cursed inwardly after hearing the words: "Xia Chonglou, you old fox, you are embarrassed to open your mouth to ask for the best and expensive one because of face-to-face, but let Bajue decide for you, your methods are really clever!"

Bajue Dijun was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, so he said to the downstairs: "Here comes the delicacy of 50 billion jade coins." 50 billion jade coins, that is to say, half of his high-grade jade crystals have flowed out in vain, but in order to keep Good Xia Chonglou's affection for him, he is already on the verge of riding a tiger, if you want to blame it, you can blame his broken mouth.

After Xiao Ba served the food tremblingly, he quickly slipped down, he still had lingering fear.Xia Chonglou rubbed his hands, pursed his lips with his tongue, and stared in his eyes, and secretly sighed: "In tens of thousands of years, how have you ever been so extravagant, this tyrant, you still have to have a good relationship with him..." He moved his chopsticks At that moment, he burst into tears, ate his nose and tears, and in just a dozen breaths, there was nothing on the plate, as bright as a bright moon.

Everyone was dumbfounded, the scene just now was really miserable!
Xia Chonglou wiped his lips with his hands, and seemed to feel everyone's thoughts, and then said: "Before my wife died, it was these delicacies that my wife cooked for me. Now that the old memories are brought back, it is inevitable to be a little sentimental."

"Ahem!" Xia Chonglou cleared his throat, and said loudly to Shangguan Xiaoyao: "I heard that Mr. Xiao Yao, a legendary figure who saved people from the fire and water in the secret realm, was elected as the sixth giant in the dark night. Seeing you today, it really is true." Being different is really the talent of our Great Xia Empire!"

Shangguan Xiaoyao was indifferent when he heard the words, but he said slowly: "Patriarch Chonglou, what about the congratulatory gift?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was dumbfounded, Mr. Xiao Yao, are you crazy? !What you are asking is Xia Chonglou, the number two figure in the Great Xia Empire!Are you just looking for trouble...

"I came here before dawn today, and I didn't bother to eat, and I didn't even bother to prepare gifts. My friend Xiao Yao, don't blame the old man." Xia Chonglou's face was slightly green after he finished speaking, and after swallowing a mouthful , said again: "The congratulatory gift is a trivial matter, but the main purpose of my trip is a major event that cannot be taken lightly!"

Everyone was sweating for Shangguan Xiaoyao, Mr. Xiao Yao, the ancestor's nature is like a fire, once you anger the ancestor, you will be finished!

"Presumably you already know about the competition between the prince of the Great Xia Empire and the second prince for the throne. This trip is to take advantage of Bajue's opportunity to gather forces from all parties to confess to everyone that our Zijin family supports the second prince!"

Xia Chonglou and Shangguan Xiaoyao had previously discussed in the Zijin family. Xia Chonglou had already guessed that the Bajue Emperor would also support the second prince, so he decided to use this feast of the Bajue Emperor to let other people with certain prestige The leaders of the forces knew the wishes of the Zijin family, so that their determination would not be shaken, but all the leaders who appeared at this banquet must fall for the overbearing emperor.

The Bajue Emperor was shocked when he heard the words, and his joy was beyond words: "Old Ancestor, this is great, and the same is true for Bajue."

"Fengjuan must follow the Bajue Emperor and Patriarch!"

"So is the old man!"

"So are we!"


Xia Chonglou nodded frequently, and said: "In this case, the old man won't stay any longer." Just when he got up and was about to take a step, he caught a glimpse of the Nine Lives God Grass on the table from the corner of his eye. Raising the divine grass! It can promote the power of the Emperor Realm to a small realm, and the old man’s food may be able to hit the ninth level of the Emperor Realm. Overlord, this divine grass, the old man loves it very much!"

The Bajue Emperor blushed and said: "Old Ancestor, the Overlord can never be the master of this divine grass. This is the treasure of Mr. Xiao Yao. Please forgive me, Ancestor."

Xia Chonglou was immersed in selfless caress, the divine grass seemed to be the woman he caressed countless years ago, and he said with great pity: "Little friend Xiao Yao, this Nine Lives Divine Grass is of great use to me, if you Don't be stingy, how about treating it as a gift in return?"

Shangguan Xiaoyao was expressionless when he heard the words, and said coldly: "Put it down!"

return gift?Xia Chonglou, how dare you look at your old face and say it, oh yes, you don’t know what face is now, so I don’t have to give you face anymore.

Everyone was dumbfounded again.

"Little friend Xiao Yao, don't be so narrow-minded. The old man just wants a god grass, and he didn't ask you for too much, so why hold on to it so tightly." Xia Chonglou still said softly, the veteran Still skillfully stroking the divine grass.

"Put it down!" Shangguan Xiaoyao said coldly again.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"Xiao Yao, don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine. This old man condescends to discuss with you gently, but you actually act like this. Am I going too far, old man?! Just such an insignificant Nine Lives God Grass, yes Is it that important to you?" Xia Chonglou was already furious, and said sadly and indignantly.

Shangguan Xiaoyao couldn't hold back the raging fire in his heart anymore, and angrily scolded: "Old fox Chonglou, are you greedy for my panacea? Two plants of true dragon companion grass are enough, I don't hesitate to give it to you." Shi Zhu, but you repeatedly came up with conspiracies and tricks to join forces with your family members to cut off my flesh, you have the nerve to say that?! The Zijin family’s face has been completely disgraced by you!”

Xia Chonglou was dizzy with anger, and roared loudly: "Okay, you bastard, you have exposed me to the old bottom, then don't blame me for falling out with you! I will repair the old house for you, and with one person After a few days of busy work, my old bones are about to fall apart. Leaving aside the fatigue, I have left behind the important affairs of the Zijin family and devoted myself to repairing the old house for you. I have the embarrassment to ask you to ask for the True Dragon Companion Grass, but just a Nine Lives God Grass, isn’t that enough loyalty?!”

Shangguan Xiaoyao let out a long sigh of relief and decided not to argue anymore.For Xia Chonglou's appearance of a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, this kind of soft and hard hob meat, this kind of thick-skinned scoundrel, Shangguan Xiaoyao is willing to bow down!

"Take that Nine Lives Divine Grass and immediately disappear in front of me. From now on, wherever I am, don't come!"

"Hmph! You think I'd like to look at you brat, this is the best way!" After Shangguan Xiaoyao let him take away the Nine Lives God Grass, Xia Chonglou's anger calmed down a lot, his brows stretched slightly, and he disappeared in Shanhaiju in an instant. within.

Everyone was dumbfounded!
Mr. Xiao Yao, you... are you an evildoer of which force?Dare... dare to talk to the ancestor like this?

(End of this chapter)

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