Reborn Killer Supreme

Chapter 772 The 2nd God Becomer

Chapter 772 The Second God Becomer

"Brother Xiaoyao, watch out for your back!" The stabbing sword turned into an afterimage, and Li Xiaosheng stabbed to death several half-consumed gods who approached Shangguan Xiaoyao's back one after another.

Shangguan Xiaoyao turned around and smiled nonchalantly, Gong Lei Hammer once again flashed a burst of thunder in front of him, forcing the surrounding gods and gods to retreat: "It seems that the strongest of these guys is here .”

Li Xiaosheng wiped the blood flowing from his forehead, leaned against Shangguan Xiaoyao's back, his eyes scanned the panting Tianlongren who was still pressing on every step of the way: "Hmph, what do these guys want to do to us? ? It's just a dream, Liuhuoya!"

Accompanied by a flame burning in mid-air, the crossbow bolt thrown by Li Xiaosheng shot and killed several demigod Celestial Dragons again.

"Xiaosheng! Find the right opportunity to get out of here, you are too difficult to cover by my side." Shangguan Xiaoyao threw the Gongshen Hammer in Shangguan Xiaoyao's hand, and several strong Tianlong people tried to take it forcibly before being caught by him Flying backwards, he saw mouthfuls of blood already overflowing from his mouth.

Shangguan Xiaoyao swung backwards with one hand, and held the folding fan that sealed the Book of Everything again in his hand, trying to leave flames on the ground to isolate the attackers from the furnace.

"Huh? What's the situation?" The wall of fire Shangguan Xiaoyao expected did not appear, the fire in the furnace only left wisps of green smoke and a faint smell of burnt on the black ground.

At this time, Tianlongren continued to fly in the distance again, and Shangguan Xiaoyao felt a trace of familiarity from there: "Li Xiaosheng, your brother and Yue Zhong have both come here?!"

Li Xiaosheng threw out a barrage of arrows again, and several gods took a few steps back in pain: "That's right, everyone followed you after you rushed out of Shanhaiju. Now they should have gathered in one place and are working together to kill the enemy."

A sword buzzing interrupted Li Xiaosheng's words, and the Xiaoyao Excalibur flew into Shangguan Xiaoyao's hands, sticking to his scalp, and there was still unfaded iron on it slowly flowing.

Shangguan Xiaoyao swiped his sword in front of him and forced back the group of Celestial Dragons who came flying again, leaving only mercury-like molten iron and drops of blood that hadn't had time to fall in the air.

"Brother Xiaoyao, where is your huge Wuxiang auger?" Li Xiaosheng looked at the few drops of mercury flowing iron left on the Xiaoyao Excalibur in puzzlement, and couldn't help asking.

He only saw Shangguan Xiaoyao's mysterious smile, and the words that came to his ears: "I lent a part to Wei Shuangjue, that guy is now deeply involved in the earthquake and cannot save himself. As for the other part, you will see it in a while." .”

Li Xiaosheng looked at Shangguan Xiaoyao's face in bewilderment, he blocked several Tianlongren who were approaching to attack, and transformed the stabbing sword into a light crossbow again.

The string pine and the arrow sounded, but the wind and waves rolled up were much weaker than he imagined: "Why is this, there is an inexplicable sense of stagnation in the air... Could it be this?!"

"There is no image, no life, no way, no way! The iron mysterious magic of Wuxiang shapes life!"

After Shangguan Xiaoyao finished reciting the formula in a low voice, many warriors in the field who were originally aggressive suddenly entered a state of sluggishness, and blood mixed with molten iron could be faintly seen overflowing from the gap between their mouths, noses and skin.

"Phew, at least these things are resolved." Shangguan Xiaoyao wiped the sweat from his brow, and pushed these puppet-like Tianlong people to the ground with a casual slap.

Li Xiaosheng also entered a state of sluggishness. He watched the molten iron in the state of mercury overflowing from the gap between his mouth and nose, gradually returning to the original appearance of iron without image, while the gods and gods on the ground seemed to be leaking. The sac gradually shriveled, the escaping blood stained his feet, and the laws that were still relatively intact in it also dissipated in the air.

"Brother Xiaoyao, your attack is..." Li Xiaosheng's facial expression still did not recover, and he kept looking at Shangguan Xiaoyao's panting figure with his mouth wide open.

At this time, Shangguan Xiaoyao was looking at the corpses of the Tianlong people who were constantly being affected and rushed outward layer by layer, pretending to be relaxed and said with a smile: "This is just a new trick I developed by combining Wuxiang Iron. It's a little meaning. That's all."

Li Xiaosheng looked at the shriveled corpses of the Tianlong people around him, and his mouth opened wider as if it had been dislocated.

When the two saw the "first row" of Tianlong people again, Shangguan Xiaoyao's mere glance made these low-level gods wearing green lins all take a step back, and they were already completely devoid of fighting spirit. Behind is still dense, I am afraid that I have turned around and fled in all directions.

"Brother Xiaosheng, let's go. Wei Shuangjue seems to be in a strange situation. He alone can't deal with it. We need to go to support as soon as possible." rush away.

"Hiss, hiss hiss! Shangxian, spare your life! Shangxian, spare your life!" When those Tianlong people saw Shangguan Xiaoyao approaching him one by one, they knelt on the ground to beg for mercy.

And the Wuxiang iron gathered in Shangguan Xiaoyao's hands formed two huge thick-backed ring knives, which crushed the Tianlong people who bowed their heads and begged for mercy in a blink of an eye, and continued to rush forward without slowing down in the slightest. : "The bastard who is in the way, if you don't want to die, get out of the way!"

Following Shangguan Xiaoyao's loud roar, the lizardmen pushed their companions behind them to make way for Shangguan Xiaoyao.

However, this situation didn't last long, and in a blink of an eye, he saw two tall Godly Lizards in front of him, wearing a layer of plate armor outside the thick yellow scales, rushing towards him, and the two gourds came together from a high altitude. It hit Shangguan Xiaoyao's face.

The huge ring-head knife in his hand switched to two even bigger sledgehammers in a blink of an eye, and Shangguan Xiaoyao oriented the golden melon that fell from a high altitude with a buzzing sound.

At that time, the gourd flew into all directions, and the sharp and tough shards cut the two yellow-scaled lizards to death on the spot.

"It feels...these broken rules are triggering the law in my body? And is my law about to form?" Li Xiaosheng's eyes became more and more excited, and he didn't realize that he was about to move until the law was about to move. soared. "This is not bad, I didn't expect my godhead to be formed so quickly!"

Shangguan Xiaoyao, who was leading the way in front, had already felt the constant changes coming from Li Xiaosheng behind him, but at this moment, he couldn't be happy because there were more and more yellow-scaled celestial dragons in front of him, and their cultivation level was constantly rising : "Damn it, Wei Shuangjue is using Wei Shuangjue as bait to catch us, you underestimated these Tianlong people!"

Although Shangguan Xiaoyao's complaints never stopped, the speed under his feet was a bit faster than before, and the Wuxiang Iron in his hands was constantly changing various weapons, counterattacking and rushing from the hands of the yellow-scaled Tianlong of various weapons.

"But these yellow-scaled lizards, the higher the state, the lower the intelligence and behavioral agility?" Li Xiaosheng also noticed that these yellow-scaled lizards appeared more and more frequently, but he proposed a different discovery point. "In my opinion, these lizards are probably the guards of a noble blood. Wei Shuangjue is in big trouble this time."

Li Xiaosheng's analysis coincided with Shangguan Xiaoyao's guess, and the speed under their feet couldn't help being a little faster.

"Forget it, it seems that I have to use this thing." No matter how Shangguan Xiaoyao left the Wuxiang Iron in his hand, and Shangguan Xiaoyao's own combat power was so strong, the speed of the two of them still slowed down. Li Xiaosheng had no choice but to The bow and arrow that hid himself in the snow was stolen behind him. "God Yi bestowed on me a real weapon, the Bow of Breaking Dao."

The bow seemed to have color, and it seemed to have no color. Li Xiaosheng held this weapon that could not be clearly seen in his hand, and rushed past Shangguan Xiaoyao with his feet, and shot invisible arrows in the air: " Only now did I understand how to shoot the bodyless arrow passed down to me by God Yi!"

Of course, the yellow-scaled Tianlong people sensed the deadly threat Li Xiaosheng was shooting at them. Some of them stretched out to support the unique defensive wall that only Tianlong talents have, while the other part held their own weapons and faced Li Xiaosheng with endless threats. Pounce - In the battle between most of the gods in the god world, as long as the god who presides over the influence dies, his attack will naturally disappear.

But those defensive spells didn't work as they should. Li Xiaosheng's bodyless arrows easily shot into these huge targets.

Those attacks that could have easily shredded Li Xiaosheng suddenly fell in power, and were easily trampled into dry soil by Li Xiaosheng's few steps, but Li Xiaosheng's body flew towards a higher place, and the bow of breaking Dao in his hand continued to shoot out like nothing. chord ringing.

Shangguan Xiaoyao skimmed over these yellow-scaled lizardmen who fell to the holy realm in an instant, and the aftermath of the gods only crushed their will into powder, and their huge bodies fell to the ground behind them, crushing many ordinary lizards to death.

"Li Xiaosheng, that's where Wei Shuangjue was trapped!" Shangguan Xiaoyao raised his head and looked at Li Xiaosheng, who was constantly flying in the air and drawing his bow, and pointed to the direction where the silver light was constantly shining in front, where there were constantly shining golden scales, And the majestic aura that can only be produced by a person in a superior position if there is nothing.

The two of them could already hear Wei Shuangjue's constant roars, and Shangguan Xiaoyao could even feel the vitality constantly overflowing from him through the Wuxiang Iron connected to his consciousness.

"Wei Shuangjue suffered a lot of injuries, let's rush in!" Shangguan Xiaoyao also flew into the air, squinting at the golden scale lizardmen surrounded by the silver light, surrounded by all the remaining Wuxiang of iron.

Thin spears pointed forward one after another, and the figures of Shangguan Xiaoyao and Li Xiaosheng were gradually engulfed by dots of cold light.

"Hiss—stop them, those are our real targets!" Among the golden-scaled celestial dragons, a lizardman covered in pitch black appeared in Shangguan Xiaoyao's field of vision.

(End of this chapter)

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