Reborn Killer Supreme

Chapter 775 The place where the gods gather

Chapter 775 The place where the gods gather
"The huge tortoise is where we live, and this black tortoise claims to be the only creature that survived the catastrophe of all ages?!"

Shangguan Xiaoyao and Li Xiaosheng looked at each other, and they both saw incredulousness in each other's eyes.

"How is it possible, I have never seen the border of that black land!" Li Xiaosheng thought that his eyesight was enough to support his vision to reach the border of the continent, but when he looked into the distance, he could only see some vague darkness and Just a border.

"The black tortoise is the first generation of creatures in the God Realm. Compared with the legendary creation gods, it is only born a few days less." Xiao Ba led the two of them to keep closing the distance between Feng Bamian and Feng Bamian in front of him. . "And the divinity of the god Xuangui is stronger than all the existing gods, even comparable to the master of the great way."

The three creatures kept flying forward, and there were strange fluctuations in the dark void from time to time, and strange feedbacks came from the consciousness of Shangguan Xiaoyao and Li Xiaosheng.

"Don't worry about it, those are some creatures of the same origin in the universe, and they won't have any interest in us guys." Xiao Ba stopped Li Xiaosheng's gaze, motioning him to focus on accelerating forward.

In the blink of an eye, Shangguan Xiaoyao had reached the front of the three of them, and Feng Ba's swaying robes became more and more clear.

Then he suddenly lost the light that should have appeared on Feng Bamian's body in his field of vision. With rich combat experience, he subconsciously unsheathed the Xiaoyao Excalibur, and a cold light appeared in the endless darkness in an instant.


Xiao Ba behind was trying to stop Shangguan Xiaoyao's movements, but he was one step too late, the color of blood had already emerged in the darkness, and the three of them had already dyed red light on their bodies.

"Lord Xiaoyao, you just killed a Void Devourer!" Xiao Ba's voice trembled slightly, and he shouted to Shangguan Xiaoyao.

Shangguan Xiaoyao maintained his forward speed, turned around and asked puzzledly, "Aren't void creatures not interested in us?"

"But they are interested in the blood of their own race!" Xiao Ba's eyes were full of panic, and his speed even directly surpassed Shangguan Xiaoyao. "Speed ​​up, the consequences of being targeted by those guys are unimaginable!"

Shangguan Xiaoyao glanced behind him, and found that Li Xiaosheng's face had changed.

"Brother Xiaoyao, I'm afraid Xiao Ba is right...Liu Guangshining!" Li Xiaosheng swallowed his saliva, a dazzling spot of light condensed in his hand, and threw it behind him.

Shangguan Xiaoyao just watched as the slender streamer arrows illuminated huge, fang-toothed beasts behind him, and the neatly arranged teeth were stacked in a ring shape in the round mouth. .

As the streamer arrow broke, Shangguan Xiaoyao finally withdrew his gaze, his face was covered with sweat and fear: "Go! The fastest speed, damn it! These void creatures are so defensive!"

The lights of the three people passed by, and the white, blue, and red lights pulled out tails behind them.

"You three, what's the matter!" Suddenly, Feng Bamian's voice appeared from the front. "I have now boarded the turtle's back, how is your situation?"

Shangguan Xiaoyao was still being chased by hordes of ferocious beasts at this time, and from time to time, world fragments and meteorites flashed through the void - he no longer dared to easily smash these things, for fear of causing another group of people to chase him The ranks expand.

Taking advantage of the interference of the meteorites to the situation behind him, Li Xiaosheng had time to transmit the voice to Feng Bamian: "Brother Xiaoyao just provoked a large group of void beasts, and we are running at full speed now!"

"A group of idiots, they just provoked the mysterious tortoise of the gods and the herd of beasts in the void! Xiaoba dragged Wei Shuangjue out!" Feng Bamian's voice began to become intermittent, and the situation in the void also had a significant impact on the voice. interference.

"Why, Wei Shuangjue will definitely die if he appears in the void!" Shangguan Xiaoyao shot a light behind him again, and found that the fierce beasts chasing them were getting closer.

"Tell you to do it quickly, or you will die there!"

Shangguan Xiaoyao gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand to open the lid of the Chunqiu jade pot, and pulled Wei Shuangjue out.

Then he felt a blur before his eyes, and then the long-lost pain of kissing the earth.

Shangguan Xiaoyao grabbed Wei Shuangjue and rubbed and rolled on the black ground all the way, finally plunged into the red lawful soil.

"What happened??? Why did I go back to the mainland again? Where are those giant void beasts!" Shangguan Xiaoyao's eyes were full of confusion, he got up from the red soil, and patted the soil on his body.

After walking a few steps, I still felt that my body still hadn't recovered its balance, and I slid along the cold stone wall and sat on the soft soil.

"Who dares to hurt me! Wait for me to kill him, and the peach blossoms will bloom!" Wei Shuangjue wielded a pair of knives, swirling, and rushed out of the mound, his eyes were also confused, but he was more A bit of fighting spirit.

Then he saw Shangguan Xiaoyao who was also in a state of confusion. What was more serious than the others was that Shangguan Xiaoyao's body was constantly swaying from side to side even when he was sitting on the ground.

Wei Shuangjue thought to himself that Shangguan Xiaoyao might not be able to hurt him here, so he simply put away his swords and sat opposite Shangguan Xiaoyao who kept swaying left and right, leaning against the cold wall behind his back and staring at Shangguan Xiaoyao: "Why do you go back? What happened to me? Why did we appear here?! What about the void, what about that giant turtle?!"

Shangguan Xiaoyao just glanced at Wei Shuangjue, opened his mouth and said nothing.

Then Wei Shuangjue looked at Shangguan Xiaoyao leaning on the wall, and vomited.

"???" Wei Shuangjue's brain was almost at a standstill. Shangguan Xiaoyao, who is a god, actually vomited there while leaning on the wall. This was something that was impossible to happen before, but now in his Appeared in front of my eyes.

"You two... Oh my god!" When Wei Shuangjue was sitting in a daze in the mountain depression, Yin Zhiyao poked her head out from above, and just as she was about to speak, she was pushed back by the strong stench. "Spell to dispel evil spirits!"

As the breezy female voice above chanted the formula, Wei Shuangjue only felt his mouth, eyes and brain clear for a while, and stood up at that time.


Everyone watched Wei Shuangjue crawling out of the mountain, but they didn't see Shangguan Xiaoyao's figure, and there was still faint vomiting sound coming from inside.

"Forget it, Xiao Ba, go down."

Xiao Ba sighed, and walked along the mouth of the mountain into the huge ocean of red soil: "The Spring and Autumn Magic Art regenerates and purifies all things!"

At this time, Shangguan Xiaoyao finally stopped his vomiting under the intervention of the divine art, and the dizziness in his brain also subsided.

When Xiao Ba flew out of the mountain with Shangguan Xiaoyao hanging on his body, everyone had cleaned up their embarrassment, and all looked at Shangguan Xiaoyao who had been tossed into a weak state.

Feng Bamian returned to the state of smiling, and looked at Shangguan Xiaoyao standing there weakly: "Do you know how many times you turned over when you returned to the ground?"

Shangguan Xiaoyao stood there still in a state of confusion, swaying left and right, Yin Zhiyao walked up and held Shangguan Xiaoyao's arm.

"From there to this mountain depression, you just rolled and slowed down." Feng Bamian pointed to a wooden stick far away from his eyes, it seemed that Feng Bamian had put it there deliberately. "Take it as a lesson, Xiaoyao, you can no longer just use your sword to deal with anything you see at random. Some things in the God Realm look weak and are actually enough to pose a fatal threat to us."

Shangguan Xiaoyao didn't know if he understood, but just nodded in confusion.

"Forget it, Xiaoyao's recklessness also brought us good news. The god Xuangui has agreed to communicate with us." Feng Bamian walked away with his hands behind his back. "He wants me to express his gratitude to Shangguan Xiaoyao for ending the Twilight Era, and is willing to accept that we will continue to live on His back, and allow us to continue building the Zongmen palace without affecting the turtle shell."

Yin Zhiyao supported Shangguan Xiaoyao, and followed Feng Bamian who was leading the way.

"But Xuan Gui has one condition, which is nothing to me and Shangguan Xiaoyao." Feng Bamian said suddenly, "But you may need to think about it."

"Remain hostile to the current ruler of the universe, and confront him head-on." Xiao Ba took the topic and said suddenly.

Feng Bamian continued to walk forward unhurriedly, and his back revealed a little determination: "There is no need to think about it now, some things are not so easy to decide."

"I will definitely stand by Shangguan Xiaoyao's side, the ruler of the great way is destined to be killed by Shangguan Xiaoyao!" Yin Zhiyao took the lead in declaring her position before waiting for everyone to express their views.

"Of course, I will go wherever my apprentice goes!" Yin Fuhuang held the fiery red phoenix feather on her head, as if she was talking about something insignificant.

In the haze, Shangguan Xiaoyao seemed to have regained the control of his body, he swallowed a few times, and before everyone asked what he meant, he returned to the state of confusion.

"Then, now we're going to the first gathering place of the gods in the true sense of the word, and also the floating island of the gods where the creation gods first established themselves. We call it Pantian!"

Following Feng Bamian's loud introduction, a giant wall of nothingness slowly fell from top to bottom, and everyone felt a wave of calm and ancient dust rushing toward their faces.

Shangguan Xiaoyao finally woke up completely under the breath of this long time. He straightened up again from Yin Zhiyao's support, and stood in front of the huge wall that was about to disappear: "I can feel... There are many people here... Fragments of the Spring and Autumn Sect! It’s on this island!”

"Hmm——Little friend Xiaoyao, I can feel the aura of those hypocrites in this city of gods. Please find them and let them get the ending they deserve." Just as Shangguan Xiaoyao was looking forward to it, the voice of the god Xuangui A low voice came to his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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