Chapter 779

"Wait a minute, are you really the Child of Destiny?"

The atmosphere fell into a trough again, and everyone looked at Gong Sinian, whose eyes were full of suspicion.

Gong Sinian put away his feet, and Shangguan Xiaoyao realized at this time that his feet had no scars from the scorching fire at all, they were just blackened by the flames.

Everyone's eyes followed Gong Sinian who got up, and saw that he walked all the way behind Wei Shuangjue, put his hands on Wei Shuangjue's shoulders, and leaned forward slightly.

Wei Shuangjue clearly felt the strand of red beard on the top of his head constantly stirring his hair.

Feeling extremely uncomfortable, Wei Shuangjue was about to struggle to get up, but the firm weight from his hands was like two big mountains, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free from them.

"Be quiet, young man, I need to investigate something." Holding Wei Shuangjue firmly with both hands, Gong Sinian's body began to show green seals, which gradually grew from the top of his head and spread down his body. "Quiet, relax...yes, be quiet..."

As the strings of dharma seals entered Wei Shuangjue's body, the strength like a calf gradually stabilized.

"Brother Shuangjue? Brother Shuangjue?" Sitting next to him, Yu Jiujie gently pushed Wei Shuangjue with one hand, only to find that Wei Shuangjue was as motionless as a wooden stake. "What did you do to Wei Shuangjue, stop your actions!"

The nine-pointed starlight appeared, the bamboo sword pointed straight at Gong Sinian's head, and the will of the gods appeared in Yu Jiujie's eyes in a rage.

"Be quiet, Jiu Jie, the God of Forging is just investigating Wei Shuangjue's body. To some extent, it is also good for Wei Shuang's growth." Feng Bamian stretched out his hand and flicked around Yu Jiujie's body The little bit of starlight was easily hidden by him, and even the divine power that appeared faintly also dissipated.

Yu Jiujie, who had regained his composure, discovered that Wei Shuangjue did not have any painful information flowing out of him, but that the realm of the deity was about to loosen gradually.

So Wei Shuangjue rushed up to the deity under the dilapidated stone walls in this slightly shabby house in the eyes of everyone, but he didn't have any aura that a deity should have.

With a shake in the dust, Wei Shuangjue's eyes slowly opened, and two fiery breaths seemed to burn in everyone's hearts.

Gong Sinian returned to his seat and sat down, grabbed his beehive-like beard and said, "There was no negotiation between your fate and me before, but now there is."

The scorching breath was fleeting, Wei Shuangjue immediately stood up, knelt down on the grass couch again, pressed his forehead to the ground towards Gong Sinian, and kowtowed dully.

"Then, brother Shuangjue, what law is on your body now?" Shangguan Xiaoyao also stood up, lightly tapping the blade of the sword hanging behind him.

Shangguan Xiaoyao's hand directly grabbed the Xiaoyao Divine Sword, ready to suppress Wei Shuangjue's new law at any time.

Immediately Wei Shuangjue also got up, and the divine power escaped uncontrollably when he was just promoted to the god, and was blocked in the space around him intentionally or unintentionally by Feng Bamian and others.

His eyes met Shangguan Xiaoyao's eyes, and the flames and red stars in the hearth could be seen in both pupils.

Shangguan Xiaoyao frowned, he had been waiting for Wei Shuangjue's power, attack, and any imminent visions.

However, there is nothing in this room other than the fluttering of sparks, the red light from the window, the reflective sword, and everyone's staring and panting.

Wei Shuangjue finally noticed his abnormality, and looked at Gong Sinian who was sitting there safely in a daze, "That...Master? Why hasn't my power of law appeared until now?"

"I sealed it for you, ha ha." Gong Sinian took out a jug of hot wine out of nowhere, sat there and poured it into his mouth. "In order to prevent your state from being affected, breaking through the Holy One with external force will eventually cause some bad situations."

Wei Shuangjue's aura instantly became sluggish, and he sat down by the fire with his hands hanging powerlessly by his side.

The sound of drinking was almost uninterrupted. Gong Sinian kept drinking with his neck up, but he got up and walked towards the door.

The group of people sitting around the table watched his gradually staggering steps, and couldn't help but feel their hearts rise.

"Let's go, let's go to Pantian City." Gong Sinian knocked on the door, motioning for everyone to follow. "You have killing intent in your heart, and the person to be killed is about to arrive."

Shangguan Xiaoyao was startled suddenly, a cool breeze poured into his heart.


A group of people reappeared on the broad avenue with all kinds of twists and turns, and the wooden buildings with four or five floors appeared in the eyes of everyone again. All kinds of lights continued to block out all kinds of lights on the ground with the high floors. kind of shadow.

"Here, no matter how many times I look at it, I feel confused and puzzled." A strand of feather floated down from the sky, and slowly landed in Shangguan Xiaoyao's palm. "This is... the feather of the Peng bird? Are there so many ancient beasts here?"

Yin Fuhuang patted Shangguan Xiaoyao's shoulder, grinned and pointed to the sky.

Shangguan Xiaoyao suddenly felt his eyes go dark, and saw two huge wings flashing across the sky in the gap between the buildings.

Everyone looked up at the huge body falling not far away, and Shangguan Xiaoyao could even vaguely see the rows of seats on the back that was as wide as a square.

When everyone was stunned, Gong Sinian pointed to the distance where the Pengniao landed, and a voice full of alcohol brought everyone back to reality: "The person you want to fight with is right there."

Everyone turned their attention to Xiaoba and Feng Bamian again, their attitude at this time was the military order for everyone to act.

"Hmm... that's right, the inference of the God of Forging is consistent with mine, and the fanatics of the Dao Master are there." The voice of the god Xuangui suddenly broke into everyone's minds, and the deep voice instantly pointed out the target of the action . "The fanatics will be preparing to hand over some matters to the city's god leaders in Pantian City. Please do it as soon as possible."

Shangguan Xiaoyao was taken aback when he heard the word "Shenmin", and looked at Feng Bamian suspiciously.

"Don't look at me, this Pantian city was built by the gods, and the gods just live here. Moreover, the energy system of the gods is different from that of ordinary gods, so the relatively large gathering places of gods in the god world are actually Everything is under the control of the aborigines." Feng Bamian was still smoking his pipe, looking like an old god.

Shangguan Xiaoyao observed the surroundings, and found that their sudden crowd seemed to have attracted the attention of the passing gods: "What's the matter, the gods are so resistant to those of us who gather together?"

"They misunderstood you. Ever since the Master of the Great Dao inherited the dilapidated and desolate God Realm after the catastrophe of all ages, the gods of the entire God Realm have been ruled by the Master of the Great Dao, the Divine Sect of the Great Dao, and his fanatics."

"But the strange situation here is that the masters of the avenue don't seem to have any interest in these ancient cities. They just sent the lowest fanatics to rule here, just to declare the current avenue to the gods here. Who is it?" Feng Bamian patted the pipe in the palm of his hand, and the ash that had been burned to ashes was scattered on the street with the tail of the strong wind. "The roc is about to land, let's go!"

A passing god just blinked his eyes, and the new gods who had surrounded the street corner for a long time disappeared, as if they had never been there.

The god with a strong aura seemed to have seen some demon, and flew back in a panic for fear of avoiding it, still muttering something in his mouth.


Shangguan Xiaoyao and others slowly approached the huge square where the Pengniao was parked. At this time, they were living in a small alley where the sun could not shine.

Pairs of gleaming eyes looked at the huge roc, its drooping feathers and the traveler sliding down from it.

"These people don't look like gods, why did they appear in this God Realm?" Shangguan Xiaoyao squinted his eyes, and the eyeballs trembled almost crazily in the gaps.

Smoke filled the alley, Feng Bamian was smoking fiercely in the last position, and he was in the upper wind, influencing the whole group of people.

"Actually, the God Realm is open to higher beings at the same time. These creatures have not mastered the laws of the God Realm, but their lifespan is enough to support them watching the death of the gods and the reincarnation of the world." Feng Bamian's thick smoke is like As if setting the alley on fire, Shangguan Xiaoyao's voice had already dropped when he heard him. "These isolated bland guys don't respond dramatically to changes in the world, but as long as they touch their bottom line—"

A tall creature with pointed ears that had just slipped off its wings in the distance, realized that his backpack had been flipped by the thief around him, then pulled out the short dagger at his waist, and cut off the thief's head casually.

"—and become extremely furious."

Li Yuezhong couldn't help shivering, he didn't notice the aura in the dagger at all, the man left here casually as if he picked a flower by the side of the road.

"Immortal aliens, they call themselves elves." Gong Sinian stared at the man with pointed ears who was fading away, as if he was an old man whom he hadn't seen for a long time. "How about it, have you found anyone you need to kill?"

"No, the aura of the Master of the Great Dao is not so obvious, but I can feel that he is in this square." Shangguan Xiaoyao saw that the number of people on the Pengniao had become less and less, and there was a trace of anxiety in his tone. "Damn it, where the hell is this guy!"

"I'll go out and have a look. There's something unusual about the corpse there." Xiao Ba suddenly lost his breath and walked towards the fallen corpse in the distance. "Makes me feel...familiar?"

(End of this chapter)

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