Reborn Killer Supreme

Chapter 784: The Beginning of the War

Chapter 784: The Beginning of the War
Xiao Ba's roar fell to the ground, and the fireball caused by the Yin Fuhuang was suddenly fierce, and several layers of golden light were cast on the flowing fire.

There was a sound of golden light falling to the ground, and all the spirit warriors in front of Shangguan Xiaoyao were staggered by this set of combos. The gaps between the bricks on the ground and the pillars and tiles between the buildings were filled with red.

"The war has begun." Shangguan Xiaoyao squinted his eyes and said, flicking the Xiaoyao Divine Sword and retracting it into the leather sheath.

There is only bloody blood and hell-like groans left here, the sword shattered to the ground, and the warrior didn't get up anymore.

Shangguan Xiaoyao walked on the street with Yin Zhiyao and Yin Fuhuang, Li Xiaosheng leaped and shuttled between the roofs, while Xiao Ba concealed his body and explored the road ahead, only Shangguan Xiaoyao could see him.

The group of people just walked through a few blocks, when Shangguan Xiaoyao saw Xiao Ba, who was floating in front of him, stop suddenly, and immediately the Xiaoyao Excalibur was unsheathed, and flames flew all over him.

Then he saw Li Xiaosheng standing on the top of the building really smiled. Shangguan Xiaoyao had never seen such a happy expression on Li Xiaosheng's face. After he blinked his glasses in doubt, he saw Li Xiaosheng's body disappear from the top of the building. .

"Little Ba, the barrier of time is for Li Xiaosheng! He is in danger!" Shangguan Xiaoyao shouted eagerly, holding a weapon and rushing forward eagerly.

Xiao Ba's eyes stared there in bewilderment, but there was no movement in his hands.

Then there was a continuous sound of laughter in the alley, as well as the faint laughter of Xiong Daxiong Er.Shangguan Xiaoyao couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, but there was a buzzing sound of anticipation for the battle from the sword spirit in his hand.

In the end, Shangguan Xiaoyao came behind Xiaoba, with the Xiaoyao Divine Sword in front of him, and a thick barrier of time and space was formed on the sword.

"Who's there!" A frightening scorching light emanated from the edge of the Xiaoyao Excalibur, shooting directly at the crowd surrounded by the street.

The people in the alley were attracted by Shangguan Xiaoyao's roar, and their pupils directly hit the scorching light shot out by Xiaoyao's sword.

"Ah! Xiong Da! Where are you, Xiong Da? I can't see clearly!" Shangguan Xiaoyao saw the huge black bear sitting on the ground directly, rubbing its two rough front paws. eyes. "Ah! Why did you hit me, Xiong Da! Xiong Da!"

And another big brown bear that was bigger, with tears in its eyes, and its huge bear paw roaring and flopping around: "Roar! Enemy attack! Protect Lord Xiaoyao, calm me down, it's just some Tianlong people It's just a trick!"

But Li Xiaosheng kept patting each other's shoulders with a tall blond man, as if they knew each other, both of them had smiles on their faces.

Shangguan Xiaoyao also saw that the pavilions not far away were covering each other in an orderly manner and defending in four directions in the corner.

Only these gods were not affected by Shangguan Xiaoyao's scorching light. They pulled out a dark curtain out of thin air at the moment of the light flickering, and only appeared in their eyes after the scorching light faded again and again.

Shangguan Xiaoyao compared the three jumping nerves on his side, and then looked at those gods who looked extremely elite, and couldn't help feeling extremely worried about his future.


When the group of people settled down, Shangguan Xiaoyao saw the blond man walking towards him, then put away the Xiaoyao Divine Sword, and greeted him with a smile: "Hello, it seems that I taught Li Xiaosheng something It's you."

"Don't dare, respected warrior, I just share some ambitions with Li Xiaosheng." The blond man walked up to Shangguan Xiaoyao, clenched his fist forward, and pointed his arm obliquely at Shangguan Xiaoyao.

With just a few glances, Shangguan Xiaoyao understood that this guy was not a god of the gods, nor was he a normal creature of this kind of eternal life.

Shangguan Xiaoyao imitated his posture in a decent manner, raised his arm in the same way, and lightly touched the opponent's arm.

"I come from the edge of the continent, a place... different from normal practitioners. There are no gods and laws in our place, and we have to solve everything by ourselves." This slender blond man looks as tall as Shangguan Xiaoyao , although no muscles can be seen on his body, the way of action that never makes unnecessary movements shows that this guy is a powerful fighter, at least physically.

And that clothes... Shangguan Xiaoyao only thought of one person from him, Gong Sinian.Only Gong Sinian's clothes are somewhat similar to his, with large pieces of bright green and yellow cloth strips taking the belt as the baseline, winding up, down, left, and right, and finally gathered on the only leather belt around the waist. .

His eyes also scanned Shangguan Xiaoyao, and at this moment, Shangguan Xiaoyao's square robe with a swing and the white Su that flashed from time to time in his sleeves also made him extremely curious.

"So your clothes are like this...the tassels are so beautiful, and the cloth is so thin..." To Shangguan Xiaoyao's surprise, this guy didn't hesitate to touch his body up and down, constantly groping for his body. clothing.

For a moment, Shangguan Xiaoyao didn't know how to react, he could only stand there blankly and let him do what he could.

"Honorable Immortal, standing in front of you is Shangguan Xiaoyao, the successor of Tantric Buddhism and the destroyer of the twilight era, please maintain your respect!" Xiao Ba stood beside Shangguan Xiaoyao with a solemn expression, and warned the blond man in a low voice.

Then Xiaoba's sound transmission entered Shangguan Xiaoyao's ears again: "This is the longevity alien that Gong Sinian said, with an almost unlimited lifespan and an incalculable growth ability, but it cannot sense the relationship between blood and rules. ability."

Shangguan Xiaoyao nodded lightly, imitating Li Xiaosheng's way of fighting with him before, patted his arm, and walked towards the gods who had disarmed their formation in the distance.

Out of caution and etiquette, Shangguan Xiaoyao simply concealed the laws around him symbolically, and walked step by step like a mortal to those gods who were dressed in dilapidated but still fighting spirits: "Hello, The heroic resisters."

"The great breaker of the twilight era, thank you for helping us." Before Shangguan Xiaoyao could respond, these deities bowed deeply to Shangguan Xiaoyao in unison, shouting in awe road.

Seeing this scene, Shangguan Xiaoyao couldn't help feeling a little headache, and could only wait for these people's salutes to end before communicating with them.

All of this is because Xiaoba sent another voice transmission to Shangguan Xiaoyao: "These are the followers of the ancient sect of morality who abide by the morality and code of conduct of the ancient gods of creation. Master Xiaoyao, please remember to let them complete the ceremony. And don't make any concessions, otherwise these people will doubt your character."

Shangguan Xiaoyao could only accept Xiaoba's narration with a headache, waited for these people to finish the complicated etiquette, and deliberately put on a haughty posture to show his acceptance.

After nearly a moment, these shabby-dressed monks spoke the first words with formal meaning to Shangguan Xiaoyao: "My lord, may I ask if the one who killed the demon barrier last night is my lord."

"That's right, I was the one who killed the demonic obstacle of the Master of the Great Dao." Shangguan Xiaoyao ignored the sound transmission from Xiao Ba, and said proudly with his hands behind his back.

Then Li Xiaosheng also stood beside Shangguan Xiaoyao, his face was also full of arrogance: "That's right, the demonic barrier was killed by us together!"

Yin Zhiyao also stood up abruptly, and also showed the same look towards the gods: "Actually, the demon barrier was killed by me and my master!"

"That's right! I killed it!" Compared with the three people in front of her, Yin Fuhuang looked a little more arrogant, with her neck straightened and her face full of seriousness.

Shangguan Xiaoyao looked at the people who surrounded him one after another, and then looked at the monks standing scattered in front of him: "Most of the brave men who killed the demons are here, so now it's your turn to introduce yourself , from where, what faction?"

Those monks who were in the wrong position separated out a tall warrior, first performed a set of complicated etiquette to Shangguan Xiaoyao, and then said: "We call ourselves a war group, and we obey the will of the creator gods to protect us." The scriptures and mysteries that have been handed down since primitive times, as well as the monks who guard the way of inheritance."

"How many of you are left? I mean the fighters of your entire battle group in the God Realm." Shangguan Xiaoyao glanced behind him a few times. Only gods who can keep fighting.

The tall warrior looked back a few times, and Shangguan Xiaoyao watched his lips twitch a few times, as if he had experienced something: "Reply, my lord, so far there are only these fighters left in the battle group."

The deities behind him sensed Shangguan Xiaoyao's gaze and saluted him again.

Under Xiaoba's guidance, Shangguan Xiaoyao hesitantly replied to the crowd with a set of complicated etiquette that a superior should do to a lower-level deity.Then he asked slowly; "According to all the information from the gods of the liberal sect, it seems that you guys have lost each other?"

"That's right, the great one, our previous stronghold was besieged by a group of Celestial Dragons who far outnumbered us. If it weren't for the help of this sacred orc warrior, we would have been besieged to death by now." His name was a mouthful, so he simply called Shangguan Xiaoyao a great man. "If we can leave here alive, our battle group is willing to guarantee your honor to enter the Vientiane Sect to stimulate your blood."

"Hey, thank you Xiong Da Xiong Er."

"Xiaoyao, the battle group's stronghold has been found, but they are also being besieged!"

(End of this chapter)

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