Chapter 794
Shangguan Xiaoyao clearly looked at the crowd with fanaticism in their eyes under the steps, and couldn't believe that the enemy could hide so deeply.

"...What happened to the black smoke over there?" Shangguan Xiaoyao walked down the steps and saw the black smoke column in the distance. "I just slept for two days, why do I feel that a lot of incredible things have happened?"

At this time, whether it is Li Xiaosheng who always has a calm expression, Yu Jiujie who always exudes the fresh smell of the mountains, or Brother Mingxiong who always acts aggressively.

Both of their eyes had a thick layer of dark circles, and he even saw Yin Zhiyao can't stop hiccupping.

"Yinfuhuang started to cause trouble after you fell asleep. She ate all the land of law." Xiao Ba also looked listless, his body flickered while floating up and down in the air. "It took us a lot of effort to suppress the explosion and fire caused by her. Fortunately, the shell of the black turtle was not harmed."

"So, where did Yin Fuhuang go now?" Shangguan Xiaoyao glanced around, but he didn't see the person involved.

A group of people pointed at Shangguan Xiaoyao's arms, motioning him to check the Yuhu space.

Shangguan Xiaoyao felt a headache again. If the situation in the Yuhu space was unexpected again, he might not be killed by Yin Fuhuang, who is currently mentally abnormal, but Yin Zhiyao would definitely have something to do with him: "Forget it, Now that the situation of Yinfuhuang has happened, Zhiyao, follow me in."

In order to prevent him from being misunderstood by everyone again, Shangguan Xiaoyao decided to drag Yin Zhiyao into the Yuhu space together.

Eyes closed and opened, once again in the field of vision is the floating island in the Yuhu space where time is still and full of vitality—or once full of vitality.

"What happened, why did the isolated island in my space turn into such a ghostly appearance?!" Shangguan Xiaoyao stepped on a piece of scorched earth under his feet, making a crunching sound.

At this time, the green grass on the isolated island that was originally covered with ankles has disappeared, and the earthy yellow color exposed on the ground seems to be a man's bald head.

Yin Zhiyao also fell to the ground slowly, and the sound of the air flow drove a piece of black burning embers into the air: "After all, it is a phoenix. After devouring the soil of law, Master's physical condition is a little unstable, so he entered the space of Yuhu In addition, Xiao Ba's condition at that time could not prevent the abnormal situation in the Yuhu space, so I just watched her create the current state in it."

"What does it mean to make it look like this? There should be such a big forest in my jade pot space. Those fat and sweet fruits are enough to restore a monk in the Holy Land to its peak state!" Shangguan Xiaoyao hysterical Shouting, his hands kept comparing in front of a large piece of bare wooden poles.

At this time, waves of fire rushed towards Shangguan Xiaoyao with hot air. Although he himself was not affected in any way as a conscious body, Yin Zhiyao behind him was covered in dust by the black ember on the ground.

Shangguan Xiaoyao looked forward and saw the flames soaring into the sky, as well as the terrifying power that appeared from the constant flapping of the wings.

"My God... Zhiyao, your master is like this now, don't you feel uncomfortable?" Under the huge phoenix, the ground has already turned into streaks of lava, and the scorching breath engulfs the space in the jade pot. It has risen a lot out of thin air. "No, no, it can't be like this! Xiaoba, come in!"

Xiao Ba's body appeared next to Shangguan Xiaoyao in an instant, and suddenly fell to the ground: "Xiao Ba is here, sir, please order it as you like!"

Then Xiao Ba's knees stuck out forward, his feet softened, and he almost fell to the ground with his eyes darkened: "My home! Why did this place become like this? What happened to my home!"

"Is there no way for you to return to the original state?" Shangguan Xiaoyao stared at Xiao Ba with his eyes, watching him sink down.

Xiao Ba suddenly stood up again, regained his energy and looked back at Shangguan Xiaoyao.

Shangguan Xiaoyao got goosebumps all over his body when he saw the frank and crazy eyes in front of him: "Say what you want to say, don't make such disgusting eyes!"

Under the reprimand of Shangguan Xiaoyao's righteous words, Xiao Ba finally opened his mouth hesitantly: "Actually... I have tried to restore this place four times, but every time I was beaten by Yin Fuhuang If you don’t believe me, your lord has been burned like this.”

Eager to prove something, Xiao Ba draws circles one after another in the air with both hands. In an instant, the green grass regenerates, the big tree grows, and the fruit of different colors reappears in front of Shangguan Xiaoyao.

"That's right, how can a phoenix be burned into charcoal in the inner space of the dignified supreme artifact...?" Shangguan Xiaoyao's face was filled with joy again, and he took a few steps forward to pick off the fruit on the branch , As a result, another wave of fire rolled up on Fenghuang, and burned these new big trees and grass to ashes in front of Shangguan Xiaoyao. "... Yinfuhuang? Are you awake already?"

Shangguan Xiaoyao simply threw away the charred fruit in his hand, and when he sensed something strange, he strode up to Yinfuhuang, intending to wake up the humming Phoenix completely.

However, Yin Fuhuang only set off a more scorching fire wave, and did not respond to Shangguan Xiaoyao.

"...Forget it, people who pretend to be asleep can't be woken up. Let's go back and talk about it when she wakes up." Shangguan Xiaoyao simply ignored the sleeping Yin Fuhuang and took the lead in teleporting Yin Zhiyao beside her. When I went back, my conscious body gradually became blurred.

"It's really confusing..." It was dark all around, only the Yinfu Phoenix on the floating island was emitting fire, and Xiao Ba was troubled by some problems there, and his eyes kept scanning the body of the Phoenix in front of him.


Shangguan Xiaoyao opened his eyes again, and saw Feng Bamian and Li Xiaosheng surrounded by serious expressions.

"What's the matter?" Shangguan Xiaoyao, who realized something, still kept smiling, asked the two of them. "Could it be coming soon?"

Li Xiaosheng patted Shangguan Xiaoyao on the shoulder: "That's right, but the situation is not very good, Mr. Feng can tell."

Feng Baxiang nodded to Li Xiaosheng, and stretched out his arms to transform into a three-dimensional map: "Now we are here, this is the spot of light, and this place shrouded in darkness is the formerly sealed place."

Shangguan Xiaoyao squatted on the ground, and saw Feng Bamian's finger swipe there, and a large area at the far end of the light spot was surrounded by a black circle.

"And the light spot in the middle, according to the ancient god Xuan Gui, is a huge city evolved from a guard camp built on the basis of ancient seals." Feng Bamian clicked again in the huge darkness, and a huge flare appeared in the There. "This city is still defending strongly, and it still hasn't fallen."

Shangguan Xiaoyao looked at the spot of light, and then looked at the large piece of darkness between the two spots of light: "That is to say, the seal has been leaked, and there is basically no need for us to go to the seal to investigate? "

"No, there are still." Li Hege popped up suddenly, squatting next to Shangguan Xiaoyao and said. "It was originally a gathering place for gods and sects that didn't participate in the battle, but those gods, together with God Yi, were actually extremely strong fighters who favored the Spring and Autumn God Sect, which is one of the reasons why this sealed city has been able to hold on until now. "

"And even if we don't need to check the seal anymore, we still have to go to the city of the seal, where there are a large number of warriors from the God Realm, and they will become our real backbone." Li Xiaosheng took the conversation and explained to Shangguan Xiaoyao . "That is the real god warrior, who entered the god realm with pure fighting ability, without any laws in his body."

"Moreover, there is also a fragment of the Spring and Autumn God Sect, the fragment of the Palace of War." Feng Bamian pointed at the light spot, and a phantom of a spear point appeared in front of Shangguan Xiaoyao. "We got it, and the recovery of the law of the Spring and Autumn Path can be increased by at least [-]%."

"But if we can't get it, our danger will increase by at least [-]% after being polluted by the demon world..." Shangguan Xiaoyao stretched out his finger, as if touching the supreme power represented by the tip of the spear. "Looks like we have to go, tsk."

"These dangers in the middle are not very serious problems. After we enter the sealed city, we will transfer all the warriors in the city to the turtle's back before it falls. At the same time, we also need to find the Spring and Autumn Shenzong The tip of the gun." Xiao Ba appeared out of thin air, turned his body and attached himself to the air, and displayed the three-dimensional map of the entire sealed city before everyone's eyes. "Currently, according to the continuous investigations sent by Xuangui, [-]% of the outermost defenses of the sealed city have fallen, and the four directions of the central city wall have also been damaged to varying degrees."

"How long is it estimated that we will have close contact with the demons, and how long is the sealed city going to last?" Shangguan Xiaoyao looked at the two maps that were constantly swaying in the air, and his eyebrows frowned.

"Xiaoyao, I have to say it again, those are not important, the most important thing is how we can pass through the dark seal, break through the endless demon warriors, and enter the sealed city." Feng Bamian drew a picture between the two light spots. A straight line came out.It reminds Shangguan Xiaoyao.

"Mechanism performance solves the daily battle boat."

Li Hege threw out a scroll in the air, and after it unfolded in the air, streaks of black ink floated in the air, gradually outlining a huge boat.

"How, the warship used by God Yi to chase the God of the Sun can change its size according to the number of fighters." Li Hege walked up to the Chasing Sun Warship and patted the dark hull. "This thing was legendary back then."

"Then let's do it this way, we'll rush in with the Warship of the Sun and hit the Sealed City directly from the front." Shangguan Xiaoyao said decisively.

(End of this chapter)

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