Reborn Killer Supreme

Chapter 796 Raid

Chapter 796 Raid
"Running Thunder Arrow Style!"

The rumbling thunder rushed past him, and Shangguan Xiaoyao felt the faint smell of burnt hair in his ear, and the bloody smell rushing from the tip of his nose to his brain.

The three of Shangguan Xiaoyao squatted on the towering hillside and squinted to look at the dark sky in the distance, hundreds of demons of different sizes were forming a defensive formation.

Following the guidance of the ancient god tortoise, the three of them came to the edge of the basin surrounded by mountains, and saw the demons entering the tortoise's back in an orderly and complete array.

So Shangguan Xiaoyao and the three of them decided to use the abilities of Li Xiaosheng and Shan Lei to kill those huge horned demons first.

The Benlei arrow successfully pierced into the brain of a ferocious beast with huge black bull-shaped horns on the opposite side. The bloody light was like a fountain, and in a blink of an eye, all the demon warriors were covered with crimson red.

"Two thousand, these demon warriors are very determined. They only give us long-range magic attacks when we are so harassed." At this time, Shangguan Xiaoyao and the other three were surrounded by the bombed mountain with pits and dust. Flying all over the body non-stop.

Seeing that the crowds of demon soldiers had already formed a momentum, and the faint formation had formed a magic circle. Under Shangguan Xiaoyao's instruction, Li Xiaosheng got up from the crouching mountain peak, and a flying arrow split in two in the air.

"Let's go, we don't need to deal with the current situation, and wipe out all these demons on the frontal battlefield." Shangguan Xiaoyao watched the tens of thousands of streamers sink into the turbulent ripples in the defensive circle, and looked at the opponent helplessly. The main mage vomited blood on the spot and fell unconscious on the ground.

The bodies of Shangguan Xiaoyao and the three disappeared suddenly, leaving only the hunting wind blowing around, and empty spells constantly exploding on the ground.


"I can see clearly, about 2000 to 3000 low-level demon legions are entering from outside the space barrier." Shangguan Xiaoyao hurriedly entered Shanhaijuzhong. At this time, the original wooden tables and benches in the spacious lobby Things like this have disappeared, leaving only the same variable-sized round table on the third floor in the lobby, and almost everyone is sitting around the table.

With a few taps in the air, Shangguan Xiaoyao drew a clear view of the opponent's formation, and even clearly marked all the levels from large to small.

"Trouble, this is the fanatical army of the Demon Race." Feng Bamian's originally relaxed smile became tense in an instant, pointing to the formation drawn by Shangguan Xiaoyao in the void. "The one in the middle is their leader, and the other fighters are just puppets controlled by it."

"No wonder...the other party didn't respond to our harassment." Li Xiaosheng looked at the light spot that Feng Bamian pointed out, and noticed something. "But the most capable mage on the other side has already been defeated by us, and the rest of the matter will be much easier to solve."

Li Hege pointed to the vast plain outside the window, and said cautiously: "If possible, we shouldn't fight these guys on the plain. The difference in numbers is too bad for us."

The speech of the people was rapid, without any pause between each other, and sometimes they even overlapped violently.

"But we can only fight on the plains in the end. There are only mountains and forests on the edge of the turtle's back, but the purpose of those demons is obviously here. Their purpose is to search everything on the mainland. We can't show the traces of Tantric Buddhism in the God Realm right now." Shangguan Xiaoyao finally decided to fight head-on, he patted the table, turned and left Shanhaiju. "Under the suppression of the laws of the God Realm, those demons can only use primitive walking to approach us. We have to set off after half an hour at most, and get entangled with them before they see the hall."

After a few steps, Shangguan Xiaoyao stepped on the top of the tile edge of the Temple of Spring and Autumn. Looking at the wisps of dust floating in the distance from time to time, he vaguely prepared a countermeasure in his heart: "Li Xiaosheng, Li Hege, Li Yuezhong, the three of you Go get on the Chasing Sun Boat, follow Brother Ming Xiong, as a shock formation, after the frontal reading begins, crash in from the side, Shan Lei and Yin Zhiyao, I, and I enter from the other side's flank."

Several people standing below heard Shangguan Xiaoyao's assignment and started their respective preparations.

" go and follow the big uncles and big sisters in front, and set off fireworks for them, okay?" of a position. "Jiu Jie, you also follow the main formation. The immortal technique of Jiu Jie Sheng can only work in large-scale conflicts."

The dust in the distance has gradually started to clear up, and Shangguan Xiaoyao also floated off the roof and stood behind everyone.

"These guys are really not suitable for the battlefield." Shan Lei said in a low voice standing next to Shangguan Xiaoyao, holding a bow and arrow. "Without discipline and disobedience to orders, even a mere phalanx can't stand its own position."

At this time, these gods in front of Shangguan Xiaoyao are forming a square formation one after another, each square formation is only 24 five people, and the weapons in their hands are not of the same standard, which directly makes each square formation look sparse Sparse without momentum.

"I didn't intend for these guys to fight like soldiers at all. They also know that their purpose is to devour the miscellaneous soldiers in the opponent's battle formation." Shangguan Xiaoyao and others followed these soldiers who had already formed formation slowly. Going forward, holding the Xiaoyao Shenjian tightly in his hand.

Only a few words away, the Spring and Autumn Temple behind him has disappeared, and the demon warriors covered in brutal black armor can be vaguely seen in the distance.

Shangguan Xiaoyao suddenly stopped and shouted: "Everyone, prepare for the first wave of magic! Attack!"

A wave of colorful attacks flew forward following Shangguan Xiaoyao's shout, and when it landed, there were already a lot of demons down in front of it.

"Let's go Shan Lei, we are about to fight head-on. If we can't cut into the opponent's core as soon as possible, it will be troublesome for our information to be sent back by those guys." walk around. "The oracle rules the body to retreat."

The bodies of Shangguan Xiaoyao and others just disappeared on the dusty black ground, and even the traces of existence were erased by Shangguan Xiaoyao.

"Forward! The seekers of the Tantric sect, we must sacrifice for the orthodox inheritance!" The soldiers of the Spring and Autumn Sect and the battle group all moved forward slowly in unison, and some gods with one free hand even continued to condense one after another swift divine arts to move forward. Swing forward, point to kill the demon warriors who are far denser than them.

"Roar! Charge! Eat their flesh and blood, and we will fight for survival!" What everyone didn't expect was that the demon warriors yelled out a powerful slogan.

Shangguan Xiaoyao, who was hiding his figure, frowned: "Trouble, these guys are different from what we expected. They are not fanatics. Judging from the current execution ability of these fighters, I am afraid that they are the best of the best!"

Shangguan Xiaoyao made a decisive decision, wiped away the divine words that covered his traces with one palm, and rushed into his own formation that was about to enter the battle: "Everyone, follow my orders and form a defensive front. The enemy is disguised as a fanatic army. Ordinary fighter!"

At this moment, the distance between the two sides was less than a dozen steps. Shangguan Xiaoyao's shout attracted everyone's attention at the last moment. All the gods standing in the first row were experienced fighters. In front of him, a colorful shield that was connected to each other slowly formed, gradually enveloping the entire body.

"My lord, our soldiers are ready, but how should the enemy commander respond?" Wang Teng's figure flashed to Shangguan Xiaoyao's side, and the white light in his hand cut off the flying spear. "Now all the gods are here to deal with the enemy's main force, but there is no charge force left."

"I have my own way to deal with it, but I have to survive the charge of these guys first, and stabilize the front line!" Shangguan Xiaoyao was distracted, and the heavy-armored vanguards of the Demon Legion had already slammed into the formation of the gods. Shangguan Xiaoyao roared and swung the Xiaoyao Divine Sword, splitting a demon soldier who had no dodge in half vertically.

At this time, Shangguan Xiaoyao was standing in the middle of the first row, enduring the most stressful part of the entire war, and after a while, his body was covered with blood again.

The elite demon soldiers, who were much larger than them, put tremendous pressure on the front line. At this time, they did not dare to release their magic spells, lest they accidentally injure their partners who were maintaining defense in front of them.

This increased the pressure on Shangguan Xiaoyao and others. The elite god warriors who had survived the baptism of Pantian City and were able to defeat ten enemies with one enemy were now dragged down by their surrounding partners. However, the demon warriors faintly entered a downwind state.

The five-foot epee in Shangguan Xiaoyao's hands could not be used in the crowd at this time, so he simply stepped forward, and with a horizontal cut, he tore the front line into a full moon, and four hideous heads flew out in front of him.

"I can't go on like this...the front line is about to collapse." Shangguan Xiaoyao, who leaned forward, had the opportunity to visit the left and right sides, and found that the front stretching on both sides had entered a very unstable state at this time. places have even been pushed back to the point of depression.

Shangguan Xiaoyao understood in an instant that the commander of the demon world wanted to use the overstretched front to break through and divide all the gods point by point.

"Everyone disperses and fights. These demons want to divide us, so let's let them divide!"

(End of this chapter)

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