Reborn Killer Supreme

Chapter 802 Breakthrough

Chapter 802 Breakthrough
Shangguan Xiaoyao turned over and boarded the battle boat, raised his hand and pulled the golden sail to the full open: "It's just ahead, the demon race's erosion of life."

"Brother Xiaoyao, please stand under the mast. I want to expand the warship." Li Hege, who was supposed to steer the warship to set off, got out from the rudder, walked to the mast and said to the official Xiaoyao. "Others, please don't step on the same board with both feet, otherwise you will be easily injured."

Li Hege watched Shangguan Xiaoyao standing still beside him, so he waved away the scroll that he had been holding in his hand, and the entire three-foot-long scroll stretched in the air, enclosing the widest part of the entire battleship: " Yi God's Mechanism, Mechanism, [-] Exercises to Attack the Sky Warship!"

Amidst the waves of sawdust shaking and the bone-numbing roar, the entire Warship of the Sun began to undergo complex changes. The wooden planks were extended and thickened, overlapping each other with mortise and tenon joints.Streams of yellow slurry flowed out from nowhere, and gradually filled every light-transmitting gap.

In the end, Shangguan Xiaoyao found himself standing on a deck that was almost the size of an ordinary garden courtyard, and when he walked around, there was no crisp or dull sound that ordinary boats would make.

"This ship is the warship that God Yi and his companions steered when he fought against the evil gods after the creation of the world. It can probably lead us into the sealed city." deck, standing before the bronze rudder wheel.

Shangguan Xiaoyao walked to his side and officially became the captain of the warship: "Raise anchor and set sail!"

Everyone felt that the light in their eyes began to stretch and fold, and the expressions of the crowd on the ground began to distort and change, leaving only bursts of darkness in an instant.

"The barrier has been formed, and the fluctuations of the previous method are within the normal tolerance range." The bronze steering wheel in front of Li Xiaosheng began a complex mechanical change, and three small steering wheels appeared on it, one by one. Another flip and spin.

Accompanied by the sound of creaking and changing gears, a huge thin curtain with fish-scale fluctuations began to slowly emerge from the front, covering the empty and exposed upper part of the entire warship.

Shangguan Xiaoyao saw regular golden and blue ripples emanating from above, spreading from front to back and sending out bursts of low humming.

"The barrier consumption is expected to disappear in five days, and the minimum maintenance time is estimated to be two days after peak calculation." Li Yuezhong's voice came from the base of the mast and echoed throughout the warship.

Shangguan Xiaoyao held onto the railing tightly, and saw a light spot emitting from the front, piercing the darkness and disappearing in front of him.

"Xiaoyao, that's Dinghai Spear. It will be responsible for detecting danger in advance for us." Li Hege let go of the smallest rudder wheel in front of his abdomen, and saw the bronze plate creaking and spinning rapidly, and then It stopped for another moment, and in front of the feet trembling, there appeared a series of slanted walls around the mast, closing together and closing together under the golden sail. "In order to prevent the situation after the barrier disappears, I lifted the wall of the organ."

Li Xiaosheng stomped on his foot again, and both bodies sank in unison.

"We...don't operate the warship on it?" Shangguan Xiaoyao looked puzzled as his body disappeared into the darkness, and the ripples and flashes of the fish scale-like barrier could still be seen from the square opening above his head. "This darkness can't see things, how to fight?"

"The quadrant magic circle is activated, the omnidirectional eye." Li Xiaosheng's voice came from his left ear, and then he felt light blocks passing by his side and flying into the sky, and in a blink of an eye, he saw all the surrounding objects again. scene. "Xiaoyao, here we can clearly see the status of each area of ​​the warship, as well as the scene in the entire void."

At this time, Shangguan Xiaoyao saw the dark scene under his feet and above his head in all directions, and even the various areas of the warship appeared in his eyes as transparent and twisted optical fiber lines.

"Then captain, please order to enter the shock state." Li Hege gripped the steering wheel and looked at Shangguan Xiaoyao solemnly.

Shangguan Xiaoyao nodded: "Now I order that the sky-striking warship move forward at the highest speed!"

"Attention the sailors of the warship, Captain Xiaoyao ordered to move forward at the maximum speed!" Li Hege shouted loudly, pushing the rudder wheel forward vigorously.

At that time, Shangguan Xiaoyao felt that his upper body was unconsciously falling backwards as if being pushed by someone, and his feet were a little unstable.

Li Hege was still firmly pushing the steering wheel, but Shangguan Xiaoyao saw that the large petal-shaped objects above his head and under his feet were emitting a faint yellow color.
"Captain, the yellow color you see means that the barrier is suffering wear and tear, and it can last for about four days and eight hours under the current conditions." Li Hege stopped pushing, but the rudder stopped there.

Shangguan Xiaoyao watched a spot of light disappear from time to time in the sky, and some hit the barrier and splashed red light: "How is the loss now?"

"The estimated duration has dropped to four days again. I'm afraid we'll have to go through the last part of the voyage, Captain." The rudder wheel in Li and Singer turned left and right from time to time, but Shangguan Xiaoyao didn't feel any damage to his body. Impact. "Scattered demon soldiers were found in front, the captain, may I release them and enter or resist with a barrier?"

"Let them in, and tell the sailors to gather at the bow." Shangguan Xiaoyao walked forward, and under the operation of Li Hege, the wooden doors opened out of thin air, and then left the perspective void.

When he stood on the deck again, he saw Li Xiaosheng's legs in the air, staring forward, and he saw the reflected black shadow land on the ground while pulling the bowstring.

Shangguan Xiaoyao drew out the Xiaoyao Excalibur on his back, and the blue flame ignited a light on it: "Assemble to me!"

He also thought of Chun Zhixiao's unchanging expression when facing the mountain and sea attack, and the shield that looked like a city wall, and the flames of the Xiaoyao Shenjian in his hands rose a little bit higher.

The demon warriors who landed on the deck from the polluted void have already been seen in front of them. They are wearing heavy armor, hanging wall shields on their shoulders, and their eyes are emitting a blue and penetrating fire.

"It's different from what I've seen before. These are the real elite of the demon clan. Everyone is close to each other! Don't fight on your own!" Shangguan Xiaoyao has followed the three of them behind him, and the broad and rough blade of the Xiaoyao Excalibur in his hand It has been put down, and the tip of the sword points to the front of the five demon soldiers who are facing each other with their shields spliced ​​together.

The speed under their feet gradually increased, and Shangguan Xiaoyao and others faintly formed an awl shape and rushed towards the opponent.


The tip of the Xiaoyao Divine Sword slammed into the opponent's arms like a cardboard, and Shangguan Xiaoyao felt the softness on the sword with a little force, and saw that the pair of blue flames dimmed in his eyes.

Shangguan Xiaoyao pulled out the Excalibur, and blood immediately overflowed from the horizontal armor, filling the gaps in the wooden boards of the ship.

Before he had time to stand up, Shangguan Xiaoyao raised the divine sword horizontally and drew a semicircle. Before the cold light could reach him, he cut the attacker in half on the spot.

At this time, the battlefield at the bow of the ship had already taken advantage of the number of people. Li Xiaosheng could only shoot curved arrows like single thunders, flying between the legs of the crowd and piercing into the knees of one heavy armor after another.

"Arrows in the knees! Haha, let's see how you still run!" A soldier following Shangguan Xiaoyao raised a green hammer high in his hand, and smashed it hard on the head of a demon warrior whose knees had penetrated.

Shangguan Xiaoyao saw that the black armor collapsed on the spot, and the white and red dripped all over the floor.

"Pay attention to your fighting strength! We still have to clean the deck!" Shangguan Xiaoyao looked at the red, yellow, and white lumps on the ground after a while, and thought that he would have to stay in this environment for a few days. There was a churning in my stomach.

There were several muffled sounds of heavy objects falling behind him again, Shangguan Xiaoyao turned around and slashed again, stopping several demon warriors who were rushing towards him, and roared fiercely at him.

Shangguan Xiaoyao smiled contemptuously, and slashed at the opponent's shield with his sword several times, the thick wall shield collapsed like that amidst the sound of Dangdang.

"Xiaoyao, there are no new demon warriors entering ahead, please get rid of this group as soon as possible, and then we will enter the highest speed and get rid of this section completely." Li Hege's voice suddenly resounded across the deck, reminding Shangguan Xiaoyao .

Shangguan Xiaoyao grinned, and when he flipped his wrist, the Xiaoyao Excalibur drew a perfect circle on his side: "The first echelon retreats, Xiaosheng, Dan Lei, it's your turn!"

The voice behind him gradually faded away, but Shangguan Xiaoyao did not show any signs of retreating. He was still holding the Xiaoyao Excalibur to entangle three or four demon warriors, and a white light flashed from time to time to cut off the opponent's thick armor .

"Xiaoyao bend down!" Shouted from behind, Shangguan Xiaoyao shortened his body in response, and two black and white lights curled the long hair on the top of his head and flew over.

When he raised his head, the two soldiers in front of him had already fallen to the ground with their heads up.


Shangguan Xiaoyao felt a gust of wind blowing past him again, and the two-meter-high black heavy armor flew past his body just like that.

"Hmph, with this kind of ability, the demons are nothing more than that." Suddenly, Xiong Da's thick shout came from behind, as well as the distinct panting of the orcs.

At that time, the soldiers surrounded in front of them became weaker, Shangguan Xiaoyao watched the shields on the shoulders of these people trembling uncontrollably, still roaring in vain.

He already knew that the battle was over, and the two giant bears swung his skirts, fighting with the remaining six soldiers.

With the divine sword in its sheath, Shangguan Xiaoyao turned around and stopped paying attention to the battle, and ordered two people casually: "You two clean the deck, and clean up all the red, white, and black."

(End of this chapter)

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