Chapter 804
"Hmph, mental retardation." The thunder light on the Xiaoyao Shenjian became more and more intense, and it was already as thick as his wrist, and what the flickering light couldn't hide was destruction.

At this time, the blackness on the deck, the smell of burnt meat and barbecue could not be concealed, and it was a bit disgusting.

Shangguan Xiaoyao slashed horizontally again, the lightning flashed and connected to the ground, and streaks of black ash and coke were born on the battlefield.

In front of him were several heavy-armored warriors who fell to the ground, Shangguan Xiaoyao also felt a little depleted of strength: "Tsk, why are there so many of these guys, back off! This one has already been lost, we are now relying on the barriers to fight! "

While slowly fading away the solid barrier behind him, Shangguan Xiaoyao still did not forget to take on the post-breaking work, the thunder light on the Xiaoyao Excalibur never stopped flashing.

And those demon warriors were also frightened by the thunder light that Shangguan Xiaoyao constantly inspired, and they dared not move forward for a while after seeing Shangguan Xiaoyao alone.

Seeing that he was the only one left beside him, Shangguan Xiaoyao simply aroused all the thunder lights at once again, and a giant dragon roared and surrounded the entire warship and began to collide and move unsightly.

"Tell me how long it takes!" He leaned against the solid wooden wall behind him, and with a move in his hand, a bright spear was held in his hand with a snap, and a cold light shone from the bottom to the top. "How much time is left before an hour, we can't hold it anymore!"

There was even a flying mechanism similar to the sky attack ship flying outside. At this time, Li Yuezhong was manipulating the magic circle and quick attack on the entire ship in the battle room, pouring firepower crazily towards the black ark. As a result, after the interception stopped, the pressure on the deck of Shangguan Xiaoyao and others increased sharply, and the enemy landed in groups, but Shangguan Xiaoyao and others had only so few people.

"My lord, there is only one hour left before the estimated hour. At present, the left chord is severely damaged and the stability array is lost. There are shatters from the lowest cabin to the deck, and the keel is slightly damaged."

"What about the right side!" Shangguan Xiaoyao put away the divine sword, and the dragon spear's light in his hand swept over the threat of slashing and stabbing, and the bursts of vibration made everyone's attacks stop instantly.

"I am using all the magic circles and loading magic tools except for the city-breaking attack to suppress the demon's ark on the right. It is estimated that the whole right string is still intact."

Shangguan Xiaoyao grinned, unable to tell whether he was laughing or crying.

The current battle situation made him feel tired for a while, but he couldn't relax easily in the last period of time. The dragon spear in his hand kept smashing the whip and stabbing horizontally, but it also punched out a square.

"It seems that it's time for the second team to appear." The defense range of the group of people was continuously compressed, and finally gradually retreated to the inside of the barrier. The weapons in their hands were almost madly attacking the enemies through the narrow entrance and exit passage of the barrier.

Under the few remaining weapons near the mast, the wooden plank entered the state of mechanism change again. The wooden pavilions were opened one by one, and familiar faces slowly emerged one after another.

"Xiaoyao? Have you arrived at the sealed city?" The familiar voice was Yin Zhiyao.

Shangguan Xiaoyao didn't even have the time to look back, and a voice accompanied by a wry smile came out: "No, we are currently under siege, and the current combat strength is insufficient."

"Well, it just so happens that the few of us are a bit dull down here." Yin Zhiyao's head was red again, three strands of golden light emerged, and three phoenix feathers were attached to the skirt behind her, and even the tone of her small words changed. up.

Shangguan Xiaoyao frowned and noticed something was wrong, and found that Yin Zhiyao didn't play the familiar movement.

"Wait a minute! Zhiyao can't use fire!" He turned pale with shock, he didn't have the time to pay attention to the soldiers in front of him, and turned to look at Zhiyao behind him. "God's word has no fire!"

Fortunately for Shangguan Xiaoyao, the flames on Yin Fuhuang's body had just emerged, and he had just felt the heat wave around him, and the rage that was about to burst out was restrained and suppressed by the rules.

"Use the law of your voice to make my sharp sword sharper and make the enemy's iron armor a cage." Shangguan Xiaoyao was a little annoyed that the warship was almost ignited into a fireball, and the divine sword in his hand began to buzz.


"Where are they flying to?" Yu Jiujie sat on the steps of the side hall dully, looking at the dark sky flickering from time to time in the distance. "Xiao Ba, why are you staring at Wang Teng all day long? What's so interesting about a middle-aged man?"

"Master Xiaoyao has broken through to the outer part of the inner defense circle. It seems that he is fighting a demon ark, but he has already gained the upper hand." Xiao Ba's neck twisted to the horrifying back, still staring at Wang Teng, who moved the weapons used for defense there. "You don't understand, Wang Teng...Forget it, you don't understand even after talking about it."

Yu Jiujie got up suddenly, and stretched his waist against the hazy light of the God Realm.

"Why do you say that there is no sun in the God Realm, but there are still lights shining in different directions in the morning and afternoon?" Yu Jiujie squinted his eyes and asked in a murmur. "Huh? Little Eight? Little Eight?!"

When he looked around, he found that Xiao Ba had disappeared: "Tsk, the elusive guy, these free spirits are always so weird and changeable."

So his breath seemed depressed again, and he walked towards Shanhaiju with his hands hanging.

"Huh? You didn't follow Shangguan Xiaoyao for support?" A sudden strand of hair appeared in front of his eyes, and Yin Fuhuang was sitting on the railing on the third floor looking at him.

Facing the scorching light, Yu Jiujie could only see a smile on Yin Fuhuang's face, but he couldn't see clearly: "Aren't you living in the Yuhu space now? How are you going to sleep without Shangguan Xiaoyao?" ?”

"Hmph, I can sleep wherever I want, so I won't go home." The Yinfuhuang turned into a ray of fire and flew into the sky, leaving only the screaming phoenix that suddenly appeared.

Yu Jiujie's expression became even more decadent: "Oh, that's great. The once dignified and supreme sage has now become a rebellious little girl."

He pushed open the door and found a place to sit down.

Feng Bamian was holding the abacus and sat opposite him, flipping through the ledger while flipping the abacus quickly: "What's the matter with you, are you bored after finishing your own work, walking around here."

"No, it's just the confusion caused by a period of physical exhaustion. Shopkeeper Feng doesn't have to worry about me." Yu Jiujie nonchalantly raised the jug that appeared on the table out of thin air, and poured all the spirits into the jug with his head raised into the stomach. "But our mainland will really be invaded? Why aren't the demons afraid of the ancient gods and black turtles?"

"The only ones afraid of the ancient gods and turtles are the creations of the creation gods. How could creatures of another system like demon warriors be interested in the gods of this world?" Feng Bamian closed the account book and turned He turned around and said casually to Yu Jiujie. "It's you, are you about to break through?"

"That's right, I really don't understand the comprehension of the nine-year-old, and I have already figured out the first life and the first death before I knew it, and I only need a chance to enter the rank of gods. "Yu Jiujie picked up another huge leg of sauced lamb and gnawed on it. "In any case, fortunately, I will also become the main force."

"Huh?" Feng Bamian suddenly stopped talking with Yu Jiujie, frowning and looking at the figure at the door.

Yu Jiujie followed his gaze and found that Wang Teng was standing there: "Come and sit down, your task is finished? I still have the roast leg of lamb that shopkeeper Feng gave me!"

"Respected Senior Feng, may I ask..." Wang Teng's expression hesitated, and there was a little flicker in his expression looking at Feng Bamian. "May I ask why I always feel that I am being watched by others? Is it possible that we have spies mixed in?"

Yu Jiujie stopped his gnawing, looked intently at Wang Teng, and put down the leg of lamb that was so enthusiastic before.

He held up a cup made of bamboo joints, with three or four leaves of green tea floating in it.

No matter how hard his eyes are, he has already seen the strange atmosphere clearly: "Brother Wang Teng, why don't you sit down first, let's analyze who is the spy."

"No, I just want to ask why I always feel that someone is watching me." Wang Teng stood at the door unwilling to come in as if he wanted to clarify something. "Senior Feng, please give me an explanation."

Feng Bamian smiled heartily, stood up while supporting the table: "You know, what is my identity?"

"Forgive me for being stupid, junior, I don't know your identity." Wang Teng respectfully clasped his fists in salute, showing his humility.

Feng Bamian chuckled again, and the abacus in his hand moved intentionally or unintentionally: "You should know that the God of Spring Grass ranks among the four seasons of the Spring and Autumn Shenzong?"

Yu Jiujie raised his head and took another sip of the bamboo cup of tea, then looked at Wang Teng's back for a while, and looked at Feng Bamian with confusion in his eyes: "Your junior... is really stupid, I still hope that old Feng can point it out. "

This time, Feng Bamian didn't hide anything anymore, and released all the supreme divine power of the Spring and Autumn Sect on his body, and went straight to the gate: "I am the Creation Artifact, the Eternal Seal of Eternal Time! The existence second only to the two masters of the Spring and Autumn Sect , tell me now, why don't you know me!"

"Nine-section sword, let the wind rise!" The bamboo cup in Yu Jiujie's hand extended and grew, and quickly evolved into a bamboo sword. With a crisp sound, it blocked the cold light from the door that flew towards his neck. "Wang Teng, are you trying to kill me! Wang Teng?"

Yu Jiujie, who had just had a burst of anger, looked at the door again, but felt the black and evil aura coming from Wang Teng's body, and he couldn't help screaming in surprise.

"Wang Teng? Hahahaha, I am a great pioneer in serving higher life. You lingering dregs will only obstruct our evolutionary path!" A dark, bony and ferocious emaciated face appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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