Chapter 808
"Go forward, warriors who suppress the seal, for the right way and justice that have existed since ancient times!" A commander with a feather crown on his head suddenly leaned out from the low trench, pointing the long knife in his hand straight ahead. "go ahead……"

As a result, before his whole body could rush out, he was hit by a flying gray light bullet and fell heavily into the ditch, his eyes still staring ferociously at the ground under his feet.

The soldiers around him heard his shout, rushed out of the ditch and rushed towards the deformed leopards and giant bulls, as well as the heavily armored giant ax soldiers who were attacking from behind, panting heavily. go up.

The vicious beast collided with the soldiers fiercely, and stumps and human bodies were thrown backwards or toward the sky on the spot, rolling and falling to the ground.

The sound of slashing, howling, and occasional screams mixed with the thicker blood began to fill the air, and the entire battlefield entered a primitive collision of flesh and blood.

"We are at a disadvantage again. We have entered a stalemate before the fighters from the demon world entered the front line." A general stood on the city wall, looking at a clear line of yellow and black colliding in front of him. "Continue to strengthen the city wall, this protective barrier is not enough to be the last defense!"

At this time, at the base of the city wall below him, one after another gods were planning to unfurl the half-person-high scrolls behind them and shoot them towards the huge wall of the city wall. One after another, runes emerged from the scrolls, and then floated and engraved on them. above the city wall.

The huge khaki wall of the city wall is obviously thicker after incorporating these characters containing laws, and the stray bullets that fly from time to time hit it, causing strong and sometimes weak ripples, and then disappear.

The general waved the cloak behind him and walked down the city wall, and returned to the big khaki tent below the city gate: "The battle situation on the front line is not good, and the second line of defense may be lost."

He sat on a chair and quietly looked at the map in front of him.

The initial yellow area on the top originally completely wrapped the black, then remained flat, and then weakened.In the end, there were only a little yellow spots left on the entire map, which proved in vain that they were still stubbornly resisting.

The general raised his eyes, and the decadence flashed across his eyes, looking at the generals who were also around the table beside him: "If the reinforcements really exist..."

The table was extremely silent, and no one responded to his guess. All the generals with cloaks on their backs were silently calculating how long the remaining troops could last.

"Forget it, I'll go watch the battle again." He looked at the current situation, saw that the momentum became more and more depressed, so he got up and walked out of the tent again, and opened the huge and heavy city gate with a wave of his hand to face the loess attacking the sky, and entered the trench middle.

The general was standing in the ditch under the city wall, one after another bloody soldiers were retreating from the front, jumping into the ditch in a little embarrassment.

He looked forward, and more soldiers staggered and fell to the ground halfway through the run, without any life left.

The trench suddenly became chaotic. Some soldiers supported the bloody man who was seriously injured and fell to the ground and walked towards the city. Some soldiers were not seriously injured but gasped heavily against the earth wall behind them.

What's more, they have already begun to cry silently, with their faces buried in the dust and unwilling to get up.

The general drew out his sword, the darkness was corroding the golden ground and attacking the city, and there were very few soldiers retreating towards them.

"Launch a counterattack! Send the wounded away from here, and prop up your barrier!" The general swung his sword, and an attack the size of a goose egg exploded under his chopping, causing a piece of loess to stir up.

The battle situation has entered into a state of anxiety again, and from time to time, a huge wave of soil will explode, accompanied by the faint smell of blood, which penetrates into his nose.

In the intensive confrontation, the casualties of the demons were far greater than those of the gods, but the firm and neat steps were still stepping towards their dignity.

"Why, don't these demons rest, why are they so crazy!" The general roared in his heart, and his body instinctively flew sideways and flashed a huge explosion. When he looked back, the place where he was standing Only pieces of blood clots and meat sauce remained.

At this time, a few elite soldiers in blue armor on his side climbed up to the ground, supported the barrier and walked back: "The front line has been broken, back! Back!"

The general hammered the ground angrily, and pointed the tip of his sword at the soldiers: "Don't retreat, stand firm!"

As a result, before he could finish speaking, several soldiers were overwhelmed by the intensive attack, and when they dispersed, only the scorched earth was left on the ground.

"Shinto Fighting Tactics Blast the City!" Balls of light condensed on the general's sword, and the dense barrage blasted a wave of sand not far away.

There were also carapaces flying out of the sand waves, as well as the hissing of insects.

The war has entered the most tragic beginning, and the two groups of people have reached the point where just throwing a spell can hit each other's flesh and blood. Everyone's eyes are red, and everyone's hands and mouths are constantly arousing the laws of heaven and earth , The flashes of attack and defense almost illuminated the world.

"Huh, huh, huh..." A soldier squatted decadently in the ditch, his few spiritual breaths had been exhausted, and he could only draw out his epee without any more ability, and the whetstone repeatedly slammed on it. rubbing.

The sand and dust towering in front of him had already been melted into water-like glass by his continuous attacks, and slowly flowed down into the trench.

There are more and more fighters like him, the attacks in the trenches have become less and less, and the demons have begun to approach more and more quickly.

"Wait a minute... what is that? Look, there is light in the darkness!" A companion in blue armor suddenly stopped his attack and looked forward frantically.

Only then did he realize that the entire battlefield suddenly fell silent, and the tragic attacks from both sides stopped suddenly.

"What happened, did something appear?" He poked his head out halfway cautiously, trying to see the situation in the distance clearly.

The darkness that had always been like a curtain covering everyone's vision has now been pierced with a "hole", and a flaming, dilapidated, slow-moving warship is emerging from the darkness carved by the light , Flying towards the direction of the soldiers.

The general went straight out of the ditch, stood on the ground, and looked at the warship exuding an ancient aura with fiery eyes: "This is God Yi's ship, and this is the inheritance of his mechanism!"

Then another burst of breath emerged, which made him even more shocked: "No, this is not true, Tantra has returned!?"

A young figure in a blue-patterned skirtless robe appeared on the bow of the warship, and his proud figure was engraved in the minds of the soldiers.

The figure was holding a blue flame and a white flame in both hands, and the light was breaking through the darkness in front of the warship.

"Reinforcement! It's a real reinforcement. The words of Lord Skywatcher are correct. We are really saved!" The sealed city that had been silent for a long time boiled again, and wounded soldiers and ordinary gods living in the city poured out into the streets with frantic expressions. , looking up at the burning ship. "No, the battleship is descending, and they are about to fall into the lost second line of defense!"

The bow of the warship sank gradually, tilting towards the second line of defense where the soldiers were still fighting.

"Charge! Charge!" The general kept waving his hands, and rushed forward with his sharp sword horizontally. "Take back the second line of defense, that is our hope of survival!"

The desperate army suddenly exploded, stunned to tear a gap in the boundless army of the demon world, and pierced forward like a sharp knife.


"Xiaoyao, the warship is completely out of control." Li Hege let go of the steering wheel and walked to Shangguan Xiaoyao who was standing at the bow. "Huh? What are the fighters in the sealed city doing?"

At this time, the two flames burned in front of the warship with the power of no one before, completely wrapping the left and right wings of the entire warship, while the motivator, Shangguan Xiaoyao, stood there motionless.

Shangguan Xiaoyao looked at the bow of the warship that was sinking gradually, and the soldiers of the gods in the distance poured out of the trench. They raised their weapons that were shining with divine breath, and slammed into the black sea.

"They thought we were going to fall into the siege of the demon world, so they wanted to meet us." Li Xiaosheng stepped on the bow of the boat, stepping on ideas regularly with his feet. "Probably a misunderstanding."

"It seems that we have to protect them instead." Shangguan Xiaoyao's face was calm, his hair was scattered behind his back, and the wind blew a strand of hair from time to time. "Li Yuezhong, are you ready?"

"Return to Captain, the Sky Eye Array has been debugged."

"Very good, let's kill as many enemies as possible before we actually fall to the ground." The flames in Shangguan Xiaoyao's hands became more vigorous, and the flames rolled out into clouds and waves, almost igniting the entire warship. "The first wave of attacks targets the enemies in front of the soldiers of the Sealed City, so don't put too much pressure on them."

The bottom of the cabin began to flash white regularly, and beams of light gradually drilled out of the thick wooden boards of the bottom cabin restlessly.

"Captain, it's the first time to target the six enemies in 420, and request to launch." Li Yuezhong's voice trembled a little. He had never seen the fatal points of so many enemies in his mind at the same time, and he couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

"Start the attack, the decision is in your hands, Yue Zhong." Shangguan Xiaoyao's calm and indifferent voice came, signaling Li Yuezhong to start his attack. "Be careful not to accidentally injure friendly troops, and don't lock the row in front of those god warriors."

"Received, my lord, the trial of the sky eye begins."

The beams of light began to rotate, and solid droplets of water swayed from them, filling the air and flying forward.

It was like rain, but it accurately sank into the screaming demon soldiers ahead.For a moment, the sound of kneeling and violent wailing overlapped, and more and more black people fell down on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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