Reborn Killer Supreme

Chapter 811 Doubts

Chapter 811 Doubts
The roar of horses treading on the ground passed by, shaking Yu Jiujie's ears, and the hooves of the cavalry were played back over and over again.

"That... what is it?" Yu Jiujie opened his eyes wide. In front of him, cavalrymen who looked like skeletons were walking around them, and the tattered robes and armor on their bodies exuded a thick and ominous atmosphere. "They don't hold lances, but scythes?"

He turned his head to look at Feng Bamian, only to see the mysterious and unpredictable smile on the old man's face, as well as the terrified smile.

He couldn't feel the kindness and familiarity that should have existed from Feng Bamian's body. The dark side of this old man began to emerge on the battlefield where he collided with darkness.

Yu Jiujie finally remembered that this old man was an ancient relic who bore the blood feud of the Spring and Autumn Shenzong and the obsession with revival, not just an ordinary shopkeeper of Shanhaiju.

"Ghost Blood Cavalry is an elite team obtained after signing a contract between the Spring and Autumn God Sect and the lineage of the Immortal Alien Species. The souls of the creatures we kill will be returned to them in exchange for their assistance to us." Feng Bamian said softly. As he spoke, he kept flipping the abacus in his hand. "When they intervene in war, don't fight with them, or you will only become their enemy."

Yu Jiujie stood there with a dull face, watching these ghostly cavalrymen harvesting the demon soldiers who had finally climbed over the city wall and stood on the ground.

Even the war horses are ferocious like beasts, the sickle is flickering with a disturbing green light, and the ground is flowing with black blood.

The scene didn't look like a tragic battlefield, but instead created a floating life map like a hellish ghost.

Yu Jiujie swallowed his saliva, subconsciously stepped back.

But was supported by Feng Bamian behind his back: "Don't be timid, don't shake your will, the favorite thing for these cavalry is to harvest the souls of those whose will is not firm."


"No charge! Don't leave the trenches. Our task is to delay as much as possible on the periphery, and then return to the city wall!" Dan Lei walked freely through the trenches full of sand and dust, and those dark law attacks seemed to have eyes. opened his neighborhood.

From time to time, Dan Lei would stop at a distance and set up a bow and arrow, shooting some enemies who had approached to the ground.

"Huoliu Tianhe, release!" On the other side of the city wall, the soldiers held a huge cylinder with constantly flashing red symbols and raised it towards the sky above the city wall. another side.

Li Hege flashed a gleam of joy, and then raised his expression to direct everyone to continue loading the next wave of attacks.

At this time, all the soldiers and generals have completely believed in the abilities of Shangguan Xiaoyao and his group. At least their appearance has indeed brought a batch of new combat methods and defensive weapons, and the situation on the entire battlefield is no longer so one-sided. situation.

But what the people in the sealed city couldn't see was that Shangguan Xiaoyao's no longer appearing made other people's faces rarely smile. Yin Zhiyao, who was treating the wounded in the rear, even played a song with sadness and harmony. Tune.

They are waiting for the return of Shangguan Xiaoyao, the real leader of these people is him, only he can turn the whole battle situation around.

And the leader they were looking forward to had completely sealed off the central square at this time. He stood in the center of the circular square, and the radiant starlight around him continued to engrave thick ancient runes on the ground.

At this time, Shangguan Xiaoyao had been standing here for a full day, and the clothes on his body were blown away by the momentum from the ground to the sky.

"These are all Tantric texts, so many!" There were bursts of yelling, and the sky watcher was lying on the ground as if treating his ancestors, stroking the Dharma engraved by Shangguan Xiaoyao. Array.

Shangguan Xiaoyao opened his eyes and frowned at the movement of the sky watcher: "You, be careful! These magic circles cannot be easily damaged, it is related to your lives!"

"I know, I know, the old man has his own measure." The stargazer was not angry after being scolded by Shangguan Xiaoyao, so he stood up and patted the dirt on his body, leaving the range of the magic circle. "Master Sovereign, how long will it take to paint this magic circle?"

"Half a day." Shangguan Xiaoyao closed his eyes again, concentrating on continuing to carve the magic circle.

He heard the cloth rubbing sound from the stargazer sitting on the ground, and murmured faintly, and couldn't help opening his eyes again: "Hey! What are you doing, don't affect the seal cutting of the talisman!"

I saw that the stargazer pulled out a pure white scroll from nowhere in his hands, and was slowly unfolding it in the sky above the seal carving, trying to reproduce an ancient text of the magic circle with the burnt marks.

Shangguan Xiaoyao's scolding made his hands stiff, and the white scroll uncontrollably turned into ashes in the air.

"You get out! You can't continue to interfere here!" Shangguan Xiaoyao's body gave birth to a gentle wind, and lifted the still reluctant sky watcher to leave the square under the protection of the circle.

The sky watcher patted his butt outside, his expression changed from curious to dignified, and he looked at the figure of Shangguan Xiaoyao floating in the air in the center: "My lord, your law is dusty, why can't you feel it yourself? "

"Oh, I'm already old, why do you still embarrass me..." Sky Watcher bowed his waist and left here, walking towards the city gate battlefield where the light kept emerging.

A gust of wind caused him to squint his eyes, and he vaguely saw that the city gate in front of him had been opened wide, and a two-foot-tall beast with tumors all over its body was roaring ferociously, facing the unguarded street. rushed.

Li Yuezhong's figure suddenly flashed in front of the beast, and the male and female swords in both hands were singing dragons and tigers roaring.

Then, he was slapped away by the ferocious-looking monster on the spot, and a building was shattered into dust and rubble flying around under the impact of the huge force.

The sky watcher turned into a white glow, and rushed under the ferocious giant beast in an instant, and a red light flashed on the palm of the eye.

There was obvious disdain in the ferocious eyes of the ferocious beast, and it was about to slap the sky watcher with another palm, but the same red color on it carried a strong bloody and ominous atmosphere.

In the end, the two palm prints of Skywatcher and the beast collided, and a black liquid with a strong fishy smell splashed in the city gate on the spot.

"Hmph, do you really think I'm afraid of you? Even if I'm just the city lord in name, I'm better than a beast like you!" Sky Watcher shook his hand, and the blood stains on it disappeared.

He soared into the air, and while surging with great strength, he kicked the fierce beast in front of him with a light tap of his toes: "Soldiers outside, the defense line has been lost, come in quickly!"

At this time, fierce beasts and creatures from the demon world replaced the demon soldiers, and launched a wave-like impact on the thin defense line under the city wall, and the people with only half of their bodies exposed outside had actually fallen into a passive state at this time. Even if the beasts were killed on the way to charge, the corpses under the high-speed charge would still cause them panic.

Seeing that the combat capability of the defense line had begun to decline like a cliff, Shan Lei simply waved his hand: "Retreat! Abandon the last line of defense, let's climb the city wall!"

The soldiers in the trenches on the left and right sides of the city gate automatically formed two columns, and entered the city gate quickly and without panic.

The last ones to step into the city were Shan Lei who retreated while drawing his bow to block the attack, and the general who was desperately unwilling to enter the city gate ahead of time.

"Xiaoyao, our defense time and casualties are still not under control, if this continues we will all die here!" Shan Lei exhaled heavily, sitting on the ground covered in blood. "General, please command me for a while..."

Before everyone could respond, he slowly got up and walked towards the city, not forgetting to call out to Li Xiaosheng, who was shooting vigorously on the city wall: "Our second mission, to find the lost fragments of Tantric Buddhism?"

"That's right." Li Xiaosheng put away his bow and arrows with a smile, and watched Shan Lei recover his calm face and neat appearance after taking a few breaths. "Don't tell anyone else about this mission. Only the three of us know about our mission."

The two walked towards the central square, but they turned into an alley when there was no one on the way and disappeared.


"The engraving is complete, but...why do I feel like I'm missing something?" Shangguan Xiaoyao's toes landed on the ground, but he didn't look happy at all. "There is not so much time to be sentimental, Xiaoba, activate it!"

Shangguan Xiaoyao teleported out of the magic circle, watched the inscription behind him activate and then quickly rushed towards the city wall not far away: "Temporarily block the breath of the magic circle, I am afraid that these soldiers will accelerate their retreat when they know that there is already a way out. Then there will be big trouble.”

At this time, the soldiers had already entered the city wall, and the chaotic law chanting sounds of the god soldiers almost joined together, and the attacks of different colors almost joined together, forming a colorful light curtain under the city wall.

The unique aura of Shangguan Xiaoyao attracted everyone's attention. The generals who were supervising the battle on the city wall turned their heads and looked at Shangguan Xiaoyao who was flying up the city wall lightly: "Master Tantric, the teleportation circle has been completed?"

On the surface, he shook his head and said not yet, but he said directly in his mind: "That's right, but the destination is also invaded by the enemy, and now I need to send powerful fighters to suppress it."

"How powerful is the enemy at the destination?" Several generals frowned, and the voice transmission that asked Shangguan Xiaoyao also carried a trace of dignity.

Shangguan Xiaoyao waved his hand and turned the densely flying spears into fly ash in the air: "It's just some wandering legions, with the most basic organization, but their combat power is much worse than these."

"The Legion of Fanaticism!"

(End of this chapter)

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