Reborn Killer Supreme

Chapter 822 Snow Mountain Sword Sect

Chapter 822 Snow Mountain Sword Sect
Shun'an Inn is built beside the official road between Ningyang and Wanling.

The location was chosen well. After all, Ningyang City and Wanling City are separated by more than two hundred miles. It is impossible for merchants traveling between the two places to reach their destination in a day, and most of them will have a night's rest on the way.

Therefore, since the completion of the Shun'an Inn, the business has been good, which not only made money but also facilitated merchants from all over the world.

It's a pity that the good times don't last long. Although the location of Shun'an Inn is well chosen, those who don't go to the village and don't go to the store can make a lot of money.But because of this, the inn was targeted by some desperadoes. On a dark and stormy night, Shun'an Inn was ransacked by a group of desperadoes. Killed by bandits.

As a result, the Shun'an Inn, which was able to provide convenience for merchants, fell into disrepair.

Although there are many people who want to occupy the two-storey inn as their own and continue to operate it, but they have the heart but not the courage. Who knows if those gangsters will come back to the inn after it is run well?

Not to mention that after the gangsters did this, there were not many merchants willing to stay in the Shun'an Inn, which had a lot of customers.

After all, there is no guarantee of safety! !

However, that was for ordinary merchants. Some powerful merchants and people in the world naturally would not take the mere bandits to heart.

Just like now, the weather in early spring is already cold, and the sky is dark, and it is getting late, so it is naturally not suitable to continue on the road.Although this Shun'an Inn is already run-down, it is a two-story inn after all, not to mention the upstairs, if you just stay in the lobby on the first floor, it is not a problem to simply avoid the wind and rain.

Therefore, after the sky completely darkened, a dozen or so people entered the inn one after another to avoid the coming wind and rain.

Among the ten or so people, all of them are from the Jianghu, which can be seen from the swords and other weapons they wear on their bodies and the horses tied outside the door.

Although we met each other by chance, people in the rivers and lakes did not care about trifles. Everyone gathered firewood together, built a big fire in the hall, and then sat around the fire and talked about everything.

Soon, the cold wind howled, and the sound of dripping rain began.

At this moment, there was a rush of hoofbeats, and four horses galloped over and stopped outside the inn door.

Sitting around the fire, a man who was more talkative laughed and said, "There's another friend here!"

Another person answered: "It seems that this rain has caused trouble for many friends!"

As soon as the two of them finished speaking, a clear female voice complained from outside the door: "What the hell is the weather in this place? During the day, there was no sign of rain at all. It suddenly started raining tonight."

Another male voice full of rejoicing said: "Fortunately, we were lucky and came here in time, otherwise we would suffer if we were drenched in the rain overnight."

With that said, the door was pushed open, and four people, three men and one woman, walked in.

When everyone saw the young girl, their eyes suddenly lit up, and they saw that she was about seventeen or eighteen years old, with almond eyes and peach cheeks, and an extremely beautiful and moving face.Wearing a light green leather jacket, he has a slim figure.There is a string of pearls hanging around her neck, each pearl is the size of a finger, exuding a faint halo, which fully sets off the girl's noble temperament, making people realize that her identity must be extraordinary.

The talkative man sitting by the fire subconsciously looked at the sword in the girl's hand. When he saw the chilling snow-capped mountain pattern on the hilt, he couldn't help but gasped and exclaimed Said: "Snow Mountain Sword School!"

The others shuddered when they heard the words, and immediately noticed the famous snow-capped mountain pattern on the hilt of the girl's sword, and all gasped.

Although they are all people in the Jianghu, they can barely be called people in the martial arts world, but no matter whether they admit it or not, they are all unknown people in the martial arts world.

However, the Snow Mountain Sword Sect is one of the most powerful forces in the world. In this remote and remote place, they suddenly met such a big man who would never have met with each other on weekdays. Everyone was shocked and secretly delighted.

Being able to have a relationship with such a big man, they can brag about it for several years.

The girl from the Snow Mountain Sword Sect seems to be accustomed to everyone's reactions, even the two senior brothers beside her have a common expression, one of the senior brothers glanced at the man who can speak arrogantly, and then turned to the young girl with a courteous expression. Said: "Junior Sister, I can only warm up here tonight, and have a good rest when I arrive in Wancheng tomorrow."

The people sitting around the fire came back to their senses, and then hurriedly squeezed to both sides, giving way to the boss.

"Three young heroes, and this senior, please sit down quickly!"

"There are a few wooden blocks here, I hope the three young heroes and seniors don't dislike them!"


Facing everyone's flattery, the beautiful girl smiled lightly: "Okay, thank you!" Then she sat around the fire with the two senior brothers and the old man.

Originally, before the girl and the others arrived, everyone was chatting vigorously, but now with the four girls sitting around the fire, everyone was restrained and silent.

The cold wind was blowing and the rain was pouring. After being silent for a while, the talkative man seemed unable to bear the atmosphere, so he said with a dry smile: "It's all the fault of those damned gangsters. If they didn't rob and kill this inn, it would Now we can all eat and drink with good wine and good food while roasting by the fire."

"Isn't it? Oh, I'm really hungry after hearing what you said!" Another person answered.

"I did bring some wine, but it's a pity that I didn't have any appetizers, I only brought some dry food!" Another man said.

"How can you be so particular about going out? The big guys gather together the dry food, and brother Feng brings out the wine you brought, and they all eat one meal. Let's have a good meal when we arrive in the city tomorrow!" A rough man said.

"That's right, we sons and daughters of the Jianghu are so particular. It's very good to have dry food and drink good wine in this kind of ghost place!" Another person answered.

The thin man sitting next to one of the seniors of the Xueshan Sword Sect took out a few oil-paper bags from his luggage, handed them to several members of the Xueshan Sword Sect hesitantly, and asked, "Three young heroes, senior, you probably haven't How about having dinner? I brought some meat buns here, do you want to try it?"

The beautiful girl shook her head and smiled, "Thank you, no need, we have something to eat."

As soon as the girl finished speaking, the old man sitting next to her took out a few oil-paper bags from his bundle and said, "Miss, wait a moment, wait for the old slave to heat them up!"

"Uncle Feng, I'll get you some wooden branches!"

"Feng Bo, I'll bake it for you!"

Next, everyone saw a senior from the Snow Mountain Sword Sect pull out his sword and quickly cut a few sharp wooden branches, then opened the oiled paper bag together with the senior named Feng Bo, and skewered the roasted chicken inside the oiled paper bag on the wooden branches , and slowly roasted near the fire.

Soon, as the roast chicken was roasted, the rich aroma spread out, making everyone who was eating dry food swallow their saliva.

Originally, in this place where the cold air was howling and the rain was pouring, there was no place to go to the village or to go to the store. There was a fire, dry food, and a sip of wine. Compared with sleeping in the wild, I don’t know how many times better.Especially the thin man who brought a few meat buns, he felt very satisfied.

But now, looking at the stiff and tasteless dry food in my hand, and looking at the sizzling and fragrant roast chicken next to the fire, the happiness index suddenly dropped from the original [-] to [-] to single digits number.

Nima's, there is no harm without comparison, which is really a wise saying.

After a while, Uncle Feng handed a sizzling roast chicken together with wooden branches to the girl, and said, "Miss, it's ready to eat!"

The beautiful girl took the wooden branch with the roasted chicken on it, then handed it over to the people around the fire, and said with a smile: "This roasted chicken tastes good, everyone, try it!"

Everyone looked at the sizzling chicken, and shook their heads and said no, let the girl eat by herself.Although the heart was moved, did you not see the eyes of the two senior brothers of the Snow Mountain Sword Sect who were staring at people like a tiger?Besides, there are so many of them, and it is estimated that one bite of roast chicken per person will be gone, so what does the girl eat?
Seeing everyone's refusal, the beautiful girl didn't force it, so she broke off the wooden branch, leaving only a short piece with roasted chicken on it, and began to gnaw on it in small bites.

"Miss, wine!" Feng Bo handed over a wine bag.

The beautiful girl took a sip from the wine bag, and said, "Uncle Feng, Third Senior Brother and Fifth Senior Brother, you guys want to eat too!"

The two senior brothers nodded with Uncle Feng, and they were no longer polite. They gnawed on the roast chicken until their mouths were full of oil, making everyone gulp down their mouths.

At this moment, there was another sound of horseshoes. Although it was raining heavily outside, what surprised everyone was that the sound of horseshoes was not hurried at all.

Soon, a soft voice came over: "My lord, there is an abandoned inn in front, do you want to stop and have a rest?"

Another magical voice came over: "Well, then rest!"

In the lobby, everyone's eyes were fixed on the door of the inn. When they saw the person who pushed the door and entered, everyone's eyes instantly showed amazement.

The first to enter were four women and one man. The four young women were all wearing plain white dresses made of extremely fine materials. .

And that young man looked even more dazzling, with black hair tied with a white ribbon, dressed in snow-white satin, with a long tassel of white silk tied around his waist, and a piece of suet white jade tied on top, covered with soft smoky gauze.Sword-like eyebrows flew slantingly into the strands of black hair at the corners of the temples, slender and gentle eyes, a straight nose bridge, thin lips, fair skin, and an impeccable facial contour.

The most shocking thing was his aura. Against the backdrop of the four noble and beautiful women, an indescribable aura came to oppress everyone.

At this moment, including the two senior brothers of the Snow Mountain Sword Sect, they felt ashamed in front of the man.

Under everyone's shocking eyes, the young man said in a gentle voice: "I'm sorry to bother you!"

Everyone shook their heads as if they had just woken up from a dream, waved their hands in flattery and said, "Don't disturb! Don't disturb!!"

The beautiful girl of the Snow Mountain Sword Sect seemed to think that it was extremely indecent to carry a roast chicken in front of a young man. After recovering from her senses, she immediately stuffed the roast chicken into the hands of the third senior brother with extremely quick movements, and then took out the chicken. He took out a handkerchief and wiped the oil stains on the corners of his mouth.

After this set of movements, her two senior brothers were stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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