Reborn Killer Supreme

Chapter 826 The Crisis at Ximen Villa

Chapter 826 The Crisis at Ximen Villa

Simon Villa.

All the direct bloodlines of the Ximen family gathered together, the owner Ximen Zhenxing looked around, and finally his eyes rested on the family elder Ximen Tingfeng who was in charge of foreign affairs, and said in a low voice: "Elder Tingfeng, everyone has arrived. Tell everyone about the current situation!"

"Yes, owner!" Ximen Tingfeng responded, and then said in a solemn tone: "Everyone, due to the withering of our Ximen family's talents in the past few decades, the strength of the family has been declining. Before, because there were still older generations of masters in charge of the family. , it is not Xiao Xiao who dares to covet, but with the passing of the older generation of masters one by one, the situation of our Ximen Villa is getting more and more difficult.

Especially five years ago, the only surviving elder Jiuhua in our family passed away, and the family has completely entered a precarious period. If the owner of the villa hadn't broken through to the first-class master level at a critical moment, and thanks to the care of the beggar gang, I am afraid that our Ximen villa would have already died. Make people even. "

Speaking of this, Ximen Tingfeng showed a touch of shame on his face: "We are really ashamed of our ancestors. Our ancestors came to Yangzhou single-handedly and created the famous Ximen Villa. It's a pity that our descendants are not up to date. We have developed the Ximen Mountain Villa, and now it is a problem whether we can keep the family business or not."

As soon as these words came out, the direct descendants of the Ximen family felt ashamed, angry and helpless. They didn't want the family to decline, so what could be changed if they didn't want to?A family of martial arts should be based on martial arts. Now that the family does not have a martial arts genius, who can change this declining trend?
"Since Elder Jiuhua passed away, those who coveted our Ximen family's swordsmanship secrets have been eager to move. Although the owner has broken through to the level of first-class masters, tigers can't hold back wolves. If we don't come up with a countermeasure quickly, then our Ximen Villa It's really dangerous." Ximen Tingfeng said, scanning the crowd.

"Elder Feng is right. The reason why everyone is called together today is for one purpose, and that is to discuss how to save the Ximen Villa, which is already in decline." Ximen Zhenxing said in a deep voice.

"Father, the Gang of Beggars is the largest gang in the world, and Yangzhou is the headquarters of the Gang of Beggars. Its strength is much stronger than when our Ximen Villa was at its peak. With the Gang of Beggars taking care of us, I'm afraid no one will dare to touch us." A hair in Ximen Villa, right? As long as we get through this difficult period, and when the descendants of the family grow up, even if there are one or two talents that can be created, the inheritance of our Ximen family can continue, and one day we can return to the peak " said Ximen Wubei, the eldest son of Ximen Zhenxing, with an optimistic face.

"Stupid!" Ximen Zhenxing glanced at his eldest son, who was still at the level of a third-rate master, and reprimanded him: "It's true that the Beggar Gang is the largest gang in the world, but they are willing to take care of us. In view of the friendship between our ancestors and the ancestors of the beggar gang, on the other hand, it is out of morality. But this kind of care is limited after all. If we always hold the mentality that everything will be fine with the care of the beggar gang, then Our Ximen Villa is not far from extinction."

"Father, the matter is not that serious, is it? Those big powers will definitely not take action against our Ximen Villa because of the face of the beggar gang, and some scattered people or small powers, with a first-class master like you sitting in charge, can't get rid of it." What a storm. As long as we can survive this difficult period, we will definitely be able to restore the glory of our ancestors!" Ximen Wusai said with reason.

Seeing the disapproving expression on the eldest son's face, Ximen Zhenxing really wanted to slap him hard to wake him up. It's fine if his talent in martial arts is not good, but the key is still an idiot. I'm really pissed off.

However, freezing three feet is not a one-day cold, Ximen Zhenxing has already understood the temperament of the eldest son, and knowing that beating and scolding will not help, so he said to Ximen Tingfeng in a low mood: "Elder Tingfeng, you and this rebellious son and all the clansmen Tell me about some of the news you have recently discovered!"

"Yes, owner!" Ximen Tingfeng responded, then looked at Ximen Wusai and said, "Eldest young master, what you just said is just some superficial things. Those big forces are looking at the face of the beggar gang. They won't deal with us openly, but it's hard to tell in the dark. There are also those scattered people in the world. If they are single-handed, we can deal with it with the owner, but if these loose people form alliances, large and small, then It’s not that our Ximen Villa can handle it.”

Speaking of this, Ximen Tingfeng glanced at the other clansmen, and said in a sad voice: "According to the latest information from the villa, Wancheng, which is tens of miles away from our Ximen Villa, has seen new arrivals one after another in the last month. Hundreds of people from the rivers and lakes have been added, except for a very small number of familiar faces, the rest are all unfamiliar faces."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the Ximen clan's children who were a little more flexible in the lobby changed.

Ximen Tingfeng didn't make them speculate, so he said straightforwardly: "There is no doubt that these Jianghu people are here for our Ximen family."

"Elder Tingfeng, what do you mean to say that these Jianghu people will attack our Ximen family in the near future?"

"Why did these Jianghu people gather together suddenly? Could it be that some forces are taking the lead?"

"Even we have received the information, how did the beggar gang react? Did they send experts to help?"


All of a sudden, the entire lobby was full of noise.

Ximen Tingfeng coughed twice, and after all the clansmen calmed down, he said: "It is basically confirmed that these Jianghu people will take action against our Ximen Villa in the near future. As for whether there is any force to make a bridge among them, it is temporarily impossible to find out."

"Elder Tingfeng, where is the Beggar Gang? What's the reaction from the Beggar Gang?" A clansman asked again, repeating the old saying.

The proprietor Ximen Zhenxing suddenly interjected: "Recently, the Devil's Cult is about to move, and I don't know what conspiracy is brewing. As one of the three top forces guarding the Devil's Sect, the Beggar Gang has focused their energy on it, so we can give Our help is very limited."

When the people of the tribe heard this, they immediately panicked. After all, the reason why their Ximen family is safe and sound until now is that the most important thing is that the beggar gang has been taking care of them.

Now, the beggars are helping to guard the Demon Cult, but without the help of the beggars' gang, how could their Ximen Villa have resisted hundreds of people from all walks of life whose strengths are unknown?

Seeing the flustered eyes of the clansmen, Ximen Tingfeng sighed secretly, and then said: "In view of this situation, I discussed with the owner of the villa and concluded that we have four ways to go in Ximen Villa."

"Ah? There are so many four roads, so I can rest assured!"

"It's still the owner and the elders who have a solution!"

"Let me just say, our Ximen Villa has been inherited for hundreds of years, how could it be possible that we don't have any cards, now it's time for us to show our cards!"

"Elder Tingfeng, tell me quickly, which four roads are they?"


Looking at the clansmen who felt relaxed, Ximen Tingfeng said with a wry smile: "Don't be too happy, everyone. None of these four roads is easy to walk. Let me tell you everyone to refer to and see which road is right. It suits us!"

Hearing this, everyone's heart skipped a beat.

Ximen Tingfeng didn't hold back anymore, and directly stated the four ways he had discussed with the owner of the villa: "The crisis that our Ximen Villa is facing, what is the root cause, everyone must have a clear idea, that is our ancestors based on their income. The Ximen swordsmanship created by the three sword pictures in "Tianshan Nine Swords". Therefore, the first way is to simply make the "Ximen Swordsmanship" public, and then the crisis encountered by our Ximen Villa will naturally be solved. "

As soon as they heard that the "Ximen Sword Art" created by their ancestors should be made public, all the clan members opposed it one after another.

"This way won't work. Our Ximen Villa can be passed on for a hundred years, and it has always occupied a place in the martial arts. The most important thing is the "Ximen Sword Art" created by our ancestors. If it is made public, then our Ximen Villa will lose its reliance. .”

"That's right, this road must never be taken. This is the only capital for the rise of our Ximen Family."

"Elder Tingfeng, hurry up and talk about the second way, there is no need to think about the first way!"


Ximen Tingfeng had expected the reaction of the clansmen, and it was not until they urged him that he continued: "As for the second way, it is to contact the Xueshan Sword Sect or the Qingyun Sword Sect immediately, and dedicate the "Ximen Sword Art" to them. In exchange for the alliance of the two factions, use their power to protect us."

"This... If this is the case, don't we have to be inferior to the Xueshan Sword Sect or the Qingyun Sword Sect?"

"Then what can we do? No one is letting us down. Anyway, the two major sword sects come from the same origin as our Ximen Villa. It is better to dedicate "Ximen Sword Art" to them than to make it public."

"Elder Tingfeng, is there a way to preserve the "Ximen Sword Art"?"


Ximen Tingfeng continued: "The third way, the soldiers come to block the water and cover it with soil, and respond to all changes with the same. No matter what kind of enemy invades, they will live and die with the "Ximen Sword Art"."


"this road……"

Hearing what Ximen Tingfeng said, all the clansmen were silent. This road sounds really heroic and heroic, but in fact everyone knows in their hearts that if they really do this, maybe Ximen Villa will be removed from the martial arts.

"As for the fourth way!" Ximen Tingfeng said with aggrieved and helpless tone, "This way is very simple, that is to disband Ximen Villa before the enemy kills the door, everyone disperses and flees, and then hides their names and quietly Cultivate future generations. As for whether Ximen Villa can be rebuilt, it depends on our descendants' success!"

"There are only four roads, everyone, think about it carefully, which road is suitable for us!" said the owner Ximen Zhenxing with a slightly sad expression.

Next, everyone expressed their opinions, and in this cloudy period, the next direction of this family that has been passed down for hundreds of years is determined.

(End of this chapter)

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