Chapter 835
The speed at which rumors spread, no matter where they are placed, is the fastest.

The fact that the Wancheng city guards bowed their heads to the Shangwan Inn spread throughout Wancheng like the wind in just a quarter of an hour.

The reputation of Shangwan Inn reached its peak after the City Guards bowed their heads this time.

The shopkeeper Sun Qian's face is full of happiness, the better the reputation of Shangwan Inn, the better for them this Shangwan Inn.Therefore, he seized this opportunity to promote Shangwan Inn.

It didn't take long for the promotional slogan of Shangwan Inn to spread throughout the entire Wancheng from the "trail".

"Shangwan Inn will never abandon any customer. As long as you stay in Shangwan Inn, Shangwan Inn will protect the personal safety of customers!"

This is news from the 'trail', referred to as gossip.But this news was deliberately released by the people of Shangwan Inn. This is a good opportunity to gain fame. As soon as the news spread, some warriors who were still worried about the city guards' investigation and guidance, begged to settle in Shangwan Inn. , For a while, the house price of Shangwan Inn tripled.

Some warriors who were afraid of the city guards learned that Shangwan Inn’s occupancy fee had increased, and scolded Shangwan Inn as a profiteer, and at the same time squeezed their heads and wanted to settle in Shangwan Inn, because staying in Shangwan Inn represented With absolute safety, even the city guards have nothing to do with them!
Shangwan Inn, in the hall.

The living room, which was originally sparsely populated, is now full of people. The warriors who choose to come to the Shangwan Inn have no way to guide them, and their strength cannot ignore the existence of the city guards, so that now they are rushing to the Shangwan Inn. Come to the Shangwan Inn for a sanctuary.

In the original Shangwan Inn, because of the high fees, not many warriors were willing to settle in it, but now it is different, staying in the Shangwan Inn is equivalent to adding a life-saving talisman, even if the check-in fee of the Shangwan Inn is higher than the original price It has doubled, and it also makes warriors who have no guides scramble for the first.

No one wants to be caught by the city guards and put into prison. Even though the news from the city guards is that they will re-register Luyin, no one is willing to deal with the city guards.

Among the warriors in the Jianghu, who doesn't have a few lives in their hands?If the crimes he committed in the past are known to the city guards, they will be unable to escape in the heavily guarded city lord's mansion!
In front of the counter, Sun Gan, the fat shopkeeper, looked at the crowded situation in the hall, and said with a smile, "Don't squeeze, don't squeeze! Although the rooms in my Shangwan Inn are limited, you can also check in together!"

When the warriors heard this, their eyes lit up, that's right, it's enough to move in together.Although the rooms in Shangwan Inn are limited, even the most common guest room is more than enough to sleep ten people. For a while, the warriors who thought the room rate was expensive did not care so much about the room rate.

If one person lives in one room, the room fee must be very expensive. What if ten people live together?That price is completely acceptable to everyone.

"Brother, do you want to stay in the hotel? How about we join together? Ten people share a room, and now there are only eight people left! We are all warriors, so it doesn't matter if we squeeze together?"

There was a young man with mischievous eyebrows and mouse eyes who shuttled among the crowd. Every time he passed by a person, he would always ask the other person if they wanted to join forces and stay in a room.

Once someone took the lead, the rest followed suit, which made the already chaotic hall even more chaotic.

Seeing this scene, Sun Qian, the shopkeeper, smiled again and said, "Everyone may have misunderstood what I mean. Now, I still have [-] herringbone rooms, [-] ground-level rooms, and [-] Tian-style rooms in Shangwan Inn." Room. Now staying at my Shangwan Inn, you don’t charge according to the room, now we charge per person!"

Just as Sun Gan finished speaking, a dissatisfied voice immediately came from the crowd: "What? Sun Gan, are you crazy about money? You charge per head? You're losing money!"

"That's right, if it wasn't for the special circumstances this time, even if you invite me here at Shangwan Inn, I wouldn't stay here!"

"Sun Qian, stay on the front line in life, so that we can meet each other in the future, don't go too far!"

"A profiteer, what the hell are you a profiteer!"


At this moment, all warriors scolded Sun Qian one after another. Many warriors hated this guy for his style of behavior.

Sun Qian didn't care about these insults. As a qualified profiteer, if he would feel uneasy about raising prices, how could he be a qualified profiteer?

So when he saw other warriors expressing their dissatisfaction, Sun Qian just smiled and said: "Everyone, if you are not satisfied with my proposal, you can turn around and leave. The gate is outside, and you don't want to live in the house." Anyone from my inn, who thinks the price of my inn is high, can leave."

When everyone heard the words, someone shouted angrily: "Sun Gan, why don't you do things like this! Believe it or not, if you make us anxious, everyone will unite and demolish your inn!"

"Demolition of the inn? This is a good idea, I agree!"

"Count me in!"

"Count me in too!"

"Count me in……"

Many warriors expressed their dissatisfaction at this time, and some even picked up their weapons, preparing to attack Shangwan Inn directly.

But at this moment, Sun Qian said indifferently: "I am causing trouble at Shangwan Inn? Pick out all the troublemakers, break their legs, and throw them out!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw someone in the crowd moving quickly. This was a spy that Sun Qian deliberately planted among the crowd. Since he dared to sit on the ground and raise the price, he naturally expected such a situation to happen.

Those who took the lead in provoking trouble were all recorded by his spies. At this time, they took action one after another. Before the troublemakers could react, they were attacked. Some people had their legs broken on the spot, and then they were brutally Throw it out of the door of Shangwan Inn.

Some people raised their weapons to resist, but they were subdued by spies as soon as they were taken out, making them useless.

The noisy hall suddenly became audible, and all the martial artists who took the lead in making trouble were thrown out. In the blink of an eye, ten warriors were thrown out of the inn, and their legs were all broken. Lying on the ground howling.

And among these ten fighters, there are many second-rate beginner fighters, but under the attack of the spies, they are powerless to resist!
The thugs kept by Shangwan Inn are not limited to the 20 people who fought against the city guards before. Those 20 people represent the top strength of Shangwan Inn, and they are usually only used to frighten people in the Jianghu.

There are also dark forces in the Shangwan Inn. Their identities in the city are different. They are mainly responsible for collecting information and spreading rumors. They obey the orders of the Shangwan Inn and serve the Shangwan Inn. The warrior who fought among the crowd was the power of Anbu of Shangwan Inn!
The water in Shangwan Inn is very deep. It is not a simple inn. Hongnong Yang's family stands behind it. Hongnong Yang's family is one of the top ten famous families in Zhao State. The Yang family has a long history and has gone through several times. The dynasties have changed, but the status of the Yang family has never been shaken!
Not only the Yang family, each of the top ten famous families in the Zhao country has a longer history than the Zhao country's royal family. Although these ten famous families did not establish a country, their background is not inferior to that of the Zhao country!

Take today's Zhao State as an example, many of the civil servants of the current dynasty came from the top ten families, and most of the military officers received the favor of the top ten families when they were young, so that whenever the dynasty changed and the turmoil was changed, ten No one dared to touch the status of the great family!

The reason why Sun Gan dared to fight against the city guards was because he relied on Hongnong Yang's family. Hongnong Yang's family didn't even pay attention to the imperial power. A small leader of the city is also qualified to despise the city guards!

Now ten people had their legs broken and were thrown out of the Shangwan Inn. After shocking other Jianghu warriors, Sun Gan said again: "Since everyone chooses to stay in my Shangwan Inn, I will definitely guarantee everyone's safety. Everyone You can rest assured, as long as you stay in my Shangwan Inn, the city guards will not dare to trouble you at all!"

Facing the Jianghu warriors in front of him, he completely said that he ignored the majesty of the city guards, which is what the Jianghu warriors are willing to listen to.No one wants to be taken away by the city guards, even if they are only led by the scouts, that is unacceptable to them!
"Everyone, my Shangwan Inn does not engage in forced buying and selling. Those who are willing to stay in my Shangwan Inn can pay to stay here now. If you don't want to, please leave consciously!"

As he said that, he said with a smile: "This shop is a small business, and there is no credit!"

After saying this, Sun Qian left with his hands behind his back, humming a little tune, and left slowly.

He didn't worry about the violent anger of the warriors in the hall at all. He just broke the legs of ten people, which had already formed a shock. The warriors who squeezed into the hall at the moment were super powerful, and there were not many. It is impossible to come to Shangwan Inn to seek protection.

In Sun Qian's eyes, these people are just money for walking. After squeezing them out, throwing these people to the city guards for disposal seems to be able to sell the city guards a face!
"Well, I really hope that Ximen Villa can hold on for a while longer, and I also hope that those from the Martial Arts don't come to Wancheng so soon!"

Sun Qian walked gracefully, but the warriors in the hall were all frowning. They didn't choose to stay in Shangwan Inn at the first time, but elsewhere, all because they didn't have enough money.Not every warrior is a rich man with a lot of money. Warriors earn money quickly and spend money quickly, but the deposits they get are not much. After all, no one knows where they will die. Today's drunk spirit of carpe gratification, with money, is naturally the first time to enjoy it.

(End of this chapter)

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