Reborn Killer Supreme

Chapter 841 Shopkeeper

Chapter 841 Shopkeeper
What she said made people feel a little inexplicable, but after thinking about it for a while, you can understand that this is the slang of the world.If it is wrong, I am afraid that even if you can find this kind of "grocery store", you will not be able to really buy the goods.

But the old man who opened the door at this time set his sights on Shangguan Xiaoyao and his party, to be precise, he set his sights on the four maids.

A hint of greed flashed in the depths of his wretched eyes, as if he saw a peerless treasure, but the greedy look disappeared in a flash, and then he lowered his eyebrows and looked like a Bodhisattva.

Mo Qiushui didn't see the greed in the old man's expression, she said carelessly: "Shopkeeper, here are seven guides!"

The old man is the owner of the mutton shop and the person in charge of the Wancheng Grocery Store.

Hearing Mo Qiushui's words, he said slowly, "700 taels."

"What? 700 taels? Did you make a mistake? Normally, only ten taels a piece of road guide, but now it has increased by ten times?"

Mo Qiushui became anxious all of a sudden, she was also running a road guide here, and it only cost ten taels of silver a piece, but now it has increased ten times in one fell swoop!
Originally, she wanted to directly buy seven Lu Yins to give to Shangguan Xiaoyao and his party, but now that the price has increased tenfold, she wants to take out 700 taels, but she feels a little distressed.

"That was the price a few days ago. From now on, all prices will increase!"

The shopkeeper replied without raising his head. The attitude of whether you like to buy or not is really annoying to watch.

"Okay, Baohuitong's bank note, 700 taels!"

Mo Qiushui gritted his teeth and took out seven bank notes from his sleeve pocket and handed them to the old man in front of him. The gritted teeth looked as if he wanted to eat the old man alive.

"Miss Mo, it would be great if you brought us here. How can I bother you to pay for the way?"

At this time, Shangguan Xiaoyao spoke, and after he finished speaking, he glanced at the store and said, "Sit down and raise the price, don't you know what integrity is when you do business?"

Hearing this, the shopkeeper raised his head, his wrinkled face was full of disdain, and said, "Integrity? I will take great risks to provide you with this guide at this time. If you are the court The most important criminals to be apprehended, just relying on the guide I provided you, even ten heads are not enough for me to cut off."

"Forget it, you will return the money to her, and I will give it to you."

Shangguan Xiaoyao didn't bother to say anything to the shopkeeper, it was just a silver ticket. For him, the Prince of Zhao, what was 700 taels worth?
But Mo Qiushui was not happy when she heard this, she glared at Shangguan Xiaoyao, and said, "Master, is it different for me to give money here?"

"It's not the same, son, I have nothing else, only the money left."

Shangguan Xiaoyao's response made Mo Qiushui stunned, and then he said angrily: "Hehe, since you are so rich, why don't you help me a little bit! The prices of medicinal materials for strengthening muscles and bones have increased these days, I think I want to improve my martial arts, but I still suffer from no money!"

Seeing that Mo Qiushui was angry, Shangguan Xiaoyao didn't care, pretended not to understand her anger, turned around and said to Ju'er: "Reward!"

As soon as the words fell, Ju'er was seen taking ten 100 tael bank notes and handing them to Mo Qiushui.

Seeing this scene, Mo Qiushui's face suddenly turned cold. She never thought that Shangguan Xiaoyao would do such a thing!
Doesn't the word 'reward' mean sending yourself like a beggar?

"Young master, what do you mean?"

Mo Qiu's water surface was frosty, she was about to be blown away by Shangguan Xiaoyao's words.

"The 300 taels are used as travel expenses, and the other 700 taels are the money for road guides."

Shangguan Xiaoyao was very calm, but the calmer he was, the angrier Mo Qiushui became.

Just now I thought he was a great hero, but why does this guy deserve such a beating when he does things?He was obviously mocking him, why did he pretend not to understand?
"Miss Mo, you can keep it. Young master is really not short of money. And 700 taels is really too much. We are already very grateful that you can bring us here, why bother you to spend money." Ju'er rounded things up for Shangguan Xiaoyao, but Mo Qiushui glared at Shangguan Xiaoyao angrily, not listening to Ju'er's words at all.

Ju'er was still holding a thousand taels of silver bills in her hand, and she was still presenting the money with her right hand and did not take it back, but Mo Qiushui turned around and left, which was completely opposite to the mood that was full of interest just now.

Seeing this scene, the shopkeeper smiled, and while collecting the 700 taels of silver note Mo Qiushui gave him, he said, "Hehe, doesn't this young man understand women? This girl will help you pay, and I really want to pay for it." It's interesting to you, wouldn't you hurt the beauty's heart by rejecting her like this?"

Shangguan Xiaoyao didn't pay attention to these words, but instead asked: "Where is Lu Yin? Can you give it to us?"

The shopkeeper shook his head and said with a smile: "How can it be so fast. Since it is necessary to make a fake guide, it will definitely take time. Follow me to the living room and wait in the living room. I will give you a guide right away." go!"

After finishing speaking, he led the way, while Shangguan Xiaoyao and the others followed behind him, wanting to see where the living room he was talking about was.

The decoration in the backyard is unique. There are many rockery and jungles. Walking in it feels like walking in a maze.

The old man led them to the rockery in the center of the backyard, put his hand on a raised stone on the rockery, and pressed it lightly, and there was a "rumbling" sound in an instant.

After the sound, a portal that can accommodate four people appeared on the three-person high rockery. The portal was illuminated by oil and fire, but it was an invisible stair passage.

The old man took the lead and walked into the gate, and Shangguan Xiaoyao and the others followed immediately. When they stepped into the staircase, the gate of the rockery was closed again.

As soon as the few people stepped into the passage, Ju'er whispered in Shangguan Xiaoyao's ear, "My lord, something is wrong."


Shangguan Xiaoyao responded, how could he not know that something was wrong here?

When Mo Qiushui was knocking on the door just now, the old man was obviously guarding in the backyard. It seemed that he was here for business.

As the owner of this 'grocery store', he probably wouldn't leave the backyard. What if someone else came after he left?
But this guy wants to lead the way ahead, and he also said that being a guide requires the world, and he wants to take them to the living room to rest. This kind of behavior is very abnormal!

The step passage is about 20 meters away. At the end of the passage, there is a room covering an area of ​​[-] square meters. At the other end of the room, there is also a step-up staircase.

There is a big bunk in the middle of the room, and there are layers of quilts on the bunk. Apart from that, there is only one Eight Immortals table, and the conditions look very simple.

After arriving here, the shop owner said plainly: "This is the living room, and the conditions are a little rough. You can rest here for a while, and I will help you make road guides!"

After speaking, he walked directly to another passage in the room.

"Shopkeeper, it's just to make a guide, don't you need to bring us to this kind of place?"

At this moment, one of the black-clothed guards, Lin Moxiao, spoke.

Another black-clothed guard, Bai Murong, walked to the other side of the passage, and happened to be standing at the exit of the passage, and said, "I'll follow the owner to get the guide, I just want to see it too. How on earth is this guide made?"

Hearing this, the shop owner ran quickly towards the passage on the other side without looking back. His hunchbacked figure was wearing a big robe, and he ran like a humanoid horse monkey, but his speed was astonishing. It was extremely fast, with a fleeting moment, in just one breath, he had already reached the other end of the passage.

For Bai Murong who was standing at the entrance of the passage at the other end, the owner of the Damahou store seemed to have not seen him, completely ignoring him, trying to slip away from Bai Murong with his meteor-like speed.

But at this moment, Bai Murong stretched out his hand to pat the shopkeeper's chest, but the running figure of the shopkeeper fell backward like a kite with a broken string!

"Shopkeeper, what are you doing? Why are you running like this? If you run too fast, you will easily fall!"

Bai Murong looked at the owner of the big horse monkey in front of him jokingly. At this time, the owner was already lying on the ground coughing up blood. Just now, Bai Murong's slap seemed very gentle, but when the slap really fell on him, He only felt that his sternum was about to break!

"A... first-class expert?"

The shop owner struggled to stand up from the ground, his eyes filled with horror, looking at Bai Mu Rong in front of him, he never thought that this person, who was at most 20 years old, would be a first-class master in the world!
"Hehe, it doesn't matter whether you are a master or not, but the owner, what do you want to do when you run so fast?"

While Bai Murong was speaking, he slowly walked towards the shopkeeper. His steps were very slow, but every time he took a step, the shopkeeper's expression became ugly.

The owner of the shop was feeling heavy at this time, he never thought that the person he regarded as his prey would suddenly become a scourge!
"Who are you?"

He stared at Bai Murong solemnly, thought for a while, but realized that he was not the person here, and finally turned his head and looked at Shangguan Xiaoyao, and asked in a deep voice: "Who are you?"

Seeing the anger and unwillingness on the shopkeeper's face, Shangguan Xiaoyao shook his head and said, "It seems that although you are also a member of the Jianghu, you don't pay much attention to the affairs of the Jianghu!"

Hearing Shangguan Xiaoyao say such words suddenly, the shopkeeper just felt inexplicable for a while.

He stared at Shangguan Xiaoyao carefully, and asked: "Pay attention to the affairs of the Jianghu? I have stayed in Wancheng for too long, and I have already stopped asking about the affairs of the Jianghu!"

Shangguan Xiaoyao continued to shake his head and said: "Since you don't ask about the affairs of the Jianghu, why bother with the affairs of the Jianghu! Since you have left the Jianghu, why do you still want to commit murder and robbery!"

(End of this chapter)

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