Chapter 851
Jianghu warriors don't like the imperial court, and the imperial court is also suppressing Jianghu warriors.The secret struggle between the two is like fire and water.

The imperial court didn't want to blatantly attack Jianghu sects, which would bring about a series of turmoil, but they never stopped taking action secretly.

On this point, people in the rivers and lakes are ashamed to take refuge in the imperial court. They think that people in the rivers and lakes should be as free as fish without any constraints.

But is the fish really at ease?Don't worry about being eaten by bigger fish?

Ji Qiuliang knew what Ji Wuhen was thinking, and the prince lived in Shangwan Inn. If he went to join the prince with sincerity at this time, he would definitely be able to save Ximen Villa, but if he really wants to take this step now, the future Ximen The villa will always bear the infamy!
"Second Grandpa, I'm going to see the prince!"

Ji Wuhen's expression became more and more excited. He saw hope, the hope that his father would not die in battle!

Ji Qiuliang looked at the excited Ji Wuhen, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but when the words reached his mouth, it turned into a sigh, and finally turned into a sentence full of complex emotions: "Go!"

Ji Wuhen left and walked towards Tianzi No. [-] room.

Looking at his cheerful back, Ji Qiuliang also smiled, and tears fell down involuntarily while smiling: "Ximen Villa, it's really over!"

As he said that, his tone was suddenly filled with murderous intent, and he growled viciously: "You forced us! The imperial courts of all dynasties have wanted to weaken the power of the Jianghu, and wipe out this lawless place from within the borders of the country." Except, since you guys want to take action against our Ximen Villa, then you can't blame us Ximen Villa!"

His sullen look and angry tone, coupled with that ferocious face, made him look like a demon from hell.


Shangwan Inn, Tianzi No. [-] room.

When Ji Wuhen came to the door of Room [-], he saw two solemn-looking guards in black.

The two black-clothed guards stood motionless at the door of Tianzi No. [-] room, like ordinary gatekeepers, like statues.

If they don't know the identities of these two people, who would know that these two people will be top-notch masters?
To be guarded by a first-class expert in the world, such a skill is something he never dared to think of before!

"Both of you, please inform the crown prince. I am Ximen Wubei from Ximen Villa, and I am here to meet you with a treasure!"

Ximen Wubei used his real name at this time.When you come to see the prince, there is no need to hide it. If you achieve your goal, the name Ji Wuhen can also disappear with the wind.

"Wait a mininute."

After Bai Murong finished speaking, he was about to report when he heard a voice from inside the room saying, "Let him in."


Bai Murong made a gesture of invitation, and then brought Ximen Wubei into Room No. [-] in Tianzi.

At this time, Shangguan Xiaoyao is painting again, Mei Er, Lan Er and Zhu Er are accompanying, and Zhu Er is bothering Shangguan Xiaoyao even more. Ximen Wubei is surprised by this scene.

It would be unbelievable anywhere for a maid to disturb a serious master, but now it really happened again.

It is said that the rules of the royal family are the strictest, so why don't you see any sense of strict rules in this prince?

He suddenly became very curious about Shangguan Xiaoyao, this prince didn't seem to be as rumored!

His thoughts changed sharply, and then he quickly restrained his thoughts, bowed his hands respectfully and said: "Young Master of Ximen Villa, Ximen Wusai, you have seen the prince!"


After Shangguan Xiaoyao finished speaking, he said again: "You wait first."

Then he looked at Zhu'er with a smile, and said, "You're here for the finishing touch?"

"Ah? Young Master's paintings are so beautiful, if I put the finishing touches on them, wouldn't that lower the realm of the paintings a lot?"

Zhu'er's small mouth opened slightly, although the words were refusing, but she quickly took the brush from Shangguan Xiaoyao's hand, and quickly started to click on the painting.

Ximen Wubei stood not far away and saw the painting drawn by Shangguan Xiaoyao, but his heart was already aroused.

The picture-in-picture shows rivers and lakes and swimming fish, from dried shrimps to big fish.Every fish seems to be alive, as if it can swim out of the painting, but after all, the things in the painting are just dead things. Although they look like they are alive, they are just charms.

The eyes of each fish have not been drawn, but at this moment the maid Zhu'er is holding the paintbrush in her hand and quickly clicking on the eyes of the fish. Every time she touches a fish's eye, the fish is drawing. Gradually, more and more fish had their eyes dotted, and the fish in the painting swam faster and faster. Finally, he even heard the sound of water flowing and the sound of fish jumping out of the water.

This is a divine painting!The objects in the painting are completely alive, and the place where they move is the river and lake in the painting!
Seeing this scene, Ximen Wusai couldn't help but be amazed.How advanced is the painting skill to paint the scene in front of you?

His heart was shocked, and he was attracted by the scene in the painting, but after he was shocked, he suddenly realized that the painting is still a painting, and the fish is still a fish.

The fish can't move, the painting can't move, and the sound of water flow and waves he heard are all fake.

But the feeling that the painting gave him just now is extremely real, the things in the painting are living things!

After Zhu'er clicked on the eyes of the last fish, she said in surprise: "Hey, young master, this is so strange. After you clicked on the eyes of these fish, they actually wanted to jump out of the drawing paper."

"The things in the painting don't know that they are the objects in the painting. The drawing paper has become the rules that bind them. They want to jump out of this shackles, please the rules, but they don't know that the moment they jump out of the drawing paper, they lose their own living environment. In the end, it was just beaten back to its original shape.”

As Shangguan Xiaoyao's words fell, the fish in the painting started to swim quickly again, jumping out of the drawing paper one after another, they thought they were greeted by a wider sky, but The moment it jumped out of the drawing paper, it turned into ink again and sprinkled on the drawing paper.

"It's a pity. It's a good picture of fish swimming in the rivers and lakes. It's a joy to live in it, but you try to break free from the shackles of the rules, forget your own essence, and you can only turn into the original source in the end."

Seeing this scene, Ximen Wubei stared wide-eyed. He never imagined that a good picture of swimming fish in the rivers and lakes, and the vivid swimming fish in the painting, after Shangguan Xiaoyao finished speaking, all of them would be gone. It turned into ink, and balls of ink spilled on the paper, turning the charming painting just now into a messy waste product!

The painting was destroyed, and the swimming fish were gone. Instead, balls of ink were placed in a mess on the drawing paper. The drawing paper was an extremely precious royal paper, which was hard to come by in the market, but it was only seen in front of my eyes. The young master made a residual painting.

Ok?Remnants?No, it cannot be a residual painting.Just now those fish obviously came to life, and the rivers and lakes are obviously flowing, it is really a painting full of charm!

But what's going on now?A messy painting, like a child's scribbled painting, this painting seems to have been destroyed by the maid.

Ximen Wubei was completely bewildered by the things in the painting. He didn't know whether the painting was real or not, and whether the swimming fish and the flowing rivers and lakes he saw just now were his own illusions.

"Why did you come to see me?"

Shangguan Xiaoyao's voice broke his contemplation, and he took another look at the painting. The swimming fish in the painting are still there, the rivers and lakes are still there, but the fish has no charm. Although the eyes are painted, they are just It looks like a real swimming fish, no longer alive.

Just now, it seemed that the painting was destroyed, and the things in the painting turned into ink, but now it is a complete painting again!

Shaking his head, leaving the messy thoughts in his mind behind, Ximen Wusai shifted his eyes from the drawing paper to Shangguan Xiaoyao, and said, "Your Highness, if I go to the imperial court, I don't know if the imperial court can give me Ximen Villa. How to position?"

Shangguan Xiaoyao heard the words and said with a smile: "Ximen Mountain Villa belongs to our country Zhao. It is the place under the jurisdiction of our country Zhao and the people who are subject to it. Why come to the court?"

Ximen Wubei's heart tightened, he didn't expect to get such an answer from Shangguan Xiaoyao.As the young owner of Ximen Villa, he took the initiative to defect to the court, but in the eyes of this prince, Ximen Villa is actually a part of Zhao State and a part of the court!

"Your Highness, Jiang Hu has always been indifferent to the affairs of the imperial court, and does not submit to any force in this world. How can you say that Zhao Guo belongs to you!"

After Ximen Wubei said this, he immediately looked at Shangguan Xiaoyao nervously. This was an irony, and he didn't know how the crown prince would deal with him.

This is a temptation, he is testing Shangguan Xiaoyao's mind, to see how he will deal with himself.

"Haha, the whole world is the land of the king, and the soldiers who lead the land are the king's ministers. The whole world belongs to Zhao State. How can you jump out of this world and talk about it?"

Shangguan Xiaoyao smiled, pointed to his painting, and asked, "What did you see?"

Ximen Wubei thought for a while and replied, "Paint."

Shangguan Xiaoyao asked again: "Where is the thing in the painting?"

Ximen Wubei replied: "Fish."

Shangguan Xiaoyao also said: "Fish live in the rivers and lakes, and the rivers and lakes are animated by the fish. The two depend on each other. If the fish tries to jump out of the water, the rivers and lakes will be less agile. If the fish jumps out of the drawing paper, then The rivers and lakes are still there, but the fish have lost the rivers and lakes that gave birth to them, and they will eventually perish."

While talking, Shangguan Xiaoyao took a paintbrush and tapped the paper a couple of times. It was impossible to see what strange words he used, but all the fish in the painting had turned into ink, and the rivers and lakes were still the same rivers and lakes. , but the rivers and lakes in the painting were polluted by ink, and there were no agile fish, which made the painting look messy.

When he just entered the door, Ximen Wubei had seen this scene before, the fish turned into ink, the river and lake were still the same river and lake, but polluted and messed up.

(End of this chapter)

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