Reborn Killer Supreme

Chapter 895 A Breakthrough of the State of Mind

Chapter 895 A Breakthrough of the State of Mind

Shangguan Xiaoyao heard the words, gave Ju'er a chestnut, and said with a smile: "You girl, I want to tell you that in this world, except for your own strength, no other power can be relied on! In the world we live in, everyone is fighting for power and profit. , but what is the use? After a hundred years, it will only be turned into a handful of loess, and it will be nothing more than a wedding dress after fighting for a lifetime. Looking back, it is better to let yourself live the life you want comfortably!"

"So just like you, son, you don't care about the throne, you don't care about the country, you just want to live the life you want alone?" Ju'er asked with a smile, but the smile on her face became more and more attractive.

Hearing her words, Shangguan Xiaoyao shook his head and said, "Do you know why some people can live forever, why some people can pick up the stars and take the moon, and why there is an eternal kingdom?"

Ju'er heard the words, and said with a serious face: "Ju'er also ask you to clear up your doubts."

Shangguan Xiaoyao said: "That's because you are strong! Only when you are strong can you not be moved by foreign objects! It is not foreign objects that can shake them."

Ju'er was a little confused, and asked: "But we can't live forever. Didn't you say that after a hundred years, we will be turned into a handful of loess? So some people will fight for power and profit, because to create a power, or to subvert a power, they can make Leaving one's own name in the history books, leaving a name in the history, is what the great scholars of the dynasty pursued, but creating an immortal power in the world and allowing their own inheritance to continue is what those warriors in the world pursue. From this aspect Speaking of which, those who have left legends in the rivers and lakes and left their names in the history books can be regarded as a different type of immortality, right?"

Shangguan Xiaoyao heard the words, glanced at Ju'er in surprise, and then froze in place.

The length of life is different, and the angle of understanding the problem is also different.Originally, she wanted to tell Ju'er that she was not interested in rumors, conspiracies, etc. in the world, and if someone really dared to provoke him directly, she would just slap him to death.

But Ju'er's words made him feel a little puzzled. Every life, every autumn, each has its own way of life, each has its own choice.Even summer worms have their own meaning of existence, but I have always regarded the human beings in this world as summer worms, and never took them to heart, but made myself look like a high-ranking god, holding a calm attitude towards everything Watching with a mentality ignores many important factors.

In his previous life, he was plotted against by Shangguan Feiying. After his rebirth, he still has family affection in his heart.But in this life, he was inexplicably reborn and came to a country of mortals, but when it comes to his own parents, he only regards them as strangers, as a temporary station for rebirth, a period of his long life. It's just an innocuous memory, but they don't know that in their eyes, I am their most beloved child!

Reborn in this life, because he has the memory of the previous two lives, he has never called his parents in this life, and most of the time he likes to be alone, but hearing Ju'er's words today made him feel enlightened Feel!
At this moment, he felt as if a layer of shackles had been broken above his mind, his mind had been baptized, and his soul had been sublimated.

A mysterious force emanated from his body, like spring rain moistening silently, starting from where he was standing, and spreading towards a radius of thousands of miles.It was early autumn, and some early withered trees regained their vitality, some dying summer insects regained their vitality, and some seriously ill people disappeared after the silent power was emitted.

This is a miracle, a miracle that goes against the operation of the heavenly way. Centered on Shangguan Xiaoyao's body, the mysterious power seems to revive the monsoon, making half of the Zhao country look brand new.

In Wancheng, the warriors who have been trapped in the current realm for many years suddenly felt that the barriers of the realm were loosening, and they broke through one after another.

No one knew what happened, it was like blessings descended from heaven to help them break through the realm.

Shouts of exclamation kept coming out of Wancheng.There were ordinary people, warriors, and some poultry and livestock. All kinds of voices mixed together, making Wancheng look chaotic.

At this moment, Ju'er only felt an unprecedented sense of comfort. Her realm was breaking through, and her strength was advancing to a higher level, which made her feel incredible.

What shocked her even more was that Shangguan Xiaoyao had been in contact with him for many years, and had been by his side for many years, but she had never seen any expression on his body other than "calm".

But now she saw it, she saw Shangguan Xiaoyao in a daze, and felt that there seemed to be some mysterious power emanating from him, but she was not sure that the power was transmitted from him.

And standing in front of him, she felt that he was far away from her, as if he had crossed endless time and space, and she couldn't touch him.But I also feel that he is beside me, within reach.The state of Shangguan Xiaoyao at this time brought her two completely different feelings.

But at this moment, Shangguan Xiaoyao reacted immediately, and the power that escaped from his body involuntarily was withdrawn immediately, and the vitality that originally brought him within a radius of thousands of miles disappeared with the withdrawal of his power.

Some lucky fighters are under this force, but there are also some people who are stuck on the edge of breakthrough, unable to get up and down, but everyone feels very lucky.If there is no such power as the recovery monsoon, they don't know how long they will have to wait to break through!

At this moment, she was no longer shocked by Shangguan Xiaoyao's emotions. At this moment, she was completely shocked by the fleeting recovery power just now.Staying in the same room with Shangguan Xiaoyao, she felt that this power emanated from him.

" lord, that...that that aura emanating from you?"

She asked, her eyes were full of horror, and there was even a flicker of panic in the depths of her eyes.

Perhaps, as she joked before, the young master is a fairy, a god!

Shangguan Xiaoyao looked at the horrified Ju'er, but ignored the question, and instead said: "Ju'er, thank you."


Ju'er looked at Shangguan Xiaoyao in a daze, her face was full of surprise, she didn't know what he meant when he said 'thank you'.

"Originally, I wanted to tell you that only absolute power can be trusted in this world. As long as you are strong, all conspiracies and tricks will disappear. But your words are also right. No one can live in this world. To control their thoughts, it is precisely because of the diversity of ideas that the world becomes colorful and interesting."

Shangguan Xiaoyao was as calm as ever, but if you look carefully, you can see the emotions that truly belong to humans from the depths of his eyes.

The former Shangguan Xiaoyao looked down on the world like a high god.He is indifferent to anything in this world, and always feels that he is a passerby, and he will leave this world sooner or later.

In fact, everything he is doing now is preparing for leaving this world.Reborn as the prince of a country, the only male in the royal family, he has a noble status. If he left rashly, Zhao Guo's enemies attacked, and Zhao Guo would definitely be unable to resist.

Before he left, he wanted to eliminate the enemies of Zhao State, and eliminate those forces that harbored malicious intentions towards Zhao State. Among them, the lawless place of Jianghu was the top priority.

In fact, with his ability, he could kill all the people in the world with one thought, but what would Zhao Guo do if he killed them?Although the rivers and lakes are a cancer of the country, if they are really killed and put into complete peace, it is an act of digging out the roots. Therefore, in the process, he needs to suppress a group, win over a group, and let these people abide by the law. Becoming a true citizen of Zhao State, the only way to prevent Zhao State from being destroyed in three to five hundred years.

Eliminating the hostile forces in Zhao State is his way of repaying his parents in this life.But after hearing Ju'er's words, he suddenly realized that although he was a passer-by in this life, he still had parents in this life after all, and their blood flowed through his body. How can I look at my parents in this life with the eyes of ants?

So he said thank you Ju'er, it was Ju'er who made him wake up.It was also Ju'er's words that made his martial arts heart go one step further.

The road of martial arts, the realm is not an obstacle for him.But the most difficult thing to sublimate is the heart of martial arts.

In his previous life, he wanted to improve his martial arts heart and searched for all kinds of treasures in the world, but he didn't improve his martial arts heart much.But in this life, he was reborn in a country of mortals, and the heart of martial arts that had not wavered for many years, unexpectedly improved again!
The power that was like the revived monsoon just now was emanating from his sublimated martial arts heart. A ray of power cast a shadow on Zhao Guo's radius of one kilometer.

Ju'er next to him looked at Shangguan Xiaoyao in a daze, and wanted to ask Shangguan Xiaoyao if he had a short-circuited brain, or what happened, why he said 'thank you' to himself.

But before she could ask, Shangguan Xiaoyao said again: "Ju'er, don't bother with spreading rumors about me, I will deal with it."

"Yes, son."

Although Ju'er wanted to continue the investigation, but Zhao Gaosi had already been investigated, so she didn't know how to investigate.

In his impression, Shangguan Xiaoyao had always been calm, but in his heart he valued friendship the most. Zhao Gaosi was a member of the royal family, so it was just right for him to handle it by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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