Reborn Killer Supreme

Chapter 900 What do you think of the prince

Chapter 900 What do you think of the prince

Shangguan Xiaoyao listened to the voices of several people, smiled, and said: "You don't need to deal with the matter of the vision from the sky. If someone in other places uses this vision from the sky to cause riots, the local people can naturally suppress it. Now From my point of view, the affairs of Jianghu are more interesting, so let’s talk about what you think of this Ximen Villa now.”

Hearing Shangguan Xiaoyao's words, a gloomy look flashed in the depths of Mei'er's eyes.The young master's mind is not on the throne, and now the world is about to have riots, but he still pays attention to the affairs of the Jianghu, but don't you understand, if this riot happens, what will happen to the people?If someone succeeds in rebelling and destroying the imperial court, no one will care about your status as the crown prince.

Lan'er was also a little worried about Shangguan Xiaoyao's calmness at this time. Shangguan Xiaoyao's attitude towards this "vision from heaven" was really too calm, as if he was facing an ordinary thing and didn't take it to heart at all. , so calm, have you thought about the deep-seated consequences?
Zhu'er, on the other hand, didn't think too much about it. In his opinion, she would worry about the things that the young master was worried about, and the things that the young master didn't worry about, he just had fun with himself.

And following the young master all these years, when did you see the worried expression on his face?When did you see something he cared about?

It is said that this time I came to Wancheng, the young master was very quiet and wanted to move, so I just came here for a while.As for the "Ximen Sword Art" that everyone in the Jianghu is fighting for, and the "Tianshan Nine Swords Picture" that everyone in the Jianghu is concerned about, in the eyes of the young master, it is nothing more than mediocrity.

So after hearing Shangguan Xiaoyao's question, she directly replied: "The matter of Ximen Villa, in the final analysis, is that the old guy Ximen Zhenxing has a problem with his thinking. My own Ximen Villa obviously does not have the strength to keep "Ximen Sword Art". Just publish "Swordsmanship" directly, and publish the clues about "Tianshan Nine Swords Picture" that you know. By then, people in the world will know "Ximen Swordsmanship", and they will all know the clues about "Tianshan Nine Swords Picture" , then there is nothing wrong with Ximen Villa."

Speaking of this, Zhu'er concluded: "So, if you don't have the corresponding strength, the best way is to admit your weakness. You can either be cowardly for a while and wait for the rise in the future. Or you can be cowardly for a lifetime and be a stable ordinary person. .Or find a big backing mountain, backed by a big tree to enjoy the shade, just like us, find a big tree like yours, my son, and our days will be happy."

After Zhu'er finished speaking, he smiled and said to Shangguan Xiaoyao: "Young master, you changed your name to Shangguan Xiaoyao, so you also mean to be happy!"

Shangguan Xiaoyao heard the words, slapped her on the forehead lightly, and said: "You just shut up, take me as your backer, only you little girl has such thoughts. With your strength, No matter where it is placed, it can make a huge name in the rivers and lakes!"

"But I just like staying by the young master's side. Zhu'er is the young master's maid, and will be the young master's maid all his life."

As she spoke, her pretty face blushed slightly, and she muttered: "But if you can raise Zhu'er's rank to concubine or something, Zhu'er doesn't care."

Shangguan Xiaoyao was speechless for a while, this Zhu'er really dared to say anything.Are you whispering, I am right in front of you, can I not hear you!

But he could only pretend that he couldn't hear it, and his eyes moved to Mei'er again, and said, "Mei'er, what about you? Do you have any opinions?"

Meier heard Shangguan Xiaoyao asking herself, put aside other miscellaneous thoughts in her mind, and said: "Warriors in the Jianghu are lawless. This time they deal with Ximen Villa, it is tantamount to robbery directly. But there are too many such warriors in the Jianghu. If you don't Clean up the rivers and lakes, sooner or later the world will be turned into a mess by them!"

After Meier finished speaking, Laner also said: "Warriors in the Jianghu do not recognize the laws of the country, they think they are above the laws of the country, and do things according to their own preferences. If they abide by the law, that's fine. Kill, kill chickens and monkeys, kill them until they get scared!"

The murderous words came out of Lan'er's mouth, which seemed somewhat inconsistent with her beauty.But she is such a person, the young master is the crown prince, the future emperor, these guys despise the law and oppose the court, those warriors in the rivers and lakes are the young master's enemies, since they are enemies, it is better to kill them.

Finally it was Ju'er's turn to speak.In fact, she was not involved in the matter of Ximen Villa, but the other three said it, and she also said: "Although I did not participate in the matter of Ximen Villa, I have heard about the matter of Ximen Villa. This time, the matter of Ximen Villa, In fact, it’s not over. If they didn’t get the Ximen Sword Art, they would start with other people in Ximen Villa. Some forces didn’t get the clues of the "Tianshan Nine Swords Picture", and I’m afraid they won’t let go of those who went out of Ximen Villa to hide their names. People. Therefore, the rivers and lakes need to be governed, but to govern the rivers and lakes, the imperial court directly may have a counterproductive effect, and it is better to disintegrate directly from within the rivers and lakes."

Speaking of this, she smiled and said: "In this regard, we are not as good as the young master. The young master has the foresight to subdue those Qiu Jiudao, Ye Ren and others, and let them go to the rivers and lakes to build forces. As a nail, nailed into the rivers and lakes, within ten years, the rivers and lakes will definitely change greatly."

Shangguan Xiaoyao heard the words and said with a smile: "Haha, Ju'er, what you said is not bad, but it is the idea of ​​the four of you to nail Qiu Jiudao into the rivers and lakes as a nail, and has nothing to do with me. But this approach is always correct of."

Lan'er took this opportunity to ask: "My lord, are we going to kill all the warriors we brought back from Ximen Villa this time?"

They subdued those warriors who dealt with Ximen Villa, and then brought them back to Wancheng, where they were imprisoned in the prison of Wancheng.With them here, those warriors who committed crimes dare not escape from prison, but if they leave, can they not escape from prison?

The prison in Wancheng can't hold Jianghu warriors. If these ghosts and snakes make trouble after they leave, it will be a bit difficult to deal with.

Speaking of the prison, Shangguan Xiaoyao said directly: "Well, let's lock them up for a few days first, and then Mei'er, go and ask them if they are willing to surrender. If they don't surrender to the imperial court, they will all be killed."

If it is calm, it is a word that decides life and death.


Time flies like a blink of an eye, and in the blink of an eye, three days have passed.

For three days, the matter of Ximen Villa can only be regarded as a trivial matter in the Jianghu.Compared with the vision from the sky, the incident at Ximen Villa has become like dust, no longer attracting attention.

During these three days, the chaos in various places was written on the memorial and presented to the temple.

As Wen Fengqing said, a vision descended from the sky and the country was in chaos.Those with a heart take advantage of the ignorance of the common people to spread a heresy.Cults emerge in endlessly everywhere, and all kinds of ghosts and gods are created by people.People believe in religion and worship gods, and warriors also act as magic sticks among them.Some sects of the rivers and lakes have even transformed themselves. Their dead ancestors have been shaped into ghosts and gods who can reach the heavens and the earth, and they have begun to develop believers among the people.

Emperor Qing in the palace looked at the mountain of memorials on his desk and felt dizzy.The thing I was worried about finally happened. A vision from the sky is a good thing for the people.That mysterious force cured their illnesses, made them heal, and nourished the thin people, and their bodies began to become healthy.

However, such a vision from heaven, which is a good thing for everyone in the world, was exploited by people with intentions, so that in just three days, all places that were shaded by the vision from that day, There was a riot.

Among them, he is most worried about the affairs of Yanzhou, Qingzhou and Xuzhou.He paid special attention to the memorials from these three places.The forces of the Devil Sect, the Tianchan Sect, are located in these three states.

In the past, the Heavenly Cicada Sect was only respected in the Jianghu. Although it also developed followers among the people, generally speaking, it was limited.It's not about recruiting believers with great fanfare.

But now the people of Tianchan Sect are holding the scriptures of saving people in their left hand and killing knives in their right hands, and they are beginning to integrate the forces of the three states.

The Heavenly Cicada Sect is so powerful that even the local government dare not control it.Fortunately, the Tianchan Sect also has a bottom line. It didn't go head-to-head with the government, and no one went to save the government.

But they directly educate the people. If they are allowed to convert the people of the three prefectures, then the land of Yanzhou, Xuzhou and Qingzhou will become a country within a country, and even the Heavenly Cicada Sect will be established directly in the future. Not even a country.

After reading the memorials from Yanzhou, Qingzhou and Xuzhou, Emperor Qing made his decision.Although there are chaos in other places, the chaos is not as severe as these three states.

The most urgent task now is to suppress the power of the Tianchan Sect, otherwise, there will be endless troubles!

Putting down the memorial in his hands, Emperor Qing rubbed his temples, and said to the chief executive next to him, "Has the news from the prince passed?"

The chief executive replied respectfully: "Your Majesty, if there is no accident, the news can be delivered today."

The emperor nodded and asked again: "What do you think of the prince?"

Hearing this, the chief executive immediately knelt on the ground, and said in awe and fear: "Your Majesty, I dare not speak nonsense!"

Regarding the question asked by the emperor, he naturally didn't dare to speak nonsense. Emperor Qing's only son, the crown prince, the future emperor, as a slave of the royal family, how could he make false comments on the crown prince?
Even if the emperor asked him, he would treat it as if he didn't hear it. If he really wanted to say what kind of person the crown prince is, he would be courting death!

(End of this chapter)

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