Chapter 110
At this time, in the secret passage in the headquarters of the Zodiac League, Feng Yi said to Gu Zihao who was injured but pretended to be strong: "They have already left and headed for the Yellow River area. The place where they fought has become a dead zone !"

Gu Zihao said indifferently without saying a word, and nodded for Feng Yi to continue. "I guess they left in such a strange way, someone should be injured or dying!" A miss!
Gu Zihao thought about it for a while: "Okay! I thought so too! Feng Yi, you quickly lead people to follow them, don't let them find out! You follow along, and beware of accidents! Don't look at me with such eyes, you I’m going next time, and I’ll definitely teach you other sword skills!” After speaking, Gu Zihao waved his hand impatiently, telling Feng Yi to back down!
"By the way, you can come to this place by yourself in the future!" Seeing that Feng Yi was about to leave, Gu Zihao added lightly.Feng Yi didn't speak after hearing this, but squeezed his fist tightly, and slowly walked out of the outdoor peach garden.

After Feng Yi left, Gu Zihao went to the front of the three tombs again, sat down and said indifferently: "Mr. Wan, Xincheng. I may have to come to accompany you later! Hey, I am really ashamed of you!"

"Then if we forgive you, will you stop attacking Yemen like this?" In the silence, a voice suddenly sounded.

Gu Zihao immediately became vigilant, looked left and right, and then said, "Who, come out!"

The voice sounded again, but it came from some tomb: "Who is who?"

Gu Zihao followed the sound and heard it. "Zihao, don't you need to listen like that? I'm right here!" A voice appeared behind Gu Zihao. When Gu Zihao got nervous, he immediately shook out a sword and slashed back.But it was empty!
He looked back lightly, and suddenly let out an exclamation!The man behind him was very young, with a strong Confucian temperament, standing with his hands behind his back, looking at Gu Zihao with a smile on his face.When did it appear?

"What? I don't know you anymore?" the man said lightly.

"Why are you still alive? Aren't you dead? I killed you myself! And why did you look back to your youth?" Gu Zihao panicked in his tone!
"I want to tell you that I am no longer the elder of Yemen! I quit! I just want to revive Wanjun now! The only way to revive him is Fuxi Stone! So I am going to go by myself! Surprised?" That person is Yemen the elders! ?

"Xincheng? You... Gu Zihao said in surprise, but he didn't know what to say!
That person turned out to be Ye Xincheng!He turned back to his youthful appearance!In the end what happened! ?

"Don't be surprised, let me tell you, it's because you took great pains to preserve Jun Jun's body intact! Speaking of which, I also want to thank you for killing me..." Ye Xincheng told the story It is really a miracle to tell the story!

It turned out that since that day, Ye Xincheng had been cut off by Gu Zihao with a sword, Ye Xincheng had really died!However, I would like to thank Gu Zihao for bringing it into this paradise, where there is plenty of aura!Moreover, Gu Zihao created a formation around the tomb, gathering the aura around the tomb!The spiritual energy fully stimulated the corpse energy in Qin Minglei's body, and when he was about to be exhausted, a force suddenly appeared, not only resurrecting Ye Xincheng, but also completely rebuilding Ye Xincheng's body!Let him upgrade to the same level as Huang Shang, but the gap in strength is still huge!
Moreover, the Jun Jun they were talking about is still not dead, or the body is still well preserved!Gu Zihao spent a lot of money for many years to find a ten thousand year lotus seed and a bottle of crystal coffin!Let Wanjun's body, which was originally buried in this outdoor peach garden and slowly withering, be preserved even more intact!

"Hmph, there are still so many miracles in your body!" Gu Zihao said lightly, no emotion could be heard from his tone.

"Zihao, take off the headgear! Don't blame yourself anymore!" Ye Xincheng said.

After hearing this, Gu Zihao didn't say a word, but turned his hand back and undid the mechanism button on the back of the headgear, and the headgear fell off directly.It's just that his hair is covering it, so he can't see clearly!After that, he slowly brushed his hair up.Showed his true face.

When Ye Xincheng saw him like that, he was so surprised that he couldn't speak. After a long time, he said in panic: "You still chose this path, your life is no longer your own!"

"That's right, in this way we can better avenge the two of you!" Gu Zihao's face was covered with black lines, very beautiful and very strange!And from time to time, the black lines flashed a faint black awn: "It's true that I sold my life to the devil, and I am now a half-demon! Not a human, not a devil!" His tone was full of helplessness!

Ye Xincheng sighed, walked to Gu Zihao's side, hugged him in a bear hug: "Stop talking, I'm done!"

In fact, as early as a thousand years ago, the two knew each other and had a very good relationship!At that time, Ye Xincheng hadn't entered Yemen yet, and he, Xia Wanjun and Gu Zihao were collectively known as the 'Tianjiao Group', enjoying a great reputation in the Zodiac!Later, the three of them disbanded because Ye Xincheng joined Yemen, and Xia Wanjun was planning to marry Gu Zihao as his wife!However, Ye Xincheng suddenly appeared, revealing that Xia Wanjun already had his child!So she took Xia Wanjun and ran away from marriage!After that, Gu Zihao felt that his face was being lost, so he chased and killed the two of them, but they fought like this for many years, but there was no result!Until one day, when Xia Wanjun committed suicide because of their fight and died, the two realized that the years of fighting were really just doing things out of loyalty!Suddenly feel sorry!However, Xia Wanjun is dead!Ye Xincheng was disheartened and joined the Yemen, and after the change of the imperial mausoleum, he was also buried in it together with his identity as the Great Elder!And it was Gu Zihao who sat on all of this!
Gu Zihao was the head of Huang Daomeng at that time, he must not tolerate and raise traitors!That's why they sent people to seal the imperial tomb and attack Yemen, and then spread negative news about Yemen everywhere, making Yemen disappear from the world!

Gu Zihao has lived for a thousand years!Moreover, during these thousand years, he has preserved Xia Wanjun's body perfectly!So there is today's hatred!It's all grievances from thousands of years ago, a grievance about feelings.

Now, both of them have completely disregarded, Qin Minglei already knew that Gu Zihao's ultimate goal was to die with them, but he couldn't let go of those who were involved in the death of Yexin City and Xia Wanjun, so he has been secretly commanding Huang Daomeng!

Everything starts with love!

(Kitty finally turned 20 years old! Huh, hey, I’ve been busy all day today. I’m going to have a treat tomorrow! Hey!! I’m nervous! It’s double ten! I’m old and old! Cough cough!!!
It's my birthday, why don't you give me some birthday presents?Recommend, favorite, everything! —+——)
(End of this chapter)

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