Chapter 112
Chapter 39 counterparts

sometimes.Rumors are always so scary!

When countless people heard that the secret medicine appeared in the tomb of the Fuxi clan, they all flocked away.In the basement of a large house in northwest Shaanxi, a group of people are discussing.

"Fourth, let me tell you, is this method feasible for you?" A person sitting on the main seat said lightly.

The person known as the fourth child nodded, and said softly: "Brother, believe me. It must be possible. They are like a group of fools who actually believe that it is true. They don't even think about it, even if it is true. , who in this world has the strength to exit safely after entering the tomb of the Fuxi clan? And who is stupid enough to reveal the news of the 'King of Medicine Pill'?"

"Okay, that's right! No matter how much we sacrifice, we must bring these Mojin captains into our account! And it's spread that the false news came from the Zodiac League! The purpose is to exterminate them and let them and Let's destroy the Zodiac League together!" The man on the main seat who was called the eldest brother by the fourth child nodded and continued: "Zodiao League, we owe us too much! We must take it back!" After finishing speaking, he took it down. The cape hat on the head!Then he looked at the six people in front of him.

The six also dropped their hats.revealed their appearance.Shocked, the seven of them are exactly the same!Septuplets!However, it seems that they themselves have a number on the back of their necks, from one to seven, in order to distinguish them.

"Kill my parents, destroy my clan's hatred! We must avenge it! We have endured it for more than ten years, and now, in terms of financial resources, it can be said that the country is absolutely rich! We don't need to endure it! Let's start revenge now!"

"Vengeance! Vengeance! Long live the Protoss! Long live the Protoss!" After the elder brother finished speaking, the six people in front of him roared at the same time.

Protoss is an organization.This organization is engaged in reselling cultural relics and collecting any treasures, as long as you have them, you are not afraid of low prices!The three of Ye Ye once exchanged the lost Dingyan Pearl for travel expenses!Unexpectedly, they also had hatred against Huang Daomeng. Hearing what they said, could it be that Huang Daomeng wiped out their clan?
In fact, this group of people was killed by Gu Zihao 11 years ago!Their clan called themselves the descendants of Xing Tian and caused chaos everywhere, which attracted Gu Zihao's attention.

11 years ago, the Xingtian clan (let’s call it that for now, because no one knows what their clan’s name is!) claimed that their god——Xingtian was resurrected, so they started to make trouble. Many villagers were lured by him and joined them , and they threatened to push the Zodiac League and let them dominate the Zodiac world!As a result, it is conceivable that under the leadership of Gu Zihao, the clan was directly wiped out!But I didn't expect that there were still remnants of evil!

The seven of them laughed, and cut open their left arteries at the same time, blood dripping all over the floor!However, the blood that flowed out did not spread randomly!Instead, it all flows directly to one place.

One-third of the incense stick's time has passed, and their blood is still flowing, without any intention of stopping!As soon as the wound was healed, they immediately cut it open again!And, what's even more amazing is that they were bleeding and muttering something in their mouths!What's more, their eyes are all red, so red that it's heart-wrenching!
After half a stick of incense, they all suddenly fell to the ground!After that, a black figure appeared behind them!

The black shadow shook his head faintly, and then disappeared!If Ye Ye saw that black shadow here, he would definitely be surprised, because that black shadow turned out to be the one he saw in Li Dafu's father's mourning hall!That black figure in a long gray leather coat and a hat!
At this time, Qin Minglei was still heading towards the tomb of the Fuxi clan with Ye Ye on his back.They didn't know that some major events had happened in the world, let alone that countless people had already gone to the place they went this time!They only knew that if Ye Ye couldn't be saved!Even if they die, they cannot make up for it!

There are still thirteen days until Ye Yedu is full of dissatisfaction!

"Hey..." Li Bin looked at Ye Ye, who was still black all over, and sighed.Step aside and pull out a cigarette!Throw it to Qin Minglei, then take out two more, keep giving it to Yang Hengchao, and burn one for himself!
Qin Minglei took the cigarette, smiled, took the fire, lit it, and took a deep puff!Then he exhaled the smoke muffled.Ever since he found out that his wife Yin Lin had died, he hadn't smoked anymore!Right now, the only thing he can worry about is Ye Ye and his son Qin Feng!

Yang Hengchao is a non-smoker!But still took the cigarette, lit it, and took a puff, but coughed.

"If we go this time, we may die!" Li Bin took a puff of cigarette and said lightly.

Neither Qin Minglei nor Yang Hengchao spoke. Qin Minglei was puffing out a cigarette, and stretched out his hand blankly to catch the drifting smoke, but there was nothing: "I hope one of you can survive, my son needs your care!" He said indifferently.

"Yes, you still have a son! You can't die! You can live! Even if we die, we will let you and Ye Ye live!" Yang Hengchao said after hearing this.

Qin Minglei smiled faintly: "No need, we just let Ye Ye live!"

"A bunch of little dolls! Don't tell me you're going to die if you go in? You really have no ambition!" The walking corpse who had been standing aside heard their conversation and suddenly said dissatisfied.

The three of them stopped talking immediately after hearing this, and smoked stuffy cigarettes each!Think about your own business!

"You three, hey! Don't smoke tobacco leaves by yourself! If you don't smoke them for me, I won't save lives!" Seeing that the three of them were smoking cigarettes, Walking Corpse woke up immediately after teasing the three of them. , so he said dissatisfied.

Li Bin didn't speak, and lightly threw out a cigarette!Then throw the fire over.The walking corpse caught the smoke and fire, lit it and said lightly: "It's been a long time since I smoked! It's so comfortable, you little dolls! Don't worry! Die, there's only a scar on your head! You..." The walking corpse said , stopped!Then he looked behind them vigilantly, and said threateningly: "Who? Come out!"

"Me! Ye Xincheng!" Seeing that he had been discovered, Ye Xincheng walked out from behind the tree and said.

"You? Who is it? Yexin City? I've never heard of it!" The walking corpse said in an imposing manner.He felt a threat from Ye Xincheng!
"Elder Ye?" Hearing the word Ye Xincheng, the three of Qin Minglei immediately attracted their attention, walked to Ye Xincheng's side and asked, "Who are you? You are not Elder Ye!"

"I am Ye Xincheng. Don't call me an elder, I have already exited the night gate! Now I am your friend! Where is Ye Ye, let me see him!" Ye Xincheng said and turned towards Ye Ye and go.

Qin Minglei and the others wanted to stop him, but he pushed them away gently, and walked straight to Ye Ye, who was lying unconscious on the ground and his whole body was black.

Seeing Ye Ye's appearance, Ye Xincheng immediately exclaimed: "Ghost Poison! How did this come about?" After speaking, he immediately turned to look at Qin Minglei and the others, but they still looked at him defensively!He immediately frowned and said, "Qin Minglei, Uncle Mu is here! Li Bin, you're being looked at like this too. You're so old and you don't have a wife yet. Do you want me to help you? The corpse king and the undead corpse king Bit! Still don't believe me?"

Seeing Ye Xincheng name Qin Minglei and Li Bin, they immediately believed him!Immediately stepped forward, ready to salute!But he was stopped by Ye Xincheng: "No need, I said that I am not from Yemen now! Don't call me an elder! We can be friends! You must be surprised by my appearance now? Don't worry, I It is indeed Ye Xincheng, but it is Ye Xincheng when he was young!" Since Ye Xincheng's accidental evolution last time, the current level has reached the level of He Huangshang, and changing appearance at will is just one of the simplest abilities!And he chose the way he was when he was young.

"Are you going to the tomb of the Fuxi clan? Let's go together! Don't worry, I know what you want, and I want that thing too! Let's do it! If we can share it, we will share it fifty-five. If not, we will Those who can get it!" In his tone, there was a strong sense of threat!

Is this person Yexin City?
The three of them agreed, because at least it is better to have many familiar people around them than many strangers, although this familiarity was once!
After that, a few people set off immediately!Yexin City went with them.And behind them, there was a faint black shadow following them!
(End of this chapter)

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