Chapter 129
Chapter 6 Wine Bureau
"Okay, we should go now, let's stop dawdling, let's finish the work first, and then get some side dishes and drinks, relatives of head Feng, we must treat them well." The leader looked It doesn't seem to be a compliment, but a look of admiration and gratitude.The four of them were greatly puzzled.

But even if they don't understand, of course they won't show it.

Ye Ye smiled and continued to pretend to be stupid: "Hey, okay! Brother, do you know my cousin very well?" After finishing speaking, he lifted a box on the ground. Those fragmentary weapons on the tower.But Ye Ye seemed to lift it up effortlessly.

"Hey... Get up!" The leader yelled, picked up a box, and said: "Hehe, we are lucky, we don't have to go out to fix that thing! That is a terrible job! Hehe, you said Feng Master! He is a good person, if it weren't for him, I think many of us would not even be able to eat!" At this moment, there was no original compliment in his eyes.

Li Bin leaned over after hearing this, and asked suspiciously, "Oh? Brother? Why? Why does he only have food when you are here?"

The leader sighed and said, then tightened the box in his hand and said, "Don't call me old brother or anything, just call me Lao Li. You don't know, Feng Yifeng, head of the house, really You are good people! In fact, we are all refugees! And we are all refugees who were robbed by robbers and were about to starve to death. It was Feng Yifeng’s Shenxingmen who took us in, and then gave us food and clothing..." He said with his hands He carried the box on his shoulder and continued: "After giving us food and clothing, he tried to assign us to this castle as handymen. Although the wages are fragmented, and we are rarely able to go out, and the management is very strict, at least we have a stable life. It can be said that Head Feng is the god in our hearts! Regardless of his young age, everyone here regards him as a god!"

"So they still have such a story here. It seems that Feng Yi is not a bad person!" Ye Ye thought to himself, and then stopped talking. There were a lot of them, and they quickly moved all those things.

"Huh." Li Bin sat on the ground, wiped his forehead and said, "Ye Ye, are we here to do coolies?" Ye Ye smiled and said, "Of course not, let's find out the situation there first, it seems to be The only place where you can go up the mountain! The Nuwa stone has appeared in Gu Zihao's hands, find a way to get it!" Ye Ye and the others looked at the houses on the only road leading to the top of the mountain.

"Come on, come on, you've worked hard! Come on, drink some water, and then we'll go eat! Today Feng Yifeng is going to accompany us for dinner!" Lao Li brought some water, and walked to Ye Ye A few people around said.

Ye Ye took the water and said, "Lao Li, does Master Feng come here often?" Lao Li also took a sip of water and smacked his mouth: "Not often, but every time he comes, he will drink with us. Cheers to us."

"Then why do you act as a compliment?" Li Bin asked strangely.Lao Li sighed: "Hey, we don't want to either, but we are just poor people. Do we have to act as if we are familiar with Head Feng? Then where is his majesty? Outside we are all his subordinates, his slaves, Inside, we are all relatives of each other!" In one sentence, the four of them were completely confused, what kind of person is Feng Yi?And why do you want to help Huang Daomeng to destroy Yemen?
"Okay, okay, you four, since you are under my command now, you have to listen to me! Do you understand? You just came here. You don't understand a lot of things, so don't make mistakes! Let's go to dinner first, and then I'll tell you what to pay attention to." Lao Li said with a smile when he saw that the atmosphere was getting dull.

Ye Ye and the others nodded, but did not speak.I looked at the winding mountain road and the eight tall houses on the mountain road.

"Don't look over there, it's our restricted area, you can't even look at it, if you offend the master inside, we will die miserably!" Lao Li saw four people looking at the house on Nashan Road , suddenly panicked, and hurriedly pushed the four of them away.

Not long after, in a remote house, Lao Li was sitting with many people, eating and drinking was very lively.

At this time Ye Ye became even more surprised, thinking in his heart: This is a big faction!The inner door on the mountain, the outer door and some idle construction workers at the bottom of the mountain, and so many buildings have been built to accommodate them, on the mountain, I really want to go up!Gu Zihao, the Nuwa stone is really here with you!

"Hey, come, come, drink! Don't be dazed, you are new here, have a drink with everyone, there are too many people, so I won't introduce you one by one, you will know each other in the future! Come and have a drink! Seeing that the four of them didn't fit in very well, Lao Li stood up and said loudly, attracting everyone's attention and letting them know that there are newcomers here. Immediately, everyone began to pay attention to them.They all raised their glasses.

Soon, under the frequent toasts of this group of people, the four of them also became familiar with each other and joked with everyone.After all, they all came from poverty, life and death, and there is no barrier between them!

"Ah, why are you so happy today? Is there any food for me!" Just as Ye Ye and the others were having fun, suddenly there was a voice outside the door that they absolutely didn't want to hear!
As soon as the voice finished, a person came in from outside the door, and that person was Feng Yi!
As soon as the four of Ye Ye saw Feng Yi coming in, they immediately took out the weapon quietly and hid it under the table, but they continued to smile and bury their heads while drinking wine and eating vegetables.At this time, everyone's attention was on Feng Yi, and they didn't see the movements of several people's hands, but this small movement did not escape Feng Yi's attention, but he didn't care, and smiled lightly.

Since Ye Ye and the others were all buried in their heads, Feng Yi did not recognize them.He thought it was just a spy or an assassin who got in, and he didn't need to care about his strength at all.

"Master Feng, you are here, come here, you will definitely have some food and drink!" Lao Li seemed to have more leadership skills and the ability to speak in public. When he saw Feng Yi enter the door, he immediately left his seat and walked to Feng Yi's side , welcomed Feng Yi to the table where they were sitting, and then took a seat in the middle for Feng Yi to sit down.Feng Yi didn't mind either, and sat down directly.

But in this way, Ye Ye and the others felt like they were sitting on pins and needles, because Feng Yi happened to be sitting opposite them!
"Old Li, I've said it all. You can call me by my name in private. I'm Feng Yi. Next time you call me that way, I'll punish you three times!" Lao Li immediately laughed and said, "Ah, ah, ah! Look at my memory, but Master Feng, oh no, Feng Yi, you are our benefactor, it wouldn't be nice for me to call you like that?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. We are all one family. You are my relatives, Feng Yi! Oh? New here?" Feng Yi cleverly changed the topic to Ye Ye and the others.

"Oh, Feng Yi, they are new here, you don't know each other? They say you are cousins!" Lao Li said, taking a bite of food.

The four of Ye Ye felt bad when they heard it.Lowering their heads, they communicated with each other from the corner of their eyes, and then grabbed the weapons in their hands. If Feng Yi directly pointed out that they didn't know each other and wanted to recognize them, then they had to rush out.

"You four raise your heads! We are all a family, why are you so shy!" Feng Yi said with a smile while drinking, which also caused everyone to laugh!The huge room suddenly became noisy again.

"Look up! Don't be shy! They're all men!" Lao Li also joined in the fun.And everyone around started mocking.

Ye Ye and the others had no choice but to raise their heads hesitantly.

"Cousin." Ye Ye called out helplessly.But looking at Feng Yi, Feng Yi is frowning at this moment, with a serious face, the laughter just now disappeared, and even turned cold.

"They? Why are they here? I want to identify them and kill them? But there are so many people here, the influence is not good!" Feng Yi thought in his heart, he didn't want to kill in front of these people he rescued. "But why are they here, forget it, let's observe first. In fact, they are not bad, it's just me"

Seeing that Feng Yi remained silent for a long time, and even became stern, the people around all looked at Feng Yi suspiciously.Ye Ye and the others also squeezed their weapons tighter.

Not long after, Qin Minglei couldn't bear it anymore and was ready to stand up and fight out.But Ye Ye pulled him back, and then picked up a glass of wine: "Cousin doesn't know us anymore? You brought us in!" Ye Ye, who was careful just now, saw hesitation in Feng Yi's eyes.

Hearing this, Feng Yi came to his senses, then smiled quietly and thought: "Play this game? Then I'll play with you!" But he said: "Are you all right? Are you still used to it here? I'm sorry, everyone. , you know, I'm an orphan, they are my cousins, that's right, it's just that when I saw them, I thought about my past days, and I couldn't help but feel sad, that's what happened just now. It disturbed everyone's interest. I punished myself three cups !” As he spoke, he picked up three bowls of wine and drank them with a gurgle.While drinking, he looked at Ye Ye and the others with playful eyes.

"Cousin, needless to say, we are doing well now, thank you cousin!!! I will come to drink with cousin too, come, everyone!" Ye Ye deliberately said the word cousin very seriously, and said: He taunted everyone to drink, and after speaking, he picked up the wine and looked at Feng Yi.

After drinking for three rounds, everyone will have to go to work tomorrow, so the drinking party ended in an unsatisfactory way!Ye Ye also followed Lao Li, who couldn't hold enough alcohol and walked unsteadily, to a resting place.

"Old Li, you go back first, I want to catch up with my cousins!" Suddenly, Feng Yi appeared in front of Ye Ye and the others again, and after calling Lao Li away first, Feng Yi smiled: "You shouldn't Are you drunk? Don’t you mind if we go over there to talk, right? Sect Leader Ye and the hall masters!?”

Ye Ye smiled and watched Feng Yi walk towards the direction he pointed.Qin Minglei, Li Bin and Yang Hengchao also squeezed the weapons hidden in their clothes, then looked at Feng Yi warily, and followed behind Ye Ye.

(The kitten has been quarantined. Now it’s out of the mountain! I’m starting to update! Everyone continue to support me! I suddenly found that my ranking is so backward, the kitten is so sad! But it’s okay, the kitten will continue to work hard! I hope everyone will continue Support me! There will be a second update tonight!) (

(End of this chapter)

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