Guardian of the Night

Chapter 145 In the Illusion

Chapter 145 In the Illusion
Ye Ye strolled in this valley, very relaxed, as if everything that happened just now was fake!And here it is for real!

"Where is this place?" Ye Ye said to himself.Then walk slowly on the grass.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and Ye Ye was startled and immediately followed the sound.Then when he got close to the sound source, Ye Ye hid behind a tree and listened to the conversation there.Then I stretched out my head to see the owner of the voice clearly, but found that the vision was completely blocked by tall grass, and the tall grass grew out somehow!
A female voice said bitterly: "Are you still leaving me?" Ye Ye's heart was broken when he heard the voice.

"That's right, I have to go! If he is immortal, how can I steal my life and ignore the common people in the world? I'm sorry, I'm going!" A boy's words were sonorous and forceful, and there was a sense of determination in his tone, as if he didn't have the slightest confidence in him. The woman was so resentful that she could hear the voice of broken hearts.

"Everyone in the world, common people! You are just for common people, don't you think about yourself? Don't think about me? Don't think about the child in my stomach?" The female voice suddenly raised a few decibels and roared hysterically.

"What did you say?" The man's voice paused when he heard it, but then he said decisively again: "I've made up my mind! The common people are all I have! I'm sorry!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! If sorry can make up for everything, then why bother to thank you? You, can you play that piece for me again, and I will listen to you play it for the last time!" After hearing this, the woman complained again, with pleading Said.

"How are you!" After finishing speaking, no one was talking, and the sound of the zither suddenly sounded after a short while. The sound of the zither was like jade beads falling on a plate, and it was like drizzle, as if expressing endless love!
However, suddenly the momentum changed, and gradually became stronger. During the change, it seemed that the man had to go to the battlefield, the woman begged hard, and the man had been on the battlefield for a long time!After that, it suddenly came like a thousand troops and horses stepping on the ground, and it was like the thunder that thundered that day, and the ears roared!

Ye Ye immersed himself in the sound of the zither, and suddenly remembered what was said in Yemen Town Corpse Art: If the master of the zither raises his hand to play the zither, thousands of troops and horses will retreat automatically. This is momentum!

When Ye Ye was intoxicated, the sound of the piano turned again, and Ye Ye clearly felt a strong back coming from the sound of the piano, but there was a kind of heroism in the sadness!That feeling. That feeling is like that after the victory, the soldiers returned home, but the man died in battle!The woman with tears in her eyes, pale and helpless accuses God
Before he knew it, Ye Ye burst into tears!
"I'll go too, this song is for you!" the man said, his voice getting farther and farther away.Leaving the woman weeping alone.

"I'll wait for you here! I'll wait for you to come back! Until you come back!" The woman shouted loudly after seeing the man walking away.It takes courage. When a woman shouts like this, she has already entrusted her voice to that man!

Ye Ye wiped away his tears, his heart was in a daze, and then he walked out unconsciously, wanting to see who that woman was!

However, when I walked out of the back of the tree, I saw nothing!Tall grass gone, women gone!
Ye Ye stood there suspiciously!Recalling the clip just now, I found that it was so real!

"Forget it, let's find a way to get out!" Ye Ye sighed, thinking of the song that the man played for the woman just now, he couldn't calmly sigh, said, then turned and left, continuing to live in this strange unknown place. Wander in real or imaginary valleys.

Day by day, Ye Ye has been staying in this valley, eating wild fruits when hungry, drinking river water when thirsty, accompanied by beautiful scenery, Ye Ye will not worry about being alone for the time being.

However, he became worried in his heart, because he already knew about Murong Spy's conspiracy, and after so many days, he didn't know how the three of Qin Minglei were doing!Murong Spy's strength is terrifying, there is no guarantee that he won't kill the three of them just to keep himself unconscious!
The more Ye Ye thought about it, the more worried he became, and suddenly the surrounding scenery was no longer beautiful.He was full of worries!Then anxiously looking for a way out.

Soon after, he suddenly found a hole!However, the cave was blowing a bone-chilling wind, which chilled Ye Ye to the bone, making it impossible to get close.Ye Ye had no choice but to give up here and seek other ways out.

However, when Ye Ye finished exploring the valley, he found that there were no other caves and no way out, including the water. Ye Ye had also explored it before, and there was no way out.

"It seems that there is only that cave! But it's so cold, how should I go out? I don't know what happened to them!" Ye Ye worried to himself.Then helpless, there is no way, the cold wind in that cave is indeed too fierce, and it is impossible to resist.

When Ye Ye was in trouble, suddenly Ye Ye felt a faint warmth in his arms!Ye Ye opened his clothes suspiciously and saw that there was an extra stone in it at some point, to be precise, it was a stone named Nuwa Stone!
"It wasn't there when I took off my clothes and went into the water just now! Why did it suddenly appear?" Ye Ye said suspiciously, but he laughed because he knew that the attribute of the Nuwa stone happened to have the wind element, so the wind must not be able to hurt any more. he.

Smiling, Ye Ye slowly approached the cave with the Nuwa stone in his hand. Even though he had the Nuwa stone in his hand, he was unavoidably worried because the wind was too cold!
However, when Ye Ye walked into the range where the cold wind was raging, he didn't feel any cold at all, he only felt a warm wind like a spring breeze coming, which made people feel refreshed.

So Ye Ye walked up without hesitation, and slowly walked into the depths of the cave!The deeper he went, the more clearly Ye Ye could feel the rage of the wind. Not only was the wind whizzing past his ears with great force, but the coldness it brought had even frozen the surrounding stone walls!
Moreover, Ye Ye saw with his own eyes just now that a frozen solid stone could not withstand the ravages of the cold wind and fell, but was suddenly caught by the cold wind and instantly turned into powder!

If Ye Ye hadn't possessed the Nvwa Stone, which has the immunity and protection of various attributes, Ye Ye would have died a long time ago!

The cave is not long, and Ye Ye soon came to the end. There was a small door at the end, and there was a stone tablet beside the door. On the stone tablet, it was written: This secret place can only be entered by those who have the Nuwa stone. Although other methods can enter, But you can't get the secret of this farewell valley!
There is a signature after this sentence, but it seems that it was hung up with a sharp weapon!can not see clearly!

"It turns out that this Nvwa stone can enter this valley, but this place is not real. I don't know where this valley is! What secret is it talking about? Why didn't I see it?" After talking to himself, Ye Ye pushed Open that door, behind the door is a white, at a loss!
It was that pure white illusion again!

Ye Ye smiled and walked in!Then sat down peacefully, not long after, the white world distorted, and then turned black!
"Ye Ye. Wake up! It's dawn! Murong Spy is here!" Suddenly Li Bin's voice rang in Ye Ye's ears.

Ye Ye woke up in a daze, and then said, "How long have I been asleep?"

Li Bin said lightly: "Two days! You didn't wake up no matter what! Murong Bo has been here a few times! You're almost on fire!"

Ye Ye frowned after hearing this, thinking about everything he encountered after his soul came out of his body!Sighing, they still faced a hurdle of death!
(End of this chapter)

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