Guardian of the Night

Chapter 148 Good News, Bad News

Chapter 148 Good News, Bad News

Chapter 24 Good news, bad news
Ye Ye and the others escaped from the Eight Heavens Pass and found out about Gu Zihao's treacherous plot. After escaping, they hurriedly escaped from the range of the Zodiac League and returned to Yemen Mountain!
"Oh, in comparison! Our Yemen is much poorer!" A few days later, when Ye Ye and the others returned to Yemen territory, Li Bin looked at Yemen Mountain and shook his head and said helplessly.

I have to admit that the construction of Zodiac League is really good!Hearing what Li Bin said, Ye Ye raised the corners of his mouth confidently, and said lightly, "We'll be fine!" After finishing speaking, he went up the mountain.

This time, Ye Ye and the others were not stopped and walked into the meeting hall directly!Before he had time to notify everyone, Ye Hen had already rushed to Ye Ye and the others: "Master, are you back? Are you okay?" Ye Ye naturally relaxed when he saw his acquaintances: "It's okay, aren't we coming back now? ? By the way, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

After hearing this, Ye Hen frowned and said: "I just heard that you came back and came to find you. There are three major events during this time!"

Seeing Ye Hen's serious expression, Ye Ye asked immediately, "What's the matter? What made you so nervous?" Ye Hen sighed and said, "One, Elder Ye is gone! There is a letter!" An unopened letter came out, Ye Ye took it, opened it, and read it.

"Huang Shang, Ye Ye, and fellow Yemen brothers and sisters. I, Ye Xincheng, am ashamed of the Yemen ancestors. I betrayed the sect for my own trivial matters, causing too many people to go to hell because of it. Execute! However, Yexin City still has other things on its mind, after a long time of consideration, I decided to complete these things first, and after that, I will definitely present my own head as a sacrifice to the ancestors to make amends!"

The inscription is Ye Xin City.The words are vigorous and powerful, and they are indeed Ye Xincheng's handwriting.

After reading the letter, Ye Ye frowned and asked, "What about the other two things?"

Ye Hen frowned and asked: "Master, when a crane and a clam compete, can the fisherman benefit? Is it difficult for the fisherman if the crane and the clam win?" Ye Ye asked puzzled, "Why?"

"Just yesterday, the Protoss Group sent out a war message against the Zodiac League! Never die! The Protoss reported that the Zodiac League turned back and killed their elder brother! And threatened that after the destruction of the Zodiac League, the next one would be Yemen! "What happened Ye Ye knew the whole thing, frowned and sighed helplessly and said: "No way, we have two options, one is to retreat, but if the protoss can really capture the Zodiac League, then Let alone our little Yemen! So, we can only choose the second choice, to help Huang Daomeng secretly, but destroy while helping!" Ye Ye said sonorously.

"While helping, destroying at the same time! What do you mean?" Li Bin asked in confusion.Ye Ye looked at Li Bin with a smile and said, "That's right, we also want to join the war! But, the name is to help the Zodiac League! For example" Ye Ye thought for a while before saying: "For example, the Protoss and the Zodiac League We will watch the battle first, and then we will kill them when both losers! Clean and neat! We are on the battlefield, and the news must not be released! As long as we do it cleanly, who will know the news of this battle? Think that the other party wiped us out! This will not only allow us to hide from the world, but also allow us to get spoils!" Ye Ye clenched his fists and his eyes flickered. ,

Everyone understood Ye Ye's explanation!All the people present looked at him with excited eyes. As long as Ye Ye gives an order, he can go to battle and kill the enemy now!
"Okay! Well said! Never flinch when it's time to make a decision! Ye Ye, you really have the air of an emperor!" Just as everyone was excited, a voice suddenly sounded from the door of the conference hall.

When everyone turned their heads, it was Huang Shang and Ghost Queen.

I saw that Huang Shang walked into the conference hall first, then reached out to hold the ghost queen, let him cross the threshold, and then the two walked to Ye Ye's side intimately.

Ye Ye, Qin Minglei, Li Bin and Yang Hengchao were stunned.Ye Hen smiled, changed his seriousness just now and said: "That's the third thing, they." He didn't finish speaking, but Huang Shang didn't interrupt, Huang Shang smiled and said: "Haha, my business I'll say it myself! The ghost queen and I are about to get married!"

"Ah!" Except for Yehen, who already knew about this, everyone else yelled in surprise.

Ye Ye managed to suppress his surprise, and asked awkwardly, "Then, when did you decide to be together?"

Huang Shang said in a verbal gesture, "Hey, it's just the seventh day after you went out!" It turned out that after Huang Shang talked with the ghost queen that day, the ghost queen couldn't escape the love words after thinking about it day and night. Seven days later, he was finally beaten by Huang Shang's indifference, but then he was conquered by Huang Shang's strength!
"Godfather! Congratulations! Godmother~!" Li Bin and Qin Minglei, who had no parents since they were young, regarded Huang Shang as his father in their hearts. How could Li Bin be happy to see his father happy? After waking up from the surprise, Li Bin Immediately cried obediently.As a result, the ghost queen blushed for a while, and then showed the posture of a little woman and beat Huang Shang's chest and said, "Look, it's all your fault! They all laughed at me!"

"Who is it? Who dares to laugh at you? Let me see?" Huang Shang looked at him and was very happy. He hugged him and said with a big laugh.The ghost queen was even more embarrassed immediately, hammering Huang Shang's chest again and again, but Huang Shang laughed even more happily!
Seeing Huang Shang and the ghost queen like this, Ye Ye smiled, but his heart was agitated: It seems that the power of love is really great, it can turn a person who is as cold as ice into soft fingers!

Thinking about it, a figure appeared in Ye Ye's heart, and then he smiled!After that, he sighed helplessly, helped his sleeves, and strode away.He must go to see Li Yerui when he comes back, that Li Yerui who became demented because of him!
Li Yerui's room was not far from the conference hall, and Ye Ye quickly walked there.As soon as he walked to the door of the room, he heard Li Yerui shout loudly: "No, I won't eat! You're going to kill me! No, I don't want it!" Ye Ye's heart ached and he hurried in.

I saw a person who looked like a maid was feeding Li Yerui, but Li Yerui hid in the corner of the cabinet and couldn't come out.

When Ye Ye saw it, he immediately stepped forward and said to the maid: "You go down first, I'll come here!" Yes, the head! "The maid responded to Ye Ye and went down.

Ye Ye held the fragrant porridge, squatted down, scooped up a spoon and blew it, then handed it to Li Yerui, and said softly, "Ye Rui, good boy! Come out to eat! I'm Brother Ye Ye!" Li Yerui looked Looking at his eyes with fear and doubt, he stopped making noise!

"Come on, Ye Rui, let brother Ye Ye feed you! Come on, look, I am brother Ye Ye!" Ye Ye said, stretched out a hand, took Li Yerui's hand, slowly brought her out.

As soon as she pulled out of the corner of the cabinet, Li Yerui yelled again: "You are not brother Ye Ye! Don't kill me! Brother Ye, save me!" She bit and kicked Ye Ye while growling.Ye Ye didn't dodge at all, and endured Li Yerui's bite.

After a long time, Li Yerui seemed to be tired, and looked at Ye Ye suspiciously and vigilantly.

Ye Ye continued to smile, picked up the porridge that had spilled a lot in his hand, scooped up a spoonful and said softly, "Hey, let's eat! Eat, brother will take you out to bask in the sun!"

Li Yerui opened his mouth suspiciously, and took a bite, after which he seemed to be hungry!The eyes are very eager, but they dare not ask for it!

Ye Ye smiled softly, and fed all the porridge in his hand to Li Yerui!After eating, Li Yerui fell into a deep sleep!
Ye Ye hugged her to the bed, then leaned her head on his lap, stroked her smooth hair, looked at Li Yerui's deep dark circles and said lightly, "I'm sorry."

After a long time, Ye Ye came out of Li Yerui's room, and told the maid to take good care of her!After that, he came to the chamber again!
Not surprisingly, everyone else is waiting for him here!

"Ye Ye, you weren't here just now! We discussed it, and we decided to get married first, and then go to face the war!" Seeing Ye Ye walk in, Huang Shang immediately said to Ye Ye.

Ye Ye smiled, nodded and said, "Then, start preparing today! Three days later, it will be an auspicious day! You two elders will get married on that day!"

"We have decided on that day!" Huang Shang said loudly happily, but the ghost queen leaned on him like a small bird.Some women are like this. Before being conquered by a man, they are like an iceberg, but after conquering, they will become a complete little woman!The same is true for the Queen of Ghosts!
(End of this chapter)

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