Chapter 155

Chapter 31 Hold Your Breath
When the Zodiac Alliance's troops saw Gu Zihao's order to retreat, they immediately turned around and retreated without the slightest hesitation, like an army.

However, the resurrected corpse was blessed with the acceleration technique, and its speed was extremely fast, especially the resurrected cavalry, which was even faster!Within a few breaths, they caught up with the retreating Zodiac Alliance troops and launched an attack.

This resurrected corpse is extremely powerful, and every time the saber in his hand is swung, one person will be chopped down. Moreover, they still have the coordination and horse skills in life, orderly dodging the retreat organized by the Zodiac League to cover the attack.After a few breaths, many people have already died under the saber.And after the cavalry, there were those revived spell soldiers. They also reached the firepower point where the firepower could reach extremely quickly, and they used the spells in their hands one after another. Suddenly, attacks like fireballs, ice cones, or curses were overwhelming. Go towards the Zodiac members who are slightly behind and cover the retreat.The power of the spell is much wider than that of the Saber, and when a piece of the spell is attacked, the people behind the Zodiac League will fall down like wheat.

After Gu Zihao gave the order to retreat, he did not take the lead in retreating. He knew that if he took the lead in retreating, his morale would drop to a low point. He had no choice but to take the two soldiers around him and wait for the troops to retreat first!However, when the cavalry rushed into the crowd, he fully felt the power of the ancient Yin god formation.After a fight, the two soldiers around him fell under the saber, and because of his strength, he unleashed nine swords and cut down many cavalry, and each of them was killed by the sword energy and extremely fast. The sword was broken into pieces, and the resurrected corpses stopped their offensive.But he himself was surrounded again by several cavalry resurrected corpses. Although your resurrected corpses couldn't hurt him at all, they blocked his way.Afterwards, overwhelming spells came towards him, he couldn't resist, and was extremely embarrassed.

Finally, Huang Daomeng finally retreated and gave a signal of a successful retreat. Seeing this, Gu Zihao hastily used his sword to push away a few powerful sabers, and then muttered: "Nine swords, dodge." After finishing speaking , he disappeared, and after that, he walked away without looking at the resurrected corpses of cavalry behind him who were frozen in place.

After he walked a few steps, the group of cavalry resurrected corpses slowly fell apart, and there were no more resurrected corpses, only piles of minced meat on the ground!

But Ye Ye's group saw Gu Zihao's actions clearly in the dark, and all lamented Gu Zihao's strength!But when they saw that the Zodiac Member who was killed by the resurrected corpse had resurrected again, Ye Ye quickly gave the order to retreat.How can the land of right and wrong stay long?
After everyone dispersed, they didn't see four huge faces appearing in the sky where the Zodiac League and the Protoss battled just now!
When retreating, Ye Ye glanced out of the corner of his eye and seemed to see something, but when he took a closer look, there was nothing around, so he shook his head in doubt and left.

After Ye Ye's group walked away, two people appeared in the darkness. It was Feng Yi and Xia Feng who were ordered to follow Ye Ye's whereabouts!

"I didn't think so, your concealment skills are so poor, you almost exposed yourself!" Xia Feng still said coldly, without seeing Feng Yi in his eyes.

Feng Yi did almost reveal his secrets just now. Fortunately, Xia Feng used a concealment technique on him to avoid being discovered. Even if Xia Feng said that, Feng Yi would not be able to retaliate. It is worth watching Ye Ye and the others leave silently direction, followed.

A few hours later, after Ye Ye and the others retreated to a safe place, they discussed the matter of watching the battle today!
"What happened just now? Why did the dead suddenly come back to life?" After calming down, Ye Ye looked at the consuls who came out together and asked.

Everyone shook their heads!

Ye Ye also shook his head and said helplessly: "In this case, if it happens every time, how can we take advantage of the fire? If it continues like this, then the protoss will win! In the end, we will die!" Ye Ye said sternly.

Ye Hen thought for a while and said, "Then let's choose to help the Zodiac League? First, recover the disadvantages, and then the two sides will have a fair fight again, so that we have the opportunity to be the oriole." Everyone understands the truth that the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole follows !

Ye Ye had no choice but to nod.

On the Zodiac League's side, the morale is very low. Facing the almost invincible resurrected corpse, how can the morale of that army be high?
Gu Zihao stood in front of the lieutenant with a stern expression and said lightly: "Everyone don't have to do this! I don't believe that the protoss array can move! Everyone take a break, retreat [-] miles tomorrow, and then wait for the attack again!" In Gu Zihao's consciousness Among them, the general formation cannot be moved, and the larger the formation, the more difficult it is to arrange. The Protoss must have arranged it a long time in advance. When it is out of the range of the formation, then the Zodiac League will win!
But is that so?Fortunately, the morale of the protoss organized by the boss is not high, and it is dead. If someone approaches the army of the protoss at this time, they will be surprised to find that this group of people is like walking dead. Extremely rigid!Even the bending of the arms is mechanical!
However, Boss Xing and the seven brothers of the Xing family were sitting in the big camp, the atmosphere was extremely exciting, it was completely opposite to outside the camp!

They laughed arrogantly, but fortunately behind the boss, a gust of dark wind blew lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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