Guardian of the Night

Chapter 163 Mysterious Power

Chapter 163 Mysterious Power
Chapter 39 Mysterious Powers

"Why don't you try it? Do you think it's poisonous? Come on, I'll try it first." Boss Xing said seeing Ye Yechi not moving his chopsticks. After speaking, he picked up the vegetables and started eating.

Seeing this, Ye Ye didn't want to delay anything, so he picked up the vegetables and started to eat, but from the corner of his eye, he kept looking at Qin Minglei and Li Bin who were beside him. The two of them were surprisingly quiet. Looking at Qin Minglei and the two of them, he unexpectedly found that the bloodthirsty red in their eyes had faded!He knew that they were about to return to their human form!
"You must go out before they change back, otherwise, you will die!" The strength of Qin Minglei and Li Bin has become Ye Ye's only guarantee now.Thinking about it, Ye Ye picked up a glass of water on the table and said, "Boss Xing, I've eaten this meal too, so I'll use this water instead of wine to thank Boss Xing for his hospitality!" After speaking, Ye Ye stood up and raised the glass, Looking at Boss Xing from afar.

Xing Boss picked up the cup and stood up, and his other brothers saw that he also stood up and also stood up and took up the cup.Only then did Boss Xing say: "Hahahaha, but Master Ye, you can go, they must stay." It turned out that Boss Xing's goal was Qin Minglei and Li Bin.

Presumably, he just saw that the two were strong, so he started to study, and wanted to keep the two for research.

Ye Ye was startled when he heard this, but he said, "Boss Xing, what do you mean?"

"It's nothing interesting, it's just chasing and retaining customers. If you need to go, go quickly, and you can't take what you need to keep!" Boss Xing's words suddenly turned cold, and Ye Ye frowned when he heard it.

Ye Ye stopped talking, took out a phoenix thorn with a sigh, and said, "Since Boss Xing thinks that the fish must die, will the fish break through the net?" After speaking, he threw the phoenix thorn violently in his hand, killing Boss Xing .But he was caught by Boss Xing.

"Let's go!" Ye Ye said loudly when he saw the phoenix thorn attracting Boss Kai Xing's attention. "Roar." Qin Minglei and Li Bin yelled immediately, and rushed out following Ye Ye.

However, the Xingjia brothers would be fooled so easily. Seeing this, they immediately transformed into muscular men, and then rushed forward to block the three fleeing people.However, Boss Xing laughed and watched his brother chase Ye Ye and the others.

There was a flash of red light, and where the red light passed, the brothers of the Xing family stopped immediately, and cold sweat covered their entire back in an instant.That red light turned out to be Qin Minglei's eyes.Those eyes full of bloodthirsty, killing intent, and evil spirit actually frightened the Xing family brothers.

The red light flashed past, Qin Minglei suddenly slumped down, wailing weakly in his mouth, and his eyes were bleeding bright red!It seems that you squandered all his strength just now.That's right, just now Qin Minglei hit all the strength together, and then stimulated it from the eyes, and drank the brothers of the Xing family in awe!

"Hmph!" Boss Xing suddenly snorted coldly, took out the stone slab from his arms, put it on the ground, and said: "Since you don't use it for yourself, then go to death! After death, it's good for me to use it! "Lucky Boss activated the Ancient Yin God Formation.

Suddenly, those four gusts of dark wind appeared in the sky, and then four dark clouds rose from all sides, completely covering the sky.This ancient yin god array is actually so powerful?Change the color of the world!
"Damn it!" Ye Ye dragged Qin Minglei, who was unable to stand up, and said with a dark expression as he looked at the four dark clouds.

"Roar!" Li Bin blocked the knife from the left, and then roared violently, with a black glow emerging from his body.However, when he was roaring arrogantly, he was hit by a fire talisman flying from behind, his entire back was scalded, and he cried out while recovering.

Then, the resurrected corpses coming from all directions actually knew how to cooperate with each other, and the blind attack without moves just now, one sky, one ground.It was more difficult for the two to defend.However, although there were many resurrected corpses surrounding them, and their cooperation was extremely ingenious and tacit, not many attacked them, and the two could barely resist.

Suddenly, Li Bin jumped up silently, trying to delay the blood essence that copied the resurrected elite soldier, but it dodged it!Li Bin jumped up again, but was dodged again, and he couldn't help standing still and roaring angrily.

All of this fell into Ye Ye's eyes. Ye Ye looked suspiciously in the direction of the camp they rushed out of just now. Lucky Boss was sitting there leisurely, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, but he was staring in their direction intently, but Ye Ye was sure that Boss Xing was not watching how he died.But yes, he is controlling those resurrected corpses!
Only under human control can the resurrected corpse without thought know how to dodge and cooperate!However, it is extremely difficult to kill the powerful Boss Xing himself, and he is surrounded by corpses at the moment, which is perfect: Boss Xing's troop-leading skills are matched with the resurrected corpse who has no thoughts and only knows to obey the order of the formation.

Seeing this situation, Ye Ye suddenly had a playful look in his eyes, that kind of playful look like a cat watching a mouse, that kind of look like a god looking down on a person, a kind of controlling look.Moreover, he slowly took out Yeyang, and assembled it slowly, as if he was not worried about the attacks of those resurrected corpses.Because, whenever a resurrected corpse tried to attack him, it would be dismembered strangely.

On Li Bin's side, Li Bin couldn't resist anymore, so he suddenly released the strength of his whole body, and released all the black lights, all the black lines on his body suddenly disappeared, and when they appeared, they had already appeared on the bodies of those resurrected corpses .The resurrected corpses stuck by the black stripes suddenly stopped and lowered their heads.He didn't move any more, and Li Bin also smiled and fell down. He overdrawn his strength with this stroke!But the moment he fell, those resurrected corpses who were sticking to the black stripes suddenly raised their heads, their eyes became completely black, reflecting strange brilliance.Moreover, after they quickly dismembered the resurrected corpses around them, they immediately ran to Ye Ye's side to protect Ye Ye.

This is also Li Bin's only ultimate move, black pattern control.He shot out the black stripes on his body, and the black stripes would find the target by themselves, and then control the target.And this was also the only order Li Bin comatose Qian gave: protect Ye Ye!
Ye Ye looked at Li Bin unconsciously and collapsed, then looked at the resurrected corpses with black stripes surrounding him to protect him, and two words came out of his mouth: Boring!
After finishing speaking, Ye Ye swung Ye Yang, who had formed a long thin sword, and ruthlessly dismembered the resurrected corpses who surrounded and protected them, and Li Bin's kindness was mercilessly dismembered!

After finishing all that, Ye Ye stretched himself out again and said lightly: "I don't need the protection of the enemy! Let me protect you!" After speaking, Ye Ye picked up Qin Minglei who was unconscious on the ground, and let After he rolled to Li Bin's side, he walked over slowly.Ye Yang slowly dragged on the ground, feeling out some sparks, surrounded by endless resurrected corpses, but Ye Ye's expression was very calm.

At this moment, if the ghost queen were here, she would definitely shout. Ye Ye and his king are so close at this moment. They both have endless fighting spirit and courage to face any challenges, but they also have doubts while shouting. Why is there a very gentle energy on Ye Ye's body.

In fact, Ye Ye was not controlled by the ghost king at the moment, and he was also very surprised by his fighting spirit, courage and madness, but he couldn't control his body, but he could control his body to make all movements, those who attacked him just now The resurrected corpse was dismembered by him, and he dismembered it with a strange force at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye!

Ye Ye thought for a while, and suddenly realized something, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, he raised Ye Yang flat, and pointed at the boss controlling these resurrected corpses, ready to start the killing ring.However, he suddenly looked at the sky suspiciously.

In the sky, which was originally covered by four overcast clouds, a strange brilliance suddenly appeared. Seeing the brilliance, Ye Ye's expression suddenly froze.

(End of this chapter)

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