Chapter 166
Chapter 42 is safe and sound

At this time, a strange scene appeared on the smashed pitted land: in the sky, a huge meteorite seemed to be falling slowly but thunderously, and on the ground, a huge ugly humanoid monster , wearing a white bone armor, making a gesture of lifting the sky, as if to use his body to resist the meteorite from that day.And under the giant, there were eleven people, two of them were lying on the ground, and their life and death were unknown, while the remaining nine people made the same movements as the giant, but if you look carefully, the ugly giant's hands, It's not standing upright and lifting the sky, but slightly curved.

"Master Ye, no, that guy has the blood of 11 of us, but only nine of us control it, and it's not close." Boss Xing saw from his angle that the giant's hand made of resurrected corpses and other bones did not Standing upright, with a slight bend, he knew that if he continued like this, the moment he touched the meteorite, his arm would break.

When Ye Ye heard what Boss Xing said, he took a closer look. Sure enough, after thinking about it, he picked up Qin Minglei and took out a phoenix thorn. , let Qin Minglei freeze there like that, and then Ye Ye picked up Li Bin and repeated the same trick, making Li Bin freeze there too.

In an instant, the arm of the ugly combined giant was raised a little again, this time, it was really raised straight, facing the meteorite.

"Hey, lucky boss, even if we won't be smashed to death, then we will be burned to death!" Before the meteorite hit the ground, everyone felt a surge of heat.On the ground, ants, mole crickets and other small insects sensed the coming of the disaster, and moved their homes.

"You don't have to worry about this, get ready!" Boss Xing said with a sideways look at Ye Ye.After hearing this, Ye Ye ignored the Xing family brothers, looked at Qin Minglei and Li Bin, smiled confidently, and thought in his heart: "Now that I have it, I will definitely survive, if I really can't resist! "Thinking, I looked at the ugly combination giant.

When it came, the meteorite finally came long overdue, with the power of destruction, it pierced through the clouds and showed the whole picture to everyone.It is so huge that everyone in the Zodiac League who is thousands of miles away has also seen its figure. Although it looks small from a distance, everyone knows the destructive power it brings!
And Yehen took everyone in the Yemen and escaped for several miles in a row, which was considered a safe place.

At this time, the eleven people who were directly facing the meteorite were sweating from the roasting. When the meteorite broke through the atmosphere, it would burn with the air, and the temperature was extremely high.The tall giant was also roasted until green smoke rose from his body.

"It's now!" Boss Xing was extremely focused, saw the timing, and then roared hoarsely. After finishing, he bit the tip of his tongue and sprayed out a mouthful of blood arrows. The blood arrow sprayed directly on the stone slab and was absorbed directly. After spitting out the bloody arrow, his complexion suddenly turned like gold paper, and he looked extremely weak. What he spit out turned out to be his own hard work.

After the slate absorbed the blood, it suddenly floated in the air very strangely, and then four groups of ghosts suddenly appeared in the four corners of the sky, and the four groups of ghosts disappeared in a flash. A circle like a protective film tightly wrapped it and the 11 people.

As soon as the protective cover appeared, the combined giant who had been smoking in the exam no longer smoked, but looked more mighty. The extremely rough body that was originally combined became harmonious, and the black protective cover suddenly shrank to the minimum The outer layer, which looks like black skin.At this time, if viewed from a distance, this group of giants suddenly became very humanoid, or a black-skinned giant!

"Here we come! Hold on! Haha! Brothers, we are destined to fight against the sky! This is heaven!" Boss Xing said suddenly. After hearing this, the brothers of the Xing family suddenly showed enthusiasm in their eyes.

Silently, the meteorite fell and was held up by the group of giants, but the power of the huge meteorite fell so fast that the giant was also pressed down slowly.The land cannot bear such enormous pressure.

But the 11 people who made the appearance of lifting the sky had extremely painful expressions. The giant absorbed the blood of 11 of them. If they could control it, they would have to endure it. Very distorted and suffered great pain.

The giant kept sinking, and the eldest brother Xing saw that the flaws were all cracked, and immediately shouted: "Brothers are united, and their strength can break gold." It became more dazzling, and then, the ground they stepped on suddenly became very solid, as if it surpassed steel.

"Ah!" After doing all this, the Xing family brothers suddenly became very weak, but they still insisted on making a gesture of lifting the sky, carrying the huge pressure.And Ye Ye also resisted very painfully, but he could barely hold on.

After the ground became solid, the giant stopped sinking, and his body slowly straightened up. However, the remaining force brought by the meteorite was not easy to resist, and everyone also resisted.Moreover, the high temperature brought by the meteorite broke through the giant's black shield skin, and immediately scorched the giant's arm.

And the arms of 11 people also suddenly showed burn scars, which slowly spread and continued to be serious.

"Ah!" Brother Xingjia kept howling in pain.But Ye Ye didn't make a sound at all, because he found a strange change in his body: as soon as the burning pain and scars appeared on his body, a trace of coolness appeared in his heart, and then the wound healed quickly, and the pain disappeared. disappear.

Ye Ye looked at the other people around him, they were all covered with green smoke, but he was the only one who was fine, but he could ignore the Xing family brothers, but worried about Qin Minglei and Li Bin, although they were unconscious, but Green smoke rose from their bodies, their expressions were distorted, and they cried bitterly. The two people who were in a deep coma were frozen by the phoenix thorn again, unable to move. Ye Ye was very worried.

And suddenly, just when Ye Ye was worried, a trace of coolness suddenly came out of his body and passed to Qin Minglei and Li Bin, and the pain of the two disappeared immediately.Ye Ye felt all this clearly, and immediately felt relieved.

Time seemed to be frozen, and it was moving very slowly. The entire land was covered by the scorching green smoke of the meteorite. There were piles of dead ants, mole crickets, and birds falling from the sky. They were slowly being evaporated into the body. moisture, become a mummy.

I don't know how long it took, the sun has risen very high, and the force carried by the meteorite has gradually decreased until it only has its own weight.

Seeing this, the lucky boss immediately shouted: "Throw it!" After listening to the ten people, they made a uniform throwing movement, and the giant also howled, and then threw the meteorite in his hand, and the meteorite was thrown extremely Far away, and then hit the ground with a bang, and a deep hole was smashed out on the ground.

After all this was done, the brothers of the Xing family fell to the ground one after another, and then all laughed, rejoicing for the rest of their lives.Accompanied by their laughter, the giant also suddenly dispersed, scattered into resurrected corpses and bones, and then the black skin of the protective shield on its body suddenly disappeared and disappeared into the ground. .

Ye Ye also sighed and smiled.He was about to pull out his legs from the sunken ground, but found that he couldn't move his legs no matter what, and was actually frozen in the ground by the ground.

Xing Boss laughed when he saw this: "Haha, thank you, Master Ye, but I know how to repay my kindness, how to repay it, I have thought about it for a long time, and I will send you to hell, release!"

(End of this chapter)

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