Guardian of the Night

Chapter 170 Zixuan's Call for Help

Chapter 170 Zixuan's Call for Help

Chapter 46 Zixuan's Call for Help
The content of the letter is very simple: Ye Ye, Murong spy, is about to dominate the world!We have encountered an unprecedented crisis, and I hope you can lead Yemen to rescue. "

Murong spy, Ye Ye didn't care about dominating the world, but saw the name Murong spy.A person who he felt was powerful enough to be terrifying.

After receiving the notification, everyone immediately came to where Ye Ye was.

"What's the matter?" Qin Minglei asked indifferently, but when he saw Ye Ye holding the letter with a serious expression, he didn't ask any more, but took the letter and looked at it, his expression froze immediately.Curious, Li Bin also took a look, and the two of them froze at the same time, frowning.

Murong spy, the strong man who came out of the eight-day pass, to dominate the world?A big question was posed in front of them, how could Murong spy dominate the world?The ancient yin gods of the protoss were helpless, they were broken, so what could Murong spy rely on?

After everyone read the letter, Ye Ye said: "It seems that the matter is serious. Although we don't know what Murong Spy did to make the army so worried, but Zixuan has already issued a request for help on behalf of the army. How can Yemen be alone? Besides, Murong Spy, maybe you don’t know, but Qin Minglei, Li Bin and the three of us know very well that he is not much stronger than Huang Shanglai. Moreover, he has many powerful subordinates around him, who are indeed threats. Now, we We can only go to General Zixuan and understand the whole matter, otherwise, Yemen will be finished." Ye Ye clenching his fists, talking eloquently, expressing his opinion.

"Strength and I don't give way too much? Hehe, I really want to see it. Ye Zi, take me with you?" Huang Shang was lonely until he was invincible, and when he heard that there were people with similar strength, he naturally wanted to fight.But he didn't want to, and the ghost queen grabbed his ears: "Where do you want to go? What will we do if you go?" Hearing what your ghost queen said, Huang Shang immediately flattered him: "Madam, I won't go , I'm not going. Hey hey!"

Seeing Huang Shang's ingratiating appearance, everyone immediately laughed.Who is Huang Shang?How can you not be happy to see him deflated?Huang Shang suddenly blushed in embarrassment, but it quickly disappeared: "Why are you laughing, you go about your business, I will accompany my wife, and guard the night gate by the way! No way?" Everyone was more happy when they knew about Murong Spy. Negative emotions caused by it disappear.

"Brother, you must be General Zixuan's confidant, right? Where is General Zixuan now?" After laughing, Ye Ye asked the person who delivered the letter.

"Master Ye, I don't dare to be an elder brother. I just ask you to save General Zixuan. The military department asked him to solve the matter of Murong Spy for three months. If he can't solve it, he will be executed according to law. Now the general is on his way to Luping." The man said that there was no firmness that accompanied his military temperament in his words, and there was even pleading.

"Lu Ping? Why did you go there? Not long ago, the war between the Zodiac League and the Protoss began and ended. Could it be that Murong Spy found the ancient Yin God Formation? Impossible, the master mind of that formation, the mysterious stone slab has been taken away. Probably not, what could it be?" Ye Ye thought about it when he heard the messenger mentioned Lu Ping, but he didn't know: "Then, do you know what they went there for?"

The man shook his head and said, "I don't know. The general said it's a secret, and you'll understand it as soon as you go. Master Ye, let's set off quickly. You don't know, the general sent the most elite soldiers in the army to investigate , The result was never to return! Then, we heard people say that there is a dead zone, and some people saw that there was a strange brilliance at night, but no one could approach it, and it would kill you if you approached it! This is definitely not a normal situation, otherwise I don’t want you to ask for help either!”

"Strange light? Is it really the Yin God Formation?" Ye Ye thought with a solemn expression.Then he said: "Okay, let's set off immediately. This time we will enter twice. Me, Qin Minglei will go first, Li Bin, Yang Tianhai, and Yang Hengchao will arrive after you lead the others. Elder Ye, you stay and take care of the Yemen. How about it?" Ye Ye said.Everyone was speechless.

Needless to say, Ye Ye and Qin Minglei walked down the Yemen first under the leadership of the messenger, then boarded the army car, and rushed towards Lu Ping quickly.However, with the help of Ye Hen, Li Bin assembled the manpower as backup.

This unit is very efficient, the three of them hardly stopped on the way, and the cars changed from one to another.It took only two days to catch up with Zixuan.

"General, the head of Ye brought you here..." As soon as the messenger entered the army, he led Ye Ye and the two of them straight to the command room.

When Zixuan heard this, he immediately came out to greet him: "Ye Ye, you are finally here." After not seeing Zixuan for many years, Zixuan lost the sharpness and drive he had then, and became much more sophisticated, and even his eyes didn't look as real as before.However, Ye Ye and the two also know that if they are mixed in the officialdom, they will change sooner or later. The only thing that remains the same is death, or nothing can be achieved.For example, Yang Hengchao.

"General Zixuan, hello! What happened?" Ye Ye didn't have any extra politeness with Zixuan, and went straight to the point.

Zixuan frowned, then sighed, moved half of his body, invited the two into the command room, then called out all the other people in the command room, closed the curtain of the command room and said, "Big event!" Zixuan looked very anxious.

"What's the matter?" Ye Ye asked calmly, without any surprise, Zixuan's eyes lit up.

Zixuan sighed and said, "I'm afraid you two can't help me!" Zixuan actually thought that Ye Ye only let the two of them come, and didn't intend to help him.

How could Ye Ye fail to see Zixuan's thoughts: "Don't worry, our follow-up will return soon. What's the matter?" Ye Ye was still worried that Murong spy had obtained the ancient Yin god formation, if Murong spy really got Income, then it's over.

Zixuan frowned and looked at Ye Ye.Ye Ye looked at Zixuan calmly and firmly.After a long time, Zixuan moved his eyes away, sighed, squatted down to open a safe, took out a stack of documents, threw them on the table and said, "Look for yourself!"

Ye Ye and the two immediately picked it up and took a look, and they both took a deep breath at the same time, which was even more surprising than Murong spy's acquisition of the ancient Yin god array.

The information was filled with the details of Murong Spy and everyone who escaped from Batian Pass. The army must have communicated with Huang Daomeng, otherwise the information would not be so complete.

However, what surprised people was not the information, but a row of bright red characters on the last page: Murong Spy, open meteorites, get strange treasures!However, he is greedy and won't leave for a while.However, the strange treasure emitted light, and after the light slowly dissipated, many people were directly turned into ashes.No one can get close, Murong spy is trying to find a way.

"Meteorite? Could it be... that meteorite!" Ye Ye wondered in surprise.

Hearing Ye Ye's surprise, Zixuan said without extra expression: "That's right, it's the huge meteorite you've seen before. Murong Spy opened the meteorite and took out something."

"Are you sure?" Qin Minglei fainted at the time, but he only heard about the horror of the meteorite from Ye Ye's mouth, combined with the information about the meteorite in his hand, he knew the seriousness of the situation.

Zixuan nodded, then took off his hat, and said solemnly: "The soldier who spread the news is already dead!" Zixuan looked sad, presumably, that person must have a close relationship with him.

Ye Ye ignored them, thinking quickly: "Meteorite, strange treasure, glow? What exactly is it?" Ye Ye shook his head and sighed, "Qin Minglei, you should immediately go back the same way and let them hurry up. Come!" Qin Minglei immediately took the order and left.Ye Ye looked at Qin Minglei's leaving back and had some thoughts in his mind, but he said: "General Zixuan, we can only make plans after the Yemen people come!"

Zixuan nodded without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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