Guardian of the Night

Chapter 174 The Baby Controversy 3

Chapter 174

Chapter 50 Baby Controversy III

The crying of the baby on the ground became louder and more piercing.Outside the camp, the busy workers also had to stop, looked at the direction of the sound in surprise and doubt, and only covered their ears to reduce the ear-piercing cry.However, the sound is pervasive.

The baby's cries became louder and louder, many people could no longer resist, and even bleeding from seven orifices, it was truly terrifying.

As the parties, Ye Ye and Murong spy also had to strengthen their defenses and block their hearing to resist.

The baby kept crying, and suddenly, countless cold winds blew from all around.It sent chills down the spine.Moreover, there are many terrifying faces mixed in the wind.

Murong spy secretly said, it's too bad.He knew what was in those dark winds.Those things are evil spirits, evil spirits coming from all directions for the crying baby on the earth.But Ye Ye sensed those powerful beings in the wind, but he didn't know why they all gathered here suddenly.

In this world, there are many scientific or fundamentally unexplainable existences. Those things are called by the folks: ghosts!And these ghosts are divided into many types, and the ghost clan of the ghost king is just one of them.

Ye Ye, who had read the Yemen Sutra, naturally knew this, and immediately became vigilant. Although he is not afraid of his current strength, he always needs to be careful!

"Woo~" Suddenly, wailing came from all sides facing the tent where Ye Ye and the others were staying. With a sound of '呲啦', the entire tent was suddenly torn apart, and broken steps flew around.And a group of black shadows suddenly appeared in the sky, which even the firelight could not penetrate.

People are born with fear, especially when facing the unknown and death. Among the workers who could barely resist the cry of the baby's piercing, someone suddenly shouted: "Ghost!" They got into a mess and ran around.

"Don't run! Stop!" Many people in the crowd were also blocking the workers who fled because of fear. Those people were the strong men who suddenly came out of the Eight Heaven Pass together with Murong Spies.However, it is difficult for them to be a deterrent to the workers who are already acting like birds and beasts.Although they had beheaded some fleeing workers in a fit of rage, hoping to deter them, they didn't want those workers to escape faster because of this, and screamed loudly in their mouths: "Ghost! Ghost! !” Ordinary people, facing these unknowns, are often afraid.

Not long after, those workers had already fled like birds and beasts.

And in the center, the baby on the ground is still crying, and the crying is harsh and penetrating.Ye Ye and Murong Yi looked around vigilantly.

Murong spy looked around, then bent down, picked up the baby, and stroked it: "Good baby, don't cry! I'll breastfeed you." After finishing speaking, he picked up a feeding bottle next to Meng Que's body and handed it to the baby mouth, but the baby ignored it.

"You guys, clean them up for me! They're disturbing my son!" Murong Yi suddenly glared at Ye Ye angrily.In his opinion, if Ye Ye hadn't competed with him for the baby, the workers would not have escaped, and there would have been no more troubles from these evil spirits swarming in.After he finished speaking, those strong men who came out of the eight-day pass immediately began to attack the shadows, and the humans and ghosts immediately fought together.

Ye Ye ignored Murong Spy's glaring gaze, looked at the people and ghosts fighting indifferently and said, "Senior, I'm afraid the background of this child is not as simple as the child you picked up, right?" Ye Ye had guessed just now that this child must be It wouldn't be normal, otherwise the cry would not be so piercing, and the huge energy accompanying the cry would be so terrifying, even attracting evil spirits from all over the world.

Murong Ying suddenly laughed, pulled the cloth covering the baby, blocked the baby's bloodshot face from crying, and said: "Haha, Ye Ye, to tell you the truth, this child was born by the meteorite, it was born, so It was named Tiansheng. Moreover, this meteorite stood in the wilderness, and I picked it up. Isn’t this picking it up? If you want to blame it, blame you for not knowing the treasure at the beginning!”

Ye Ye shrugged helplessly, and with a wave of Ye Yang in his hand, he cut a sneak attacking evil spirit into two pieces, and after disappearing into the air, he said: "So that's the case, if you say it this way, then I will decide on this child." It's done!" After finishing speaking, Ye Yang slowly assembled, and a long sword appeared in Ye Ye's hand.

"Since I have told you the facts, then you must keep it a secret, but I only believe that only the dead will keep it a secret!" Murong Spy's complexion suddenly became majestic, and his body was as red as the sun.

Ye Ye smiled disdainfully and said, "Really? Look, we are surrounded by 'dead people'. They kept it secret for you?" After speaking, the black light on his body fluctuated like flames.

The two ignored the powerful evil spirits around them, they only had each other in their eyes, Murong spy wanted to kill Ye Ye, but Ye Ye only wanted to take away the baby in Murong spy's arms.The ghost king said just now that he would take the baby away, otherwise it would be a catastrophe.Although Ye Ye didn't have time to know what the catastrophe was, but since it was a catastrophe, he had to win it.

Murong spy glared at Ye Ye, then put the baby on the ground, forced out a little of the red glow on his body, then surrounded the baby, bit the tip of his tongue, dipped it with his fingertips, and then painted on the protective cover made of red glow. with a spell.

Murong Spy is a master of Taoism, how could this defensive cover stump him.After doing all this, Murong Spy looked at Ye Ye, pushed his red glow to the maximum, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and his white hair moved automatically without wind.

However, Ye Ye was surprised to find that he couldn't see Murong Spy's actions clearly.He had no choice but to close his eyes, fully open his spiritual sense, and search for Murong Spy.

"This way!" Ye Ye shouted, and blocked the Yeyang long sword in his hand, dangerously blocking Murong spy's attack. Just now, it was several times fiercer, and when Murong Spy touched Ye Yang, Ye Ye clearly felt a trace of energy in his body being sucked away by Murong Spy!

"Ghost power? How could there be ghost power in your body? Why don't you use the power of Nuwa stone?" Murong spy retreated with one blow and said in surprise.

Ye Ye frowned after hearing this: "He actually took away my energy, and analyzed the energy type."No, it must be less than his contact, otherwise the energy will be drained by him sooner or later. 'Ye Ye thought, and then scattered the black light and wrapped the long sword, hoping to resist Murong Spy's energy stealing.

But the result disappointed him. In the fight, not only did Ye Ye not stop Murong Spy from stealing, but a lot of his own energy was also stolen.

"Haha, Ye Ye, you can't compete with me. No matter how powerful you are, I'll take all the energy in your body! As for the person I fought with just now, tell him to come out. This energy is not yours, it's his. Yes, tell him to play with me!" After absorbing a certain amount of energy, Murong Yi not only analyzed the type of energy, but also analyzed the source of that ability.

"Let me do it, Ye Zi, while you watch!" The ghost king could hear Murong spy's arrogance, said lightly, and then took over control of Ye Ye's body.After combining Ye Ye into a short blade, 'Ye Ye' went up.

The ghost king controlled Ye Ye's body, using the Yeyang short blade, appearing and disappearing like a ghost, attacking Murong spy from all directions.And try to touch Murong Spy's hands as little as possible.After fighting against each other, the ghost king has already noticed that Murong spy can only steal energy through his hands.Still, much of the energy has been stolen.

"Haha, Ye Ye, you should come back and control your crippled body! If you let this ghost control you any longer, your body will be vacant, and your soul will be crippled. You will die! Haha! You won't last long Play with you!" Murong Spyge blocked the short blade that 'Ye Ye' attacked from behind, then jumped a step away and said.

"Really? Then try! Let's see who can hold on for a long time!" It wasn't Ye Ye who answered Murong Spy, it was still the ghost king. The ghost king knew that his appearance would destroy Ye Ye's body, but Ye Ye had a Nuwashi will constantly mend Ye Ye's soul, that's why the ghost king is so fearless.

After speaking, he lifted the knife and went up.

Around them, those evil spirits are overwhelming, and there are even many strange-shaped beasts. They are spiritual beasts, and they are all attracted by those evil spirits.Although the strength is low, but after being controlled by those evil spirits, the two are combined into one, so it is not one plus one. They seem to have come for the baby, but they are controlled by the evil spirits and constantly fighting with those Murong spy's men together.

However, no one saw it. The baby on the ground suddenly stopped crying, lying on the ground, looking around with bright black eyes, and the corners of its mouth twitched strangely.

(The kitten is begging for a ticket!! Everyone votes! The kitten is not easy to push!) (
(End of this chapter)

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