Chapter 184
Chapter 1 Whereabouts of the Heart

Seeing Zixuan blew himself up, Ye Ye smiled faintly and did not speak.He is not a good person especially for someone who has dared to hurt himself.However, Zixuan's words before his death also made him re-examine Zixuan, and he had to admire Zixuan's manly blood.

"Li Bin, what should we do next?" A soldier asked boldly.

Li Bin shrugged slightly, stepped aside and said, "I don't know very well, you should actually ask him!" After speaking, all the Yemen disciples also moved out of the way.Those soldiers looked in that direction, and when they saw Ye Ye sitting safely inside, and then calmly picked up the tea, they were all shocked: he is not dead.This idea rose spontaneously in their hearts.

Ye Ye smiled, then stood up, looked around and said: "Don't be surprised, people who are going to die deserve to die." When the soldiers heard it, they naturally knew that Ye Ye was talking about Zixuan, but he lived under the fence of others. , It is not easy to refute, so one person stepped forward and asked tentatively: "Master Ye, what should we do next?"

Ye Ye sighed, took two steps and said: "Oh, don't do anything, just wait! Maybe they will leave when they are full! Maybe they are already full by now!" Ye Ye said it easily, but those who were terrified The soldiers didn't think so, and immediately made a noise: "Wait? Do we have to wait for them to eat us all?"

"Of course not, it will only eat you! Now, you hand over the weapons in your hands. Of course, you can also choose not to call out, but you must have guessed the result." Ye Ye said calmly.During the speech, a faint pressure kept oppressing the soldiers who were already extremely fragile.

The soldiers had no choice but to unload all the weapons in their hands and throw them aside before walking to the back of the crowd and not chatting with the Yemen disciples, forming an independent circle.Ye Ye didn't care about them, but looked at the sky and said to himself: "It seems that disaster has really come."

And Tian Sheng, who was standing on a high place, looked at all this quietly and said, "As expected of the person who has touched my heart, this courage. However, if I want to find my heart, it seems that now I have to ask you." After finishing speaking , with a wave of his hand, the evil ghost next to him who was already seven-pointed like a human immediately let out a deep howl, and suddenly in the surrounding air, groups of black shadows became restless again.

"Finally can't help it anymore? Come on!" Ye Ye said lightly, feeling the restlessness in the surrounding air.After speaking, he immediately ordered his disciples to take precautions.

"Woo~" With a whine, the battle between the Yemen and the evil spirit erupted for the first time. The evil spirit was still half-illusory but had absorbed a lot of human blood just now. Now he was extremely excited, baring his teeth and claws towards the leader of the Yemen disciple. .

Yemen disciples are all people who have gone through many storms, and their mental qualities are also good.The Yemen disciple didn't panic, but took two steps back slightly, forming a defensive formation with the two behind him, and when the evil spirit swooped down and was about to attack him, the Yemen strange-shaped daggers in the hands of the three of them swung at the same time , the dagger is smeared with corpse gravy, this gravy has a strong corrosive effect on any object.

"Ahh~" The evil ghost was caught off guard, and was struck by one of the daggers, and some black objects immediately fell from his body, and then turned into fly ash and disappeared.

"It works!" Li Bin and Qin Minglei cheered at the same time, but Ye Ye watched all this calmly and expressionlessly, and then suddenly shouted: "Be careful!"

Unfortunately, before he finished speaking, a stretched and deformed figure suddenly appeared from the head of the Yemen disciple who hit the evil spirit.That is his soul.They have forgotten or don't know that evil spirits are best at absorbing human souls.The Yemen disciple collapsed the moment his soul was sucked out of his body, and all his vitality was leaving his body in an instant.

"Hoo!" It didn't take much effort for the evil spirit to easily suck out the soul of the Yemen disciple, and then put it into his body, shouting excitedly.

Li Bin became anxious when he saw this situation, and immediately said: "Everyone immediately form a defensive formation, retreat with one blow, don't love to fight, stick to your mind and be sucked out of your soul."

All the disciples immediately organized into groups of three or five, keeping their minds and guarding carefully.And in front of them, a group of black figures suddenly appeared out of thin air, all of them came towards them with claws and teeth.

"Oops! No matter what happens, there will be losses!" Li Bin couldn't help but feel worried when he saw so many evil spirits, but he still formed a pair of horns with Qin Minglei and stood at the front of the crowd.

But Ye Ye looked at all this peacefully, as if there was nothing in front of him, and he would not worry about anything happening.However, he had already pulled Ye Yang out quietly, assembled the short sword, and was ready to fight back against the evil spirits who dared to offend them.

Suddenly, Ye Ye, who had no expression on his face, frowned: "Murong Spy is here!" Thinking of Ye Ye, he also became anxious. He could guarantee the safety of Yemen disciples in the face of those evil spirits, but now Murong Spy If Murong Spy mixes with the evil spirits to attack together, then Yemen will be busy fighting Murong Spy, and the Yemen disciples and even Qin Minglei and Li Bin will also be in danger.

Ye Ye sensed Murong Spy's energy fluctuation, and then tried his best to look at the place where the energy fluctuated.However, because the evil spirits covered the sky, they couldn't see far away, so they had no choice but to guard against Murong Spy while protecting the Yemen disciples.

Murong spy has indeed come.But his goal is not Ye Ye, but Tian Sheng.

"What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you to wait for me there and then take care of everything?" Tian Sheng said calmly to Murong Spy behind him without turning his head.

Although Murong spy was upset when he heard it, he said softly: "Tiansheng, I'm not your housekeeper, and the news I brought this time is extremely important to you, otherwise I wouldn't have come in person."

Tian Sheng frowned, looked back at Murong Yi and said, "Tell me, if you don't make me happy, then" After finishing speaking, the evil ghost beside him immediately let out a threatening roar.

Murong spy directly ignored the evil ghost. To Murong spy, the evil ghost was just a child who took up a gun with a strong attachment in front of him.He said: "I finally understand that this heart is not the other's heart, Tiansheng, you really have a heart of stone!" After finishing speaking, Murong Yi smiled and looked at Tiantian faintly.

After Tiansheng listened, his body suddenly trembled violently. He looked at Murong Yi with red eyes, and then his whole body twisted. In an instant, he recovered the appearance after absorbing Murong Yi's blood, and said, "What did you say!"

Murong spy laughed, all of this was within his expectation, and continued to say lightly: "This news is important enough, but unfortunately you don't seem to take it seriously!"

"I just want to ask you, what did you say!" Tiansheng suddenly became furious, and stretched out his hand to grab Murong Yi's neck, Murong Yi was slightly startled and put his hands aside, put aside Tian Sheng's hand and said: "That's not it! "

Tiansheng gasped for breath, then slowly calmed down and said, "Did you find it?"

Murong Spy nodded, not getting angry because of Cai Cai's innate rash attack just now: "Well, I found it!"

"Where is it?" Tiansheng continued to ask, the hope in his eyes became more intense.

"Here, you have to ask Master Ye!" Murong Yi shrugged helplessly, pointing at the vigilant Ye Ye not far below.

Tian Sheng looked over and said, "He knows?" He stared at Murong Yi, but Murong Yi didn't say anything, and looked at him with a smile, as if saying: "Believe it or not, just ask."

Tiansheng suddenly laughed, and said coldly: "Okay, I'll go and ask!" After speaking, he slowly walked down the high ground, and at the same time, all the evil spirits that were attacking the Yemen disciples stopped.

Everyone, I'm sorry, there is only one update today, because today is an exam.Don't mind, the cat will make up after the exam.

(End of this chapter)

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