Guardian of the Night

Chapter 187 Let's Fight

Chapter 187 Let's Fight
Chapter 4 Fight

Huang Shang didn't know why he suddenly couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, he had never been like this before.Even when he fought against the Queen of Ghosts and the King of Ghosts, he didn't appear to be so war-thirsty, but Huang Shang didn't bother to care about it at the moment, his heart was full of fighting spirit, and his eyes were fixed on the evil ghost, Murong spy and Tian Sheng in front of him. .He didn't act in a hurry, even though he was eroded by the fighting spirit now, the arrogance in his heart ordered him to fight back, because he knew very well that the opponent's strength was like paper in front of him.

Tian Sheng looked at Huang Shang and said with a twitch of his mouth, "But that's it. In that era, such strength can only be used as cannon fodder!"Although he said that, Huang Shangzai is now invincible.With a wave of Tiansheng's hand, a swarm of evil spirits swarmed up, overwhelming the sky.

Huang Shang watched the evil spirit charge up, took a step back with his right foot, and put his hands down vertically. Then, red and black flames erupted from his body, and after a small thread wrapped around the unconscious Li Yerui on the ground, Huang Shang roared and rushed up.

Even though those evil spirits have evolved and possessed stronger strength than before, under Huang Shang's arrogance, they are like paper paste. Huang Shang just ordered the arrogance to burn the evil spirits who dared to attack rashly into nothingness. .

"Weak, too weak!" Huang Shang stopped and stood on the spot and said.But those evil spirits kept rushing forward as if they were not afraid of death.And Huang Shang didn't move.

Suddenly, Huang Shang frowned slightly, and one side of his body moved away from a ball of golden light.The golden light passed by his side, and then disappeared again like a crowd of evil spirits.Huang Shang smiled: "Finally there is someone who can fight!" After speaking, he rushed towards the place where the golden light disappeared, and the red and black flames burned the evil spirits beside him into nothingness along the way.

"Why so fast." The golden light was obviously Murong Spy. Originally, he wanted to disappear again when he failed in one blow, and waited for the next sneak attack. After all, he also felt Huang Shang's power, so he didn't dare to attack head-on.But when he just hid in the group of evil ghosts, he found that Huang Shang had already rushed up chasing his energy behind him, and he was shocked, but Murong spy was Murong spy after all, so he quickly made a choice after being surprised.

Seeing that he could no longer dodge, he immediately raised his energy, concentrated on the hands that had turned into tiger claws, and seized the opportunity fiercely.

'boom'.There was a sound of energy colliding and bursting, and a circle of energy spread out with the will to destroy.After the energy dissipated, he found that Huang Shang was standing firmly in Murong Yi's position just now, and Murong Yi had already retreated several meters, and a straight sliding trace was very conspicuous under his feet.Surprisingly, Murong spy was knocked back several meters by such a blow.Huang Shang smiled and rushed forward again.

Panting heavily, Murong Yi looked at Huang Shang in amazement, the horror on his face was so vivid.Seeing Huang Shang who was rushing up again, Murong Yi didn't choose to confront him head-on again, but cleverly used his body skills to dodge, and grabbed with both hands from the outside and inside.Huang Shang also withdrew his hand, blocked Murong Spy's wrist, and knocked off his claws, then raised his knee sharply and went away thinking about the wrist again.He actually wanted to break Murong spy's hands.

But Murong spy wrapped all the energy in his hands, then met Huang Shang's knee strike, and then flew out with that force, but at this moment, Huang Shang rushed up strangely and grabbed Murong spy. Long white hair, and then back and forth, trying to push Murong spy to the ground.Murong Yishuang immediately made a posture of supporting the ground, and bounced up the moment it hit the ground.Unexpectedly, what Huang Shang was waiting for was exactly this moment.

Huang Shang grabbed Murong spy because he bounced up, and then quickly dodged behind him with his inertial hand, and lifted his foot to step on it.

"Ah!" Murong spy was stepped on the ground, and his hands were dislocated by Huang Shang, and he cried out in pain.But Huang Shang didn't stop like this, he raised his foot again, and kicked down violently, the direction turned out to be Murong Yi's head.He wanted to kill Murong spy.

At this moment of life and death, Murong spy erupted with power beyond his own ability.He first completely forced out his own arrogance, and then condensed the golden arrogance to form a pair of illusory armor, especially thick on the head.Then he endured the sharp pain from both sides, turned around abruptly, his feet kicked like rabbits, and walked towards Huang Shang.

This is Murong spy's full blow.Huang Shang didn't stop his fatal kick because of this.

Murong spy kicked out with both feet, and Huang Shang kicked in from the gap between Murong spy's feet, and stepped on the head, but Huang Shang was kicked out by Murong spy's full force, and retreated two times rice.After sliding back two meters, Huang Shang looked coldly at Murong Yi, whose head was stepped on the ground, and smiled. The confident Huang Shang already thought that Murong Yi was a corpse.

However, a strange thing happened.Murong spy stood up trembling.With his hands dislocated, he lost the strength of his hands and slowly got up relying only on his legs and waist.And on his head, the originally thick energy helmet also fell off piece by piece at this time, revealing Murong spy's bleeding facial features.Huang Shang's blow had shocked him, but under the protection of the energy helmet, Murong Spy survived.

Surprise flashed across Huang Shang's face, but he didn't attack again.He just looked at Murong Spy jokingly.

Murong Spy also looked at Huang Shang, but his gaze faltered. He didn't dare to look at him, and he didn't dare to attack or even mention the energy to repair the damaged body. He was afraid that when the energy was mentioned, Huang Shang would think that he was going to attack, and once again rushed to take his life.

Murong spy was scared.Murong spy was actually scared.Looking at all this indifferently, he looked at Murong Ying's trembling body, shook his head and said, "Murong Ying, come back!" The ghost caught Murong spy and brought him back to the camp.

"Sure enough." Tian Sheng clasped his fists and said solemnly looking at Huang Shang.Huang Shang smiled lightly, withdrew his arrogance and said, "Let's go!" Just now, a lot of fighting spirit has been vented.Huang Shang will not be controlled by the fighting spirit for the time being.

Tiansheng shook his head, and said firmly: "If I don't take your blood, even if I die today, I will die aggrieved!"

"Okay, he's a man! If you don't mind, come to my night gate, and I will definitely treat you with respect and be a guest!" Huang Shang didn't know his life experience, thinking that he was just a passionate person.

"Thank you for the compliment! But Yemen, I'm not interested! I'm only interested in your blood. Just now I said that I only need a drop of your blood, but now I want your whole body of blood!" Tian Sheng said, his face became crazy.And secretly raised the energy.

Huang Shang shook his head: "When we are so different, we don't seek reconciliation! You insist on this, I..." Huang Shang didn't finish his sentence, but was once again controlled by the monstrous fighting spirit, and couldn't help but roared up to the sky.At this time, Huang Shang could clearly feel that the man in front of him, who was called a natural man, could fully arouse the fighting spirit that was silent inside his body.

However, although Huang Shang knew all this, his mind was controlled by the fighting spirit.And this time the fighting intent was stronger than before, Huang Shang immediately guarded his mind, so as not to be eroded by the fighting intent into a madman who only knew how to fight.At the same time, red and black arrogance ignited on him again!

Tian Sheng looked at all this solemnly, and said to himself: "As long as I don't die!" After finishing speaking, he rushed forward first.This kicked off the prelude to a battle of disparity in strength.

Ps Kitten has been running naked for a week, there may not be any updates, and I got a not-so-good recommendation this week.I hope everyone will vote more, your votes and clicks to follow are the beliefs of Kitty.

(End of this chapter)

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