Guardian of the Night

Chapter 204 The First Corpse Emperor in History

Chapter 204 The First Corpse Emperor in History

Chapter 23 The first corpse king in history

"Weak?" Huang Shang listened to Long Hengchen's words, grabbed the ghost queen who was thrown over, and asked angrily.Long Hengchen just shrugged his shoulders, the arrogance in his expression was incomparable.

Huang Shang glanced at the ghost queen, and the ghost queen was also firm with Huang husband and wife rushed up again.

This time, Huang Shang didn't rush directly as recklessly as before, but wrapped his body in arrogance, and then let it out. His arrogance was black, like a demon god burning with black flames.The weapon was still a fist, but this time Huang Shang shot countless fist shadows out of thin air, confusing the opponent's eyes and ears first.Then at the moment of approach, he retracted his fist and kicked out his leg.What a clever attack.

However, Long Hengchen blocked it easily.

"Hmph!" Huang Shang snorted coldly, and then increased the strength on his legs, but he didn't continue to attack, and suddenly dodged away.Long Hengchen immediately yelled badly.Sure enough, Huang Shang just got out of the way, and a black shadow drew towards Yilong Hengchen with the sound of piercing through the air.Long Hengchen could no longer dodge, so he could only put his hands across his chest in a defensive posture.

However, after the black shadow hit Long Hengchen's arm, his head bent strangely. It hit Long Hengchen's face with a 'slap'.This time, Long Hengchen was stunned.

The black shadow retreated with one blow, and then Huang Shang took the opportunity to dodge behind him with a violent blow.The double fists are like double dragons, hitting Long Hengchen's back directly!However, Long Hengchen was still stunned. There was a 'click', and the sound of bones breaking made one's teeth sore.Long Hengchen himself was also sent flying by Huang Shang.His subordinates were also startled and ran over immediately.

After doing all this, looking back at the ghost queen, the ghost queen unexpectedly showed her ghostly tail behind her at some point.Just now, the dragon in the draw is showing its tail.

"It's over!" Huang Shang said lightly, ready to withdraw his arrogance.Hit the spine and break it, death is certain.

However, a weak voice came from the mouth of Long Hengchen who had already been supported by his subordinates: "Just now, you deliberately let out your arrogance to block my vision, right? That tail whip is quite powerful. But, Why can't I move!"

"How can you mortals understand the ability of the ghost clan?" The ghost queen said with a smile.Long Hengchen nodded weakly and then coughed and spit out some internal organs. Obviously Huang Shang's blow was indeed fatal. After a few breaths, he continued: "You must be from the Nalan ghost clan! Why? Your king You rested? Follow this zombie!"

The ghost queen was obviously shocked when she heard this, but she didn't continue to speak.People who are about to die don't need to argue with him too much.

"You really think I'm going to die?" Long Hengchen said indifferently, pursing his lips, Long Hengchen unexpectedly erupted with an astonishing momentum again, Huang Shang and his wife were startled, and immediately took a defensive posture.

"Hahahaha, just now you didn't take advantage of my weakness to kill me! Then in order to repay the grace of not killing, I will let you die!" After that, he stood up tremblingly, and then the subordinates around him slowly floated up.

Seeing everyone's surprised eyes, Long Hengchen squeezed his fist, and the bodies of the powerful subordinates around him suddenly exploded, but the flesh and blood did not leak out, and they were still compressed continuously, and soon compressed into an egg The size of blood red beads!

"Human spirit!" Ye Ye exclaimed in surprise.Human essence is the essence of human beings.For those long-lived people, the egg-like treasures naturally grow in the body, but they don't want to be forcibly produced by people.

Long Hengchen smiled: "Let you see my original appearance! I don't like the appearance of this old man either!" After finishing speaking, he opened his mouth wide, and all those spirits were sucked into his mouth!Then, red smoke immediately appeared from his body.

Huang Shang and his wife were surprised and did not dare to attack rashly.

Ye Ye hugged Huang Chen in his arms, and said lightly: "It's too late, it's too late!" The human spirit, the essence of a human being, contains all the energy of a person, and the predecessors of those human spirits are those with those strengths. strong man.Will Long Hengchen's strength be raised to such a level?
Huang Shang and his wife also suddenly felt very bad, and immediately rushed forward, without any skill, it was a pure collision of energy.I hope to interrupt or even kill Long Hengchen before he finishes absorbing energy.However, late is late after all.It has been irreparable.

The attack of the two of them was blocked in front of the red smoke, and the smoke that seemed to be floating in vain unexpectedly blocked the attack of the two of them.

Huang Shang and his wife were startled, then frowned at the same time, and quickly dodged backwards.A roar pierced through the red mist.

Everyone was shocked, and their eyes were all focused on the red mist.

The red mist gradually dissipated, and a slender body gradually appeared, with fiery red hair fluttering in the wind.

"It's better to use my own body!" That person turned out to be Long Hengchen.He turned from an old man into a young man.

"Long Hengchen?!" Ye Ye shouted in surprise.

The man nodded, but said: "That's right, but now I want you to call me Hanba!" After finishing speaking, a red wave was transmitted from his body. Where the wave went through, the ground was scorched. The plants even withered.Then, a fiery breath came.

Hanba, the millennium corpse king.Or it could be said that he is the dead king Hanba who has been famous since ancient times!Drought that brings disaster!
"Corpse King?" Huang Shang said lightly.

"Disappointed? That's me 500 years ago! Now, please call me the corpse emperor Hanba! My people!" After finishing speaking, he waved his hand and Huang Shang collapsed in pain.

The corpse king is the true king over all zombies.However, Huang Shang, who was at the corpse king level, fell to the ground with a wave of his hand. This terrifying strength made people feel palpitating!

"I said, you are too weak!" Han Yan said lightly, shook his head and then looked at Ye Ye and continued: "Hmph, since you want to play, let them play with you!" After saying that, a red bloodthirsty The fluctuation of the breath spread out again.In an instant, Qin Minglei, Li Bin, Yehen, and the corpses who came out of the imperial tomb all hugged their heads, fell to the ground and rolled in pain, and a strange bloodthirsty gradually appeared in their eyes.But Huang Shang, still holding his head in pain, kept struggling!
The corpse emperor Hanba has actually controlled all the zombies!
The drought came to the world, and the disaster fell!At this time, Tiansheng Youyou woke up, looking at Hanba's fiery red energy that seemed like flames and mist, a weird smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

But Ye Ye looked at Han Yan and those crazy people solemnly, and an unknown feeling rose from the bottom of his heart.Facing the corpse emperor Hanba who had evolved over countless years, Ye Ye didn't have any fear at all.

(End of this chapter)

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