Guardian of the Night

Chapter 207 Time Limit Exceeded

Chapter 207 Time Limit Exceeded

Chapter 26 time limit expired
After Ye Ye left the battle area, the ghost queen also started to go berserk.She still gathered ghost energy on the sharp corner and rushed over.But Han Yan was still in a state of madness. After seeing the ghost, he rushed up, and instead of panicking, he showed his superhuman fighting ability.He actually backed away slowly while touching the sharp horn of the ghost king with the red crystal sword in his hand.

Suddenly with a 'click', the red crystal sword in Han Yan's hand broke apart, and then turned into fragments flying all over the sky, but Han Yan was still not in a hurry, instead he stopped dodging and laughed like crazy.Seeing the shattered red crystal sword, the ghost queen thought that the chance of victory had arrived, and the ghost aura condensed on the sharp horns on the top of her head became more intense, she raised her head and stabbed towards Hanba.A simple stab can change the color of the world.

However, the thunderbolt suddenly stopped, and the ghost queen also howled in pain suddenly.Moreover, at this moment, countless small flames were ignited all over her body, and they were still spreading.That was the flame of the Hanba, when did it attach to the ghost queen?

"The flame of Hanba is extremely special. It was born when he was born. Otherwise, wherever he moved, there would be a drought. And just now, the shattering of the red crystal sword is also possible for Hanba. Arranged. The red crystal is condensed from the fire of his destiny, comparable to a magic weapon, how could it be broken so easily. Then there is only one explanation, the shattering of the red crystal sword was deliberately done by Han Yan, and the purpose was only to embarrass the ghost queen. , and after all, the trick is formed by the condensation of flames, and it is naturally a flame after it is broken!" After Tiansheng woke up, he had been observing the battle between the Hanba and the ghost queen, and he had perfectly analyzed the attack of the Hanba.

And the ghost queen, howling in pain, channeled the ghost energy to extinguish those flames one by one, and then looked at Han Yan coldly.However, Han Yan did not know when he returned to normal. He said lightly: "It's nothing special. I'm not interested anymore! Let's finish you!" After speaking, the red crystal reappeared on his body, and then condensed into a red crystal sword again, waving it at the ghost go later.

On the other side, Ye Ye had already rushed back to the Yemen camp, but those zombie Yemen disciples went berserk. They not only randomly attacked their fellow disciples around them, but also harmed themselves!And all of this was done by Han Yan, he just issued his own order: "Destroy all life around you, including yourself!"

Seeing this, Ye Ye was startled, and quickly asked the Yemen disciples headed by Yang Hengchao to hold down the maddened Yemen disciples as much as possible, and then he took out the ghost king's tears dripped by the ghost queen just now, and fed them into his mouth.The ghost king burst into tears, and the frenzy and bloodthirsty in the eyes of those Yemen disciples suddenly eased a lot, and they also settled down.Then Ye Ye ordered Yang Hengchao and Yang Tianhai to take good care of the Yemen disciples, took Xumeng's antidote and Ghost King's Tears, and went to Huang Shang's place, first detoxified Xumeng's weak poison, and then fed him She shed three ghost king tears.Immediately, Huang Shang was no longer in pain, but he looked at the fighting ghost, and immediately resisted the weakness and crossed his legs, hoping to replenish the energy that had been weakened during this period.

Ye Ye didn't stop him, Ye Ye knew that Huang Shang must have wanted to restore his strength as soon as possible, and then went to help the ghost queen.After all, their husband and wife are of the same heart.

After Huang Shang's breathing stabilized, Ye Ye stopped disturbing him.Instead, he returned to the Yemen camp, and then gave the antidote to the Yiyemen disciples, and asked them to detoxify the treasure hunters one by one, but they did not detoxify Tiansheng and others. The Yemen disciple who passed the medicine smiled, but he was not angry, there was an inexplicable meaning in his eyes
After everything was done, Ye Ye's attention finally returned to the battle between the Ghost Queen and the Han Ba.

At this time, Hanba finally showed its combat power.Although the ghost queen has absorbed the heritage energy of countless her people, she is still beaten by the serious Hanba and retreated steadily.After all, Hanba has lived for an unknown number of years, and the accumulated combat experience is not comparable to them at all.

However, the ghost queen still persisted.After she saw that Huang Shang was fine, she immediately stopped holding back. Although he was retreating steadily and his body wounds gradually increased, his opponent Han Ba ​​was not having a good time either, and the originally vigorous flames had wilted a lot at this moment.

The ghost queen also changed from a simple horn strike to a common use of horns, claws, and tail whips to barely resist the fierce attack of the drought demon.

But suddenly, the ghost queen's eyes turned cold, and her pupils shrank into needles.Then the tail whip was pulled out violently, Hanba had already figured out the attack route of the ghost queen, and easily dodged the tail whip, but the ghost queen continued to chase, her claws were like two black dragons, hitting Hanba's heart from top to bottom.Han Yan was startled, and the red crystal sword faced down to block it, but he was also sent flying by the force attached to those claws.However, he just fell into the trap of the Queen of Ghosts, and what the Queen of Ghosts had to wait for was for Han Ba ​​to jump up.

The queen of the ghost saw Han Yan jumping up and roared, and the sharp corners of the top of her head suddenly burst into an incomparably dazzling black awn. It breaks the routine and emits an extremely dazzling light.

Han Yan's face darkened, his eyes opened wide, and his pupils shrank into needles. The faint words of "suffered" burst out from Hanba's mouth.Before the words fell, the black awn on the sharp corner of the ghost queen became more and more thick, and then in the sharp hiss of the ghost queen, the black awn ghost energy on the sharp corner suddenly condensed into a black line, straight towards the midair The drought that cannot dodge in the middle goes away.However, Han Yan couldn't dodge at all due to the distance problem and the speed of the light beam had exceeded his limit!

With a sound of 'boom', the extremely condensed black light speed hit the Hanba, making a violent explosion sound, even vibrating the air, and the air twisted, making it difficult for people to see what happened in it!He could only vaguely see the strong ghostly body of the ghost queen standing proudly in place.

"It's over?" Everyone watching the battle suddenly had such a thought in their hearts, but they still only stared at the battlefield, hoping to see the result.

But suddenly, a strong and dazzling red light suddenly appeared in the distorted air, like the sun in the sky covered by black ghost energy.In the red light, there is a hotness, a strong coercion and a destructive force.

The red glow even overwhelmed the ghostly aura that covered the sky, and the distortion of the air was dispelled by the red glow.Only then did everyone fix their eyes.In the center of the red light, stood this person impressively, and he was standing in mid-air.

"Very good, it's really powerful, let's finish it, I'm running out of time, let's finish you, the group of people below are not his opponents!" Han Yan said lightly, and then slowly raised his hand, those red Mang also followed the rhythm of his raising his hand and slowly condensed to the top of his head.After the red light condensed, his appearance also showed that he was injured!A smear of red blood was leaving along his forehead, and then fell from his chin, and when it landed, it burned into a violent flame, which lasted for a long time.

The Queen of Ghosts was startled when she saw the energy condensed by the Hanba, and wanted to leave, hoping to interrupt the condensation of the Hanba.However, just as she was about to leave, Hanba suddenly yelled loudly, and the yell formed a series of sound waves, and just like that restrained the ghost queen in place!
The ghost queen struggled for a few times but couldn't move again, so she slammed her heart and concentrated her energy on the sharp horn on the top of her head again, hoping to repeat the old trick to be comparable to Han Yan's move.

Everyone was shocked, including Ye Ye!No one thought that this would be the case in the end. Everyone knew that if the fiery red energy above Hanba's head fell to the ground without resisting the ghost queen, they would be killed too!
They wanted to escape, to help, or even commit suicide, but they were intimidated by Hanba's roar just now, and they couldn't move like the ghost queen.

Huang Shang couldn't recover with peace of mind at the moment, but looked anxiously at the two extremely concentrated energies. In addition to panic, there was even a little relief in his eyes. Maybe he thought in his heart that even if he died, he would die with the Queen of Ghosts. .

But Ye Ye shook his head, maybe he is the only one who can act freely at this moment, but he didn't want to help, but watched all this indifferently.And two clusters of colorful rays of light loomed in his hands.

, Ghost Empress and Hanba's energy is still condensed.Both clusters of light will destroy the world.

However, there was a sudden change.Everyone knew that Hanba's mass of energy hadn't been fully condensed, there was still a lot of energy outside, and it hadn't been condensed into a whole, but Hanba threw it out.

"Here we come!" The ghost queen groaned in her heart, and then the ghost energy condensed on the sharp horn also shot out. The two groups of energy collided together, and then the air was violently twisted. blow out.The huge body of the ghost queen regained its human form in the strong wind.Huang Shang just rested and recovered some energy. After seeing the ghost, he was blown away and immediately walked towards the direction where she fell.Then he caught the ghost queen.After the ghost queen fell into her embrace, she looked at Huang Shang with gentle eyes, reached out to wipe Huang Shang's face, smiled contentedly, tilted her head, and fell into a coma.Although the energy gathered by the two clusters has not been condensed, after all, the energy contained in it is extremely terrifying, and injuries are inevitable. It is very lucky not to be affected by the explosion and die.

But the Hanba who was blowing to the other side twitched the corner of his mouth and said to himself: "The energy is still not enough! But next time, I will definitely let you all die! All of you!" After that, he looked at it with weird eyes Seeing Ye Yehe Tiansheng, a cloud of white smoke burst out from his body, enveloping him, and then landed on the ground smoothly. After the smoke cleared, Hanba had disappeared, replaced by Long Hengchen!

He stood there, smiled, shook his head, touched the engraved gold bag on his waist and turned to leave.Ye Ye didn't stop him again, and just let him go, because Ye Ye was already deep in thought, and the last look he had with Han Yan just now gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

On the other side, the Yemen disciple who was holding the antidote to Xumeng was startled when Hanba roared just now, the antidote to Xumeng fell to the ground, then rolled up, and finally stopped in front of a person .

The man smiled, picked up the antidote, detoxified his nine companions one by one, and left the night gate quietly.And the direction they went was the location of the back mountain.That person is just born!

(Second update arrives, bill me!)

(End of this chapter)

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