Guardian of the Night

Chapter 216 Born Identity

Chapter 216 Born Identity

Chapter 36 Born Identity
Compared with Huang Shang and Han Yan's confrontation of pure strength, Ye Ye and Tiansheng's battle tended to be skillful.Both sides are very talented, and they are also very good at fighting. When you come and go, the wounds on each body have also increased a lot.

But suddenly.Huang Shang looked at Ye Ye and Ye Ye who were fighting not far away from them, his eyes flickered, and he had an idea in his heart!Thinking about it, first push the Hanba back, and then go in the natural direction.

Sure enough, as he expected, Hanba immediately moved forward to block him: "Your opponent is me!" Huang Shang smiled, ignored Hanba, flicked his body, and the tail whip came out with a sharp sound of piercing the air To this day, Hanba didn't even resist. There was an empty sound of 'bang', like a heavy hammer beating a drum.However, before Huang Shang could take back his tail whip, the Hanba had already firmly grasped Huang Shang's tail whip, then swung his arms and threw Huang Shang out.Huang Shang didn't panic at all, but curled his lips inadvertently, and then flew out in the direction of the Hanba's throwing, and immediately gathered the flames on his body, with a smile on his face.

After being thrown out, Huang Shang crashed into the dry woods, smashing countless dry trees like a bulldozer, stirring up dust all over the sky.Han Yan, seeing this situation, immediately ran towards Ye Ye's direction, but he frowned and stopped.

Hanba is a smart person. Just now, he naturally saw the unknown smile on Huang Shang's face. When he was wondering, a black shadow came towards Hanba. Hanba was startled, and the arm of the red crystal long sword With one block, the black shadow was immediately burned to ashes.Looking in the direction where the black shadow flew, Han Yan immediately frowned.

That direction was exactly the direction Huang Shang flew out from, but the black shadows were little ghosts with black flames all over their bodies, which were formed by Huang Shang's condensed energy!Moreover, countless little ghosts are coming towards him quickly.Surprised, he immediately waved his arm that turned into a red crystal long sword to block those little ghosts.However, there are too many little ghosts, no matter how well the seal is sealed, there will always be a ghost who slipped through the net.

The little ghost was burning with black flames, and after breaking through Hanba's defense, he immediately stuck to Hanba's red crystal body.The black flames temporarily resisted the flames on Hanba's body, but the kid was not burned to death immediately.Hanba didn't know what kind of trick Huang Shang was playing, so he immediately increased the flames on his body, and instantly extinguished the black flames on the kid's body.

However, Han Ba ​​was suddenly startled.Because a violent explosion erupted from him.It's that brat, or Huang Shang kneaded it with energy, and then threw the energy bomb kid!
All of this is due to the spar that the Queen of Ghosts gave to Huang Shang before she fell into a coma!That spar was formed by gathering the energy of all the dead ghosts of the Nalan Ghost Clan, so it could naturally summon the souls of those little ghosts!Huang Shang himself knew that doing this was to make those ghosts never have a chance to be resurrected, but the enemy is now even his wife Nalan.Both Zi Ruixin and his people sacrificed their lives so resolutely, Huang Shang stopped worrying and immediately resorted to this trick.Those little ghosts are souls, and the black flame attached to them is just a mechanism. Huang Shang knew that summoning those little ghosts would not be of much use, so he changed the method: he injected black flames into those little ghosts, and then acted as a body outside the body. When the black flame is dispelled, the black flame in the body will explode!There are more than ten million Nalan ghosts who died. Although Han Yan was careful, he was still tricked.However, such an attack takes a long time to gather energy and summon the soul, so Huang Shang made the move just now, and successfully made Han Yan tell him to throw him far away. ,

After an explosion, Hanba's defensive attack also stopped, and then countless little ghosts immediately stuck to it. Immediately, countless little ghosts were stuck on Hanba's three-to-four-meter-high body, and, the flames that came with Hanba's body will After those black flames dissipated.Explosion, a violent explosion appeared!

There was an explosion with a 'boom'.A black mushroom cloud appeared at the position where Hanba had just stood, and the sky was immediately covered with dust.The aroused storm formed a circle of fluctuations, blowing away the surrounding trees that were originally dry and had no grip.As for Huang Shang, facing the wind, he walked out of the woods slowly, the black flame on his body getting thicker and thicker.

The explosion shocked Ye Ye and Tiansheng who were trembling together, and they separated immediately.Then he watched the explosion in shock.However, suddenly Tiantian smiled, he had just injected energy into Hanba's body, and by virtue of the energy induction, he knew that Hanba was not dead yet.However, before he had time to speak, a huge black figure suddenly flew towards him, startled in his heart, and immediately dodged away.After dodging, and looking back, that thing turned out to be a huge ghost!Although this ghost was covered with black flames, the ghost tribe summoned by Tiansheng after seeing the ghost that day immediately recognized that this ghost was a level equivalent to a blue ghost among the ghost tribe.

Knowing the explosion just now, Tiantian naturally wouldn't pick it up hard.Instead, when the ghost rushed up, he grabbed it with both hands with a faint blue light, and suddenly saw that the black flames on the ghost's body were gone.But there was no explosion.With a squeeze of the hand, the ghost in the soul state immediately disappeared into nothingness, losing the chance of reincarnation.

"Hanba, it's so simple, you can't? Just inhale, this is a big meal!" Tiansheng shook his hand and shouted suddenly.Then, an angry voice suddenly came from the center of the explosion: "You don't need to teach me! I know!" As soon as the voice fell, a red figure rushed towards Huang Shang with dazzling flames.

At this time, Hanba didn't seem to be injured at all, except that the red crystal long sword in his hand had shrunk a little.Huang Shang was startled, and threw out another little ghost again, but there was a burst of suction from Hanba's body, and a red thread directly entangled the little ghost. In an instant, the little ghost dissipated, and then a black energy was transmitted along the red line to the In Hanba's body.

"Sure enough!" Han Yan said, then looked at Huang Shang coldly.Huang Shang shook his head, black flames appeared on his body, and rushed forward.The two flames collided again, wrestling with each other.

But Ye Ye did not rush to attack, but looked at Tiansheng with bored eyes and said: "I really don't know why you have lived for so many years! When you come back, you just look for your father who has nowhere to go!"

The word 'daddy' that he was born to listen to, his brows were furious: "What do you know! My father, there is no way he can die! You will see him, if you can live until then!"

Ye Ye shook his head and said lightly: "Born, really born of heaven? But, I really want to see Xing Tian, ​​who is a relative of Wu Gan! Born, born of Xing Tian! What a natural!" Ye Ye said neither humble nor overbearing , and his qi sank to his dantian, everyone present heard it!

Born, born of Xingtian!A descendant of Xing Tian, ​​born!A baby that came out of a meteorite, a child looking for a heart and a father.

"Father, I know you are not dead! However, I will make up for the shame of your defeat and the shame of being dismembered!" Tian Sheng suddenly lost his anger and became very calm instead.

By nature, there are misunderstandings in the mind.He thought his father Xing Tian's defeat and dismemberment was a disgrace!But he didn't think that Xing Tian's tenacious spirit of never admitting defeat would be deeply imprinted in the hearts of future generations. The allusion of "Xing Tian dances relatives, fierce ambitions are always there" will last forever.

(PS, have you ever thought that Tiansheng is a descendant of Xingtian. And he is a descendant who misunderstood Xingtian's death. He appeared to avenge his father's shame and revenge!)
(End of this chapter)

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