Guardian of the Night

Chapter 219 The Destruction of Dignity

Chapter 219 The Destruction of Dignity

Chapter 39 The Destruction of Dignity
Qin Ming woke up tiredly, propped up his body tremblingly, then frowned in pain, looked at Li Bin who was still asleep beside him, and then calmed down temporarily.But suddenly.A violent explosion woke him up from his tranquility, and he followed the sound, only to see patches of trees being uprooted.When he made a decisive decision, he immediately pressed on Li Bin's body, and then stuck to the ground tightly.The scalp can clearly feel the huge trees flying past his head.

After a long time, the explosion subsided.Qiang thought about it calmly, then stood up weakly, carried Li Bin on his back, and walked towards the direction of the explosion.He himself was already close to his limit, but at this moment he had to add the weight of Li Bin's body.The pace, moving slower than a snail.However, the sound like giant objects colliding constantly stimulated him, and his memory was still at the moment when he was born.

Ye Ye did not set Qin Minglei and Tiansheng far away.Qin Minglei quickly walked out of the messy forest with Li Bin on his back.Then, the scene in front of him suddenly shocked him.He let go of his hand, and Li Bin also fell to the ground.He saw that Ye Ye and Tian Sheng's bodies were shining with light, sitting quietly on the ground; while a monster that looked like a ghost queen and was full of black flames was fighting with Han Ba.Around them, there is already a mess.Presumably the explosion just now must have been sent by the two of them.And what surprised Qin Minglei the most was Hanba and the monsters he was fighting with.They are already covered in injuries at this moment.But after every collision, he still stood up, and then rushed forward, colliding with his teeth, fists, and even the hard frontal bone of his head.There was no collision once, and there was a violent noise, and every time there was a collision, there would be red crystals or black flesh and blood scattered everywhere.However, they are like dying beasts that are tireless and painless, and there may be a chance of survival.

Qin Minglei was startled. He, who was very weak from the energy sucked out, actually took two steps back under the force and power generated by the collision.Eyes wide open looking ahead.

Suddenly, the black monster said: "Hanba, today either you die or I die." It was Huang Shang, and Qin Minglei stayed with Huang Shang for a long time, and immediately recognized that the voice was Huang Shang's, and felt in his heart Surprised, he forced himself to look calmly at Huang Shang again.However, Huang Shang's body slowly burst out with extremely hot black flames, the temperature gradually increased, and his power gradually increased.Qin Minglei himself was already very weak, unable to resist anymore, his eyes rolled white, and he passed out.

But at this moment, Huang Shang has no intention of governing other matters.He condensed the energy in his body on his own, the black inflammation became more and more vigorous, and the temperature became higher and higher.Not only that, but the Hanba opposite him also began to condense the energy of his body.A red glow ignited from his body, Hong Jing's body became very translucent, and in the center of his body, there was an incomparably dazzling fire that spread out from his crystal-shaped body, and his whole body was as dazzling as the sun.

The two of them, fighting to such an extent, knew that unnecessary collisions were useless, so they simply forced out their remaining vitality, turned it into flames on their bodies, and prepared to launch the final attack.

After a long time, the two flames, one black and one red, suddenly stopped expanding.The surrounding air has been distorted, and the stubborn rocks on the ground have even cracked.However, in Ye Ye and Tiansheng's place, it was still as usual, the temperature and power were blocked from the energy.The two continued to recover without knowing it.

As for the others, they were already in a coma and they were far away, so they didn't feel that strong, but even so, their bodies were already dripping with sweat.Then it was evaporated in an instant and turned into salt crystals.

At this moment, Huang Shang and Han Ba ​​moved at the same time.The two of them unexpectedly gathered the flames into their hands in the same way, then hugged the dangerous bomb tightly with both hands, and rushed towards each other.

The whole world suddenly turned into a world of red and black.Then, the two colors immediately turned into a dazzling light the moment they came into contact.In an instant, the whole world went blind!
There were no explosions, no waves of energy dissipation, or even any noises, the only thing there was the extremely dazzling light that made it hard to see!
Covered by light, Ye Ye and Tiansheng frowned at the same time, but they didn't open their eyes. The energy outside their bodies suddenly condensed into an eggshell, wrapping themselves inside.

The light gradually dimmed, and then, an extremely violent wind blew out.After the light dimmed, you could even see the wheal in the center, which had even cut through the air, showing a shocking distortion! .Fortunately, the wind didn't spread in all directions, and disappeared in just one or two breaths.The whole world fell silent again.Only Tian Sheng and Ye Ye's light kept changing.

Look at the place where Huang Shang and Han Yan collided with each other for the last time.There, a gigantic pothole unexpectedly appeared. The surface of the pothole was extremely smooth, as if it had been quickly cut open by a sacrificial vessel.However, Huang Shang and Han Yan were nowhere to be found.

Suddenly, a hand protruded from the soft soil at the bottom of the hole.It was an ordinary human hand, with yellow skin and a little hair.In the violent collision just now, and then produced an extremely terrifying hurricane, can anyone survive?
Slowly the hand was placed on the ground, and then the muscles in the hand swelled slightly, as if the man was exerting force, and then a head slowly appeared, it was Huang Shang, and the one who survived was Huang Shang!After a long time, Huang Shangcai came out of the soil, then fell to the ground, looked around coldly, making sure that he had lost the breath of Hanba, then closed his eyes with peace of mind, and fell into a coma.

At this moment, Huang Shang's body was covered with wounds, and countless blood beads flowed out from the countless small wounds, and then replaced the blood that had just been attached to the mud, and his whole body instantly became a blood man.However, in his palm, a black spar suddenly fell from the place where the palm was embedded, and then shattered into crystal powder.

The battle between Huang Shang and Han Yan is finally over.Han Yan's dignity as the corpse emperor was also destroyed.

But, is it really that easy?In the deep soil that no one knows, suddenly a small flame burned the surrounding soil into nothingness, and the flame slowly condensed into a human form in that small space, and in the flame, seven blue energy suddenly occupied the flame , the condensing speed of the flame suddenly increased again, and then condensed into a human form even more quickly!
However, everyone on the ground does not know all this.Only the corners of the natural mouth raised slightly.

(Xiaomao’s book "Spiritual Night Gatekeeper" signed a contract of 60 words, and it is almost over now! What will be the result of everything, please continue to pay attention. In addition, thank you for your continued support. Although the gatekeeper is not good enough How about it, but after all, we all put in the hard work! Kitten’s writing journey will continue. In the next book, Kitten will try to write fantasy themes. When the kitten opens a new book, send one of your favorites and a recommendation ticket, the kitten is very grateful!)

(End of this chapter)

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